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Using consensus algorithm and
distributed store in designing
distributed system
Atin Mukherjee
GlusterFS Hacker
● What is consensus in distributed system?
● What is CAP theorem in distributed system
● Different distributed system design approaches
● Challenges in design of a distributed system
● What is RAFT algorithm and how it works
● Distributed store
● Combining RAFT & distributed store – in the form of
technologies like consul/etcd/zookeeper etc
● Q & A
What is consensus in distributed
● Consensus – An agrement but for what and
between whom?
● For what → the op/transaction to be committed
or not
● Between whom → Answer is pretty simple, the
nodes forming the distributed system
● Quorum – (n/2) + 1
CAP theorem
● Any two of the following three gurantees
– Consistency (all nodes see the same data at the
same time)
– Availability (a guarantee that every request
receives a response about whether it succeeded or
– Partition tolerance (the system continues to
operate despite arbitrary message loss or failure of
part of the system)

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Kernel Recipes 2016 - Landlock LSM: Unprivileged sandboxing
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Kernel Recipes 2016 - Landlock LSM: Unprivileged sandboxing

Linux has multiple access-control features, which help to contain the damage from a malicious process. However, it is difficult and complex, especially for unprivileged users, to create a sandboxed application because of the currently administrator-oriented security. seccomp-bpf was a big step forward in empowering any user with the ability to filter syscalls and therefore limit access to some resources. Nevertheless, it lacks the ability to create a full standalone sandbox (e.g. restrict access to a set of files), unlike Seatbelt/XNU Sandbox or OpenBSD Pledge. In this talk, we present Landlock, a new Linux Security Module for unprivileged users. This brings some interesting challenges, from architecture design to userland API definition. Mickaël Salaün

An Introduction to the Formalised Memory Model for Linux Kernel
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An Introduction to the Formalised Memory Model for Linux Kernel

Linux kernel provides executable and formalized memory model. These slides describe the nature of parallel programming in the Linux kernel and what memory model is and why it is necessary and important for kernel programmers. The slides were used at KOSSCON 2018 (

linuxkernelparallel programming
RTAI - Earliest Deadline First
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RTAI - Earliest Deadline First

I used these slides last year to introduce RTAI and Earliest Deadline First for the course "Real-Time Operating Systems" (in English), here at University of Bologna. They include an architectural overview of RTAI, some scheduling algorithms including EDF, and instructions to install and use RTAI.

earliest deadline firstedfscheduling
Design approaches of distributed
● No meta data – all nodes share across their
● Meta data server – One node holds data where
others fetches from it
So which one is better???
Probably none of them? Ask yourself for a
Challenges in design of a distributed
● No meta data
– N * N exchange of Network messages
– Not scalable when N is probably in hundreds or
– Initialization time can be very high
– Can end up in a situation like “whom to believe,
whom not to” - popularly known as split brain
– How to undo a transaction locally
Challenges in design of a distributed
system contd...
● MDS (Meta data server)
Ahh!! so is this the only drawback??
– How about having replicas and then replica count??
– Additional N/W hop, lower performance
RAFT – A consensus algorithm
● Key features
– Leader followers based model
– Leader election
– Normal operation
– Safety and consistency after leader changes
– Neutralizing old leaders
– Client interactions
– Configuration changes

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This document summarizes a meeting about accelerating SQLite with OpenCL on ARM SoCs. It discusses porting the Clover OpenCL implementation ("Shamrock") to ARM and newer LLVM versions to enable CPU-only OpenCL. Initial SQLite performance testing on ARM showed potential gains from parallelizing operations. The group's goals are to run SQLite's operations on the GPU using OpenCL kernels to achieve significant performance improvements over the CPU. Their current status and next steps involve porting the Khronos OpenCL conformance tests to ARM and updating Shamrock and SQLite to newer OpenCL specifications.

