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The MySQL Availability Company
MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale -- High Noon #2
Galera vs. Continuent Tungsten Clusters
Building a Geo-Scale, Multi-Region and Highly Available MySQL Cloud Back-End
Matt Lang, Director of Customer Success
Nov 1, 2020
“Play Hard!”
Matt Lang
Early Adopter of Linux, MySQL, and Cloud technologies.
Architected systems for startups, supporting explosive
growth in employees, customers, and sales, in automotive,
steel, medical, and tech industries.
• Linux Systems Admin
• Site Reliability Engineer/Cloud Architect
• Author of replication for proprietary database (still in use after 10+
• Weekend musician
“Play Hard!”
“The MySQL Availability Company”
Where Does Continuent Fit In?
Continuent has witnessed the rise of Open
Source and Cloud Computing since 2004.
We have been at the forefront of the market
need for platform-agnostic, highly-available,
globally-scaling, clustered MySQL databases
that are driving businesses to the cloud today.
Continuent is not the biggest. Never.
We are the best at what we do. Always!

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MySQL data rules the cloud, but recent experience shows us that there's no substitute for maintaining copies of data, across availability zones and regions, when it comes to Amazon Web Services (AWS) data resilience. In this webinar, we discuss the multi-master capabilities of Continuent Tungsten to help you build and manage systems that spread data across multiple sites. We cover important topics such as setting up large scale topologies, handling failures, and how to handle data privacy issues like removing personally identifiable information or handling privacy law restrictions on data movement. We will conclude with a live demonstration of a distributed MySQL solution with Continuent Tungsten clusters working across multiple AWS availability zones and regions.

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Building Event-Driven Systems with Apache Kafka
Building Event-Driven Systems with Apache KafkaBuilding Event-Driven Systems with Apache Kafka
Building Event-Driven Systems with Apache Kafka

Event-driven systems provide simplified integration, easy notifications, inherent scalability and improved fault tolerance. In this session we'll cover the basics of building event driven systems and then dive into utilizing Apache Kafka for the infrastructure. Kafka is a fast, scalable, fault-taulerant publish/subscribe messaging system developed by LinkedIn. We will cover the architecture of Kafka and demonstrate code that utilizes this infrastructure including C#, Spark, ELK and more. Sample code:

Percona and Continuent present: Multi-Data Center MySQL with Continuent Tungsten
Percona and Continuent present: Multi-Data Center MySQL with Continuent TungstenPercona and Continuent present: Multi-Data Center MySQL with Continuent Tungsten
Percona and Continuent present: Multi-Data Center MySQL with Continuent Tungsten

Many users are challenged with how to setup multi-master, multi-site MySQL clusters. How to do you go from a single database server to a scalable cluster? Or move from a brittle MySQL replication system to a transparent, manageable database cluster? In this joint webinar with Continuent, Percona examines how Continuent Tungsten addresses these problems. First, we discuss the read-write splitting functionality of the Tungsten Connector. Next, we demonstrate the multi-data center capabilities of Continuent Tungsten. We set up a total of 9 cluster nodes in 3 different data centers and demonstrate various failure scenarios, while traffic is running: - One of the nodes goes down - Two of the nodes go down - One of the data centers goes down - Two of the data centers go down At the end of this webinar you will know how to quickly configure and provision highly optimized Continuent Tungsten deployments in the cloud or on-premises. Presenters: - Peter Boros, Consultant, Percona - Robert Hodges, CEO, Continuent

perconatungsten replicatorcontinuent tungsten
Goals for the High Noon Webinar Series
Explore and compare how to deploy Geo-Scale MySQL using various MySQL Solutions:
• Local rapid-failover, automated high availability
• Geographically distributed, low-latency data replication with a single consolidated view
• Fast local response times for read traffic
• Ability to deploy MySQL primaries in multiple regions
• No changes to application code
• Complex schema changes while keeping applications available
• Avoid provider lock-in
MySQL is understood in a broad context, including MySQL, MariaDB and Percona Server.
Also AWS RDS MySQL, AWS RDS Aurora, Azure MySQL, and Google Cloud SQL are applicable in some context.
High Noon Series - Tungsten Clustering vs. Others
Clustering Competitive Scorecard
Top prioritized
use cases
AWS Aurora with
Read Replica
Google Cloud
Orchestrator +
Galera Cluster
(aka XtraDB Cluster)
Local HA
Yes, automatic
failover for primary
and replicas
Yes, 30 seconds with
DNS change
Just one replica, at
least 60 seconds for
Yes – no automatic
recovery of primary
in switch
Failover not
DR (local/
Yes, local, remote
and global DR are
Failover only, takes
“a few minutes,”
replication breaks
Not supported
Yes– no automatic
recovery of primary
in switch
No native DR. DR
with async but
Load balancing
Yes, automatic and
Supported but
requires application
Supported but
requires application
Yes, automatic and
Requires additional
3rd party tool
Zero downtime
Enables both
database, operating
system and
hardware changes
window, downtime
window, downtime
Yes but needs
Changes are
supported, but can
be costly and time
Clustering Competitive Scorecard
Top prioritized
use cases
AWS Aurora with
Read Replica
Google Cloud
Orchestrator +
Proxy -- DIY
Galera Cluster
(aka XtraDB Cluster)
High, built-in load
balancing and
read/write splitting
High performance
but read/write
splitting requires app
Requires read
replicas, app
replication lag
High performance
Synchronous nature
implies additional
overhead during
Yes, automatic
failover for primary
and replicas
Automatic failover
but applications
disconnect (unless
using RDS proxy)
Automatic failover
but applications
Requires cluster and
app made aware of
Deployment Easy to deploy Easy to deploy Easy to deploy Globally easy
Complex, easier with
Galera Manager
Fast and simple, local
and cross region
Local recovery
simple, cross region
takes time
Local recovery
Simple as long as
automation works
Time consuming,
potentially blocking
donor node

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A presentation discusses high availability (HA) strategies for MySQL databases. HA minimizes downtime while fault tolerance ensures zero downtime, but at high cost. For MySQL, HA usually uses replication across redundant servers, balancing consistency, throughput and cost. The best approach depends on the deployment, from single servers to sharded architectures. ClustrixDB provides automatic HA through synchronous multi-master replication across a cluster, minimizing administration while ensuring data consistency and continuous availability.

