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Perforce Administration:
Optimization, Scalability,
Availability, and Reliability
Michael Mirman
Perforce Administrator
MathWorks, Inc.


   •  Approximately 500 users
   •  Several million archive files
   •  Using almost all possible triggers, several daemons
   •  Mirroring our own bug database into Perforce
   •  Interfaces: P4, P4V, P4Perl, P4Java, Emacs,
   P4Eclipse, P4DB, P4EXP
   •  P4 Broker, P4 Proxies
   •  Multiple replicas

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What is Replication? Why do we need Replication? How many replication layers do we have? Understanding milestones of built-in Database Physical Replication. What is the purpose of replication? and How to rescue system in case of failover? What is Streaming Replication and what is its advantages? Async vs Sync, Hot standby etc. How to configurate Master and Standby Servers? And What is the most important parameters? Example of topoloji. What is Cascading Replication and how to configurate it? Live Demo on Terminal. What is Logical Replication coming with PostgreSQL 10? And What is its advantages? Logical Replication vs Physical Replication Limitations of Logical Replication Quorum Commit for Sync Replication etc. What is coming up with PostgreSQL 11 about replication? 10 Questions quiz and giving some gifts to participants according to their success.


Perforce server replication allows a replica server to asynchronously mirror the data and transactions from a master server. It provides high availability, disaster recovery, and enables offloading of read-only workloads. The replication is performed using Perforce's journaling system, with the replica pulling missing journal entries and file revisions from the master server in the background. This allows setting up read-only replica servers with no external scripts required.

replicationperforce"user conference 2011"
CephFS Update
CephFS UpdateCephFS Update
CephFS Update

The document summarizes updates to CephFS in the Pacific release, including improvements to usability, performance, ecosystem integration, multi-site capabilities, and quality. Key updates include MultiFS now being stable, MDS autoscaling, cephfs-top for performance monitoring, scheduled snapshots, NFS gateway support, feature bits for compatibility checking, and improved testing coverage. Performance improvements include ephemeral pinning, capability management optimizations, and asynchronous operations. Multi-site replication between clusters is now possible with snapshot-based mirroring.


    •  Proxies use anycast technology
         •  Special routing technology allows all users to have
         the default port (perforce:1666) regardless of their
         physical location
         •  Redirects users to the physically nearest proxy
         •  Provides automatic fail-over if one proxy goes down

    •  P4broker is a High Availability VM and can be restarted
    anytime with minimal downtime

    •  Replicas allow read-only access if master is offline

    P4 replicate command replicates only meta-data.
    •  Replicate archive synchronously
        p4 -p MASTER replicate -s STATEFILE -J JNLPREFIX 
        SOMEDIR/p4admin_replicate -port 1666 -srchost 
        MASTERHOST -srctop DATADIR
    •  Read journal records, pass them to p4d to replay them,
    and when necessary start copying archive:
        rsync -av --delete “$srchost:$srctop/$dir/” “$dir/”
    •  Script available in the public depot:

    P4 pull command is available in 2010.2.
    •  Can replicate metadata and/or archive
    •  Configurables are a good way to set pull commands
       -> p4 configure show Replica
       Replica: startup.1 = pull -i 2 -J /perforce/1666/journal
       Replica: startup.2 = pull -i 1 -u
       Replica: startup.3 = pull -i 1 -u       wait for 2011.1
       Replica: startup.4 = pull -i 1 -u       wait for 2011.1

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This session will be an overview of highly available components that can be deployed with Puppet Enterprise. It will focus on some of the current Beta support in PuppetDB as well as tips and tricks from the professional services department. The session will cover field solutions ( both supported and unsupported ) that allow architectures to be designed that align with different levels of high availability across the services that support running puppet on agent nodes during an outage of your primary puppet infrastructure.

