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Scalability and High Availability with ReplicaSet
Vivek Parihar
AVP Engineering,Weboinse Lab
Who Am I?

A Weboniser and Rubyist
MongoDb user
Mainly write Ruby, but have great passion for Javascript
and Cloud Platforms
● ...

{10: Reasons, To: Love
Scalability with
What is Sharding?
What is Replica Set?
Replication Process
Advantaged of Replica Set vs Master/Slave
How to set up replica set on production
{10: Reasons , To: Love
In simple 3 steps MongoDb is start running on your machine
Step-1. sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 7F0CEB10
Step-2. sudo apt-get install mongodb-10gen
Step-3. sudo /etc/init.d/mongodb start


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Topics Covered : - What is MongoDB? - SQL vs NoSQL - Document Data Model - CRUD operations - Cursor concepts - Benefits & drawbacks - Use cases & “Don’t Use!” cases

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The document discusses MongoDB concepts including: - MongoDB uses a document-oriented data model with dynamic schemas and supports embedding and linking of related data. - Replication allows for high availability and data redundancy across multiple nodes. - Sharding provides horizontal scalability by distributing data across nodes in a cluster. - MongoDB supports both eventual and immediate consistency models.

Mongodb - NoSql Database
Mongodb - NoSql DatabaseMongodb - NoSql Database
Mongodb - NoSql Database

MongoDB is an open-source document database, and the leading NoSQL database. Written in C++. MongoDB has official drivers for a variety of popular programming languages and development environments. There are also a large number of unofficial or community-supported drivers for other programming languages and frameworks.

{10: Reasons , To: Love


II.It’s fast
On average

7 times faster
{10: Reasons , To: Love
III. Easy Scalability
{ Does Anyone know about scaling MySql? }

{10: Reasons , To: Love
IV. High Availability

{10: Reasons , To: Love
V. High Performance


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This presentation was written by Wagner Bianchi for the presentation on the Oracle Consulting Team/Professional Services meeting that took place in San Francisco/CA.

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MongoDB presentation
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It is a power point presentation, Prepared by Hyphen. This ppt is attached another doc file which is a Report

Indexing with MongoDB
Indexing with MongoDBIndexing with MongoDB
Indexing with MongoDB

Indexes are references to documents that are efficiently ordered by key and maintained in a tree structure for fast lookup. They improve the speed of document retrieval, range scanning, ordering, and other operations by enabling the use of the index instead of a collection scan. While indexes improve query performance, they can slow down document inserts and updates since the indexes also need to be maintained. The query optimizer aims to select the best index for each query but can sometimes be overridden.

{10: Reasons , To: Love
VI. Flexible Schema
{no schema: no problem}

{10: Reasons , To: Love MongoDb}
VII. Built in Sharding and Replication
{10: Reasons , To: Love


VIII. Courses are excellent to start working as a
developer/DBA with.
{10: Reasons , To: Love


IX. Deploy New Instances on Demand

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MongoDB World 2019: Becoming an Ops Manager Backup Superhero!

Oh no! My backups aren't progressing! If something happens in production now, and I don't have current backups, I'll be out of a job for sure! If these words resonate with you, don’t worry; you’re not the only one! Backup issues are one of the most common topics we deal with in Technical Services. In this talk, we will go through the backup flow, talk about where things might go wrong, and the symptoms you will see in the logs and the UI. We will also talk about other commands you can run to confirm the diagnosis, and how support can assist if you’re still stuck. Finally, we will talk about the new backup architecture in 4.2 and how it simplifies some of these concerns. This session is suitable for those with all levels of Ops Manager experience, but attendees should have a basic understanding of MongoDB’s replication process before attending this session. After this talk, you will have leveled up your backup superpowers, and can swoop in to save your job (and the day)!

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The Basics of MongoDB
The Basics of MongoDBThe Basics of MongoDB
The Basics of MongoDB

In this presentation, Raghavendra BM of Valuebound has discussed the basics of MongoDB - an open-source document database and leading NoSQL database. ---------------------------------------------------------- Get Socialistic Our website: LinkedIn: Facebook: Twitter:

mongodbopen sourcenosql

This document provides an overview and introduction to MongoDB, an open-source, high-performance NoSQL database. It outlines MongoDB's features like document-oriented storage, replication, sharding, and CRUD operations. It also discusses MongoDB's data model, comparisons to relational databases, and common use cases. The document concludes that MongoDB is well-suited for applications like content management, inventory management, game development, social media storage, and sensor data databases due to its flexible schema, distributed deployment, and low latency.