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Building Stream Infrastructure across Multiple Data Centers with Apache Kafka
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To manage the ever-increasing volume and velocity of data within your company, you have successfully made the transition from single machines and one-off solutions to large distributed stream infrastructures in your data center, powered by Apache Kafka. But what if one data center is not enough? I will describe building resilient data pipelines with Apache Kafka that span multiple data centers and points of presence, and provide an overview of best practices and common patterns while covering key areas such as architecture guidelines, data replication, and mirroring as well as disaster scenarios and failure handling.

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Introduction to Kafka
Introduction to KafkaIntroduction to Kafka
Introduction to Kafka

The first presentation for Kafka Meetup @ Linkedin (Bangalore) held on 2015/12/5 It provides a brief introduction to the motivation for building Kafka and how it works from a high level. Please download the presentation if you wish to see the animated slides.

Clustering Competitive Scorecard
Top prioritized
use cases
AWS Aurora with
Read Replica
Google Cloud
Orchestrator +
Galera Cluster
(aka XtraDB Cluster)
Full monitoring via
web-based GUI
Full monitoring,
though enhance
monitor is extra
Easy to use basic
Full monitoring on
web interface
3rd party tool like
ClusterControl or
Galera Manager
(newly released)
Across regions,
availability zones
Only basic read
replicas in AWS
Not supported Yes
No Geo-scale with
Sync. Async option
management layer
To most popular
NoSQL and data
analytics engines
Basic MySQL
replication only,
manual setup (5.5 or
Basic MySQL
replication only,
manual setup (5.5 or
Synchronous locally,
async globally,
manual setup
24/7 with <5 min.
initial response to
urgent support
Basic support > 12
hours, critical
support extremely
Not included, critical
support extremely
Only through mailing
Support through
Codership < 4HR
Galera Characteristics
• True multi-master for cluster on LAN
• Synchronous replication. Almost no slave lag/very little slave divergence
• No VIP needed (all nodes are readable and writable)
• Highly available, failover not needed since all nodes are read/write
• Various MySQL versions are available
• Must use specific Galera build (cannot use just off the shelf MySQL)
• NEW – Galera Manager, GUI for Galera
• Replication is handled by a “Certification” process to eliminate conflicts and enforce ordering
Certification Based Replication
• Transaction begins as normal on source host
• When COMMIT is issued, all changed rows are collected into a ”write set.” The transaction is not
committed yet.
• Transaction is given a sequence number
• The node checks the last applied sequence number. If there is a gap:
• Node collects sequence numbers from other nodes within the gap
• Node determines if there will be primary key conflicts
• If not, all transactions are committed.
• If so, transaction is rolled back
• This happens on each node and guarantees ordering of transactions

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Galera Multi Site Requirements
• Use Synchronous replication
• Writes will be slow, and proportional to the round trip time (RTT) of the WAN
• Read speed is unaffected
• Using Asynchronous replication
• Enable binary logging
• Use MySQL native replication
• Management becomes more complex when mixing 2 technologies
• Not easy to deploy multi site topologies due to above and thus not often used
Limitations Using Galera
• Write intensive workloads may perform poorly due to synchronous replication
• Poor WAN performance due to above
• Thus multi-site topologies are rarely used
• No Proxy included, so a third party tool is required
• All tables in database must have a primary key
• One slow node will slow down the entire cluster
• Replication out of cluster requires another technology (i.e. different replication method, binary
logging, etc)
• Must use official database distribution with Galera compiled in.
How To Do Better MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale?
Tungsten Clustering
Replica Replica
• Continuous MySQL Operations
• Zero Downtime Maintenance
• Geo-distributed MySQL Clusters
• Multi-Cloud / Hybrid-Cloud MySQL
• Read/Write Splitting with Intelligent Proxy
• Full MySQL Support, No App Changes

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Watch this on-demand webinar on database proxies (for MySQL) by Gilles Rayrat, VP of Engineering at Continuent. Gilles is one of the most knowledgeable experts in the MySQL community when it comes to database proxies and shares some of his knowledge in this initial webinar on that topic. From a simple database connectivity scenario all the way through to advanced database connectivity setups and proxy functionalities, this webinar provides an in-depth introduction to database proxies (for MySQL). AGENDA - A simple database connectivity scenario - The concept of a clustered database - Failure in a clustered database: the nightmare scenario - The solution: use a proxy! Preferably a smart one … - Advanced database connectivity setups - Advanced proxy functionalities - Recap SPEAKER Gilles Rayrat, VP of Engineering, Continuent, has over 20 years experience in software engineering. Previously holding positions at Orange and Xerox, he joined the Continuent adventure in 2005. As the connectivity expert at Continuent, he has worn many hats including software development, QA, support, project and operations management. Gilles has held most of the engineering positions that he now manages, giving him both deep and wide experience.

mysqlproxydatabase proxy
Tungsten Active-Passive Clustering
• Scale to multiple Cloud Regions or
• Platform-agnostic means you can span
vendors and create hybrid topologies using
any combination of cloud, VM and/or bare-
metal servers
• Active/Passive
• Control all clusters from any node
• Move the write primary from site to site
with a single command when in
Active/Passive mode
Tungsten Active-Active Clustering
• Scale to multiple Cloud Regions or
• Platform-agnostic means you can span
vendors and create hybrid topologies using
any combination of cloud, VM and/or bare-
metal servers
• Active/Active
• Control all clusters from any node
• Move the write primary from site to site with
a single command when in Active/Passive
Zero Downtime Maintenance
l Replicas
Shun replica
Upgrade MySQL
Return node to
Discard and re-
provision on failure
Repeat for
remaining replica(s)
Switch primary to
promote an
upgraded replica
Upgrade old
Maintenance is
now done!
Galera vs Tungsten Clustering

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Apache Kafka Best Practices

Apache Kafka becoming the message bus to transfer huge volumes of data from various sources into Hadoop. It's also enabling many real-time system frameworks and use cases. Managing and building clients around Apache Kafka can be challenging. In this talk, we will go through the best practices in deploying Apache Kafka in production. How to Secure a Kafka Cluster, How to pick topic-partitions and upgrading to newer versions. Migrating to new Kafka Producer and Consumer API. Also talk about the best practices involved in running a producer/consumer. In Kafka 0.9 release, we’ve added SSL wire encryption, SASL/Kerberos for user authentication, and pluggable authorization. Now Kafka allows authentication of users, access control on who can read and write to a Kafka topic. Apache Ranger also uses pluggable authorization mechanism to centralize security for Kafka and other Hadoop ecosystem projects. We will showcase open sourced Kafka REST API and an Admin UI that will help users in creating topics, re-assign partitions, Issuing Kafka ACLs and monitoring Consumer offsets.