Chef Patterns at Bloomberg Scale
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Chef Patterns at Bloomberg Scale

From ChefConf 2015. Chef is an easy choice for managing a large infrastructure -- at Bloomberg we find it compelling to automate all our things. However, as your infrastructure grows into an interconnected automated organism, software patterns emerge. For Bloomberg's Hadoop clusters, our current set of open-source patterns emerged after only 10's of hosts, running 10's of recipes each. These patterns have been instrumental in building our even larger systems. This talk will walk through our large scale cluster management patterns: * Synchronous multi-machine service rolling-restart integrating Chef and Zookeeper for service restart * Multi-process monitoring service restart (more than subscribes) process table inspection for accidental or human intervention * Deploy_* providers for Hadoop -- the Hadoop Distributed File System presents unique challenges to Chef for deploying applications and artifacts. We provide primitives such as HDFS file, directory and template amongst Kafka topic creation, HBase table creation and even Kerberos support * Wrapper cookbook patterns: - Proxy pattern for pluggable actions (e.g. service restart wrapping) without picking through the run_context - Pitfalls for pluggable templates * Virtualized per-cluster Chef servers, built via Jenkins to be generic using Vagrant with the ability to (re)provision using chef-solo and Chef REST API and provide PXE to production operations

by Chef
Apache Kafka
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Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system that was originally created by LinkedIn and contributed to the Apache Software Foundation. It is written in Scala and provides a multi-language API to publish and consume streams of records. Kafka is useful for both log aggregation and real-time messaging due to its high performance, scalability, and ability to serve as both a distributed messaging system and log storage system with a single unified architecture. To use Kafka, one runs Zookeeper for coordination, Kafka brokers to form a cluster, and then publishes and consumes messages with a producer API and consumer API.


   •  p4 pull is more efficient than p4admin_replicate
        •  times when metadata are matching the archive are
        determined differently
        •  recursive rsync takes a long time for top directories
   •  p4admin_replicate has extra features
        •  p4 replicate can filter records
        •  p4admin_replicate can have multiple destinations
        •  p4admin_replicate can be used to update archive
        without updating metadata
        •  detailed logging – easier introspection

   Use p4 replicate if you need to filter journal records

   •  Continuous builds and other read-only applications may
   be happy with a replica
   •  Continuous builds may be happy with a metadata
   replica to determine the time to start building
        •  TeamCity submits several queries for each build
        •  Some of our builds use “p4 fixes -i” and “p4
   •  Our usage of p4broker:
        •  Redirect queries from Build systems
        •  Support P4DB (web read-only interface)
        •  Provide a nice message if the master is under
        maintenance and only read-only access is provided

   What if my replica goes stale?
   •  Monitor the age of your replica.
       Cron example:
    * * * * * for n in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do export DT=`date`; echo
   "$n. $DT"; p4 -p perforce:1666 counter keepinsync "$DT";
   sleep 10; done
       Look at the replica age:
   -> p4 -p perforce:1666 counter keepinsync!
   Mon Mar 28 16:06:12 EDT 2011!
   -> p4 -p replica1:1666 counter keepinsync!
   Mon Mar 28 16:06:02 EDT 2011
   •  If the replica age goes over a threshold, regenerate the
   broker config file and alarm the administrator

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Pixar has scaled their use of Perforce over time to support increasing numbers of users, files, and data types associated with their animated films. They now have over 90 Perforce servers storing over 20 TB of data. To manage this scale, they utilize techniques like virtualization for flexible server provisioning, de-duplication to reduce storage usage, and scripts like Superp4 to automate management of metadata tables across multiple servers. While scaling has provided benefits, it has also introduced challenges around monitoring, performance, and administration across many interconnected systems.

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This document discusses a solution for providing Puppet services globally across multiple regions with poor WAN connectivity. The solution involves building a "Puppeteer" master that acts as a central point of entry for code updates and certificate management. It ensures Puppet masters in each region are in sync. LDAP is used as an external node classifier to provide node definitions across regions. The Puppet file server replicates configuration between masters. F5 load balancers route clients to the nearest master and provide high availability if any master fails. Workflows for adding new servers and masters are also summarized.

