Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A star (or sun) is an energy-radiating sphere of plasma and gas, which is held into shape by a large gravity field. A star's gravity field can also cause other objects to orbit the star, including planets, moons, and asteroids, which then form a star system.


Stars are formed when large accumulations of gas and dust are attracted together by gravity. Eventually the combined gravity of the materials pulls them close enough together to ignite a self-sustaining nuclear fusion reaction.

Starships can be protected from the intense radiation and energy from a star through the use of metaphasic shields. (TNG episodes: "Suspicions", "Descent, Part II")


The synthetic compound known as trilithium served as a nuclear reaction inhibitor allowing for the potential of such weapons to destroy a star. (TNG movie: Star Trek Generations)

The theorist known as Edvard Bela postulated that what he termed Bela-Neutron devices could be capable of absorbing certain elements from a star, ultimately causing the star to collapse under gravity. (VOY novel: The Final Fury)

Technological uses[]

Energy production[]

Certain races had developed the capacity to make use of the power generated by a star that was used as a form of energy production. One such way through this was accomplished was by the creation of a Dyson sphere. (TNG episode: "Relics")

The ancient Furies created a massive structure that encompassed their Delta Quadrant home star like a cage which contained numerous neutrino collectors that siphoned off the power which was directed in their attempts at creating an artificial wormhole. (VOY novel: The Final Fury)

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Galactic regions: quadrantsectorclusternebulastar system
System bodies: starplanetplanetoiddwarf planetmoonasteroidmeteoroidcomet

External links[]