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This is a talk given at ApacheCon 2015 If data is the lifeblood of high technology, Apache Kafka is the circulatory system in use at LinkedIn. It is used for moving every type of data around between systems, and it touches virtually every server, every day. This can only be accomplished with multiple Kafka clusters, installed at several sites, and they must all work together to assure no message loss, and almost no message duplication. In this presentation, we will discuss the architectural choices behind how the clusters are deployed, and the tools and processes that have been developed to manage them. Todd Palino will also discuss some of the challenges of running Kafka at this scale, and how they are being addressed both operationally and in the Kafka development community. Note - there are a significant amount of slide notes on each slide that goes into detail. Please make sure to check out the downloaded file to get the full content!

Tech Talk Series, Part 3: Why is your CFO right to demand you scale down MySQL?
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Tech Talk Series, Part 3: Why is your CFO right to demand you scale down MySQL?

Many web businesses enjoy a spike in traffic at some point in the year. Whether it's Black Friday, the NFL draft day, or Mother’s Day, your app needs to be able to scale and capture customer value when it is most needed. Downtime is not an option. For a database, that means having enough capacity to ensure transaction latency stays within acceptable limits. For high capacity apps using MySQL, this means you may need to deploy triple the normal capacity usage to sustain traffic for one day. But what do you do with that hardware for the rest of the year? Do you leave it idling? That unused capacity is costing you an arm and a leg, and wasted expenses make CFOs grumpy. In Part 3 of our Tech Talk series, we discuss what the options are for scaling down MySQL, as well as explore answers to the following questions: - How do I figure out the costs of not scaling down? - How does ClustrixDB scale-down differently than MySQL? - How real is elastically scaling in ClustrixDB? What are the catches? View the webcast of this Tech Talk on our YouTube channel.

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Galera vs Tungsten Clustering Scorecard
Top prioritized
use cases
Galera Cluster
(aka XtraDB Cluster)
Local HA
Yes, automatic
failover for primary
and replicas
Failover not
DR (local/
Yes, local, remote
and global DR are
No native DR. DR
with async but
Load balancing
Yes, automatic and
Requires additional
3rd party tool
Zero downtime
Enables both
database, operating
system and
hardware changes
Changes are
supported, but can
be costly and time
Galera vs Tungsten Clustering Scorecard
Top prioritized
use cases
Galera Cluster
(aka XtraDB Cluster)
High, built-in load
balancing and
read/write splitting
Synchronous nature
implies additional
overhead during
Yes, automatic
failover for primary
and replicas
Requires cluster and
app made aware of
Deployment Easy to deploy
Complex, easier with
Galera Manager
Fast and simple, local
and cross region
Time consuming,
potentially blocking
donor node
Galera vs Tungsten Clustering Scorecard
Top prioritized
use cases
Galera Cluster
(aka XtraDB Cluster)
Full monitoring via
web-based GUI
3rd party tool like
ClusterControl or
Galera Manager
(newly released)
Across regions,
availability zones,
clouds, on-prem
No Geo-scale with
Sync. Async option
management layer
To most popular
NoSQL and data
analytics engines
Synchronous locally,
async globally,
manual setup
24/7 with <5 min.
initial response to
urgent support
Support through
Codership < 4HR
About Continuent Solutions

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Performance out

Scaling out a web application involves adding redundancy, separating application tiers across multiple servers, implementing load balancing, caching content, and monitoring performance. Key aspects include mirroring disks for redundancy, moving services to separate application servers, using load balancing schemes like DNS round-robin or load balancers, solving session state issues through sticky routing or database storage, and caching dynamic content to improve performance. Monitoring the environment is also important to detect failures or bottlenecks as the infrastructure scales out.

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Cloud-Based Active/Active Tungsten MySQL Clusters @ Bluefin Payments Bluefin Payments is a Financial Services SaaS company that provides 24/7/365 application availability for their payment gateway and decryption-as-a-service, which are essential to point-of-sale (POS) solutions. Financial Services typically require two or more active data centers to provide their customers with continuous availability along with quick response times. Bluefin Payments uses co-located data centers with active/active replication between each MySQL cluster, which provides a complete, local High Availability and a remote Disaster Recovery solution for more than 350 million financial transactions each month. Watch this webinar replay with Continuent Eero Teerikorpi for a discussion about geo-distributed active/active MySQL replication for Financial Services SaaS Providers based on a case study of Continuent customer Bluefin Payments, and on how to guarantee credit card transaction availability with geo-distributed Tungsten MySQL clusters. AGENDA - Continuent Introduction - How to Guarantee Credit Card Transaction Availability With Geo-Distributed Tungsten MySQL Clusters - Continuent Tungsten Solutions & Benefits - Key Benefit Highlight: No MySQL Data Loss - Q&A PRESENTER Eero Teerikorpi - Founder and CEO, Continuent - is a 7-time serial entrepreneur who has more than 30 years of high-tech management and enterprise software experience. Eero has been in the MySQL marketplace virtually since day one, from the early 2000s. Eero has held top management positions at various cross-Atlantic entities (CEO at Alcom Corporation, President at Capslock, Executive Board Member at Esker S.A.) Eero started his career as a Product Manager at Apple Computer in Finland in the mid-80s. Eero also owns and manages a boutique NOET Vineyards producing high-quality dry-farmed Cabernet Sauvignon. Eero is a former Navy officer and still an avid sailor on San Francisco Bay and around the world. Eero is a very active sportsman: a 4+ tennis player, a rookie golfer, a very careful mountain biker, and an experienced (40+ years) skier, both slalom and cross-country.

