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Choosing the right
High Availability
In information technology,
high availability refers to a
system or component that is
continuously operational for a
desirably long length of time.
Availability – Wikipedia
up time / total time
Approach to HA
3.7 days / year
Backup /
< 99.9%
52.6 min / year
Replication /
Automatic failover
~ 99.99%
8.8hs / year
replication /
~ 99.9%
5.3 min / year
~ 99.999%
4 5
Strategies for High Availability
An average of 80 percent of mission-critical application service
downtime is directly caused by people or process failures. The
other 20 percent is caused by technology failure, environmental
failure or a disaster
Gartner Research

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Load balancing
Load balancingLoad balancing
Load balancing

This document discusses load balancing in cloud computing. It begins by defining cloud computing and some of its key characteristics like broad network access, rapid elasticity, and pay-as-you-go pricing. It then discusses how load balancing can improve performance in distributed cloud environments by redistributing load, improving response times, and better utilizing resources. The document outlines different load balancing techniques like virtual machine migration and throttled load balancing using a load balancer, virtual machines, and a data center controller. It also proposes a trust and reliability based algorithm that prioritizes data centers for load balancing based on calculated trust values that consider factors like initialization time, machine performance, and fault rates.

Cs 704 d aos-resource&processmanagement
Cs 704 d aos-resource&processmanagementCs 704 d aos-resource&processmanagement
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Resource and process management approaches include task assignment, load balancing, and load sharing. Task assignment involves assigning tasks to suitable nodes. Load balancing distributes processes to balance load across nodes. Load sharing equitably distributes processes so no node remains idle. Good scheduling considers factors like dynamic decision-making, balanced performance/overhead, fairness, and scalability. Process migration moves processes between nodes for load balancing. Issues include freezing processes during transfer, address space transfer mechanisms, and maintaining communication between related processes. Threads allow finer-grained parallelism and resource sharing within a process. They present challenges for synchronization, scheduling, and signal handling.

wbutaoscs 704d
IBM MQ Disaster Recovery
IBM MQ Disaster RecoveryIBM MQ Disaster Recovery
IBM MQ Disaster Recovery

Presented at Interconnect in Feb 2015 This session discusses how best to design MQ systems for Disaster Recovery.

ibm mq mqseries interconnect disaster recovery
High Availability Background
•  High Availability isn’t always equal to long Uptime
–  A system is “up” but it might not be accessible
–  A system that is “down” just once, but for a long time, is NOT highly available
•  High Availability rather means
–  Long Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
–  Short Mean Time To Recover (MTTR)
•  High availability is:
–  a system design protocol and associated implementation that ensures a certain degree of
operational continuity during a given reference period.
High Availability Components
High availability is a system design protocol and associated implementation that
ensures a certain degree of operational continuity during a reference period.
For stateful services, we
need to make sure that
data is made redundant.
It is not a replacement
for backups!
Data Redundancy
Some mechanism to
redirect traffic from the
failed server or
Datacenter to a working
Failover or Switchover
Availability of the
services needs to be
monitored, to take
action when there is a
failure or even to
prevent them
Monitoring and
HA Terminology
General Terms
•  Single Point of Failure (SPOF)
–  An element is a SPOF when its failure results in a full stop of the service as no other element
can take over (storage, WAN connection, replication channel)
–  It is important to evaluate the costs for eliminating the SPOF, the likelihood that it may fail,
and the time required to bring it into service again
•  Downtime
–  the period of time a service is down. Planned and unplanned. Planned downtime is part of the
overall availability
•  Shared vs. Local Storage
–  Shared storage systems like SANs can provide built-in high availability, though this comes with
equally high costs
–  Not really suitable for Disaster Recovery scenario on multiple Data Center
–  Local storage comes with low cost but we need to implement ways for replicating /mirroring

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Load Balancing Server
Load Balancing ServerLoad Balancing Server
Load Balancing Server

Server load balancing (SLB) distributes network traffic across multiple servers to optimize resource utilization and maximize throughput. It intercepts traffic destined for a website and redirects requests to various backend servers using techniques like network address translation. SLB aims to improve performance, increase scalability, and maintain high availability by monitoring servers and routing traffic around failures to keep applications running if servers go down. Both hardware and software-based solutions exist, with hardware providing higher performance but at greater cost than software-based options.

load balancingserver
Architecting for the cloud cloud providers
Architecting for the cloud cloud providersArchitecting for the cloud cloud providers
Architecting for the cloud cloud providers

The document discusses cloud providers and services available on Amazon Web Services. It provides an overview of compute, storage, database, and other services and how they can provide redundancy across availability zones and regions. Examples are given of different outage scenarios that can occur at the zone, region, or provider level and strategies for architecting applications to mitigate risks from these outages.

