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High-level architecture
of a complete MariaDB setup
A complete
A production deployment should include:
● MariaDB itself
● High Availability / Redundancy
● Delayed replica
● Automated backups and backup testing
● Monitoring
● Automation / gitops
What is a complete production deployment?
Where should
MariaDB run?

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Choosing the right high availability strategy
Choosing the right high availability strategyChoosing the right high availability strategy
Choosing the right high availability strategy

- MariaDB provides several high availability options including asynchronous replication, semi-synchronous replication, Galera synchronous replication, and MaxScale for load balancing and failover. - Asynchronous replication allows for read scaling but carries a risk of data loss during failover. Semi-synchronous replication reduces this risk by ensuring data is written to at least one slave before confirming to the client. - Galera synchronous multi-master replication ensures all nodes remain in sync with no data loss but can impact performance. MaxScale helps manage replication topology and perform automated failovers.

mariadbreplicationhigh performance
Kafka Summit NYC 2017 - Scalable Real-Time Complex Event Processing @ Uber
Kafka Summit NYC 2017 - Scalable Real-Time Complex Event Processing @ UberKafka Summit NYC 2017 - Scalable Real-Time Complex Event Processing @ Uber
Kafka Summit NYC 2017 - Scalable Real-Time Complex Event Processing @ Uber

Uber uses a scalable real-time complex event processing system to analyze streaming data from its services. The system uses Apache Samza for distributed stream processing and WSO2 Siddhi for complex event processing. Key events are detected using Siddhi queries and then actions like notifications or indexing to databases are triggered. The system processes over 30 billion messages per day across many use cases. Maintaining scalability, fault tolerance, and low latency are ongoing challenges.

● System:
○ Linux or *BSD
○ Have enough memory and at least 2 CPU cores
○ Prefer SSD storage
○ (Xfs or ext4 + LVM) or ZFS
● I don't recommend containers
Any cloud platform that provides bare systems will be fine
Where should MariaDB run?
Storage Engines
and Plugins
MariaDB doesn't know how to read or write data, indexes,
caches, run transactions…
All these operations are delegated to a special plugin type called
the storage engines
The default is InnoDB
What is a complete production deployment?
Other notable storage engines include:
● S3
● RocksDB
● ColumnStore
What is a complete production deployment?

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This document discusses using Pacemaker with MySQL for high availability (HA). It covers key concepts in HA including eliminating single points of failure. It then discusses various MySQL HA solutions like replication, DRBD, MySQL Cluster, and using Linux HA tools like Pacemaker. Pacemaker manages resources across nodes to ensure services are always running, and can monitor and migrate MySQL and other services in an HA cluster. The document provides configuration examples and best practices for setting up MySQL HA with Pacemaker.

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MariaDB und mehr - MariaDB Roadshow Summer 2014 Hamburg Berlin Frankfurt

MariaDB und mehr Presented by Ralf Gebhardt at the MariaDB Roadshow Germany: 4.7.2014 in Hamburg, 8.7.2014 in Berlin and 11.7.2014 in Frankfurt.

Notable plugins:
● User statistics
● On staging: SQL error log
What is a complete production deployment?
High Availability
& Scalability
High Availability and Redundancy are achieved by Replication
Which can be of the following types:
● Synchronous or asynchronous
● Single master or multi-master
High Availability & Scalability
MariaDB replication can be:
● Asynchronous replication
● Semi-sync replication
● Galera cluster
High Availability & Scalability

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Slides presented at Percona Live Europe Open Source Database Conference 2019, Amsterdam, 2019-10-01. Imagine a world where all Wikipedia articles disappear due to a human error or software bug. Sounds unreal? According to some estimations, it would take an excess of hundreds of million person-hours to be written again. To prevent that scenario from ever happening, our SRE team at Wikimedia recently refactored the relational database recovery system. In this session, we will discuss how we backup 550TB of MariaDB data without impacting the 15 billion page views per month we get. We will cover what were our initial plans to replace the old infrastructure, how we achieved recovering 2TB databases in less than 30 minutes while maintaining per-table granularity, as well as the different types of backups we implemented. Lastly, we will talk about lessons learned, what went well, how our original plans changed and future work.

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Asynchronous replication:
● Writes on the master (events) are logged into the binary log
● The binary log is read and sent to the replicas
● The replicas receive it and write the relay log
● The relay log events are applies to the data
○ In parallel
● Replicas can be used to scale reads, but the lag should be
● GTID allows master failover is possible
High Availability & Scalability
Delayed replication:
● Asynchronous replication can be configured to be delayed
● Eg: 1 hour, 1 day
● If an SQL statements destroys data on the master, you can use the
delayed replica to recover data
High Availability & Scalability
Semi-sync replication:
● Similar to asynchronous replication
● But when a client makes a change to the data:
○ The master waits until at least 1 replica has logged the event
into the binary log
○ Then it returns success to the client
● This means that semisync replication makes writes slower
● And if all replicas crash, the master won't accept data writes
High Availability & Scalability
Galera is virtually synchronous replication
● Each transaction needs be certified by the majority of nodes before
it is applied to any node
● Number of nodes should be odd
● Data conflicts lead to failed transactions and potentially node
● Don't use multiple masters
● Large transactions should be avoided
● AUTO_INCREMENT id's are not necessarily in chronological order
● A node slowdown slows down the cluster
High Availability & Scalability