mysqlcontinuenttungsten cluster
Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #7: ClusterControl
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Severalnines’ ClusterControl vs. Continuent Tungsten Clusters for MySQL Building a Geo-Distributed, Multi-Region and Highly Available MySQL Cloud Back-End This is the seventh of our High Noon series covering MySQL clustering solutions for high availability (HA), disaster recovery (DR), and geographic distribution. ClusterControl uses Galera to handle the MySQL clustering, which means it uses synchronous replication. Learn in this webinar! You may use Tungsten Clustering with native MySQL, MariaDB or Percona Server for MySQL in GCP, AWS, Azure, and/or on-premises data centers for better technological capabilities, control, and flexibility. But learn about the pros and cons! AGENDA - Goals for the High Noon Webinar Series - High Noon Series: Tungsten Clustering vs Others - Oracle InnoDB Cluster - Key Characteristics - Certification-based Replication - InnoDB Cluster Multi-Site Requirements - Limitations Using InnoDB Cluster - How to do better MySQL HA / DR / Geo-Distribution? - InnoDB Cluster vs Tungsten Clustering - About Continuent & Its Solutions PRESENTER Matthew Lang - Customer Success Director – Americas, Continuent - has over 25 years of experience in database administration, database programming, and system architecture, including the creation of a database replication product that is still in use today. He has designed highly available, scaleable systems that have allowed startups to quickly become enterprise organizations, utilizing a variety of technologies including open source projects, virtualization and cloud.

mysqlmariadbgeographic distribution
Continuent Products
• Tungsten Clustering
• Tungsten Replicator
• Tungsten Dashboard
Continuent Products
• Tungsten Clustering
• Tungsten Replicator
• Tungsten Dashboard
Tungsten Clustering
• Tungsten Clustering
• Tungsten Replicator
• Tungsten Dashboard
• Continuous MySQL Operations
• Zero Downtime Maintenance
• Geo-distributed MySQL Clusters
• Multi-Cloud / Hybrid-Cloud MySQL
• Read/Write Splitting with Intelligent Proxy
• Full MySQL Support, No App Changes
Tungsten Key Benefits
Industry Best 24/7 MySQL Customer Service
• Highly Qualified 24/7 support. Our support team member have 20 or more years of MySQL DBA and
Site Reliability Experience
• 24/7 support comes with 1-hour SLA, with response times for urgent requests averaging less than 3
• MySQL uptime measured in months or years
Cost Savings
• Use the free open-source MySQL for your business-critical needs
• Optimize costs by selecting the most cost-effective cloud environment(s) at any given time
• Eliminate downtime risks and their associated costs, including during maintenance operations (zero-
downtime maintenance operations)
• Reduce DBA time spent on admin and recovery operations, lowering your costs while increasing

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Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #5: Oracle’s InnoDB Cluster
Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #5: Oracle’s InnoDB ClusterWebinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #5: Oracle’s InnoDB Cluster
Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #5: Oracle’s InnoDB Cluster

Oracle’s InnoDB Cluster vs. Continuent Tungsten Clusters for MySQL Building a Geo-Distributed, Multi-Region and Highly Available MySQL Cloud Back-End This is the fifth of our High Noon series covering MySQL clustering solutions for high availability (HA), disaster recovery (DR), and geographic distribution. InnoDB Cluster uses MySQL’s group replication to handle the replication. It’s also known as semi-synchronous replication. Learn about this and more in this webinar! You may use Tungsten Clustering with native MySQL, MariaDB or Percona Server for MySQL in GCP, AWS, Azure, and/or on-premises data centers for better technological capabilities, control, and flexibility. But learn about the pros and cons! AGENDA - Goals for the High Noon Webinar Series - High Noon Series: Tungsten Clustering vs Others - Oracle InnoDB Cluster - Key Characteristics - Certification-based Replication - InnoDB Cluster Multi-Site Requirements - Limitations Using InnoDB Cluster - How to do better MySQL HA / DR / Geo-Distribution? - InnoDB Cluster vs Tungsten Clustering - About Continuent & Its Solutions PRESENTER Matthew Lang - Customer Success Director – Americas, Continuent - has over 25 years of experience in database administration, database programming, and system architecture, including the creation of a database replication product that is still in use today. He has designed highly available, scaleable systems that have allowed startups to quickly become enterprise organizations, utilizing a variety of technologies including open source projects, virtualization and cloud.

mysqlmariadbgeographic distribution
Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #4: MS Azure Database MySQL
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MS Azure Database for MySQL vs. Continuent Tungsten Clusters Building a Geo-Scale, Multi-Region and Highly Available MySQL Cloud Back-End This is the third of our High Noon series covering MySQL clustering solutions for high availability (HA), disaster recovery (DR), and geographic distribution. Azure Database for MySQL is a managed database cluster within Microsoft Azure Cloud that runs MySQL community edition. There are really two deployment options: “Single Server” and “Flexible Server (Preview).” We will look at the Flexible Server version, even though it is still preview, because most enterprise applications require failover, so this is the relevant comparison for Tungsten Clustering. You may use Tungsten Clustering with native MySQL, MariaDB or Percona Server for MySQL in GCP, AWS, Azure, and/or on-premises data centers for better technological capabilities, control, and flexibility. But learn about the pros and cons! Enjoy the webinar! AGENDA - Goals for the High Noon Webinar Series - High Noon Series: Tungsten Clustering vs Others - Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL - Key Characteristics - Certification-based Replication - Azure MySQL Multi-Site Requirements - Limitations Using Azure MySQL - How to do better MySQL HA / DR / Geo-Scale? - Azure MySQL vs Tungsten Clustering - About Continuent & Its Solutions PRESENTER Matthew Lang - Customer Success Director – Americas, Continuent - has over 25 years of experience in database administration, database programming, and system architecture, including the creation of a database replication product that is still in use today. He has designed highly available, scaleable systems that have allowed startups to quickly become enterprise organizations, utilizing a variety of technologies including open source projects, virtualization and cloud.

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Geographically Distributed Multi-Master MySQL Clusters
Geographically Distributed Multi-Master MySQL ClustersGeographically Distributed Multi-Master MySQL Clusters
Geographically Distributed Multi-Master MySQL Clusters

Global data access can greatly expand the reach of your business. Continuent's multi-site multi-master (MSMM) solutions enable applications to accept write traffic in multiple locations across on-premises and vCloud Air. As an example, this includes the following real-world, business-critical use cases: - Improve performance for globally distributed users registering hardware devices by permitting updates on the geographically closest site - Ensure availability of credit card processing by spreading transaction processing across two or more sites. Users can still process credit card transactions if a single site is unavailable to them for any reason, including end-user Internet routing problems - Enable business continuity by using multi-master updates on different hosting providers for service scalability, personalization and software upgrades of GPS devices. Individual Continuent clusters already provide excellent single-site database availability and performance. In this webinar we review the benefits of combining multiple Continuent clusters into a global multi-site multi-master (MSMM) topology for: - Optimizing your installation for MSMM - Optimizing your application for MSMM - Monitoring and administration - Failover and recovery of individual servers or entire locations.