Apache Kafka Bay Area Sep Meetup - 24/7 Customer, Inc.
Apache Kafka Bay Area Sep Meetup - 24/7 Customer, Inc.Apache Kafka Bay Area Sep Meetup - 24/7 Customer, Inc.
Apache Kafka Bay Area Sep Meetup - 24/7 Customer, Inc.

The document summarizes 24/7 Customer's experience migrating from Apache Kafka 0.7 and 0.8 to the newer version. It describes the challenges faced with sticky partitions and range-based mirror makers in 0.8. It details 24/7 Customer's upgrade path from 0.8 to to 0.9 to the current version. It also discusses the configurations, monitoring, and design considerations for running Kafka reliably across multiple data centers.

apache kafkasuneet grover24/7 customer inc.
General Terms
•  Switchover
–  When a manual process is used to switch from one system to a redundant or standby system in
case of a failure
•  Failover
–  Automatic switchover, without human intervention
•  Failback
–  A (often-underestimated) task to handle the recovery of a failed system and how to fail-back to
the original system after recovery
HA for MariaDB
Replication Types
All nodes are masters
and applications can read
and write from/to any
The Master does not
confirm transactions to
the client application until
at least one slave has
copied the change to its
relay log, and flushed it to
The Master does not
wait for Slave, the
master writes events to
its binary log and
slaves request them
when they are ready
HA Begins with Data Replication
•  Replication enables data from one MariaDB server (the master) to be
replicated to one or more MariaDB servers (the slaves)
•  MariaDB Replication:
–  Very easy to setup:
•  On master: Define a replication user
•  On slave: CHANGE MASTER TO … <options>
–  Used to scale out read workloads
–  Provide a first level of high availability and geographic redundancy
–  Allows to offload backups and analytic jobs.

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The document discusses various topics related to the Tungsten Connector including: - The role of the Connector in routing connections to the appropriate database nodes. - Best practices for deploying Connectors in different topologies including on application servers, dedicated nodes, or database nodes with load balancing. - How to perform zero-downtime maintenance on a Tungsten cluster by manually switching the master role between nodes using the cctrl utility. - How Connectors route connections in a composite cluster with multiple local clusters and how affinity can be set to prefer local reads from a particular cluster. - That a Connector can provide access to multiple clusters or composite clusters by configuring the dat

continuentcontinuent tungstendatabase
Load balancing
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Load balancing

slides are about load balancing as a concept and implementation of load balancing on computer technical level slides show the server load balancing different architectures , algorithms and examples

load balancingservers
Supporting Time-Sensitive Applications on a Commodity OS
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Supporting Time-Sensitive Applications on a Commodity OS

1) The document discusses Time-Sensitive Linux (TSL), which aims to support time-sensitive applications on commodity operating systems like Linux. 2) TSL improves kernel latency through an accurate timer mechanism called firm timers, a responsive kernel using lock-breaking preemption, and effective scheduling using proportion-based and priority-based algorithms. 3) Evaluation shows TSL reduces timer latency to under 1ms and preemption latency to under 1ms, improving synchronization of media playback under load compared to standard Linux.

