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Introduction to Structured
Next Generation Streaming API for Spark
● Madhukara Phatak
● Big data consultant and
trainer at
● Consult in Hadoop, Spark
and Scala
● Evolution in Stream Processing
● Drawbacks of DStream API
● Introduction to Structured Streaming
● Understanding Source and Sinks
● Stateful stream applications
● Handling State recovery
● Joins
● Window API
Evolution of Stream Processing

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Stream as Fast Batch Processing
● Stream processing viewed as low latency batch
● Storm took stateless per message and spark took
minibatch approach
● Focused on mostly stateless / limited state workloads
● Reconciled using Lamda architecture
● Less features and less powerful API compared to the
batch system
● Ex : Storm, Spark DStream API
Drawbacks of Stream as Fast Batch
● Handling state for long time and efficiently is a
challenge in these systems
● Lambda architecture forces the duplication of efforts in
stream and batch
● As the API is limited, doing any kind of complex
operation takes lot of effort
● No clear abstractions for handling stream specific
interactions like late events, event time, state recovery
Stream as the default abstraction
● Stream becomes the default abstraction on which both
stream processing and batch processing is built
● Batch processing is looked at as bounded stream
● Supports most of the advanced stream processing
constructs out of the box
● Strong state API’s
● In par with functionalities of Batch API
● Ex : Flink, Beam
Challenges with Stream as default
● Stream as abstraction makes it hard to combine stream
with batch data
● Stream abstraction works well for piping based API’s
like map, flatMap but challenging for SQL
● Stream abstraction also sometimes make it difficult to
map it to structured world as in the platform level it’s
viewed as byte stream
● There are efforts like flink SQL but we have to wait how
it turns out

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Continuation of

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apache sparkbangalore apache spark meetupspark streaming
Drawbacks of DStream API
Tied to Minibatch execution
● DStream API looks stream as fast batch processing in
both API and runtime level
● Batch time integral part of the API which makes it
minibatch only API
● Batch time dicates how different abstractions of API like
window and state will behave
RDDs based API
● DStream API is based on RDD API which is deprecated
for user API’s in Spark 2.0
● As DStream API uses RDD, it doesn’t get benefit of the
all runtime improvements happened in spark sql
● Difficult to combine in batch API’s as they use Dataset
● Running SQL queries over stream are awkward and not
straight forward
Limited support for Time abstraction
● Only supports the concept of Processing time
● No support for ingestion time and event time
● As batch time is defined at application level, there is no
framework level construct to handle late events
● Windowing other than time, is not possible

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Introduction to Structured Streaming
Stream as the infinite table
● In structured streaming, a stream is modeled as an
infinite table aka infinite Dataset
● As we are using structured abstraction, it’s called
structured streaming API
● All input sources, stream transformations and output
sinks modeled as Dataset
● As Dataset is underlying abstraction, stream
transformations are represented using SQL and Dataset
Advantage of Stream as infinite table
● Structured data analysis is first class not layered over
the unstructured runtime
● Easy to combine with batch data as both use same
Dataset abstraction
● Can use full power of SQL language to express stateful
stream operations
● Benefits from SQL optimisations learnt over decades
● Easy to learn and maintain
Source and Sinks API

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Reading from Socket
● Socket is built in source for structured streaming
● As with DStream API, we can read socket by specifying
hostname and port
● Returns a DataFrame with single column called value
● Using console as the sink to write the output
● Once we have setup source and sink, we use query
interface to start the execution
● Ex : SocketReadExample
Questions from DStream users
● Where is batch time? Or how frequently this is going to
● awaitTermination is on query not on session? Does
that mean we can have multiple queries running
● We didn't specify local[2], how does that work?
● As this program using Dataframe, how does the schema
inference works?
Flink vs Spark stream processing
● Spark run as soon as possible may sound like per event
processing but it’s not
● In flink, all the operations like map / flatMap will be
running as processes and data will be streamed through
● But in spark asap, tasks are launched for given batch
and destroyed once it’s completed
● So spark still does minibatch but with much lower
Flink Operator Graph

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The document introduces the Dataset API in Spark, which provides type safety and performance benefits over DataFrames. Datasets allow operating on domain objects using compiled functions rather than Rows. Encoders efficiently serialize objects to and from the JVM. This allows type checking of operations and retaining objects in distributed operations. The document outlines the history of Spark APIs, limitations of DataFrames, and how Datasets address these through compiled encoding and working with case classes rather than Rows.