{10: Reasons , To: Love


X. BASE Rather Than ACID



Basically Available


Soft State


Eventual Consistency

Horizontal Scaling Vs Vertical Scaling
Scalability with

Horizontal Scaling
Vertical Scaling
Replica Set
Performance {For: Read, For: Write}
Horizontal Scaling
● By adding more machines into the existing pool.
● In a database world horizontal-scaling is often based on
partitioning of the data i.e. each node contains only part
of the data.
● MongoDB achieves this through auto-sharding.

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Vertical Scaling
● Typically refers to adding more processors ,ram and
storage to a Symmetric Multiple Processing to extend
processing capability.
● In a database world vertical-scaling is done through
multi-core i.e. spreading the load between the CPU and
RAM resources of that machine.
MongoDb scalability and high availability with Replica-Set
What is Sharding?
● Sharding is a method for storing data across multiple
● Also known as Horizontal Scaling
● Divides the data set and distributes the data over
multiple servers, or shards.
What is Sharding?
Each shard is an independent database, and collectively,
the shards make up a single logical database.

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This document provides an introduction to NoSQL and MongoDB. It discusses that NoSQL is a non-relational database management system that avoids joins and is easy to scale. It then summarizes the different flavors of NoSQL including key-value stores, graphs, BigTable, and document stores. The remainder of the document focuses on MongoDB, describing its structure, how to perform inserts and searches, features like map-reduce and replication. It concludes by encouraging the reader to try MongoDB themselves.

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Sharding offerings:
● Automatic balancing for changes in load and data
● Easy addition of new machines
● Scaling out to one thousand nodes
● No single points of failure
● Automatic failover
What is Replication?
● Replication is the process of synchronizing data across
multiple servers.
● Mongo achieves Replication through Replica Sets
● Replica sets are a form of asynchronous master/slave
● A replica set consists of two or more nodes that are
copies of each other. (i.e.: replicas)
Purpose of Replication
Data Redundancy

Replica sets provide an automated method

for storing multiple copies of your data.
Purpose of Replication
Automated Failover / High Avalability

If primary fails then replica set will

attempt to select another member
to become the new primary.

This means that the failure of a

primary can be handled by the client
without any configuration changes

Use heartbeat signal to detect failure

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There are several exciting and long-awaited features released from MongoDB 4.0. He will focus on the prime features, the kind of problem it solves, and the best practices for deploying replica sets.

mongodb 4.0mongodbmydbops
Purpose of Replication

Distributed Read Load/Read Scaling
By default, the primary node of a replica set is accessed for all reads and


Disaster Recovery
Replica sets allows for a “delayed secondary” node.
This node can provide a window for recovering from disastrous
events such as:
○ bad deployments
○ dropped tables and collections
Replication Process
● Members of a replica set replicate data continuously
● MongoDB applies database operations on the primary
and then records the operations on the primary’s oplog.
● All replica set members contain a copy of the oplog,
allowing them to maintain the current state of the
Advantages of Replica Set vs Master/Slave
● Replica sets are basically just master-slave with
automatic failover.
● So, you have a pool of servers with one primary (the
master) and N secondaries (slaves). If the primary
crashes or disappears, the other servers will hold an
election to choose a new primary.
Demo -: How to set up replica set on Production!
Click on below link to see the demo-:

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MongoDB replica sets allow for horizontal scaling of MongoDB deployments. The document discusses best practices for implementing and managing MongoDB replica sets, including: - Maintaining an odd number of voting members to prevent election ties - Using read preferences like nearest, secondary preferred for improved performance - Configuring a minimum oplog retention period of 24 hours for recovery from outages - Enabling authentication and authorization to secure replica sets - Several features introduced in MongoDB versions 4.4 and 5.0 like resumable initial sync and simultaneous indexing improve replication performance.

