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Tips and Tricks for Apache
Kafka™ Ops
June 2020
Jen Snipes, Senior Customer Success Architect
Kat Grigg, Senior Customer Success Architect @katgrigg
● What is Apache Kafka
● Kafka Operations
○ Configuring
○ Deploying
○ Maintaining
○ Monitoring
○ Debugging
What is Apache Kafka?
Open Source
Real time Event Streaming Platform
Scalable, Distributed Log
Fault tolerant storage
Moving Data
Log Structured Data Flow
Kafka Operations
5 Categories of Ops
Configuring Kafka
Data Retention
● Disk space available?
● SLA on consuming?
● Keyed data? Cardinality?
● Start with plaintext
● SSL and SASL? Choose one first
● Console clients are great for testing
● Throughput
○ increase partitions, batch size,
○ use acks 1
○ compression
○ parallelize consumers
● Latency
○ no compression
○ balance number of partitions
○ increase fetcher threads
○ producer, consumer
● Durability
○ acks = all, RF = 3, minISR = 2
○ leverage retries
○ unclean leader election set to false
○ disable auto commit
● Availability
○ minISR 1
○ unclean leader election true
○ increase recovery threads
○ low consumer session.timeout
○ optimize number of partitions
Start Easy
● How do you run your database(s)?
● Do you know Docker well?
● Do you know Kubernetes well?
● If no, then don’t use them
● Cloud an option?
● JMX access (metrics reporter)
● Environment Variables
● Logging capacity
● Don’t forget ZooKeeper
● File descriptors (ulimit)
● Disk deployment style
One does not simply start Brokers
Updates and Upgrades
Rolling upgrade Tips
● Gwen Shapira’s Kafka Summit Talk 2019
● Set protocols and message formats
● Be explicit
● Go slow, too fast and ISR sadness
● Upgrade often, point releases in prod
● Lose/Add Broker
● Throttle early, adjust later
● Throttles don’t affect in sync
● Not sure? Batch the reassign
● See Monitoring
Updating Configs
● Lots of dynamic config options!
● Sync config across the cluster
● Overrides are your friend
● Topic level unclean leader election
What do you watch?
Kafka Thread Model
● Monitor all of these hops with JMX
● Transparent way to see activity
● Especially watch request queue size
● Don’t blindly bump thread count
Log Cleaner / Others
● Watch your log cleaner with JMX
● Bytes In/Out just makes sense
● Don’t need to dashboard everything
● Alert don’t automate (at least at first)
Broker Metrics
Top 5 Broker JMX metrics you should
be watching
● UnderReplicatedPartitions
● RequestHandlerAvgIdlePercent
● NetworkProcessorAvgIdlePercent
● RequestQueueSize
● TotalTimeMs
Clients / Consumers
● batch sizes
● failed-authentication-rate
● io-ratio
● io-wait-ratio
● io-wait-time-ns-avg
When there’s trouble...
Logs about the Log
● Debugging? Head to the logs!
● Defaults separates files
● Splunk, ELK, etc.? filter by
● Metadata files are important too
● controller.log -- written to by active controller
● state-change.log -- updates received from and sent to
● server.log -- basic broker operations (segment rolls,
replica fetching, etc.)
● log-cleaner.log -- cleaner thread (related to compaction)
● kafka-authorizer.log -- secure connections only (set to
DEBUG if you want successful connections)
● kafka-request.log -- super verbose, will talk about more
● /var/lib/recovery-point-offset-checkpoint – last offset
flushed to disk
● /var/lib/cleaner-offset-checkpoint – offset up to which
the cleaner has cleaned (compacted topics only)
● /var/lib/replication-offset-checkpoint – last committed
Request logging
● kafka-request.log
● All information about all requests
● Verbose, not great for live debugging
● Use when no other options for root cause
● Rogue clients, single request slowdowns,
● Kafka Controller Deep Dive
● Kafka Needs No Keeper
● ISR updates aren’t happening
● Replication stopped for no reason
● Broker refusing to become leader for extended
● rmr /controller
Controller Issues
The Offsets Topic
● __consumer_offsets → Stores offsets and group metadata
● bin/kafka-run-class --offsets-decoder
● offsets.retention.minutes default 1 day (7 days on 2.0)
● Growing huge? Check the log cleaner health
● High Memory Usage on Brokers? Offsets are cached
● High CPU Usage on Brokers? Make sure this topic isn’t huge
● Please replication factor 3
Restarting? Think about it...
● Restarts in distributed systems are tricky
● Have a reason
● Understand startup time
● Clean shutdowns, limited scope
Thank You!