multi-masterdatabase clustermulti-site
Tungsten Clustering Key Benefits
Continuous MySQL Operations
• MySQL High Availability and Disaster Recovery solution, which provides redundancy within and
across data centers
• Immediate failover for maximum availability and data protection of business-critical MySQL
• Reduce MySQL recovery time from hours or days to mere seconds
• Dashboard provides graphical view and management of all globally distributed MySQL clusters
Zero Downtime MySQL
• Site-level and cross-site failover ensures application availability
• Upgrade hardware, software and data without taking applications offline
• MySQL compatibility means seamless migration of your data and applications
Geo-Scale MySQL
Tungsten Clustering Key Benefits
• Load-balance MySQL read operations across multiple replicas, locally and globally
• Geo-distributed MySQL clusters bring data close to your application users for faster response times
• Easily add more MySQL clusters as needed for unlimited scaling, both locally or across the globe
Hybrid-Cloud and Multi-Cloud MySQL
• Deploy in the cloud, VM and bare metal environments
• Mix-and-match on-premises, private and public clouds (incl. Amazon AWS, Google Cloud and
Microsoft Azure)
• Easy, seamless migration from cloud to cloud to avoid vendor lock-in in any specific cloud provider
• Withstand node, data center, zone or region failures or outages
Tungsten Clustering Key Benefits
Intelligent MySQL Proxy
• Provides intelligent traffic routing to a valid MySQL Primary, locally and globally
• Scale read queries via query inspection and other methods
• Application and active users do not disconnect during MySQL failover events
Most Advanced MySQL Replication
• Filter and transform your data in-flight
• No more ETL, get real-time data feeds into your analytics
• Replicate directly into popular analytic repositories: AWS RedShift, Hadoop (HDFS), Kafka and Vertica
• Unlimited real-time transactional data transfer to eliminate escalating replication cost of ETL-based
Tungsten Clustering Key Benefits
Full MySQL Support, No Application Changes
• Deploy and Configure MySQL clusters in minutes
• Not just a ‘MySQL-compatible” solution, but fully MySQL-compliant. Use any of your off-the-shelf
MySQL, MariaDB and Percona Server versions
• Support for all modern MySQL (5.x through 8.x) and MariaDB (5.x and 10.x) versions and features
• SSL support for all in-flight traffic
• Native MySQL support means easy and complete migration of your data and applications

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Webinar Slides: AWS Aurora MySQL Replacement: Break Away From Geo-Limitations...Webinar Slides: AWS Aurora MySQL Replacement: Break Away From Geo-Limitations...
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Samsung's ARTIK IoT platform used Continuent's active/active MySQL cluster topology to manage its IoT monetization portal serving millions of worldwide devices. ARTIK chose Continuent over AWS Aurora for its availability, disaster recovery, geo-scale capabilities, and cost-effectiveness. Continuent's solution provided high availability, continuous operations across regions, and performance at a reasonable cost with 24/7 support.

mysqlsamsungtungsten clustering
MariaDB High Availability
MariaDB High AvailabilityMariaDB High Availability
MariaDB High Availability

This document discusses different approaches to achieving high availability with MariaDB databases, including replication, Galera clusters, and MaxScale load balancing. It describes asynchronous and semi-synchronous replication topologies that provide redundancy and enable failover. Synchronous replication with Galera clusters is discussed as another option that ensures all nodes remain in sync with no data loss. MaxScale is presented as a tool that can monitor MariaDB topologies and perform load balancing and failover across nodes.

mariadbhigh availabilitydatabase
Webinar Slides: Multi-Region AWS Aurora vs Continuent Tungsten for MySQL & Ma...
Webinar Slides: Multi-Region AWS Aurora vs Continuent Tungsten for MySQL & Ma...Webinar Slides: Multi-Region AWS Aurora vs Continuent Tungsten for MySQL & Ma...
Webinar Slides: Multi-Region AWS Aurora vs Continuent Tungsten for MySQL & Ma...

This webinar has three parts, and takes about 30 minutes: - Overview of Amazon Aurora cross-region - Common challenges when using Amazon Aurora - How can multi-region MySQL deployments be improved? - Q&A AGENDA - Aurora key benefits - Aurora Cross Region Replica Requirements - Limitations using Aurora - Tungsten Multi-Master Clustering - Tungsten Composite Clustering - Continuent Tungsten Key Benefits as compared to Aurora - Tungsten Dashboard

continuentcontinuent tungstendatabase
Continuent Products
• Tungsten Clustering
• Tungsten Replicator
• Tungsten Dashboard
Tungsten Replicator
• High performant Real-Time replication
• Multiple Heterogeneous Targets
• AWS Aurora / RDS
• AWS Redshift
• HPE Vertica
• Hadoop
• Kafka
• and many more
• Fan-in / Fan-Out / Primary-Primary
• Flexible, Advanced Filtering
• Available as an AMI through Amazon
Marketplace (with free 14-day trial)
• Tungsten Clustering
• Tungsten Replicator
• Tungsten Dashboard
Tungsten Dashboard
• Tungsten Clustering
• Tungsten Replicator
• Tungsten Dashboard
About Continuent Company

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Marketo uses Continuent Tungsten to solve key data management challenges at scale. Tungsten provides high availability, online maintenance, and parallel replication to allow Marketo to process over 600 million MySQL transactions per day across more than 7TB of data without downtime. Tungsten's innovative caching and sharding techniques help replicas keep up with Marketo's high transaction volumes and uneven tenant sizes. The solution has enabled fast failover, rolling maintenance, and scaling to thousands of customers.

