Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Kaus Borealis was a star with an associated star system, also known as Lambda Sagittarii, 22 Sagittarii or Chalna. (ST reference: Star Charts)

History and specifics[]

Kaus Borealis was a class K orange giant located in the Alpha Quadrant of the galaxy, about 77 light-years from Earth. (ST reference: Star Charts)

The system contained at least five planets, the fifth of which was Chalna, homeworld of the Chalnoth civilization. The USS Stargazer visited the system in 2354 on a mission of diplomacy. (TNG comic: "Children of Chaos"; TNG episode: "Allegiance")

Alternate timelines[]

Azha stellar neighborhood

Closest stars.

In a version of the Kelvin timeline, Kaus Borealis was located in the Neutral Zone, a swath of space coveted between the Federation, Klingon Empire and Romulan Star Empire. In the 2260s decade, the system was patrolled by Suliban nomads and lay within several light-years from the Klingon border. The system was rich with asteroids suitable for mining pasteel.

In the year 2262, the artificial intelligence Maia and her Independent commander were offered contracts by the Klingon colony on Saxol. (ST video game: Fleet Command missions: "Once More Unto the Breach", "Day of Honor", "A Bitter Taste")

System makeup[]

Kaus Borealis (Lambda Sagitarii)[1] (class K orange giant, primary)



