Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Canopus.
Romulan space

Star chart image.

Canopus (or Alpha Carinae or Suhail) is a star with an associated system located 310 light-years from Sol in the galaxy's Beta Quadrant.

History and specifics[]

The Canopus-class starship, as well as other vessels called USS Canopus are all named for this location. The system contains at least five planets, three of which are inhabited. (TOS episodes: "Wolf in the Fold", "Where No Man Has Gone Before", "Arena")

Known space

Known space map showing Canopus.

Canopus is located near the space of the Romulan Star Empire, in the vicinity of Trelka's Lair. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of D'era: The Romulan Star Empire)

Maxwell's chart

Canopus shown on a deployment star chart image.

On at least one format of star chart, this system was in the general vicinity of Murasaki 312, Genovese's Star, Theta Mees, Altair III and Janus VI. (TNG episodes: "Yesterday's Enterprise", "The Wounded", TNG reference: The Continuing Mission)


Canopus vicinity.

In the 2360s decade, this location was noted on a star chart showing deployment of Federation and Cardassian Union ships displayed in Captain Benjamin Maxwell's ready room aboard the starship USS Phoenix. (TNG episode: "The Wounded")

This system is noted as the home of Canopian brandy. (TOS novel: Spock, Messiah!)

In TNG video game: Birth of the Federation, the orbital configuration of the game map star systems was randomly generated each time a new game started. Neither were any history or specifics are established for this location in Starfleet Command III, as its name was arbitrarily selected for a Federation system on the game map by the game software, with random attributes.

Alternate realities[]

Tactical situation monitor

Alpha Caranae shown on a tactical situation monitor image.

On a 24th century viewscreen display of a tactical situation monitor in an alternate timeline where the Klingon Empire was at war with the United Federation of Planets in the year 2366, Alpha Caranae was listed on a star chart showing Klingon allied forces in relation to Federation positions. (TNG episode: "Yesterday's Enterprise", TNG reference: The Continuing Mission)