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This document provides an overview of Varnish, an open source caching reverse proxy that can accelerate web applications. It discusses what Varnish is, how it works, basic and advanced configuration options like backends, VCL, caching strategies, and Edge Side Includes. Installation and usage is demonstrated on common operating systems. The presentation aims to help attendees understand when and how to use Varnish to improve application performance.


   Additional benefits of p4broker

   •  If the master server is unavailable, the broker config is
   regenerated to provide the appropriate message for non-
   read-only commands

   •  If no servers are available, the broker config is
   regenerated to provide a different message (“No servers
   are available”) instead of not user-friendly “Connection

   What we find useful:

   •  Monitor the load and collect data even if we don’t need
   these data right now

   •  Use replicas to distribute the load

   •  Maintain the broker config file according to server
   availability and replica age

   •  Broker provides transparency and increases the
   availability of the server

   Checkpointing causes users to wait

   •  It’s always too long

   •  Different ways of creating checkpoints offline
        •  our old way (using NetApp snapshots):
       •  our new way: using metadata replica

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This is a presentation given by Jeremy Alons, Spot Trading, at the DevOps Summit Chicago in August 2014. Jeremy shares how Spot Trading does automated deployments for mission-critical financial services with a case study in continuous delivery.

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The document describes the evolution of Facebook's DHCP infrastructure. It discusses how Facebook moved from a traditional DHCP architecture with dedicated hardware load balancers to a stateless architecture using the open source DHCP server KEA. With KEA, Facebook is able to distribute DHCP configuration dynamically from an inventory system and extend KEA's functionality through a hook API to integrate DHCP with other internal systems. This improved architecture provides better reliability, scalability, and instrumentation.

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HBase replication
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HBase replication

Overview of HBase cluster replication feature, covering implementation details as well as monitoring tools and tips for troubleshooting and support of Replication deployments.

hbase replication

   Metadata replica practically does not lag behind the
   •  Settings:
   -> p4 configure show Replica2
   Replica2: monitor = 1
   Replica2: server = 1
   Replica2: startup.1 = pull -i 4 -J /export/journal/perforce/1666/journal
   •  Command:
     p4d –r ROOTDIR –z –jc CKPDIR/perforce.1666
   •  Nightly db validation
     p4d –r ROOTDIR –xv
     p4d –r ROOTDIR –xx

 •  Checkpoints and journals are copied to the backup filer
 immediately after their creation

 •  Archive is maintained continuously by p4admin_replicate

 •  Two test servers are used to verify the restore process

 •  DB is restored from the latest checkpoint + all following

 •  The earliest journal is determined by the time stamp from
 the first @ex@ record from the checkpoint

   •  Test restore process includes
      p4d –xv
      p4d –xx
      p4 verify –qz //…

   •  Repository is split up and verified in N processes in
   parallel (example in the public depot: //guest/

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This webinar will highlight the differences between the old ISC DHCP and new Kea DHCP (database support, dynamic reconfiguration, performance wins, scripting hooks) and will showcase the Men & Mice Suite as a graphical front-end to both ISC DHCP and Kea to ease the migration.

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Using the Edge server solution you can streamline how replication is set up and designed within your Perforce environment. Key configurables, options and topologies for replication in Perforce will be shown, allowing you to live on the edge and get the best performance and use out of our improved replication solutions.

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   •  No automatic fail-over (conscious decision: assess the

   •  Use it after rebuilding database on a replica

   •  Fail-over is accomplished by changing the broker
   config file
        •  block write access
        •  wait for the replication to get the standby to be in
        sync with the master
        •  allow write access to the new master

   •  Place all binaries in the right locations and update
   licenses if necessary
   •  Reconfigure p4broker to block write access and
   redirect all read-only requests to a replica
   •  Wait until the replica is in sync with the master
   •  Stop the master and all replication processes
   •  Upgrade the master (p4d -xu) and restart it
   •  Reconfigure p4broker not to use any replica
   •  Upgrade and restart every replica
   •  Restart replication processes
   •  Reconfigure p4broker to use replicas as usual
   •  Restarting p4broker and proxies cause short service
   interruptions, but we don’t always have to do this

   To increase availability:
       •  Anycast with multiple proxies – no need to
       reconfigure clients when infrastructure changes
       •  High-Availability VM for p4broker
       •  Maintaining a warm standby replica.
   To improve load balancing:
       •  Moving some maintenance procedures to
       replica servers (our VMs are adequate);
       •  Creating checkpoints on a replica server and
       testing them regularly;
       •  Using p4broker to redirect some load to a
       replica server.