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Sweetening Systems Management with Salt
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Sweetening Systems Management with Salt

Salt is an open source configuration management and remote execution system. It allows users to remotely execute commands and manage configurations on multiple systems. Key features include a master-minion architecture with remote execution capabilities, a flexible and extensible design, and support for configuration management through states. States allow users to declaratively define the configuration of systems and ensure consistency across environments.

lspe salt
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This document describes an OpenFlow demo and provides definitions of key OpenFlow concepts. It explains that an OpenFlow controller manages one or more OpenFlow switches by installing flow entries in their flow tables. It then gives examples of how the controller can discover network topology proactively by sending LLDP requests and reactively establish paths between nodes by handling ARP requests and replies to add flow entries.

RAFT : Server states
● Server states transition
RAFT : Terms
● Divided into two parts
– Election
– Normal operation
● At most 1 leader per term
● Failed election
● Split vote
● Each server maintains current term value
RAFT : Replicated state machine
● A picture says thousand words...
RAFT : Different RPCs
● RequestVote RPCs – Candidate sends to other
nodes for electing itself as leader
● AppendEntries RPCs – Normal operation
● AppendEntries RPCs with no message - Heart
beat messages – Leader sends to all followers
to make its presence

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The document discusses novel paradigms for parallel programming on multicore processors. It covers parallel programming paradigms like transactional memory, which provides an easy way for programmers to achieve speed and balance. The document describes software transactional memory (STM) and hardware transactional memory (HTM), discussing their approaches to concurrency control, version management, and conflict detection. It also covers using STM for slot scheduling to efficiently schedule requests across threads to a shared resource.

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Agenda: This talk will provide an in-depth review of the usage of canaries in the kernel and the interaction with userspace, as well as a short review of canaries and why they are needed in general so don't be afraid if you never heard of them. Speaker: Gil Yankovitch, CEO, Chief Security Researcher from Nyx Security Solutions

Free FreeRTOS Course-Task Management
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This document provides an introduction to FreeRTOS version 6.0.5. It outlines the course objectives, which are to understand FreeRTOS services and APIs, experience different FreeRTOS features through labs, and understand the FreeRTOS porting process. The document describes key FreeRTOS concepts like tasks, task states, priorities, and provides an overview of task management APIs for creation, deletion, delaying, and querying tasks.

freertostrainingamr ali
RAFT : Leader Election
● current_term++
● Follower->Candidate
● Self vote
● Send request vote RPCs to all other servers, retry until either:
– Receive votes from majority of server
– Receive RPC from valid leader
– Election time out elapses – increment term
● Election properties
– Safety – allow at most one winner per term
– Liveness – some candidate must eventually win
RAFT : Picking the best leader
● Candidate include log info in RequestVote
RPCs with index & term of last log entry
● Voting server V denies vote if its log is more
complete by
(votingServerLastTerm > candidateLastTerm ||
((votingServerLastTerm == candidateLastTerm) &&
(votingServerLastIndex > candidateLastIndex))
● But is this enough to have crash consistency?
RAFT : New commitment rules
● For a leader to decide an entry is committed:
– Must be stored on a majority of server &
– At least one new entry from leader's term must also
be stored on majority of servers
RAFT : Log inconsistency
● Leader repairs log entries by
– Delete extraneous entries
– Fill in missing entries from the leader

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This document discusses real-time audio performance issues with Linux kernel versions 2.4 and 2.6. It outlines how latency has improved from 20-50ms to 2-5ms between kernels 2.6.7 and 2.6.14 by addressing problems like the Big Kernel Lock, virtual console switching, IDE requests, filesystem issues, softirq handling, and performance bugs. Further optimizations to areas like route cache flushing and virtual memory could allow 1ms reliable latency without fully merging the real-time patchset. Deeper changes such as spinlock conversions and IRQ threading may be needed for sub-1ms latencies.

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Han Zhou presents problems and solutions for scaling Open Virtual Network (OVN) components in large overlay networks. The key challenges addressed are: 1. Scaling the OVN controller by moving from recomputing all flows to incremental processing based on changes. 2. Scaling the southbound OVN database by increasing probe intervals, enabling fast resync on reconnect, and improving performance of the clustered mode. 3. Further work is planned to incrementally install flows, reduce per-host data, and scale out the southbound database with replicas.