Stars, systems and objects of the Sagittarius constellation
Great Barrier • Lambda Sagittarii (Kaus Borealis, 22 Sgr, Chalna) • M-21 Cluster (Sarsithia system, Beta Quaternas) • M23 Cluster • Omega Sagittarii • V1216 Sagitarii (Ross 154) • Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy • Zeta Sagittarii (Ascella)
Amargosa investigation star chart
Angosia III (Angosia system) • Antica IV (Antica) • Antide Prime (Antide system) • Archer IV (Archer system) • Beta Renna system • Beta V (Beta system) • Betazed (Betazed system) • Boreal III (Boreal system) • Canopus Major (Canopus system) • Chalna (Chalna system) • Clarus system • Coalition of Madena • Daled V (Daled system) • Daran V (Daran system) • Delta IV (Delta system) • El-Adrel IV (El Adrel system) • Epsilon Canaris • Gamma Eridon • Gravesworld • Halee system • Hayashi system • Hansen's Planet (Beta Hydra system) • Idran Star Cluster • Ilecom system • Janus VI (Janus system) • Jaros colony (Jaros system) • Lauren III (Lauren system) • Lima Sierra system • Lorenze Cluster • M24 Alpha system • Makus III (Makus system) • Manark IV (Manark system) • Manu III (Manu system) • Maxia Zeta • Melina II (Melina system) • Milika III (Milika system) • Miridian VI (Miridian system) • Nimbus III (Nimbus system) • Ogus II (Ogus system) • Omega Centus I (Omega Centus system) • Organia (Organia system) • Pentarus system • Penthara IV (Penthara system) • Razzbo system • Seiji Major • Septimus Minor • Serlay • Sherman's Planet (Sherman system) • Straleb (Omega Sagitta system) • Strnad solar system • Thasus IV (Thasus system) • T'lli Beta • Torona IV (Torona system) • Turkana IV (Turkana system) • Tycho system • Tyken's Rift • Vandor IV (Vandor system) • Vaytan I (Vaytan system) • Wolf 359 • Zeon Minor • Zeta Antaras IV (Zeta Antaras system) Explored galaxy map.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (K)
Kachtulla • Kadeus • Kaelon • Ka"hat • Kaisu • Kaizan • Kahless • Kalajia • Kalf • Kalis • Kamtra • Kanda • Kandira • Kandom • Kandru • Kan'fen • Kannon • Kanth • Kanthu • Kan'vara • Kapeshet • Kaph • Kaplhaad • Kapor'At • Kappa • Kappa Rho • Kappa Xi • Kar Daraan • Kara-103 • Karabos • Karak • Karan'teth • Karasi • Karazar • Kardasi • Kardex • Kareus • Karhammur • Karion • Karis • Karlom • Karnas • Karnor • Karregheni • Karrias • Kars • Karsiom • Kar'va • Karxen • Karxiaz • Kasimar • Kastar • Katan • Kathra • Ka'thra • Kathrek • Katri • Katrona • Kaus Australis • Kavka • Kavrot 66 • Kaz Daraan • Kaz'ran • Kaz'veth • Ke Kwanus • Keet Daraan • Kedgellan • Kehvam • Kelasi • Keets Black Hole • Kelmoran • Kelosi • Kelsam • Kemna Daraan • Kena • Ken'kreth • Kennedan • Kenora • Kenvada • Kep Salu • Kep Salu system • Keplar • Kepp • Keptor • Kerlun • Ker'nek • Kernex • Ker'pek • Ker'veth • Kerxiek • Kerzuk • Kesira • Kesprytt • Kestral • Ketim • Ketoi • Ketra • Ketroika • Kevratas • Khag'thun • Khashah • Khoosin • K'hotan • Kiapara • Kiapta • Kibor • Kik'vadi • Kimin • Kinkuthanza • Kintir • Kinxa • Kip'tara • Kirama • Kirazi • Kiridex • Kiro • Kiron • Kitalpha • Kiv'thra • Kix • Kiyu • K'Korran • Klamuth • Klathind • Klavdia • Kled • Klemina • Klethor • Klevas • Klondike • Klorgat • Klos • Kobax • Kobol • Kochab • Kodran • Kohl • Kolarin • Kolian • Kolitor • Kolothos • Koltiska • Komira • Kondaii • Konnoria • Koo • Kophor • Kor Na Ron • Kora Daraan • Koranischat • Korata • Kor'fen • Kor'geth • Korgocht • Kormagara • Koron • Korox • Kor'pok • Kornas • Korreg • Korrier • Kor'tek • Korvad • Korvus • Kos'tara • Koti • Kotira • Kotora • Kot'reth • Ko'veth • Kraatu • Kran • Krana • Kranorel • Kran'tara • Krash'dok • Krasni's Star • Kratath • Kra'togh • Krax'tara • Kraz • Kra'zek • Kreda • Kreel • Kreemorian • Krell • Krimian • Krintara • Krisina • Kristor • Kritela • Kritora • Kroy's system • Krychek • Krylon • Ksora • K'Tazza • K'Tinnam • Kubichi • Kukiam • Kumar • Kumasi • Kunex • Kunial • Kura • Kurat • Kureus • Kuron • Kusdor • K'ushui • K'ushui system • Kusiun • Kuxam • Kuztor • KVN-2312 Singularity • Kyr • Kyros Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (K) Kalandra • Kappa Coronae Borealis • Kappa Delphini • Kappa Ophiuchi • Kaus Borealis • Kavaria • Kay'va • Kazar • Kelrabi • Kepler-018 • Ket-Cheleb • Kholfa • Kinjun • Kir • Klaestron • Kobheeria • Kohlan • Koralis • Korial • Kornephoros • Kotaki • Kressari • Krotar • Ktaria Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (K) Kappa-1 Apodis • Kappa Fornacis • Kappa Geminorum • Kappa Tucanae • Kassae • Ka'Tula • Keid (Keid A • Keid B • Keid C) • Kern • Kessik • Kestra • Ket-cheleb • Khazara • Khitomer • Khosla • Kinjer • K'lai Klinzhai • Klinzhai • Klach D'Kel Bracht • Klothos • Kolar • Koolhaas • Koreb • Korinar • Kostolain • Ko'vel • Krios • K'thar • K't'inga • K'Vort Beta Quadrant icon image.


  • Fleet Command uses planets in the system to serve as anchors for the player's starbase.
  • In TNG video game: Birth of the Federation, the orbital configuration of the game map star systems was randomly generated each time a new game started.


External link[]