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This document discusses online migration from an existing MySQL master-slave setup to a Galera cluster. It outlines the steps to enable binary logging on the slave, dump the schema and data, load this into the first Galera node to initialize replication, and transition reads to the Galera cluster while writes continue on the master initially at 90% before being cut over fully to the cluster. Operational checklists, backup procedures, and disaster recovery options for the new Galera cluster configuration are also reviewed.

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Happy to share the presentation that I gave to my staff. This presentation covers configuration of Keepalived and HAProxy.

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The document discusses setting up a Perforce forwarding replica, which is a readable cache of versioned files and metadata that forwards write commands to a central server. It describes creating a replica server configuration, replicating metadata and files from the master server to the replica, configuring the replica to forward writes to the master, and monitoring the replication process.

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   Having test servers with identical or very similar

   Replicating data synchronously on replicas and
   continuously on archive.

   “Set it and forget it” - Administration is easy when
   you have automated most functions.


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Perforce Administration: Optimization, Scalability, Availability and Reliability

  • 1. Perforce Administration: Optimization, Scalability, Availability, and Reliability Michael Mirman Perforce Administrator MathWorks, Inc. 2011
  • 3. ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW •  Approximately 500 users •  Several million archive files •  Using almost all possible triggers, several daemons •  Mirroring our own bug database into Perforce •  Interfaces: P4, P4V, P4Perl, P4Java, Emacs, P4Eclipse, P4DB, P4EXP •  P4 Broker, P4 Proxies •  Multiple replicas
  • 5. AVAILABILITY •  Proxies use anycast technology •  Special routing technology allows all users to have the default port (perforce:1666) regardless of their physical location •  Redirects users to the physically nearest proxy server •  Provides automatic fail-over if one proxy goes down •  P4broker is a High Availability VM and can be restarted anytime with minimal downtime •  Replicas allow read-only access if master is offline
  • 7. REPLICATION (2009.2 SOLUTION) P4 replicate command replicates only meta-data. •  Replicate archive synchronously p4 -p MASTER replicate -s STATEFILE -J JNLPREFIX SOMEDIR/p4admin_replicate -port 1666 -srchost MASTERHOST -srctop DATADIR •  Read journal records, pass them to p4d to replay them, and when necessary start copying archive: rsync -av --delete “$srchost:$srctop/$dir/” “$dir/” •  Script available in the public depot: //guest/michael_mirman/conference2011/p4admin_replicate
  • 8. REPLICATION (2010.2 SOLUTION) P4 pull command is available in 2010.2. •  Can replicate metadata and/or archive •  Configurables are a good way to set pull commands -> p4 configure show Replica Replica: startup.1 = pull -i 2 -J /perforce/1666/journal Replica: startup.2 = pull -i 1 -u Replica: startup.3 = pull -i 1 -u wait for 2011.1 Replica: startup.4 = pull -i 1 -u wait for 2011.1
  • 9. P4 PULL VS P4ADMIN_REPLICATE •  p4 pull is more efficient than p4admin_replicate •  times when metadata are matching the archive are determined differently •  recursive rsync takes a long time for top directories •  p4admin_replicate has extra features •  p4 replicate can filter records •  p4admin_replicate can have multiple destinations •  p4admin_replicate can be used to update archive without updating metadata •  detailed logging – easier introspection Use p4 replicate if you need to filter journal records
  • 11. P4 BROKER •  Continuous builds and other read-only applications may be happy with a replica •  Continuous builds may be happy with a metadata replica to determine the time to start building •  TeamCity submits several queries for each build •  Some of our builds use “p4 fixes -i” and “p4 changes” •  Our usage of p4broker: •  Redirect queries from Build systems •  Support P4DB (web read-only interface) •  Provide a nice message if the master is under maintenance and only read-only access is provided