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Best Practice for Achieving High Availability in MariaDB
Best Practice for Achieving High Availability in MariaDBBest Practice for Achieving High Availability in MariaDB
Best Practice for Achieving High Availability in MariaDB

This document discusses high availability and MariaDB replication. It defines high availability and outlines key components like data redundancy, failover solutions, and monitoring. It then describes MariaDB replication in detail, covering asynchronous and semi-synchronous replication as well as Galera cluster synchronous replication. MaxScale is introduced as a tool for load balancing, monitoring, and facilitating failovers in MariaDB replication topologies.

mariadbopen sourcedatabase
The MySQL High Availability Landscape and where Galera Cluster fits in
The MySQL High Availability Landscape and where Galera Cluster fits inThe MySQL High Availability Landscape and where Galera Cluster fits in
The MySQL High Availability Landscape and where Galera Cluster fits in

The document discusses high availability solutions for MySQL databases. It describes Galera Cluster, an open-source multi-master replication solution, and how it fits into the MySQL high availability landscape. Galera Cluster provides redundancy across database nodes for continuous availability and prevents data loss. It allows writes to any node and maintains consistent data across all nodes without single points of failure. The document compares Galera Cluster to other solutions like replication, DRBD, failover frameworks, and cloud-based offerings.

mysql high availabilitygalera clustergalera replication
Proven Continuent Team
• Our core team has been building data availability solutions since 2004
• We have an expert team of data replication, database connectivity and database cluster management
• We have a world-class support team
• Each member with 20 or more years of operational database experience
• Our team is available to respond effectively and immediately to our customers’ needs
• Average response time for an urgent support request less than 3 minutes
Proven Solutions
Our tightly-integrated, complete and fully tested solutions reliably handle billions of transactions per
day and support businesses with billions of dollars in combined revenue:
Why to Choose Continuent
Customer Satisfaction
during the most recent customer survey
Customer Renewal Rate
many multi-year subscription renewals
Average Response Time
in minutes for urgent customer support
Average Customer
years using Continuent solutions
Continuent Timeline
• The MySQL Availability Company
• Established in 2004
• Customers Industries include
• SaaS
• eCommerce
• Finance
• Telco
• Online Gaming
• Business-critical MySQL apps
• From Startup to Enterprise companies
2004 Continuent Established
2009 3rd Generation Continuent Tungsten, the first
fully MySQL-compliant clustering solution
2014 VMware Acquired Continuent to build
DBaaS for vCloud Air
2016 “New” Continuent breaks away from VMware
(after they abandoned vCloud Air)
2017 Major Tungsten release (v5) with hardened
security features
2018 Tungsten v6 ships with major multi-site
clustering changes
2020 Marketo is the first 10th anniversary Tungsten
customer (grown from 4 clusters to over 100
202x The Future….is in the Cloud – Tungsten Cloud

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Choosing the right high availability strategy
Choosing the right high availability strategyChoosing the right high availability strategy
Choosing the right high availability strategy

This document discusses different high availability strategies for MariaDB databases. It covers asynchronous and semi-synchronous replication, which provide redundancy and failover capabilities but can have data loss risks. Synchronous replication with Galera Cluster is also described, which guarantees no data loss but has higher latency. Other topics include terminology, data redundancy approaches, and how features can be combined for resilient configurations.

M|18 Choosing the Right High Availability Strategy for You
M|18 Choosing the Right High Availability Strategy for YouM|18 Choosing the Right High Availability Strategy for You
M|18 Choosing the Right High Availability Strategy for You

This document discusses MariaDB high availability strategies including replication, failover, and clustering. It defines key HA terminology and describes different replication topologies like asynchronous, semi-synchronous, and synchronous replication using Galera cluster. Use cases provided show how geographically distributed and production control systems benefit from MariaDB HA features.

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Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #1: AWS Aurora

AWS Aurora vs. Continuent Tungsten Clusters Building a Geo-Scale, Multi-Region and Highly Available MySQL Cloud Back-End This first installment of our High Noon series of on-demand webinars is focused on AWS Aurora. It looks at some of the key characteristics of AWS Aurora and how it fares as a MySQL HA / DR / Geo-Scale solution, especially when compared to Continuent Tungsten Clustering. Watch this webinar to learn how to do better MySQL HA / DR / Geo-Scale. AGENDA - Goals for the High Noon Webinar Series - AWS Aurora - Key Characteristics - Cross Region Requirements - RDS Proxy - Limitations Using AWS Aurora - How to do better MySQL HA / DR / Geo-Scale? - AWS Aurora vs Tungsten Clustering - About Continuent & Its Solutions PRESENTER Matthew Lang - Customer Success Director – Americas, Continuent - has over 25 years of experience in database administration, database programming, and system architecture, including the creation of a database replication product that is still in use today. He has designed highly available, scaleable systems that have allowed startups to quickly become enterprise organizations, utilizing a variety of technologies including open source projects, virtualization and cloud.

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The MySQL Availability Company
Matthew Lang

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Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #2: Galera Cluster

