Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
The timestream.
years: 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369

(stardates 43000 to 43999)

decades: 2330s 2340s 2350s 2360s 2370s 2380s 2390s
centuries: 23rd century - 24th century - 25th century


stardate 43021.5
stardate 43131.4
stardate 43423.7
  • The Enterprise-D plays host to a negotiation between the two Domak heiresses-apparent of the queen's throne of Domakleion, narrowly avoiding disaster when a telepathic assassin possesses Miles O'Brien's mind.[3]

Promotions and transfers[]


Births and deaths[]


Notable people[]

other notable people
Cohen • Walter Charles • Beverly Crusher • Wesley Crusher • Graziunas • Guinan • Karla • Kerin • Nistral • Miles O'Brien • Jean-Luc Picard • Q • Q2 • William T. Riker • Sehra • Deanna Troi


References and notes[]



Title Series Date Media Notes Image

Provenance of Shadows

The Original Series 2366 novel Alternate continuity: Admiral Leonard McCoy passes away after meeting with Spock one final time. Crucible1
Double Helix

The Next Generation 2366 novel Vectors
Strange New Worlds VII

Life's Work
The Next Generation 2366 short story Strange new worlds 7
No Limits

All That Glisters...
New Frontier 2366
Stardate 43095.1
short story NoLimits
A Rock and a Hard Place The Next Generation 2366 novel A rock and a hard place
Evolution The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43125.8
episode EvolutionTitle
The Ensigns of Command The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43133.3
episode Tau Cygna V
Gulliver's Fugitives The Next Generation 2366 novel Gulliver's Fugitives
The Survivors The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43152.4 - 43153.7
episode Delta Rana IV

Chapter 4, section 4, Chapter 6, sections 6-7, and Chapter 14, section 13
Voyager 2366 novel Pathways
Who Watches the Watchers? The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43173.5 - 43174.2
episode Who Watches the Watchers
Forbidden Fruit The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43131.4 - 43134.2
comic Forbidden Fruit
Doomsday World The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43197.5
novel Doomsday World cover
The Bonding The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43198.7
episode The Bonding
The Hero Factor

Serafin's Survivors
The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43201.8
comic TNG 2 5
The Hero Factor

Shadows in the Garden
The Next Generation 2366 comic TNG 2 6
Booby Trap The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43205.6
episode Promellian battle cruiser
Wildfire, Book 2

Chapter 8, section 9
SCE 2366 eBook SCE24
The Pilot The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43265.4
comic TNG 7
The Battle Within The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43266.7
comic TNG 8
The Pay Off! The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43268.1
comic TNG 9
The Noise of Justice The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43269.1
comic TNG 10
The Impostor The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43269.3
comic TNG 11
Whoever Fights Monsters The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43270.4
comic TNG 12
Strange New Worlds II

I Am Become Death

Sections 2-5
The Next Generation 2366 short story SNWII

Chapters 7, 8 & 10
SCE 2366 eBook SCE54

Chapter 4, sections 5-6, Chapter 8, sections 12-14
Voyager 2366 novel Pathways
The Enemy The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43349.2
episode The Enemy
Star Trek: Explorer

Q and False
The Next Generation 2366 Short story Q and False
The Price The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43385.6
episode The Price
Strange New Worlds VII

The Next Generation 2366 short story Strange new worlds 7
Strange New Worlds 9


Section 6
Voyager 2366 short story Snw9
The Vengeance Factor The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43421.9
episode Marouk
The Hand of the Assassin! The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43423.6
comic TNG 13
Exiles The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43429.1
novel Exiles
The Defector The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43462.5 - 43465.2
episode Faceoff
The Hunted The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43489.2
episode The Hunted
Buying Time

Chapter 4, section 1, Chapter 5 & Chapter 6, section 3
The Next Generation 2366 eBook SCE32
Terok Nor

Dawn of the Eagles

Chapter 18
Deep Space Nine 2366 novel Dawn of the Eagles
The High Ground The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43510.7
episode The High Ground
Deja Q The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43539.1
episode Deja Q

Chapter 2, section 11
Voyager 2366 novel Pathways
A Matter of Perspective The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43610.4 - 43611.6
episode A Matter of Perspective
No Limits

Performance Appraisal
New Frontier 2366 short story NoLimits
Yesterday's Enterprise The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43625.2
episode Yesterday's Enterprise

Track C
The Next Generation 2366 novel Qsquared
Q-in-Law The Next Generation 2366 novel Q in law
The Offspring The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43657.0
episode Lal
Cold Equations

The Body Electric

The Next Generation 2366 novel Novelization of a scene from TNG episode: "The Offspring" Body Electric
Fortune's Light The Next Generation 2366 novel Fortune's Light cover
Sins of the Father The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43685.2 - 43689.0
episode Sins of the Father
The Eyes of the Beholders The Next Generation September 16, 2366 novel The Eyes of the Beholders cover
Allegiance The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43714.1
episode Allegiance
The Gift The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43738.8
comic Stardate not given in the comic but comes from the DC Comics Timeline TNG Annual 1
Captain's Holiday The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43745.2
episode Captains Holiday

Watching the Clock

Chapter 7
Star Trek June 2366
Stardate 43731.5-43738.6
novel Watching the Clock cover
Boogeymen The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43747.3
novel Boogeymen cover
Tin Man The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43779.3
episode Gomtuu
Hollow Pursuits The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43807.4 - 43808.2
episode Hollow Pursuits
Holiday on Ice The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43810.7
comic TNG 14
Prisoners of the Ferengi The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43811.1
comic Stardate not given in the comic but comes from the DC Comics Timeline TNG 15
The Sky's the Limit

Among the Clouds
The Next Generation 2366 short story Placement is according to author's intent The Sky's the Limit
The Most Toys The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43872.2
episode The Most Toys
I Have Heard the Mermaids Singing The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43878.1
comic TNG 16
The Weapon The Next Generation 2366 comic TNG 17
Honor Bound! The Next Generation 2366 comic TNG 29
Sarek The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43917.4
episode Sarek2366

Part One: Chapters 3, 6, 9, 12 & 15, Part Two: Chapters 3, 6, 9 & 12, Part Three: Chapters 6 & 8
Star Trek 2366
Stardate 43920.6 - 43924.1
novel Federation 07
Ménage à Troi The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43930.7
episode Betazed
Strange New Worlds I

What Went Through Data's Mind 0.68 Seconds Before the Satellite Hit
The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43945.4
short story SNW
Contamination The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43951.6
novel Contamination cover
Transfigurations The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43957.2 - 43960.6
episode Transfigurations
The Best of Both Worlds The Next Generation 2366
Stardate 43989.1 - 43993.5
episode Locutusofborg
Strange New Worlds V

Final Entry

Fifth entry
Voyager December 27, 2366
Stardate 43989.1
short story Strange new worlds 5
Crossroads of Time

Deep Space Nine 2369
Stardate 43997.1
video game Crossroads of Time title screen

External link[]