  • 12. STALE REPLICAS What if my replica goes stale? •  Monitor the age of your replica. Cron example: * * * * * for n in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do export DT=`date`; echo "$n. $DT"; p4 -p perforce:1666 counter keepinsync "$DT"; sleep 10; done Look at the replica age: -> p4 -p perforce:1666 counter keepinsync! Mon Mar 28 16:06:12 EDT 2011! -> p4 -p replica1:1666 counter keepinsync! Mon Mar 28 16:06:02 EDT 2011 •  If the replica age goes over a threshold, regenerate the broker config file and alarm the administrator
  • 13. SERVER UNDER MAINTENANCE Additional benefits of p4broker •  If the master server is unavailable, the broker config is regenerated to provide the appropriate message for non- read-only commands •  If no servers are available, the broker config is regenerated to provide a different message (“No servers are available”) instead of not user-friendly “Connection refused”
  • 14. OUR EXPERIENCE WITH LOAD BALANCE What we find useful: •  Monitor the load and collect data even if we don’t need these data right now •  Use replicas to distribute the load •  Maintain the broker config file according to server availability and replica age •  Broker provides transparency and increases the availability of the server
  • 16. CHECKPOINTING Checkpointing causes users to wait •  It’s always too long •  Different ways of creating checkpoints offline •  our old way (using NetApp snapshots): //guest/michael_mirman/snap_checkpoint/snap_checkpoint •  our new way: using metadata replica
  • 17. USING METADATA REPLICA Metadata replica practically does not lag behind the master. •  Settings: -> p4 configure show Replica2 Replica2: monitor = 1 Replica2: server = 1 Replica2: startup.1 = pull -i 4 -J /export/journal/perforce/1666/journal •  Command: p4d –r ROOTDIR –z –jc CKPDIR/perforce.1666 •  Nightly db validation p4d –r ROOTDIR –xv p4d –r ROOTDIR –xx
  • 19. DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN •  Checkpoints and journals are copied to the backup filer immediately after their creation •  Archive is maintained continuously by p4admin_replicate •  Two test servers are used to verify the restore process •  DB is restored from the latest checkpoint + all following journals •  The earliest journal is determined by the time stamp from the first @ex@ record from the checkpoint
  • 20. DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN (continued) •  Test restore process includes p4d –xv p4d –xx p4 verify –qz //… •  Repository is split up and verified in N processes in parallel (example in the public depot: //guest/ michael_mirman/conference2011/pverify)
  • 21. FAIL-OVER PLAN •  No automatic fail-over (conscious decision: assess the situation) •  Use it after rebuilding database on a replica •  Fail-over is accomplished by changing the broker config file •  block write access •  wait for the replication to get the standby to be in sync with the master •  allow write access to the new master
  • 22. MAJOR UPGRADE •  Place all binaries in the right locations and update licenses if necessary •  Reconfigure p4broker to block write access and redirect all read-only requests to a replica •  Wait until the replica is in sync with the master •  Stop the master and all replication processes •  Upgrade the master (p4d -xu) and restart it •  Reconfigure p4broker not to use any replica •  Upgrade and restart every replica •  Restart replication processes •  Reconfigure p4broker to use replicas as usual •  Restarting p4broker and proxies cause short service interruptions, but we don’t always have to do this
  • 24. WHAT WORKED WELL FOR US To increase availability: •  Anycast with multiple proxies – no need to reconfigure clients when infrastructure changes •  High-Availability VM for p4broker •  Maintaining a warm standby replica. To improve load balancing: •  Moving some maintenance procedures to replica servers (our VMs are adequate); •  Creating checkpoints on a replica server and testing them regularly; •  Using p4broker to redirect some load to a replica server.
  • 25. WHAT ELSE WORKED WELL Having test servers with identical or very similar architecture. Replicating data synchronously on replicas and continuously on archive. “Set it and forget it” - Administration is easy when you have automated most functions.