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Process synchronization in Operating Systems
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A brief introduction to Process synchronization in Operating Systems with classical examples and solutions using semaphores. A good starting tutorial for beginners.

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RAFT : Neutralizing old leaders
● Sender sends its term over RPC
● If sender's term in older than receiver's term
RPC is rejected else it receiver steps down to
follower, updates its term and process the RPC
RAFT : Client protocol
● Send commands to leader
– If leader is unknown, send to anyone
– If contacted server is not leader, it will redirect to leader
● Client gets back the response after the full cycle at leader
● Req- timeout
– Re-issues command to other server
– Unique id for each command at client to avoid duplicate
Joint consensus phase
● 2 phase approach
● Need majority of both old and new
configurations for election and commitment
● Configuration change is just a log entry, applied
immediately on receipt (committed or not)
● Once joint consensus is committed, begin
replicate log entry for final configuration
Distributed store
● A common store which can be shared by
different nodes
● In the form of key value pair for ease of use
● Such distributed key value store
implementations are available.

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The document discusses the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), which allows Linux binaries to run natively on Windows. WSL implements Linux syscalls via two Windows drivers. It uses "picoprocesses" which are lightweight isolated processes. This allows Linux files to be accessed via special filesystems like DriveFS. The document also notes considerations for attackers using WSL, such as limitations on cross-process access between Linux and Windows.

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Kernel Recipes 2016 - New hwmon device registration API - Jean Delvare
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The hwmon subsystem originates from the 1998 project lm-sensors. Along the way, there have been a lot of effort done to have all drivers present a standard interface to user-space, and consolidate the common plumbing into an easy-to-use, hard-to-get-wrong API. The final step of this long-running effort is happening right now. Jean Delvare, SUSE

● Named as /etc distributed
● Open source distributed consistent key value store
● Highly available and reliable
● Sequentially consistent
● Watchable
● Exposed via HTTP
● Runtime reconfigurable (Saling feature)
● Durable (snapshot backup/restore)
● Time to live keys (have a time out)
etcd cond..
● Bootstraping using RAFT
● Proxy mode in node
● Cluster configuration – etcdctl member
● Similar projects like consul, zookeeper are also
Why etcd
● Vibrant community
● 500+ applications like kubernetes, cloud
foundry using it
● 150+ developers
● Stable releases

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Real-time operating systems (RTOSes) like VxWorks allow for deterministic and fast responses to external events. VxWorks uses multitasking to run applications as separate tasks with inter-task communication. It provides priority-based preemptive multitasking, fast context switching, interrupt handling, and networking capabilities to meet the needs of real-time embedded systems.

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Gunnar Morling is a software engineer and open-source enthusiast by heart. He is leading the Debezium project, a platform for change data capture (CDC). He is a Java Champion, the spec lead for Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR 380) and has founded multiple open source projects such as Deptective and MapStruct. Prior to joining Red Hat, Gunnar worked on a wide range of Java EE projects in the logistics and retail industries. He's based in Hamburg, Germany.

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Alex Somesan his presentation at the Berlin Terraform User Group about setting up ETCD with Terraform.

Q & A

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Consensus algo with_distributed_key_value_store_in_distributed_system

