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Scalable web apps
execution time
development time

Piotr Pelczar
Types of scaling
Vertical scaling

Horizontal scaling

scale up

scale out
Think about your app as a worker
not single instance

Load balancer


Server #1

App #1

App #2

Server #2
App #3

App #4

Server #3

App #5
Think about your app as a worker
not single instance
Load balancer

Server #1
App #1

Server #3
Load balancer

App #2

Server #2
App #3

App #4

App #5

Server #n
We need:
• Common
• Fast
• Persistent

Storage for sessions.


Load balancer


Server #1

App #1

App #2

Server #2
App #3

Session storage

App #4

Server #3

App #5
Sessions - Redis


Key-value in memory database (hash-tabled)
Scalable up to 1k nodes
Partitioning with Query routing
Non blocking M-S replication on nodes
Clustered (currently not production ready)
Redis - Partitioning with Query routing


Node #1

Hit, abort

Node #2

Node #3

Also supported:
• Client-side partitioning (app calls appropriate
• Proxy assisted partitioning (proxy selects
appropriate node)
Centralized Logging
• Logs should be centrailzed to avoid taking
notice to each node separately
• Approaches:
– File replication (rsync + cron)
– syslog (easy to integrate with log4j)
• syslogd over UDP p:514
• rsyslog over TCP, stores data in db
Common storage, no local changes!
• Keep storage avaliable to all nodes
– Symfony2 Gaufrette Bundle

Amazon S3

Load balancer


Server #1
App #1

App #2


Session storage

Server #2
App #3

App #4

Server #3
App #5

Files storage abstraction

Centralized logging
Continuous Integration
• To keep all nodes up-to-date, you need CI
• Automatize disabling nodes, building,
– Jenkins CI
Contineous Integration
1. Disable service on node
2. Deploy/build app
1. Copy files
2. Update db schema (liquibase, ORM schema
3. Execute scripts

3. Re-run service
Balance the payload - HAProxy
Yeah guys, this is logo :)
But no schema is needed
just imagine how it works.

• Very, very fast proxy!
• Software TCP/HTTP load balancer
• Different node selecting algorithms:
– roudrobin (limit 4128)
– static-rr
– leastconn (lowest number of connections)
Balance the payload - HAProxy
• You can check node’s status by pinging
• Dead node is excluded from balancing strategy
vi /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
option httpchk HEAD /check.txt HTTP/1.0
server webA check
server webB check
Balance the payload - HAProxy
• Monitor node’s status by read stats from
socket via socat.

echo "show stat" | socat
/tmp/haproxy.sock stdio
Balance the payload - HAProxy
• Monitor node’s status by native stats webapp
Nodes Monitoring - Zabbix
• Zabbix, centralized server monitoring
Zabbix + HAProxy
• UserParameter=haproxy.qcur[*],
echo "show stat" | socat
/tmp/haproxy.sock stdio | grep -i
'$1' | sed 's/,/ /g' | awk
'{print $$3}'
Reverse Proxy and Varnish cache
• Global virtual user = global cache
Reverse Proxy – Expiration model
Reverse Proxy – Expiration model
Reverse Proxy – Validation model
Reverse Proxy – Validation model
Reverse Proxy and Varnish cache



Reverse Proxy and Varnish cache



Reverse Proxy and Varnish cache




Varnish and ESI
<!DOCTYPE html>

<esi:include src="http://..." />

Scaling databases - Master slave



• All data redundancy


MongoDB scaling
• Common models to spread data over nodes:
– range keys
– hash keys

• Many nodes on cheap machines
• No all data redundancy in each node
MongoDB – range-based keys

• Awesome for range queries (grab data from min nodes –
Query isolation)
• Not good enough to distribute data over nodes in case of
monotinic incemental
MongoDB – hash-based keys

• Take notice: not good for range queries while
merge-sorting, no Query isolation in this case
• Write scaling – Write to many nodes simultaneously (take
notice to readers-writer lock, where write is exclusive)
Mongodb sharding and clustering
• Command Query Responsibility Segregation
– separate application service layers for writing and
readng from DB (possibility to use different data
sources like RAM or DB)
• Examples
– post-insert population cache
• all SELECTs are from cache (even invalid)
• consider LFU instead of LRU to invaidate cache

– pre-insert into memory
• dump results periodicaly

In both approaches there is convenient to use
Queues or data bus !
Queues, RabbitMQ
• RabbitMQ is based on AMQP (Advanced
Message Queuing Protocol)
– point-to-point
– publish-and-subscribe
– queueing, routing

• AMQP is not JMS (Java Message Service is an
API, not protocol)
• Happy Rabit is empty Rabbit
– do not try to store any data (messages) in queue
system in persistent mode to keep HA
Queues, RabbitMQ
• Simple queue
• Work queues
(one consumer)

• Publish/Subscribe
(many consumers)
Box vs spread architecture.
• Box architecture
– no scaling
– easy to maintenance





Box vs spread architecture.
• Spread architecture
– High availability
– more integrations, more administrative
Server #1



