Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A Tyken's Rift is a spatial anomaly named for Captain Bela Tyken after the first recorded encounter with the phenomenon. Tyken's Rifts can trap starships. (TNG episode: "Night Terrors")


The Melthusian captain Bela Tyken encountered a Tyken's Rift at some point in the 24th century or earlier. The rift trapped his ship but he was able to escape by creating a massive explosion using his cargo of anicium and yurium.

In 2367, USS Brattain became trapped in a Tyken's Rift. Suffering from REM sleep depravation, the crew became homicidal and killed each other. Shortly after, USS Enterprise-D almost suffered the same fate. With the assistance of an alien being trapped there as well, the Enterprise managed to break free. (TNG episode: "Night Terrors")

By 2409, Tyken's Rifts had been weaponized. Starfleet, KDF and Romulan Republican science officers trained with the ability were able to employ a ship's main deflector to generate a Tyken's Rift and aiming it at an enemy vessel. This would create a several hundred meter large, bright red fissure in space, sucking power from the afflicted object and damaging it slightly. Gravimetric scientists had a chance to generate more than one Tyken's Rift at a time. Artificial Tyken's Rifts endured for less than a minute. (STO mission: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")



Amargosa investigation star chart
Angosia III (Angosia system) • Antica IV (Antica) • Antide Prime (Antide system) • Archer IV (Archer system) • Beta Renna system • Beta V (Beta system) • Betazed (Betazed system) • Boreal III (Boreal system) • Canopus Major (Canopus system) • Chalna (Chalna system) • Clarus system • Coalition of Madena • Daled V (Daled system) • Daran V (Daran system) • Delta IV (Delta system) • El-Adrel IV (El Adrel system) • Epsilon Canaris • Gamma Eridon • Gravesworld • Halee system • Hayashi system • Hansen's Planet (Beta Hydra system) • Idran Star Cluster • Ilecom system • Janus VI (Janus system) • Jaros colony (Jaros system) • Lauren III (Lauren system) • Lima Sierra system • Lorenze Cluster • M24 Alpha system • Makus III (Makus system) • Manark IV (Manark system) • Manu III (Manu system) • Maxia Zeta • Melina II (Melina system) • Milika III (Milika system) • Miridian VI (Miridian system) • Nimbus III (Nimbus system) • Ogus II (Ogus system) • Omega Centus I (Omega Centus system) • Organia (Organia system) • Pentarus system • Penthara IV (Penthara system) • Razzbo system • Seiji Major • Septimus Minor • Serlay • Sherman's Planet (Sherman system) • Straleb (Omega Sagitta system) • Strnad solar system • Thasus IV (Thasus system) • T'lli Beta • Torona IV (Torona system) • Turkana IV (Turkana system) • Tycho system • Tyken's Rift • Vandor IV (Vandor system) • Vaytan I (Vaytan system) • Wolf 359 • Zeon Minor • Zeta Antaras IV (Zeta Antaras system) Explored galaxy map.
spatial phenomena
space weather cosmic storm • distortion ring • gaseous anomaly (Herbig-Haro formation) • ion storm • magnetic storm • maelstrom • meteor shower • particle fountain • plasma storm • solar storm • spatial implosion • star-node • tachyon eddy • Thraz Streamer • wave nexus
gravitational anomalies gravimetric distortion • gravimetric eddy • gravimetric interference • graviton ellipse
subspace anomalies subspace compression anomaly • subspace disruption • subspace fissure • subspace fracture • subspace granulation • subspace gravity inversion • subspace gravity spike • subspace tunnel
temporal anomalies Kerr loop • multiphasic temporal convergence • Nexus • quantum storm • temporal distortion • temporal gate • temporal rift • temporal vortex • Tipler cylinder • toroidal continuum fold
distortions, rifts and ruptures dimensional gate • interphase • Janus Vortex • spatial distortion field • space-time fracture • spatial rift (spacial flexure) • subspace rupture • Tyken's Rift • warp-gate • wormhole


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