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Lessons Learnt from Implementing
a Key-Value Store with Raft
Omar Elgabry
Software Engineer at Square
Omar Elgabry
Software Engineer at Square
■ I am a software engineer at Square
■ This is my second time at the P99 conf
■ Blog:
■ To go through the journey of implementing a KV store, and the micro-lessons one can learn from
building a fault-tolerant, strongly consistent distributed DB using Raft.
■ To build a KV store that achieves the following:
● fault tolerance: provide availability despite server and network failures using replication
● consistency guarantees (linearizability): behave as if all operations are executed on a single machine
● performance guarantees: should be equivalent to other consensus algorithms such as Paxos
● recoverability: recovers from failures
ROWA (read one, write all)
Replica Replica
read & writes
ROWA (read one, write all)
Follower Follower
Follower Follower
⌛ … Majority (⅔)
read & writes
ROWA vs Majority
■ Raft is more complex vs ROWA simpler
■ Raft does not rely on a single master to make critical decisions
■ Majority quorum systems has been gaining ground
● due to their toleration of temporarily slow/broken replicas
■ log replication is the backbone of Raft.
Log Replication
x=4 x=5 y=2 z=1
Log KV store
Log Replication
■ order the log entries, client requests and commands
■ help nodes agree on a single execution order
● same order → same final state
■ help the leader ensure followers have identical logs
■ help the leader re-send logs to lagging followers
■ help with electing a new leader with the most up-to-date logs
■ allow logs replay after server crashes and reboots
… but why?
Log Replication
applying log entries
Log Replication
log properties
■ once a command in a log entry is applied by any server, no other server
executes a different command for that log entry
■ applied log entries can’t be rolled back
■ log entries might be overridden, iff it hasn’t been replicated & applied on
majority followers
Network Partitioning
Follower Follower
Network Partitioning
Follower Follower
Split Brain Syndrome
Leader Elections
Follower Follower
❗ X
👍 👎
3 1
Leader Elections
split votes
Follower Follower
👍 👎
2 2
👍 👎
2 2
Follower Follower
🕐 🕥
snapshot performance issues
■ when to take snapshot
● based on log size, fixed timer, etc
● schedule should balance between resources and performance
■ how to unblock processing of write requests while taking snapshots
● copy-on-write (e.g., fork() in Linux)
■ client read reqs and snapshot access the same underlying KV store data
■ only the parts of state being updated are copied, and thus, not affecting the snapshot
snapshot size considerations
■ raft's snapshot logic is reasonable if the KV store size is small
● it simplifies the logic by always copying the entire KV store state
■ if a follower was offline for some time and leader discarded its log while
taking a snapshot
● leader can't repair that follower by sending logs
● leader sends a copy of its snapshot in chunks over the network
■ copying large amounts of data (for snapshots and lagging followers) is not
● incremental snapshots (e.g., LSM trees)
● persist KV store data on disk
Scaling Raft
scale reads
■ consistency guarantees: no stale reads
● KV store must reflect the behavior expected of a single server
● e.g., reads reqs started after a write op is completed should see the result from the write op
■ can followers respond to read requests?
● no, unless we avoid stale read.
Scaling Raft
scale reads
■ can leader respond to read-only requests by reading local copy, without replicating
log entries? yes, under two conditions:
1. no split-brain
● one leader might return a stale value that has been updated by another recent leader.
● one solution is to use leases on successful heartbeats from majority
■ leader is then allowed to respond to read-only requests for a lease period, without replicating
● new leader can’t execute write reqs until this lease period has elapsed.
2. no-op operation
● new leader must append and apply a no-op operation into the log at the start of its election term.
● ensures all prev log entries before the election term are consistent with the majority and applied
before new leader starts to serve client requests.
Scaling Raft
scale writes
■ consistency guarantees: ordering & concurrent writes
● the state at any point in time must reflect the result of sequential execution of ordered
operations, in the same order they were sent (or received by the KV store)
● concurrent ops can be executed in any order as long as all clients see the same order
■ batching
● to batch multiple client requests in order to send them efficiently over the network, and to
write them to disk.
● optimizes throughput
● leader broadcast the batch when it exceeds the size or timeout threshold.
■ pipelining
● to send next batch to followers without having to wait for previous batch to finish
● optimizes latency
● leader can send the next batch halfway through the processing time of the first batch
■ parallelizing
● to parallelize and independent operations, e.g., disk writes from sending batches over the
Scaling Raft
scale writes
Scaling Raft
scale writes
Batch 1
Batch 2
■ Diego O. and John O. Stanford University, In Search of an Understandable Consensus
■ Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), MIT 6.824 distributed systems class,
■ Diego O., Consensus: Bridging Theory and Practice, published by Stanford University,
■ Unmesh Joshi, Patterns of Distributed Systems,
Omar Elgabry
Thank you! Let’s connect.