Server #2

Server #3



DB shard


DB shard

Scalable web apps
execution time
development time

Piotr Pelczar

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  • 1. Scalable web apps execution time vs development time Piotr Pelczar
  • 2. Types of scaling Vertical scaling Horizontal scaling scale up scale out
  • 3. Think about your app as a worker not single instance OS Load balancer App Server #1 App #1 App #2 Server #2 App #3 App #4 Server #3 App #5
  • 4. Think about your app as a worker not single instance Load balancer Server #1 App #1 Server #3 Load balancer App #2 Server #2 App #3 App #4 App #5 Server #n
  • 5. Sessions We need: • Common • Fast • Persistent Storage for sessions.
  • 6. Sessions OS Load balancer App Server #1 App #1 App #2 Server #2 App #3 Session storage App #4 Server #3 App #5
  • 7. Sessions - Redis • • • • • Key-value in memory database (hash-tabled) Scalable up to 1k nodes Partitioning with Query routing Non blocking M-S replication on nodes Clustered (currently not production ready)
  • 8. Redis - Partitioning with Query routing Query random node Miss Node #1 Hit, abort Node #2 Node #3 Also supported: • Client-side partitioning (app calls appropriate node) • Proxy assisted partitioning (proxy selects appropriate node)
  • 9. Centralized Logging • Logs should be centrailzed to avoid taking notice to each node separately • Approaches: – File replication (rsync + cron) – syslog (easy to integrate with log4j) • syslogd over UDP p:514 • rsyslog over TCP, stores data in db
  • 10. Common storage, no local changes! • Keep storage avaliable to all nodes – Symfony2 Gaufrette Bundle • • • • • FTP Amazon S3 OpenCloud AzureBlobStorage Rackspace
  • 11. Architecture OS Load balancer App Server #1 App #1 App #2 OS Session storage Server #2 App #3 App #4 Server #3 App #5 Files storage abstraction Centralized logging
  • 12. Continuous Integration • To keep all nodes up-to-date, you need CI • Automatize disabling nodes, building, deploying – Jenkins CI
  • 13. Contineous Integration 1. Disable service on node 2. Deploy/build app 1. Copy files 2. Update db schema (liquibase, ORM schema update) 3. Execute scripts 3. Re-run service
  • 14. Balance the payload - HAProxy Yeah guys, this is logo :) But no schema is needed just imagine how it works. • Very, very fast proxy! • Software TCP/HTTP load balancer • Different node selecting algorithms: – roudrobin (limit 4128) – static-rr – leastconn (lowest number of connections)
  • 15. Balance the payload - HAProxy • You can check node’s status by pinging • Dead node is excluded from balancing strategy vi /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg option httpchk HEAD /check.txt HTTP/1.0 server webA check server webB check
  • 16. Balance the payload - HAProxy • Monitor node’s status by read stats from socket via socat. echo "show stat" | socat /tmp/haproxy.sock stdio
  • 17. Balance the payload - HAProxy • Monitor node’s status by native stats webapp console
  • 18. Nodes Monitoring - Zabbix • Zabbix, centralized server monitoring
  • 19. Zabbix + HAProxy • UserParameter=haproxy.qcur[*], echo "show stat" | socat /tmp/haproxy.sock stdio | grep -i '$1' | sed 's/,/ /g' | awk '{print $$3}'
  • 20. Reverse Proxy and Varnish cache • Global virtual user = global cache
  • 21. Reverse Proxy – Expiration model
  • 22. Reverse Proxy – Expiration model
  • 23. Reverse Proxy – Validation model
  • 24. Reverse Proxy – Validation model
  • 25. Reverse Proxy and Varnish cache Apache :81 Varnish :80 App
  • 26. Reverse Proxy and Varnish cache Apache :8081 Varnish :8080 App HAProxy :80 Apache :8083 Varnish :8082 App
  • 27. Reverse Proxy and Varnish cache Apache :8081 App Varnish :80 HAProxy :81 Apache :8082 App
  • 28. Varnish and ESI <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <!-- ... some content --> <!-- Embed the content of another page here --> <esi:include src="http://..." /> <!-- ... more content --> </body> </html>
  • 29. Scaling databases - Master slave Write Master Slave Read • All data redundancy Slave Slave
  • 30. MongoDB scaling • Common models to spread data over nodes: – range keys – hash keys • Many nodes on cheap machines • No all data redundancy in each node
  • 31. MongoDB – range-based keys • Awesome for range queries (grab data from min nodes – Query isolation) • Not good enough to distribute data over nodes in case of monotinic incemental
  • 32. MongoDB – hash-based keys • Take notice: not good for range queries while merge-sorting, no Query isolation in this case • Write scaling – Write to many nodes simultaneously (take notice to readers-writer lock, where write is exclusive)
  • 33. Mongodb sharding and clustering
  • 34. CQRS • Command Query Responsibility Segregation – separate application service layers for writing and readng from DB (possibility to use different data sources like RAM or DB)
  • 35. CQRS • Examples – post-insert population cache • all SELECTs are from cache (even invalid) • consider LFU instead of LRU to invaidate cache – pre-insert into memory • dump results periodicaly In both approaches there is convenient to use Queues or data bus !
  • 36. Queues, RabbitMQ • RabbitMQ is based on AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) – point-to-point – publish-and-subscribe – queueing, routing • AMQP is not JMS (Java Message Service is an API, not protocol) • Happy Rabit is empty Rabbit – do not try to store any data (messages) in queue system in persistent mode to keep HA
  • 37. Queues, RabbitMQ • Simple queue • Work queues (one consumer) • Publish/Subscribe (many consumers)
  • 38. Box vs spread architecture. • Box architecture – no scaling – easy to maintenance Server Webapp Redis RabbitMQ Varnish DB
  • 39. Box vs spread architecture. • Spread architecture – High availability – more integrations, more administrative Server #1 RabbitMQ Redis HAProxy Server #2 Server #3 Webapp Webapp DB shard Varnish DB shard Varnish
  • 40. Scalable web apps execution time vs development time Piotr Pelczar