Canopus system primary star



Sector 221-G
Ahmista • Alora • Alpha Carinae/Canopus/Suhail (Alpha Carinae • Canopus Major • Canopus Planet • Alpha Carinae II • Alpha Carinae III • Alpha Carinae IV • Alpha Carinae V) • Boragi system (Boragi III) • Mandylor system (Mandylor V) • Nelkar • New Thallon • Priatia • Qandis • Respler system (Respler IV-A) • Thallon system (Thallon)
Amargosa investigation star chart
Angosia III (Angosia system) • Antica IV (Antica) • Antide Prime (Antide system) • Archer IV (Archer system) • Beta Renna system • Beta V (Beta system) • Betazed (Betazed system) • Boreal III (Boreal system) • Canopus Major (Canopus system) • Chalna (Chalna system) • Clarus system • Coalition of Madena • Daled V (Daled system) • Daran V (Daran system) • Delta IV (Delta system) • El-Adrel IV (El Adrel system) • Epsilon Canaris • Gamma Eridon • Gravesworld • Halee system • Hayashi system • Hansen's Planet (Beta Hydra system) • Idran Star Cluster • Ilecom system • Janus VI (Janus system) • Jaros colony (Jaros system) • Lauren III (Lauren system) • Lima Sierra system • Lorenze Cluster • M24 Alpha system • Makus III (Makus system) • Manark IV (Manark system) • Manu III (Manu system) • Maxia Zeta • Melina II (Melina system) • Milika III (Milika system) • Miridian VI (Miridian system) • Nimbus III (Nimbus system) • Ogus II (Ogus system) • Omega Centus I (Omega Centus system) • Organia (Organia system) • Pentarus system • Penthara IV (Penthara system) • Razzbo system • Seiji Major • Septimus Minor • Serlay • Sherman's Planet (Sherman system) • Straleb (Omega Sagitta system) • Strnad solar system • Thasus IV (Thasus system) • T'lli Beta • Torona IV (Torona system) • Turkana IV (Turkana system) • Tycho system • Tyken's Rift • Vandor IV (Vandor system) • Vaytan I (Vaytan system) • Wolf 359 • Zeon Minor • Zeta Antaras IV (Zeta Antaras system) Explored galaxy map.
Stars, systems and objects of the Carina constellation
Alpha Carinae/Canopus/Suhail/7 Carinae: Planet Alpha Carinae, Alpha Carinae II, Canopus III, Canopus IV, Alpha Carinae V, Canopus Planet, Canopus Major • Beta Carinae/Miaplacidas/123 Carinae: Miaplacidus II, Miaplacidus V, Beta Carina VI • Carinae system • Carinae Delta: Carinae Delta V • Epsilon Carinae/Avior/Yagra/89 Carinae: Yagra IV, Avior VIII • Eta Carinae Nebula • Iota Carinae/Scutulum/127 Carinae: Scutulum III
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (C)
C-71 • C-111 • Caberhardt • Cada-X • Caerulum • Cain • Cairna • Calari • Calibus • Calidan • Caliph • Calka • Calthos • Calufrax • Calydon • Cambelian • Cambra • Cameron Vortex • Campor • Camus • Candela • Candelar • Candessa • Candida • Canton • Cantos • Cantrel • Cao • Caperna • Capulon • Careta • Carmara 712 • Carmol • Carmun • Carner • Carraya • Carrek • Carsiuk • Carxal • Casius • Casmus • Caspan • Caspan • Caspara • Cassandra • Cassia • Cassiopeia Delta • Castara • Castella • Castora • Castra • Castrola • Catra • Catulla • Catzara • Cawley • Cebrana • Celada • Celeth • Celos • Celsor • Cemesi • Centuri • Cephalus • Cephenes • Cepheus • Cerberus • Cerebus • Ceriun • Cerkek • Cerker • Cernen • Cernial • Cerral • Cersiun • Cersol • Certax Alpha • Cerzom • Cerzos • Ceti Ancites • Cetsa • Cetsuo's Folly • Cetus • Cevrinc • Chadric • Chaj Daq • Chala • Chalburna • Chandra • Chapin • Charbi • Charulh • Charybdis • Chavira • Chazron • Cheron VI • Chi Feronis • Chi Gorgoni • Chi Rho • Chi Scorpii • Chiara • Chiaros • Chibrex • Chimenor • Chiroth • ChIyt'Iyq • Cholmondeley • Chonon • Cho'por • Choren • Chorix • Chotegh ngIyev • Christofi • Chronian • Chronister • Chrysalis • Chryson • Chumbra • ChunI'Huq • Churchill • Cidasi • Cillers • Cintar • Circe • Cirok • Cita Laga • Cito • Claneia • Clara Nieve • Clarke's Abyss • Clarke's Star • Cleon • Clytomenes • Codis Alpha • Codis Beta • Codis Delta • Codis Epsilon • Codis Eta • Codis Gamma • Codis Iota • Codis Kappa • Codis Lambda • Codis Mu • Codis Nu • Codis Omicron • Codis Pi • Codis Theta • Codis Xi • Codis Zeta • Cogen • Colistarr • Colloda • Comar • Conira • Constina • Convora • Copernicus • Cor • Coram • Cordana • Cordera • Cordival • Corian • Corill • Corola • Cor'tek • Coros • Correk • Corsen • Corvidae • Cossina • Costara • Cotrok • Cromia • Cryblon • Crytokts • C'tinaia • Culun • Curalon • Cygni • Cygnia Miros • Cygni Ora • Cygnus • Cymkoe • Cymon • Cynur • Cyonis • Cyrus Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (C) Cait • Caldik • Capella • Capricorn Arday • Cardassia • Cebelrai • Celtris • Chara • Chi Herculis • Chin'toka • Clarus • Cor Caroli • Corwin • Cuellar • Cygnia Minor • Czar'ak Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (C) Calbriden • Calder • Caldos • Canis Minoris • Canopus • Carinae Delta • Castor • Cestus • Ceti • Ceti Alpha • Chaltok • Cheron systems: Cheron (83 Leonis) (Cheron A, Cheron B) • Cheron (Omicron Gruis) • Chi-1 Orionis • Chil'Ko • Chi'tan • CJ-884 • Chiron • Chiron Beta • Chort • Ciatella • Cimera • Cirini • Coridan • Corvus • Cursa • Cygnet Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (S)
Sabara • Sadara • Sadera • Sadora Rex • Sahndara • Sahqooq • Sakian • Sakiel • Salayna • Saldara • Saldev • Salgorax • Salgorax-Neptor • Salius • Sal'tara • Salvada • Samaara • Samdev • Samon • Samra Tor • Samved • San Daraan • Sana • Sandar • Sandev • Sandpinian • Sandir • Saniem • Sanjara • Santora • Sanvada • Sanurna • Sapeb • Saphek • Saqdev • Saraka • Sardev • Sarola • Sarsithia • Sash'ivara • Sataghni • Sattenik • Satrox • Saur • Saveb • Savek • Savella • Sa'veth • Savira • Savoy • Scaldori • Scheherazad • Schroeder • Sciron • Scolora • Seatana • Sebena • Seboran • Segora • Seiji Major • Sel Daraan • Seldex • Seldor • Selelvia • Selta Avastam • Seltoris • Semele • Semontra • Sendra • Senian • Senra • Sensi • Sentera • Sen'vadi • Sepmantis • Septimus Minor • Sepux • Seran • Sero • Sergane • Serris • Servitrix • Sesilor • Sestarci 124 • Setal • Sevoris • Sevrok • Sezedi • Shaandra • Shadi • Shahkur • Shanador • Shangdi • Shantil • Shaula • Shelley Vortex • Shem • Sheratan • Sheridan • Shimved • Shived • The Shrike • Shonoisho Epsilon • Shora • Shor'tara • Shurdan • Shynna • Sicon • Sidianial • Sidar • Sidvon • Sif • Sifts • Sigma • Sigma Avuncu • Sigma Barana • Sigma Borella • Sigma Iotia • Sigma Kinna • Sigma Niobe • Sigma Quadratis • Sigma Regonis • Sigma Tama • Sigma Thernia • Sigma Tricali • Sigma Zhukova • Sikorn • Sila • Silica Tare • Silicasa • Silivar • Silva • Silvanus • Silvestra • Simeta • Simton • Sinbad • Sindarius • Sines • Singularity • Sinisser • Sinnawa Lotos • Sinuiji • Sinuiji • The Siren • Sirrie • Sir'vara • Sisara • Sisor • Sisus • Sitora • Siveb • Sixan • Sizox • Skaliir • Skamda • Skånevik • Skastra • Skatemus • Skeevo • Skela • Skellen • Ski'vadi • Skolora • Skondard • Skora • Skor'tok • S'mtharz • Snitsia • Snokomie • Solaris • Soleb • Solidak • Soltaris • Soltor • Somiok • Somme • Somum • Sonax • Soolahn • Soq'oy • Soran • Sordinia • Sorenle • Sorvalo • Sotana • Soth'van • Sovan • Sovar • Sphere of Obliteration • Spaniard • Spiron • Soxiem • Spartal • Spikal • Stagnimea • Stamana • Steger Delta • Stel Daraan • Stelam Deletham • Stelama • Stella Bir • Stella Fen • Stella Jor • Stella Lora • Stella Lucia • Stella Lux • Stella Mox • Stella Pyr • Stella Tem • Stelva • Stemia • Stervon • Stilhe Alpha • Stilhe Beta • Stillwell • Stirnis • Strala • The Strand • Strezhi • Strnad • Strobo • Strom'teth • Sturanda • Stygian • Suah'Dron • Suarana • Subtra'tara • Sufiday • Sul Daraan • Sula • Sulrex • Surak • Sura'tara • Suri • Svala • Svara • Swelvak • SX Arietis • Sybaron • Sygnia • Syliss • Sylorn • Sylvan • Symbokovech • Synton Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (S) Sabik • Sadatoni • Sadr • Sakura • Saltok • Salva • Sandal • Sanelar • Sarin • Sar'kell • Saurian system • Seginus • Selay • Sepia • Septimus • Setlik • Seyom • Shandrak • Shelia • Sheliak • Sigma Beta 443 • Sigma Coronae Borealis • Sigma Cygni 57 • Sigma Draconis • Sigma Pegasi • Sigma Serpentis • Shushan • Slaybis • Socratii • Sol • Solarion Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (S) S1423 • Salieh • Samnar • Sankrax • Securis • Shahr • Servin • Shansar • Sherman • Shekkis • Sienae • Sierra • Sigma Ceti • Sigma Geminorum • Sigma Librae • Sigma Pavonis • Sigma-1014 Orionis • Simon-316 • Sirius • Sirius A • Sirius B • Skorr • Somraw • Soroya • Spica • S'sgaron • Stelam Rom'lnz • Suhail • Sya • System 1324 Beta Quadrant icon image.


External links[]