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high load
Would Love to answer your queries...
Vivek Parihar

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MongoDb scalability and high availability with Replica-Set

  • 1. @vparihar Scalability and High Availability with ReplicaSet Vivek Parihar AVP Engineering,Weboinse Lab
  • 2. Who Am I? ● ● ● ● ● ● A Weboniser and Rubyist Blogger( MongoDb user Geek DevOps Mainly write Ruby, but have great passion for Javascript and Cloud Platforms ● ...
  • 3. Agenda ● ● ● ● ● ● ● {10: Reasons, To: Love } Scalability with What is Sharding? What is Replica Set? Replication Process Advantaged of Replica Set vs Master/Slave How to set up replica set on production
  • 4. {10: Reasons , To: Love I.RELATIVELY EASY TO SETUP In simple 3 steps MongoDb is start running on your machine Step-1. sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 7F0CEB10 Step-2. sudo apt-get install mongodb-10gen Step-3. sudo /etc/init.d/mongodb start }
  • 5. {10: Reasons , To: Love } II.It’s fast On average 7 times faster
  • 6. {10: Reasons , To: Love III. Easy Scalability { Does Anyone know about scaling MySql? } }
  • 7. {10: Reasons , To: Love IV. High Availability }
  • 8. {10: Reasons , To: Love V. High Performance }
  • 9. {10: Reasons , To: Love VI. Flexible Schema {no schema: no problem} }
  • 10. {10: Reasons , To: Love MongoDb} VII. Built in Sharding and Replication
  • 11. {10: Reasons , To: Love } VIII. Courses are excellent to start working as a developer/DBA with.
  • 12. {10: Reasons , To: Love } IX. Deploy New Instances on Demand
  • 13. {10: Reasons , To: Love } X. BASE Rather Than ACID ACID BASE Atomicity Basically Available Consistency Soft State Isolation Eventual Consistency Durable
  • 14. Horizontal Scaling Vs Vertical Scaling
  • 15. Scalability with ● ● ● ● ● ● Horizontal Scaling Auto-Sharding Vertical Scaling Replica Set Performance {For: Read, For: Write} Storage
  • 16. Horizontal Scaling ● By adding more machines into the existing pool. ● In a database world horizontal-scaling is often based on partitioning of the data i.e. each node contains only part of the data. ● MongoDB achieves this through auto-sharding.
  • 17. Vertical Scaling ● Typically refers to adding more processors ,ram and storage to a Symmetric Multiple Processing to extend processing capability. ● In a database world vertical-scaling is done through multi-core i.e. spreading the load between the CPU and RAM resources of that machine.
  • 19. What is Sharding? ● Sharding is a method for storing data across multiple machines. ● Also known as Horizontal Scaling ● Divides the data set and distributes the data over multiple servers, or shards.
  • 20. What is Sharding? Each shard is an independent database, and collectively, the shards make up a single logical database.
  • 21. Sharding offerings: ● Automatic balancing for changes in load and data distribution ● Easy addition of new machines ● Scaling out to one thousand nodes ● No single points of failure ● Automatic failover
  • 22. What is Replication? ● Replication is the process of synchronizing data across multiple servers. ● Mongo achieves Replication through Replica Sets ● Replica sets are a form of asynchronous master/slave replication ● A replica set consists of two or more nodes that are copies of each other. (i.e.: replicas)
  • 23. Purpose of Replication Data Redundancy ● Replica sets provide an automated method for storing multiple copies of your data.
  • 24. Purpose of Replication Automated Failover / High Avalability ● If primary fails then replica set will attempt to select another member to become the new primary. ● This means that the failure of a primary can be handled by the client without any configuration changes ● Use heartbeat signal to detect failure
  • 25. Purpose of Replication ● Distributed Read Load/Read Scaling By default, the primary node of a replica set is accessed for all reads and writes. ● Disaster Recovery Replica sets allows for a “delayed secondary” node. This node can provide a window for recovering from disastrous events such as: ○ bad deployments ○ dropped tables and collections
  • 26. Replication Process ● Members of a replica set replicate data continuously ● MongoDB applies database operations on the primary and then records the operations on the primary’s oplog. ● All replica set members contain a copy of the oplog, allowing them to maintain the current state of the database.
  • 27. Advantages of Replica Set vs Master/Slave ● Replica sets are basically just master-slave with automatic failover. ● So, you have a pool of servers with one primary (the master) and N secondaries (slaves). If the primary crashes or disappears, the other servers will hold an election to choose a new primary.
  • 28. Demo -: How to set up replica set on Production! Click on below link to see the demo-:
  • 29. Thanks Would Love to answer your queries... Vivek Parihar @vparihar