Asynchronous Replication
•  MariaDB Replication is asynchronous by default.
•  Slave determines how much to read and from which point in the binary log
•  Slave can be behind master in reading and applying changes.
–  Single threaded vs parallel replication
•  If the master crashes, transactions might not have been transmitted to any
•  Asynchronous replication is great for read scaling as adding more replicas
does not impact replication latency
Asynchronous Replication-Switch Over
1.  The master server is down
2.  The slave(s) server(s) is(are) updated to the last position in the relay log
3.  Determine which slave server is the most suitable to promote to master
4.  Point reminding slaves to the promoted server
5.  Point applications to new master server
6.  All steps are manual
Master and Slaves
ReadOnly Slaves
Master and Slaves
ReadOnly Slaves
Async Replication Topologies
Master and Slaves
ReadOnly Slaves
Master with Relay Slave Circular Replication
MaxScale Use Case
Replication Failover
New in MaxScale v2.2
Each application server
uses only 1 connection
MaxScale identifies the “master” and
“slaves” nodes
If the “master” node fails,
a new one can be selected and promoted
MariaDB Replication + R/W split routing
Master and Slaves
ReadOnly Slaves

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Ame 2269 ibm mq high availability
Ame 2269 ibm mq high availabilityAme 2269 ibm mq high availability
Ame 2269 ibm mq high availability

This document discusses high availability and disaster recovery strategies for IBM MQ. It introduces concepts like multi-instance queue managers, HA clusters, and MQ appliance HA groups that provide redundancy and failover capabilities. Automatic client reconnection is also covered, which allows MQ clients to seamlessly reconnect after a queue manager failure.

Architecting for the cloud elasticity security
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Architecting for the cloud elasticity security

Concurrency and state management are important considerations for achieving elasticity in cloud systems. There are three types of state: session state kept by clients, server-side state kept in processes, and persistent state stored externally. Server-side state makes scaling difficult, while stateless servers allow elasticity. Memcached provides a way to synchronize small amounts of in-memory state across servers to support stateless services running elastically in the cloud.

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Infinispan from POC to ProductionInfinispan from POC to Production
Infinispan from POC to Production

Presented by Mark Addy - Senior Middleware Consultant at C2B2 Presented at JBUG London and JUDCon Boston in June 2012

MariaDB GTID Implementation
•  Always ON since MariaDB v10.0
–  Compatible w/ non-GTID replication: binary log file and position.
•  Allows for better control of the replication chain.
–  Slave position is recorded crash safe in the same transaction as the last successful DML statement
–  Doesn’t require knowing the last binary log file name and position.
–  Replication will start from the last recorded GTID
•  Allows multi-master replication
–  A single slave can have multiple incoming Replication Streams
•  MaxScale will select active master automatically
•  GTID Components:
–  Domain ID: Allows to identify the logical origin of the transactions.
–  Server ID: Identifies the server where the transaction originated.
–  Transaction Sequence: Monotonically increasing number identifying the transaction.
Semi-synchronous Replication
•  MariaDB supports semi-synchronous replication:
–  The master does not confirm transactions to the client application until at least one slave has
copied the change to its relay log, and flushed it to disk.
–  Eliminates data loss by securing a copy of all transactions in at least one slave.
–  When a commit returns successfully, it is known that the data exists in at least two places (on the
master and at least one slave).
–  Semi- synchronous has a performance impact due to the additional round trip.
•  Adds the network latency to the transaction processing time
MariaDB Enhanced Semi-synchronous Replication
•  One or more slaves can be defined as working semi-synchronously.
•  For these slaves, the master waits until the I/O thread on one or more of the semi-synch slaves
has flushed the transaction to disk.
•  This ensures that all committed transactions are at least stored in the relay log of the slave.
•  If no semi-synch slave can acknowledge the transaction, the master will
downgrade to asynchronous replication after waiting for a timeout period.
Once a semi-synch slave comes back online, the master will reset back to semi-
synch replication.
•  Status variable: Rpl_semi_sync_master_status
Semi-synchronous Replication – Switch Over
•  The steps for a failover are the same as when using the standard replication
•  A slave should be chosen among those (if many) that are be semi- synched with the master
Master and Slaves
Async Slaves
Master and Slaves
Async Slaves

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Continuent Tungsten - Scalable Saa S Data Management

The key needs of SaaS vendors include: i) managing multi-tenant architectures with shared DBMS, ii) maintaining customer SLAs for uptime and performance and iii) optimized, efficient operations. The key benefits Continuent Tungsten offers SaaS vendors are: i) high availability and protection from data loss, ii) simple, efficient cluster management and iii) enable complex database topologies. Tungsten offers high-availability, database cluster management and management of complex topologies for multi-tenant architectures. Tungsten high availability and data protection features include maintaining live copies with data consistency checking and tightly coupled backup/restore integration with cluster management tools. Tungsten cluster management allows SaaS vendors to migrate customers and perform system upgrades without downtime, thus enabling these maintenance operations during normal business hours. Tungsten also enables complex replication topologies, including data filtering and data archiving strategies, maintaining extra data copies for data-marts, routing different customers to different DBMS copies, and providing cross-site multi-master replication.