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Square's Lessons Learned from Implementing a Key-Value Store with Raft

  • 1. HOSTED BY Lessons Learnt from Implementing a Key-Value Store with Raft Omar Elgabry Software Engineer at Square
  • 2. Omar Elgabry Software Engineer at Square ■ I am a software engineer at Square ■ This is my second time at the P99 conf ■ Blog:
  • 3. Intro Motivation ■ To go through the journey of implementing a KV store, and the micro-lessons one can learn from building a fault-tolerant, strongly consistent distributed DB using Raft. Goals ■ To build a KV store that achieves the following: ● fault tolerance: provide availability despite server and network failures using replication ● consistency guarantees (linearizability): behave as if all operations are executed on a single machine ● performance guarantees: should be equivalent to other consensus algorithms such as Paxos ● recoverability: recovers from failures
  • 4. ROWA (read one, write all) Replica Replica Leader Read Write ⌛ Config read & writes
  • 5. ROWA (read one, write all) Follower Follower Leader 💀 💀 Leader Config failures 🤔
  • 6. Majority Follower Follower Leader ⌛ … Majority (⅔) read & writes
  • 8. ROWA vs Majority ■ Raft is more complex vs ROWA simpler ■ Raft does not rely on a single master to make critical decisions ■ Majority quorum systems has been gaining ground ● due to their toleration of temporarily slow/broken replicas
  • 10. ■ log replication is the backbone of Raft. Log Replication x=4 x=5 y=2 z=1 x=4 y=2 z=1 x=5 Log KV store ·Disk ·In-memory
  • 11. Log Replication ■ order the log entries, client requests and commands ■ help nodes agree on a single execution order ● same order → same final state ■ help the leader ensure followers have identical logs ■ help the leader re-send logs to lagging followers ■ help with electing a new leader with the most up-to-date logs ■ allow logs replay after server crashes and reboots … but why?
  • 13. Log Replication log properties ■ once a command in a log entry is applied by any server, no other server executes a different command for that log entry ■ applied log entries can’t be rolled back ■ log entries might be overridden, iff it hasn’t been replicated & applied on majority followers
  • 16. Leader Elections Follower Leader voting Follower Follower Follower ❗ X Candidate Leader 🤔 👍 👎 3 1 Follower
  • 17. Leader Elections split votes Follower Follower Follower Candidate 👍 👎 2 2 Candidate 👍 👎 2 2 Leader ❗ Follower Follower Candidate Leader 🕐 🕥 Follower
  • 20. Recoverability snapshot performance issues ■ when to take snapshot ● based on log size, fixed timer, etc ● schedule should balance between resources and performance ■ how to unblock processing of write requests while taking snapshots ● copy-on-write (e.g., fork() in Linux) ■ client read reqs and snapshot access the same underlying KV store data ■ only the parts of state being updated are copied, and thus, not affecting the snapshot
  • 21. Recoverability snapshot size considerations ■ raft's snapshot logic is reasonable if the KV store size is small ● it simplifies the logic by always copying the entire KV store state ■ if a follower was offline for some time and leader discarded its log while taking a snapshot ● leader can't repair that follower by sending logs ● leader sends a copy of its snapshot in chunks over the network ■ copying large amounts of data (for snapshots and lagging followers) is not scalable ● incremental snapshots (e.g., LSM trees) ● persist KV store data on disk
  • 22. Scaling Raft scale reads ■ consistency guarantees: no stale reads ● KV store must reflect the behavior expected of a single server ● e.g., reads reqs started after a write op is completed should see the result from the write op ■ can followers respond to read requests? ● no, unless we avoid stale read.
  • 23. Scaling Raft scale reads ■ can leader respond to read-only requests by reading local copy, without replicating log entries? yes, under two conditions: 1. no split-brain ● one leader might return a stale value that has been updated by another recent leader. ● one solution is to use leases on successful heartbeats from majority ■ leader is then allowed to respond to read-only requests for a lease period, without replicating ● new leader can’t execute write reqs until this lease period has elapsed. 2. no-op operation ● new leader must append and apply a no-op operation into the log at the start of its election term. ● ensures all prev log entries before the election term are consistent with the majority and applied before new leader starts to serve client requests. Noop Noop
  • 24. Scaling Raft scale writes ■ consistency guarantees: ordering & concurrent writes ● the state at any point in time must reflect the result of sequential execution of ordered operations, in the same order they were sent (or received by the KV store) ● concurrent ops can be executed in any order as long as all clients see the same order ■ batching ● to batch multiple client requests in order to send them efficiently over the network, and to write them to disk. ● optimizes throughput ● leader broadcast the batch when it exceeds the size or timeout threshold.
  • 25. ■ pipelining ● to send next batch to followers without having to wait for previous batch to finish ● optimizes latency ● leader can send the next batch halfway through the processing time of the first batch ■ parallelizing ● to parallelize and independent operations, e.g., disk writes from sending batches over the network Scaling Raft scale writes
  • 27. References ■ Diego O. and John O. Stanford University, In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm, ■ Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), MIT 6.824 distributed systems class, ■ Diego O., Consensus: Bridging Theory and Practice, published by Stanford University, ■ Unmesh Joshi, Patterns of Distributed Systems,