  • 1. The MySQL Availability Company MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale -- High Noon #2 Galera vs. Continuent Tungsten Clusters Building a Geo-Scale, Multi-Region and Highly Available MySQL Cloud Back-End Matt Lang, Director of Customer Success Nov 1, 2020 “Play Hard!”
  • 2. Matt Lang Early Adopter of Linux, MySQL, and Cloud technologies. Architected systems for startups, supporting explosive growth in employees, customers, and sales, in automotive, steel, medical, and tech industries. • MySQL DBA • Linux Systems Admin • Site Reliability Engineer/Cloud Architect • Author of replication for proprietary database (still in use after 10+ years) • Weekend musician “Play Hard!”
  • 4. Where Does Continuent Fit In? Continuent has witnessed the rise of Open Source and Cloud Computing since 2004. We have been at the forefront of the market need for platform-agnostic, highly-available, globally-scaling, clustered MySQL databases that are driving businesses to the cloud today. Continuent is not the biggest. Never. We are the best at what we do. Always! Geo-Scale MySQL DBaaS Cloud Computing Open Source MySQL
  • 5. Goals for the High Noon Webinar Series Explore and compare how to deploy Geo-Scale MySQL using various MySQL Solutions: • Local rapid-failover, automated high availability • Geographically distributed, low-latency data replication with a single consolidated view • Fast local response times for read traffic • Ability to deploy MySQL primaries in multiple regions • No changes to application code • Complex schema changes while keeping applications available • Avoid provider lock-in MySQL is understood in a broad context, including MySQL, MariaDB and Percona Server. Also AWS RDS MySQL, AWS RDS Aurora, Azure MySQL, and Google Cloud SQL are applicable in some context.
  • 6. High Noon Series - Tungsten Clustering vs. Others
  • 7. Clustering Competitive Scorecard Top prioritized use cases Tungsten Clustering AWS Aurora with Read Replica Google Cloud SQL HA Orchestrator + Proxy Galera Cluster (aka XtraDB Cluster) Local HA Yes, automatic failover for primary and replicas Yes, 30 seconds with DNS change Just one replica, at least 60 seconds for failover Yes – no automatic recovery of primary in switch Failover not necessary DR (local/ remote) Yes, local, remote and global DR are supported Failover only, takes “a few minutes,” replication breaks Not supported Yes– no automatic recovery of primary in switch No native DR. DR with async but without management Load balancing Yes, automatic and transparent Supported but requires application awareness Supported but requires application awareness Yes, automatic and transparent Requires additional 3rd party tool Zero downtime maintenance Enables both database, operating system and hardware changes Requires maintenance window, downtime Requires maintenance window, downtime Yes but needs manual reconfiguration Changes are supported, but can be costly and time consuming
  • 8. Clustering Competitive Scorecard Top prioritized use cases Tungsten Clustering AWS Aurora with Read Replica Google Cloud SQL HA Orchestrator + Proxy -- DIY Galera Cluster (aka XtraDB Cluster) Performance High, built-in load balancing and read/write splitting High performance but read/write splitting requires app awareness Requires read replicas, app awareness, replication lag High performance Synchronous nature implies additional overhead during writes Transparency Yes, automatic failover for primary and replicas Automatic failover but applications disconnect (unless using RDS proxy) Automatic failover but applications disconnect Yes Requires cluster and app made aware of changes Deployment Easy to deploy Easy to deploy Easy to deploy Globally easy Complex, easier with Galera Manager Recovery Fast and simple, local and cross region Local recovery simple, cross region takes time Local recovery simple Simple as long as automation works Time consuming, potentially blocking donor node
  • 9. Clustering Competitive Scorecard Top prioritized use cases Tungsten Clustering AWS Aurora with Read Replica Google Cloud SQL HA Orchestrator + Proxy Galera Cluster (aka XtraDB Cluster) Monitoring Full monitoring via web-based GUI Full monitoring, though enhance monitor is extra charge Easy to use basic monitoring Full monitoring on web interface 3rd party tool like ClusterControl or Galera Manager (newly released) Geo-Scale Across regions, availability zones Only basic read replicas in AWS regions Not supported Yes No Geo-scale with Sync. Async option without management layer Replication To most popular high-performance NoSQL and data analytics engines Basic MySQL replication only, manual setup (5.5 or later) Basic MySQL replication only, manual setup (5.5 or later) Basic Synchronous locally, async globally, manual setup Support 24/7 with <5 min. initial response to urgent support tickets Basic support > 12 hours, critical support extremely expensive Not included, critical support extremely expensive Only through mailing list/forums Support through MariaDB,Percona, Codership < 4HR response
  • 11. Galera Characteristics • True multi-master for cluster on LAN • Synchronous replication. Almost no slave lag/very little slave divergence • No VIP needed (all nodes are readable and writable) • Highly available, failover not needed since all nodes are read/write • Various MySQL versions are available • Must use specific Galera build (cannot use just off the shelf MySQL) • NEW – Galera Manager, GUI for Galera • Replication is handled by a “Certification” process to eliminate conflicts and enforce ordering
  • 12. Certification Based Replication • Transaction begins as normal on source host • When COMMIT is issued, all changed rows are collected into a ”write set.” The transaction is not committed yet. • Transaction is given a sequence number • The node checks the last applied sequence number. If there is a gap: • Node collects sequence numbers from other nodes within the gap • Node determines if there will be primary key conflicts • If not, all transactions are committed. • If so, transaction is rolled back • This happens on each node and guarantees ordering of transactions
  • 13. Galera Multi Site Requirements • Use Synchronous replication • Writes will be slow, and proportional to the round trip time (RTT) of the WAN • Read speed is unaffected • Using Asynchronous replication • Enable binary logging • Use MySQL native replication • Management becomes more complex when mixing 2 technologies • Not easy to deploy multi site topologies due to above and thus not often used
  • 14. Limitations Using Galera • Write intensive workloads may perform poorly due to synchronous replication • Poor WAN performance due to above • Thus multi-site topologies are rarely used • No Proxy included, so a third party tool is required • All tables in database must have a primary key • One slow node will slow down the entire cluster • Replication out of cluster requires another technology (i.e. different replication method, binary logging, etc) • Must use official database distribution with Galera compiled in.
  • 15. How To Do Better MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale?
  • 16. Tungsten Clustering Manager Replicator Manager Replicator Manager Replicator monitoring & control Dataservice Replica Replica Primary • Continuous MySQL Operations • Zero Downtime Maintenance • Geo-distributed MySQL Clusters • Multi-Cloud / Hybrid-Cloud MySQL • Read/Write Splitting with Intelligent Proxy • Full MySQL Support, No App Changes
  • 17. Tungsten Active-Passive Clustering • Scale to multiple Cloud Regions or datacenters • Platform-agnostic means you can span vendors and create hybrid topologies using any combination of cloud, VM and/or bare- metal servers • Active/Passive • Control all clusters from any node • Move the write primary from site to site with a single command when in Active/Passive mode
  • 18. Tungsten Active-Active Clustering • Scale to multiple Cloud Regions or datacenters • Platform-agnostic means you can span vendors and create hybrid topologies using any combination of cloud, VM and/or bare- metal servers • Active/Active • Control all clusters from any node • Move the write primary from site to site with a single command when in Active/Passive mode