Kafka in action - Tech Talk - Paytm
Kafka in action - Tech Talk - PaytmKafka in action - Tech Talk - Paytm
Kafka in action - Tech Talk - Paytm

This document provides an overview of Apache Kafka. It describes Kafka as a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system with a distributed commit log that provides high-throughput and low-latency processing of streaming data. The document covers Kafka concepts like topics, partitions, producers, consumers, replication, and reliability guarantees. It also discusses Kafka architecture, performance optimizations, configuration parameters for durability and reliability, and use cases for activity tracking, messaging, metrics, and stream processing.

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Building a Highly available messaging hub using the IBM MQ Appliance
Building a Highly available messaging hub using the IBM MQ ApplianceBuilding a Highly available messaging hub using the IBM MQ Appliance
Building a Highly available messaging hub using the IBM MQ Appliance

The MQ Appliance includes two key facilities for maintaining the availability of your messaging infrastructure across expected and unexpected outages. This session looks in depth at the HA and DR capabilities of the MQ Appliance and application considerations when using them.

mq mq-appliance ha dr availability
Semi-Sync Replication Topologies
•  Semi- synchronous replication is used between master
and backup master
•  Semi- sync replication has a performance impact, but the
risk for data loss is minimized.
•  This topology works well when performing master
–  The backup master acts as a warm-standby server
–  it has the highest probability of having up-to-date data if
compared to other slaves.
Backup Master
MariaDB Multi-Source Replication
•  It enables a slave to receive transactions from
multiple sources simultaneously.
•  It can be used to backup multiple servers to a
single server, to merge table shards, and
consolidate data from multiple servers to a single
•  GTID helps to track transactions coming from
different servers / applications.
•  Note: There is not conflict resolution. Last DML
to reach the slave ‘wins’
Master 2Master 1 Master 3
Combining MariaDB Replication Features
•  Replication features can be combined to form more
resilient configurations
•  Example:
–  Implement semi-sync circular replication to increase data
–  Use GTID to avoid duplicate transactions
–  Use read-only slaves for read scale out
–  Use MaxScale:
•  Transactions will go to active master
•  Reads will be offloaded to slaves
•  Fast failover
–  Writes go to a single master at any given time
Backup Master
Synchronous Replication (Galera)
•  Galera Replication is a synchronous multi-master
replication plug-in that enables a true master-master
setup for InnoDB.
•  Every component of the cluster (node) is a share
nothing server
•  All nodes are masters and applications can read and
write from any node
–  NOTE: No conflict resolution
•  A minimal Galera cluster consists of 3 nodes:
–  A proper cluster needs to reach a quorum (i.e. the
majority of the nodes of the cluster)
•  Transactions are synchronously committed on all

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Replication in Distributed Systems
Replication in Distributed SystemsReplication in Distributed Systems
Replication in Distributed Systems

Replication in computing involves sharing information so as to ensure consistency between redundant resources, such as software or hardware components, to improve reliability, fault-tolerance, or accessibility.

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IBM Messaging provides market-leading capabilities for anywhere-to-anywhere integration across mobile, cloud, and enterprise platforms - from the simplest pair of applications requiring basic connectivity and data exchange, to the most complex business process management environments. Come to this session to understand the value and rationale of message/queuing and the IBM Messaging family of products; its key features and functions; and how it can be used to build a secure, flexible, and scalable messaging backbone for a business.

mq wmq messaging iot mobile messagesight mqlight i
Choosing the right high availability strategy
Choosing the right high availability strategyChoosing the right high availability strategy
Choosing the right high availability strategy

- MariaDB provides several high availability options including asynchronous replication, semi-synchronous replication, Galera synchronous replication, and MaxScale for load balancing and failover. - Asynchronous replication allows for read scaling but carries a risk of data loss during failover. Semi-synchronous replication reduces this risk by ensuring data is written to at least one slave before confirming to the client. - Galera synchronous multi-master replication ensures all nodes remain in sync with no data loss but can impact performance. MaxScale helps manage replication topology and perform automated failovers.