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● Galera nodes can have replicas to scale reads without affecting
● A Galera node can be the master of a node of another cluster
● In this way you can have a secondary cluster
High Availability & Scalability
High-level architecture of a complete MariaDB deployment
Proxy layer
Proxies are needed to:
● Only send queries to working servers
● Only send writes to the master(s), send reads to replicas
● Distribute the reads more or less equally amongst replicas
Proxy layer

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Why not doing this in the application?
● DBAs would need to update app configuration when the list of
servers changes
● Proxies are complex pieces of software, they know their stuff
● They also have advanced features that the application can't have,
like connections multiplexing
Proxy layer
Main existing proxies:
● ProxySQL
● MaxScale
● HAProxy
Proxy layer
● Proxies can form an independent layer
● Or each app server can run a different proxy
● …or both
● In all cases, proxies can crash. Make sure you have multiple
Proxy layer
High-level architecture of a complete MariaDB deployment

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High-level architecture of a complete MariaDB deployment
Service discovery
● Proxies send queries to running MariaDB instances
● But proxies can fail too, like any other technology
● Application should only connect to running proxies
Service discovery
● Hashicorp Consul
● Kubernetes
● Cloud vendor-specific solutions
Service discovery

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High-level architecture of a complete MariaDB deployment
You need to backup:
● Configuration
● Data
If you use gitops configuration can always be recreated
We'll focus on data
For proper resilience:
● Automate backups
● Automatically test backups
● Have multiple backup strategies
● Have incremental backups
Also, archive and rotate backups

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- MySQL 5.7 is no longer supported and will not receive any bugfixes or security updates after October 2023. Users need to upgrade to either MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.11. - MySQL is developed by Oracle while MariaDB has its own independent foundation. MariaDB aims to be compatible with MySQL but also has unique features like storage engines. - Both MySQL 8.0 and MariaDB 10.11 are good options to upgrade to. Users should consider each product's unique features and governance model as well as test which one works better for their applications and use cases.

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Main backup tools / methods:
● Snapshots
● Mariabackup
● mariadb-dump
● Binary log
Snapshots can be taken at several levels:
● Filesystem (ZFS)
● VM
Make sure to only include data in your snapshots
Snapshots are not copies, they are taken instantaneously
They can be incremental
● Takes a copy of the files
● (Almost) no locks are taken
● Uses InnoDB transaction logs to bring the data to a consistent state
○ Ie: undo transactions committed after the copy started
● Writes all the SQL statement needed to recreate the database
● Slowest backup method, slowest recovery method
● Historically single-threaded
● Uses a long transaction
● But backups can be restored on any MariaDB version

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Recent MariaDB features to learn for a happy life
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After MariaDB 10.6 LTS was made available last year, three Short Term Support versions were released. While they shouldn’t be used in production, they allow us to test the features that will be included in the next LTS version. I follow the development of MariaDB through their JIRA, I test the new features, and I regularly review each new major version on the Vettabase website. In this talk I will summarise the most relevant features, show how to use them, and discuss how we can leverage them for real-world cases.

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MariaDB is one of the most widely used relational databases. It is compatible with MySQL for most practical purposes, and it is appreciated by developers communities all over the world. Over the years, MariaDB has developed many features that are extremely useful for developers, saving a lot of development time and enabling its use in situations where it wouldn't be practical otherwise. In this talk, we'll briefly discuss some of those features and why they are so useful. We'll talk about: * Querying remote or heterogeneous data sources in SQL; * Using temporal tables to analyse how data changes over time; * Using JSON in a relational database; * Miscellaneous tips and tricks.

Binary log:
● Contains events: binary changes to the rows, or SQL statements
and GTIDs
Can be analysed by a human with mariadb-binlog
● It should be periodically be copied to elsewhere
● When you restore a complete backup, check the latest GTID
● Then apply the binlog starting from the next GTID
A good, well-configured monitoring system:
● Shows detailed metrics about MariaDB performance
● Allows easy customisations
● Sends meaningful, non-redundant warnings
● Sends actionable, critical alerts
● Best ready-made solution: PMM
○ Includes query analysis
Some monitoring systems have templates for MariaDB or MySQL
You can also build your own solution with Prometheus + Grafana
For query analysis: ELK stack
● You can also use a solution for monitoring an application and
DB response times

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High-level architecture of a complete MariaDB deployment

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High-level architecture of a complete MariaDB deployment