  • 1. Using consensus algorithm and distributed store in designing distributed system Atin Mukherjee GlusterFS Hacker @mukherjee_atin
  • 2. Topics ● What is consensus in distributed system? ● What is CAP theorem in distributed system ● Different distributed system design approaches ● Challenges in design of a distributed system ● What is RAFT algorithm and how it works ● Distributed store ● Combining RAFT & distributed store – in the form of technologies like consul/etcd/zookeeper etc ● Q & A
  • 3. What is consensus in distributed system ● Consensus – An agrement but for what and between whom? ● For what → the op/transaction to be committed or not ● Between whom → Answer is pretty simple, the nodes forming the distributed system ● Quorum – (n/2) + 1
  • 4. CAP theorem ● Any two of the following three gurantees – Consistency (all nodes see the same data at the same time) – Availability (a guarantee that every request receives a response about whether it succeeded or failed) – Partition tolerance (the system continues to operate despite arbitrary message loss or failure of part of the system)
  • 5. Design approaches of distributed system ● No meta data – all nodes share across their data ● Meta data server – One node holds data where others fetches from it So which one is better??? Probably none of them? Ask yourself for a minute....
  • 6. Challenges in design of a distributed system ● No meta data – N * N exchange of Network messages – Not scalable when N is probably in hundreds or thousands – Initialization time can be very high – Can end up in a situation like “whom to believe, whom not to” - popularly known as split brain – How to undo a transaction locally
  • 7. Challenges in design of a distributed system contd... ● MDS (Meta data server) – SPOF Ahh!! so is this the only drawback?? – How about having replicas and then replica count?? – Additional N/W hop, lower performance
  • 8. RAFT – A consensus algorithm ● Key features – Leader followers based model – Leader election – Normal operation – Safety and consistency after leader changes – Neutralizing old leaders – Client interactions – Configuration changes
  • 9. RAFT : Server states ● Server states transition
  • 10. RAFT : Terms ● Divided into two parts – Election – Normal operation ● At most 1 leader per term ● Failed election ● Split vote ● Each server maintains current term value
  • 11. RAFT : Replicated state machine ● A picture says thousand words...
  • 12. RAFT : Different RPCs ● RequestVote RPCs – Candidate sends to other nodes for electing itself as leader ● AppendEntries RPCs – Normal operation workload ● AppendEntries RPCs with no message - Heart beat messages – Leader sends to all followers to make its presence
  • 13. RAFT : Leader Election ● current_term++ ● Follower->Candidate ● Self vote ● Send request vote RPCs to all other servers, retry until either: – Receive votes from majority of server – Receive RPC from valid leader – Election time out elapses – increment term ● Election properties – Safety – allow at most one winner per term – Liveness – some candidate must eventually win
  • 14. RAFT : Picking the best leader ● Candidate include log info in RequestVote RPCs with index & term of last log entry ● Voting server V denies vote if its log is more complete by (votingServerLastTerm > candidateLastTerm || ((votingServerLastTerm == candidateLastTerm) && (votingServerLastIndex > candidateLastIndex)) ● But is this enough to have crash consistency?
  • 15. RAFT : New commitment rules ● For a leader to decide an entry is committed: – Must be stored on a majority of server & – At least one new entry from leader's term must also be stored on majority of servers
  • 16. RAFT : Log inconsistency ● Leader repairs log entries by – Delete extraneous entries – Fill in missing entries from the leader
  • 17. RAFT : Neutralizing old leaders ● Sender sends its term over RPC ● If sender's term in older than receiver's term RPC is rejected else it receiver steps down to follower, updates its term and process the RPC
  • 18. RAFT : Client protocol ● Send commands to leader – If leader is unknown, send to anyone – If contacted server is not leader, it will redirect to leader ● Client gets back the response after the full cycle at leader ● Req- timeout – Re-issues command to other server – Unique id for each command at client to avoid duplicate execution
  • 19. Joint consensus phase ● 2 phase approach ● Need majority of both old and new configurations for election and commitment ● Configuration change is just a log entry, applied immediately on receipt (committed or not) ● Once joint consensus is committed, begin replicate log entry for final configuration
  • 20. Distributed store ● A common store which can be shared by different nodes ● In the form of key value pair for ease of use ● Such distributed key value store implementations are available.
  • 21. etcd ● Named as /etc distributed ● Open source distributed consistent key value store ● Highly available and reliable ● Sequentially consistent ● Watchable ● Exposed via HTTP ● Runtime reconfigurable (Saling feature) ● Durable (snapshot backup/restore) ● Time to live keys (have a time out)
  • 22. etcd cond.. ● Bootstraping using RAFT ● Proxy mode in node ● Cluster configuration – etcdctl member add/remove/list ● Similar projects like consul, zookeeper are also available.
  • 23. Why etcd ● Vibrant community ● 500+ applications like kubernetes, cloud foundry using it ● 150+ developers ● Stable releases
  • 25. Q & A