  • 19. Zero Downtime Maintenance Replica Upgrade Additiona l Replicas Switch Primary Upgrade Shun replica Upgrade MySQL Return node to cluster Discard and re- provision on failure Repeat for remaining replica(s) Switch primary to promote an upgraded replica Upgrade old primary Maintenance is now done!
  • 20. Galera vs Tungsten Clustering
  • 21. Galera vs Tungsten Clustering Scorecard Top prioritized use cases Tungsten Clustering Galera Cluster (aka XtraDB Cluster) Local HA Yes, automatic failover for primary and replicas Failover not necessary DR (local/ remote) Yes, local, remote and global DR are supported No native DR. DR with async but without management Load balancing Yes, automatic and transparent Requires additional 3rd party tool Zero downtime maintenance Enables both database, operating system and hardware changes Changes are supported, but can be costly and time consuming
  • 22. Galera vs Tungsten Clustering Scorecard Top prioritized use cases Continuent Clustering Galera Cluster (aka XtraDB Cluster) Performance High, built-in load balancing and read/write splitting Synchronous nature implies additional overhead during writes Transparency Yes, automatic failover for primary and replicas Requires cluster and app made aware of changes Deployment Easy to deploy Complex, easier with Galera Manager Recovery Fast and simple, local and cross region Time consuming, potentially blocking donor node
  • 23. Galera vs Tungsten Clustering Scorecard Top prioritized use cases Continuent Clustering Galera Cluster (aka XtraDB Cluster) Monitoring Full monitoring via web-based GUI 3rd party tool like ClusterControl or Galera Manager (newly released) Geo-Scale Across regions, availability zones, clouds, on-prem No Geo-scale with Sync. Async option without management layer Replication To most popular high-performance NoSQL and data analytics engines Synchronous locally, async globally, manual setup Support 24/7 with <5 min. initial response to urgent support tickets Support through MariaDB,Percona, Codership < 4HR response
  • 25. Continuent Products • Tungsten Clustering • Tungsten Replicator • Tungsten Dashboard
  • 26. Continuent Products • Tungsten Clustering • Tungsten Replicator • Tungsten Dashboard
  • 27. Tungsten Clustering • Tungsten Clustering • Tungsten Replicator • Tungsten Dashboard • Continuous MySQL Operations • Zero Downtime Maintenance • Geo-distributed MySQL Clusters • Multi-Cloud / Hybrid-Cloud MySQL • Read/Write Splitting with Intelligent Proxy • Full MySQL Support, No App Changes
  • 28. Tungsten Key Benefits Industry Best 24/7 MySQL Customer Service • Highly Qualified 24/7 support. Our support team member have 20 or more years of MySQL DBA and Site Reliability Experience • 24/7 support comes with 1-hour SLA, with response times for urgent requests averaging less than 3 minutes • MySQL uptime measured in months or years Cost Savings • Use the free open-source MySQL for your business-critical needs • Optimize costs by selecting the most cost-effective cloud environment(s) at any given time • Eliminate downtime risks and their associated costs, including during maintenance operations (zero- downtime maintenance operations) • Reduce DBA time spent on admin and recovery operations, lowering your costs while increasing reliability.
  • 29. Tungsten Clustering Key Benefits Continuous MySQL Operations • MySQL High Availability and Disaster Recovery solution, which provides redundancy within and across data centers • Immediate failover for maximum availability and data protection of business-critical MySQL applications • Reduce MySQL recovery time from hours or days to mere seconds • Dashboard provides graphical view and management of all globally distributed MySQL clusters Zero Downtime MySQL • Site-level and cross-site failover ensures application availability • Upgrade hardware, software and data without taking applications offline • MySQL compatibility means seamless migration of your data and applications
  • 30. Geo-Scale MySQL Tungsten Clustering Key Benefits • Load-balance MySQL read operations across multiple replicas, locally and globally • Geo-distributed MySQL clusters bring data close to your application users for faster response times • Easily add more MySQL clusters as needed for unlimited scaling, both locally or across the globe Hybrid-Cloud and Multi-Cloud MySQL • Deploy in the cloud, VM and bare metal environments • Mix-and-match on-premises, private and public clouds (incl. Amazon AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure) • Easy, seamless migration from cloud to cloud to avoid vendor lock-in in any specific cloud provider • Withstand node, data center, zone or region failures or outages
  • 31. Tungsten Clustering Key Benefits Intelligent MySQL Proxy • Provides intelligent traffic routing to a valid MySQL Primary, locally and globally • Scale read queries via query inspection and other methods • Application and active users do not disconnect during MySQL failover events Most Advanced MySQL Replication • Filter and transform your data in-flight • No more ETL, get real-time data feeds into your analytics • Replicate directly into popular analytic repositories: AWS RedShift, Hadoop (HDFS), Kafka and Vertica • Unlimited real-time transactional data transfer to eliminate escalating replication cost of ETL-based alternatives
  • 32. Tungsten Clustering Key Benefits Full MySQL Support, No Application Changes • Deploy and Configure MySQL clusters in minutes • Not just a ‘MySQL-compatible” solution, but fully MySQL-compliant. Use any of your off-the-shelf MySQL, MariaDB and Percona Server versions • Support for all modern MySQL (5.x through 8.x) and MariaDB (5.x and 10.x) versions and features • SSL support for all in-flight traffic • Native MySQL support means easy and complete migration of your data and applications
  • 33. Continuent Products • Tungsten Clustering • Tungsten Replicator • Tungsten Dashboard
  • 34. Tungsten Replicator • High performant Real-Time replication • Multiple Heterogeneous Targets • AWS Aurora / RDS • AWS Redshift • HPE Vertica • Hadoop • Kafka • and many more • Fan-in / Fan-Out / Primary-Primary • Flexible, Advanced Filtering • Available as an AMI through Amazon Marketplace (with free 14-day trial) • Tungsten Clustering • Tungsten Replicator • Tungsten Dashboard
  • 35. Tungsten Dashboard • Tungsten Clustering • Tungsten Replicator • Tungsten Dashboard
  • 37. Proven Continuent Team • Our core team has been building data availability solutions since 2004 • We have an expert team of data replication, database connectivity and database cluster management engineers • We have a world-class support team • Each member with 20 or more years of operational database experience • Our team is available to respond effectively and immediately to our customers’ needs • Average response time for an urgent support request less than 3 minutes
  • 38. Proven Solutions Our tightly-integrated, complete and fully tested solutions reliably handle billions of transactions per day and support businesses with billions of dollars in combined revenue:
  • 39. Why to Choose Continuent Customer Satisfaction during the most recent customer survey Customer Renewal Rate many multi-year subscription renewals Average Response Time in minutes for urgent customer support cases Average Customer Life-Span years using Continuent solutions
  • 40. Continuent Timeline • The MySQL Availability Company • Established in 2004 • Customers Industries include • SaaS • eCommerce • Finance • Telco • Online Gaming • Business-critical MySQL apps • From Startup to Enterprise companies 2004 Continuent Established 2009 3rd Generation Continuent Tungsten, the first fully MySQL-compliant clustering solution 2014 VMware Acquired Continuent to build DBaaS for vCloud Air 2016 “New” Continuent breaks away from VMware (after they abandoned vCloud Air) 2017 Major Tungsten release (v5) with hardened security features 2018 Tungsten v6 ships with major multi-site clustering changes 2020 Marketo is the first 10th anniversary Tungsten customer (grown from 4 clusters to over 100 clusters) 202x The Future….is in the Cloud – Tungsten Cloud
  • 41. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING The MySQL Availability Company Matthew Lang