  • 1. High-level architecture of a complete MariaDB setup
  • 3. A production deployment should include: ● MariaDB itself ● High Availability / Redundancy ● Delayed replica ● Automated backups and backup testing ● Monitoring ● Automation / gitops What is a complete production deployment?
  • 5. ● System: ○ Linux or *BSD ○ Have enough memory and at least 2 CPU cores ○ Prefer SSD storage ○ (Xfs or ext4 + LVM) or ZFS ● I don't recommend containers Any cloud platform that provides bare systems will be fine Where should MariaDB run?
  • 7. MariaDB doesn't know how to read or write data, indexes, caches, run transactions… All these operations are delegated to a special plugin type called the storage engines The default is InnoDB What is a complete production deployment?
  • 8. Other notable storage engines include: ● CONNECT ● S3 ● SPIDER ● RocksDB ● ColumnStore What is a complete production deployment?
  • 9. Notable plugins: ● User statistics ● On staging: SQL error log What is a complete production deployment?
  • 11. High Availability and Redundancy are achieved by Replication Which can be of the following types: ● Synchronous or asynchronous ● Single master or multi-master High Availability & Scalability
  • 12. MariaDB replication can be: ● Asynchronous replication ● Semi-sync replication ● Galera cluster High Availability & Scalability
  • 13. Asynchronous replication: ● Writes on the master (events) are logged into the binary log ● The binary log is read and sent to the replicas ● The replicas receive it and write the relay log ● The relay log events are applies to the data ○ In parallel ● Replicas can be used to scale reads, but the lag should be monitored ● GTID allows master failover is possible High Availability & Scalability
  • 14. Delayed replication: ● Asynchronous replication can be configured to be delayed ● Eg: 1 hour, 1 day ● If an SQL statements destroys data on the master, you can use the delayed replica to recover data High Availability & Scalability
  • 15. Semi-sync replication: ● Similar to asynchronous replication ● But when a client makes a change to the data: ○ The master waits until at least 1 replica has logged the event into the binary log ○ Then it returns success to the client ● This means that semisync replication makes writes slower ● And if all replicas crash, the master won't accept data writes High Availability & Scalability
  • 16. Galera is virtually synchronous replication ● Each transaction needs be certified by the majority of nodes before it is applied to any node ● Number of nodes should be odd ● Data conflicts lead to failed transactions and potentially node eviction ● Don't use multiple masters ● Large transactions should be avoided ● AUTO_INCREMENT id's are not necessarily in chronological order ● A node slowdown slows down the cluster High Availability & Scalability
  • 17. ● Galera nodes can have replicas to scale reads without affecting writes ● A Galera node can be the master of a node of another cluster ● In this way you can have a secondary cluster High Availability & Scalability
  • 20. Proxies are needed to: ● Only send queries to working servers ● Only send writes to the master(s), send reads to replicas ● Distribute the reads more or less equally amongst replicas Proxy layer
  • 21. Why not doing this in the application? ● DBAs would need to update app configuration when the list of servers changes ● Proxies are complex pieces of software, they know their stuff ● They also have advanced features that the application can't have, like connections multiplexing Proxy layer
  • 22. Main existing proxies: ● ProxySQL ● MaxScale ● HAProxy Proxy layer
  • 23. ● Proxies can form an independent layer ● Or each app server can run a different proxy ● …or both ● In all cases, proxies can crash. Make sure you have multiple proxies Proxy layer
  • 27. ● Proxies send queries to running MariaDB instances ● But proxies can fail too, like any other technology ● Application should only connect to running proxies Service discovery
  • 28. Solutions: ● Hashicorp Consul ● Kubernetes ● Cloud vendor-specific solutions Service discovery
  • 31. You need to backup: ● Configuration ● Data If you use gitops configuration can always be recreated We'll focus on data Backups
  • 32. For proper resilience: ● Automate backups ● Automatically test backups ● Have multiple backup strategies ● Have incremental backups Also, archive and rotate backups Backups
  • 33. Main backup tools / methods: ● Snapshots ● Mariabackup ● mariadb-dump ● Binary log Backups
  • 34. Snapshots can be taken at several levels: ● LVM ● Filesystem (ZFS) ● VM Make sure to only include data in your snapshots Snapshots are not copies, they are taken instantaneously They can be incremental Backups
  • 35. Mariabackup: ● Takes a copy of the files ● (Almost) no locks are taken ● Uses InnoDB transaction logs to bring the data to a consistent state ○ Ie: undo transactions committed after the copy started Backups
  • 36. mariadb-dump: ● Writes all the SQL statement needed to recreate the database ● Slowest backup method, slowest recovery method ● Historically single-threaded ● Uses a long transaction ● But backups can be restored on any MariaDB version Backups
  • 37. Binary log: ● Contains events: binary changes to the rows, or SQL statements and GTIDs Can be analysed by a human with mariadb-binlog ● It should be periodically be copied to elsewhere ● When you restore a complete backup, check the latest GTID ● Then apply the binlog starting from the next GTID Backups
  • 39. A good, well-configured monitoring system: ● Shows detailed metrics about MariaDB performance ● Allows easy customisations ● Sends meaningful, non-redundant warnings ● Sends actionable, critical alerts Monitoring
  • 40. ● Best ready-made solution: PMM ○ Includes query analysis Some monitoring systems have templates for MariaDB or MySQL You can also build your own solution with Prometheus + Grafana For query analysis: ELK stack ● You can also use a solution for monitoring an application and DB response times Monitoring