mariadbreplicationhigh performance
Synchronous Replication (Galera)
–  A high availability solution with synchronous
replication, failover and resynchronization
–  No loss of data
–  All servers have up-to-date data (no slave lag)
–  Read scalability, every node has latest data available
Synchronous Replication (Galera)
–  It only supports InnoDB
–  The transaction rollback rate and hence the
transaction latency, can increase with the number of
the cluster nodes
–  The cluster performs as its least performing node
•  an overloaded master affects the performance of
the Galera cluster
–  Network latency affects transaction throughput
Cluster Failover
Clustered nodes cooperate
to remain in sync
With multiple master nodes,
reads and updates* both scale*
Synchronous replication with
optimistic locking delivers high
availability with little overhead
Fast failover because all
nodes remains synchronizedMariaDB
Load Balancing
and Failover
Application /
App Server
MaxScale Use Case
MDBE Cluster
Synchronous Replication
Each application server
uses only 1 connection
MaxScale selects one node
as “master” and the other
nodes as “slaves”
If the “master” node fails,
a new one can be elected
Galera Cluster + R/W split routing

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Best Practice for Achieving High Availability in MariaDB
Best Practice for Achieving High Availability in MariaDBBest Practice for Achieving High Availability in MariaDB
Best Practice for Achieving High Availability in MariaDB

This document discusses high availability and MariaDB replication. It defines high availability and outlines key components like data redundancy, failover solutions, and monitoring. It then describes MariaDB replication in detail, covering asynchronous and semi-synchronous replication as well as Galera cluster synchronous replication. MaxScale is introduced as a tool for load balancing, monitoring, and facilitating failovers in MariaDB replication topologies.

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MariaDB High Availability Webinar
MariaDB High Availability WebinarMariaDB High Availability Webinar
MariaDB High Availability Webinar

Learn strategies to maintain your database's high availability even during peak use periods. MariaDB's Field CTO Max Mether offers best practices for high availability, disaster recovery and more.

technologyrelational databaseopen source
MariaDB High Availability
MariaDB High AvailabilityMariaDB High Availability
MariaDB High Availability

This document discusses different approaches to achieving high availability with MariaDB databases, including replication, Galera clusters, and MaxScale load balancing. It describes asynchronous and semi-synchronous replication topologies that provide redundancy and enable failover. Synchronous replication with Galera clusters is discussed as another option that ensures all nodes remain in sync with no data loss. MaxScale is presented as a tool that can monitor MariaDB topologies and perform load balancing and failover across nodes.

mariadbhigh availabilitydatabase
MariaDB HA: MaxScale
•  Re-route traffic between
master and slave(s)
•  Failover / slave promotion
- NEW in v2.2
•  Switchover on command - NEW
in v2.2
•  Implemented for
•  Part of MaxScale release
•  All slaves are in sync,
easy to promote any slave
tter Detects Active Master
Binary Log Server
Thank you

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Choosing the right high availability strategy