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Tips & Tricks for Apache Kafka®

  • 1. Tips and Tricks for Apache Kafka™ Ops June 2020 Jen Snipes, Senior Customer Success Architect Kat Grigg, Senior Customer Success Architect @katgrigg
  • 2. ● What is Apache Kafka ● Kafka Operations ○ Configuring ○ Deploying ○ Maintaining ○ Monitoring ○ Debugging Agenda
  • 3. What is Apache Kafka? Open Source Real time Event Streaming Platform Scalable, Distributed Log Fault tolerant storage
  • 8. Data Retention ● Disk space available? ● SLA on consuming? ● Keyed data? Cardinality?
  • 9. Security ● Start with plaintext ● SSL and SASL? Choose one first ● Console clients are great for testing
  • 10. Optimization ● Throughput ○ increase partitions, batch size, ○ use acks 1 ○ compression ○ parallelize consumers ● Latency ○ no compression ○ balance number of partitions ○ increase fetcher threads ○ producer, consumer fetch.min.bytes=1 ● Durability ○ acks = all, RF = 3, minISR = 2 ○ leverage retries ○ unclean leader election set to false ○ disable auto commit ● Availability ○ minISR 1 ○ unclean leader election true ○ increase recovery threads ○ low consumer session.timeout ○ optimize number of partitions
  • 12. Start Easy ● How do you run your database(s)? ● Do you know Docker well? ● Do you know Kubernetes well? ● If no, then don’t use them ● Cloud an option?
  • 13. ● JMX access (metrics reporter) ● Environment Variables ● Logging capacity ● Don’t forget ZooKeeper ● File descriptors (ulimit) ● Disk deployment style One does not simply start Brokers
  • 15. Rolling upgrade Tips ● Gwen Shapira’s Kafka Summit Talk 2019 ● Set protocols and message formats ● Be explicit ● Go slow, too fast and ISR sadness ● Upgrade often, point releases in prod
  • 16. Rebalancing ● Lose/Add Broker ● Throttle early, adjust later ● Throttles don’t affect in sync replicas ● Not sure? Batch the reassign ● See Monitoring
  • 17. Updating Configs Brokers ● Lots of dynamic config options! ● Sync config across the cluster Topics ● Overrides are your friend ● Topic level unclean leader election
  • 19. Kafka Thread Model ● Monitor all of these hops with JMX ● Transparent way to see activity ● Especially watch request queue size ● Don’t blindly bump thread count
  • 20. Log Cleaner / Others ● Watch your log cleaner with JMX ● Bytes In/Out just makes sense ● Don’t need to dashboard everything ● Alert don’t automate (at least at first)
  • 21. Broker Metrics Top 5 Broker JMX metrics you should be watching ● UnderReplicatedPartitions ● RequestHandlerAvgIdlePercent ● NetworkProcessorAvgIdlePercent ● RequestQueueSize ● TotalTimeMs
  • 22. Clients / Consumers ● batch sizes ● failed-authentication-rate ● io-ratio ● io-wait-ratio ● io-wait-time-ns-avg
  • 24. Logs about the Log ● Debugging? Head to the logs! ● Defaults separates files reasonably ● Splunk, ELK, etc.? filter by appender ● Metadata files are important too ● controller.log -- written to by active controller ● state-change.log -- updates received from and sent to controller ● server.log -- basic broker operations (segment rolls, replica fetching, etc.) ● log-cleaner.log -- cleaner thread (related to compaction) ● kafka-authorizer.log -- secure connections only (set to DEBUG if you want successful connections) ● kafka-request.log -- super verbose, will talk about more ● /var/lib/recovery-point-offset-checkpoint – last offset flushed to disk ● /var/lib/cleaner-offset-checkpoint – offset up to which the cleaner has cleaned (compacted topics only) ● /var/lib/replication-offset-checkpoint – last committed offset
  • 25. Request logging ● kafka-request.log ● All information about all requests ● Verbose, not great for live debugging ● Use when no other options for root cause ● Rogue clients, single request slowdowns, etc.
  • 26. ● Kafka Controller Deep Dive ● Kafka Needs No Keeper ● ISR updates aren’t happening ● Replication stopped for no reason ● Broker refusing to become leader for extended period ● rmr /controller Controller Issues
  • 27. The Offsets Topic ● __consumer_offsets → Stores offsets and group metadata ● bin/kafka-run-class --offsets-decoder ● offsets.retention.minutes default 1 day (7 days on 2.0) ● Growing huge? Check the log cleaner health ● High Memory Usage on Brokers? Offsets are cached ● High CPU Usage on Brokers? Make sure this topic isn’t huge ● Please replication factor 3
  • 28. Restarting? Think about it... ● Restarts in distributed systems are tricky ● Have a reason ● Understand startup time ● Clean shutdowns, limited scope
  • 29. 29 References • • apache-kafka-now • 2018/public/schedule/detail/68957 • keeper •