  • 1. Choosing the right High Availability Strategy
  • 2. High Availability Defined In information technology, high availability refers to a system or component that is continuously operational for a desirably long length of time. Availability – Wikipedia up time / total time
  • 3. Approach to HA 3.7 days / year Backup / Restore 1 < 99.9% 52.6 min / year Replication / Automatic failover 3 ~ 99.99% 8.8hs / year Simple replication / manual failover 2 ~ 99.9% 5.3 min / year Galera Cluster ~ 99.999% 4 5 Other Strategies for High Availability
  • 4. An average of 80 percent of mission-critical application service downtime is directly caused by people or process failures. The other 20 percent is caused by technology failure, environmental failure or a disaster Gartner Research
  • 5. High Availability Background •  High Availability isn’t always equal to long Uptime –  A system is “up” but it might not be accessible –  A system that is “down” just once, but for a long time, is NOT highly available •  High Availability rather means –  Long Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) –  Short Mean Time To Recover (MTTR) •  High availability is: –  a system design protocol and associated implementation that ensures a certain degree of operational continuity during a given reference period.
  • 6. High Availability Components High availability is a system design protocol and associated implementation that ensures a certain degree of operational continuity during a reference period. For stateful services, we need to make sure that data is made redundant. It is not a replacement for backups! Data Redundancy Some mechanism to redirect traffic from the failed server or Datacenter to a working one Failover or Switchover Solution Availability of the services needs to be monitored, to take action when there is a failure or even to prevent them Monitoring and Management
  • 8. General Terms •  Single Point of Failure (SPOF) –  An element is a SPOF when its failure results in a full stop of the service as no other element can take over (storage, WAN connection, replication channel) –  It is important to evaluate the costs for eliminating the SPOF, the likelihood that it may fail, and the time required to bring it into service again •  Downtime –  the period of time a service is down. Planned and unplanned. Planned downtime is part of the overall availability •  Shared vs. Local Storage –  Shared storage systems like SANs can provide built-in high availability, though this comes with equally high costs –  Not really suitable for Disaster Recovery scenario on multiple Data Center –  Local storage comes with low cost but we need to implement ways for replicating /mirroring data
  • 9. General Terms •  Switchover –  When a manual process is used to switch from one system to a redundant or standby system in case of a failure •  Failover –  Automatic switchover, without human intervention •  Failback –  A (often-underestimated) task to handle the recovery of a failed system and how to fail-back to the original system after recovery
  • 11. Replication Types All nodes are masters and applications can read and write from/to any node Synchronous Replication The Master does not confirm transactions to the client application until at least one slave has copied the change to its relay log, and flushed it to disk Semi-Syncronous Replication The Master does not wait for Slave, the master writes events to its binary log and slaves request them when they are ready Asynchronous Replication
  • 12. HA Begins with Data Replication •  Replication enables data from one MariaDB server (the master) to be replicated to one or more MariaDB servers (the slaves) •  MariaDB Replication: –  Very easy to setup: •  On master: Define a replication user •  On slave: CHANGE MASTER TO … <options> –  Used to scale out read workloads –  Provide a first level of high availability and geographic redundancy –  Allows to offload backups and analytic jobs.
  • 13. Asynchronous Replication •  MariaDB Replication is asynchronous by default. •  Slave determines how much to read and from which point in the binary log •  Slave can be behind master in reading and applying changes. –  Single threaded vs parallel replication •  If the master crashes, transactions might not have been transmitted to any slave •  Asynchronous replication is great for read scaling as adding more replicas does not impact replication latency
  • 14. Asynchronous Replication-Switch Over 1.  The master server is down 2.  The slave(s) server(s) is(are) updated to the last position in the relay log 3.  Determine which slave server is the most suitable to promote to master 4.  Point reminding slaves to the promoted server 5.  Point applications to new master server 6.  All steps are manual Master and Slaves ReadOnly Slaves Master and Slaves ReadOnly Slaves
  • 15. Async Replication Topologies Master and Slaves ReadOnly Slaves Master with Relay Slave Circular Replication
  • 16. MaxScale Use Case Asynchronous Replication Failover New in MaxScale v2.2 Each application server uses only 1 connection MaxScale identifies the “master” and “slaves” nodes If the “master” node fails, a new one can be selected and promoted MariaDB Replication + R/W split routing Max Scale Master and Slaves ReadOnly Slaves
  • 17. MariaDB GTID Implementation •  Always ON since MariaDB v10.0 –  Compatible w/ non-GTID replication: binary log file and position. •  Allows for better control of the replication chain. –  Slave position is recorded crash safe in the same transaction as the last successful DML statement –  Doesn’t require knowing the last binary log file name and position. –  Replication will start from the last recorded GTID •  Allows multi-master replication –  A single slave can have multiple incoming Replication Streams •  MaxScale will select active master automatically •  GTID Components: –  Domain ID: Allows to identify the logical origin of the transactions. –  Server ID: Identifies the server where the transaction originated. –  Transaction Sequence: Monotonically increasing number identifying the transaction.
  • 18. Semi-synchronous Replication •  MariaDB supports semi-synchronous replication: –  The master does not confirm transactions to the client application until at least one slave has copied the change to its relay log, and flushed it to disk. –  Eliminates data loss by securing a copy of all transactions in at least one slave. –  When a commit returns successfully, it is known that the data exists in at least two places (on the master and at least one slave). –  Semi- synchronous has a performance impact due to the additional round trip. •  Adds the network latency to the transaction processing time
  • 19. MariaDB Enhanced Semi-synchronous Replication •  One or more slaves can be defined as working semi-synchronously. •  For these slaves, the master waits until the I/O thread on one or more of the semi-synch slaves has flushed the transaction to disk. •  This ensures that all committed transactions are at least stored in the relay log of the slave. •  If no semi-synch slave can acknowledge the transaction, the master will downgrade to asynchronous replication after waiting for a timeout period. Once a semi-synch slave comes back online, the master will reset back to semi- synch replication. •  Status variable: Rpl_semi_sync_master_status
  • 20. Semi-synchronous Replication – Switch Over •  The steps for a failover are the same as when using the standard replication •  A slave should be chosen among those (if many) that are be semi- synched with the master Master and Slaves Semi-Sync Slave Async Slaves Master and Slaves Async Slaves
  • 21. Semi-Sync Replication Topologies •  Semi- synchronous replication is used between master and backup master •  Semi- sync replication has a performance impact, but the risk for data loss is minimized. •  This topology works well when performing master failover –  The backup master acts as a warm-standby server –  it has the highest probability of having up-to-date data if compared to other slaves. Semi_sync Asynchronous ReadOnly/ Backup Master ReadOnly
  • 22. MariaDB Multi-Source Replication •  It enables a slave to receive transactions from multiple sources simultaneously. •  It can be used to backup multiple servers to a single server, to merge table shards, and consolidate data from multiple servers to a single server. •  GTID helps to track transactions coming from different servers / applications. •  Note: There is not conflict resolution. Last DML to reach the slave ‘wins’ Master 2Master 1 Master 3 Slave
  • 23. Combining MariaDB Replication Features •  Replication features can be combined to form more resilient configurations •  Example: –  Implement semi-sync circular replication to increase data resilience –  Use GTID to avoid duplicate transactions –  Use read-only slaves for read scale out –  Use MaxScale: •  Transactions will go to active master •  Reads will be offloaded to slaves •  Fast failover –  Writes go to a single master at any given time Semi_sync Asynchronous Backup Master ReadOnly
  • 24. Synchronous Replication (Galera) •  Galera Replication is a synchronous multi-master replication plug-in that enables a true master-master setup for InnoDB. •  Every component of the cluster (node) is a share nothing server •  All nodes are masters and applications can read and write from any node –  NOTE: No conflict resolution •  A minimal Galera cluster consists of 3 nodes: –  A proper cluster needs to reach a quorum (i.e. the majority of the nodes of the cluster) •  Transactions are synchronously committed on all nodes. MariaDB MariaDB MariaDB
  • 25. Synchronous Replication (Galera) •  PROS –  A high availability solution with synchronous replication, failover and resynchronization –  No loss of data –  All servers have up-to-date data (no slave lag) –  Read scalability, every node has latest data available MariaDB MariaDB MariaDB
  • 26. Synchronous Replication (Galera) •  CONS –  It only supports InnoDB –  The transaction rollback rate and hence the transaction latency, can increase with the number of the cluster nodes –  The cluster performs as its least performing node •  an overloaded master affects the performance of the Galera cluster –  Network latency affects transaction throughput MariaDB MariaDB MariaDB
  • 27. MDBE Cluster Failover Clustered nodes cooperate to remain in sync With multiple master nodes, reads and updates* both scale* Synchronous replication with optimistic locking delivers high availability with little overhead Fast failover because all nodes remains synchronizedMariaDB MariaDB MariaDB Load Balancing and Failover Application / App Server
  • 28. MaxScale Use Case MDBE Cluster Synchronous Replication Each application server uses only 1 connection MaxScale selects one node as “master” and the other nodes as “slaves” If the “master” node fails, a new one can be elected immediately Galera Cluster + R/W split routing Max Scale
  • 29. MariaDB HA: MaxScale •  Re-route traffic between master and slave(s) •  Failover / slave promotion - NEW in v2.2 •  Switchover on command - NEW in v2.2 •  Implemented for •  Part of MaxScale release •  All slaves are in sync, easy to promote any slave tter Detects Active Master Binary Log Server