Spark Execution Graph
a b
1 2
3 4
Batch 1
e Stage
Spawn tasks
Batch 2
e Stage
Spawn tasks
Socket Stream
Independence from Execution Model
● Even though current structured streaming runtime is
minibatch, API doesn’t dictate the nature of runtime
● Structured Streaming API is built in such a way that
query execution model can be change in future
● Already plan for continuous processing mode to bring
structured streaming in par with flink per message
Socket Minibatch
● In last example, we used asap trigger.
● We can mimic the DStream mini batch behaviour by
changing the trigger API
● Trigger is specified for the query, as it determines the
frequency for query execution
● In this example, we create a 5 second trigger, which will
create a batch for every 5 seconds
● Ex : SocketMiniBatchExample
Word count on Socket Stream
● Once we know how to read from a source, we can do
operations on the same
● In this example, we will do word count using Dataframe
and Dataset API’s
● We will be using Dataset API’s for data
cleanup/preparation and Dataframe API to define the
● Ex : SocketWordCount

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Easy, scalable, fault tolerant stream processing with structured streaming - ...
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Last year, in Apache Spark 2.0, Databricks introduced Structured Streaming, a new stream processing engine built on Spark SQL, which revolutionized how developers could write stream processing application. Structured Streaming enables users to express their computations the same way they would express a batch query on static data. Developers can express queries using powerful high-level APIs including DataFrames, Dataset and SQL. Then, the Spark SQL engine is capable of converting these batch-like transformations into an incremental execution plan that can process streaming data, while automatically handling late, out-of-order data and ensuring end-to-end exactly-once fault-tolerance guarantees. Since Spark 2.0, Databricks has been hard at work building first-class integration with Kafka. With this new connectivity, performing complex, low-latency analytics is now as easy as writing a standard SQL query. This functionality, in addition to the existing connectivity of Spark SQL, makes it easy to analyze data using one unified framework. Users can now seamlessly extract insights from data, independent of whether it is coming from messy / unstructured files, a structured / columnar historical data warehouse, or arriving in real-time from Kafka/Kinesis. In this session, Das will walk through a concrete example where – in less than 10 lines – you read Kafka, parse JSON payload data into separate columns, transform it, enrich it by joining with static data and write it out as a table ready for batch and ad-hoc queries on up-to-the-last-minute data. He’ll use techniques including event-time based aggregations, arbitrary stateful operations, and automatic state management using event-time watermarks.

structured streamingapache sparkspark streaming
Understanding State
Stateful operations
● In last example, we observed that spark remembers the
state across batches
● In structured streaming, all aggregations are stateful
● Developer needs to choose output mode complete so
that aggregations are always up to date
● Spark internally uses the both disk and memory state
store for remembering state
● No more complicated state management in application
Understanding output mode
● Output mode defines what’s the dataframe seen by the
sink after each batch
● APPEND signifies sink only sees the records from last
● UPDATE signifies sink sees all the changed records
across the batches
● COMPLETE signifies sink sess complete output for
every batch
● Depending on operations, we need to choose output
Stateless aggregations
● Most of the stream applications benefit from default
● But sometime we need aggregations done on batch
data rather on complete data
● Helpful for porting existing DStream code to structured
streaming code
● Spark exposes flatMapGroups API to define the
stateless aggregations

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-What is Structured Streaming? -Programming Model -Windowing -Delayed events -Watermarking -Watermarking and output mode By Yaswanth Yadlapalli

A Deep Dive into Structured Streaming in Apache Spark
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This document provides an overview of Structured Streaming in Apache Spark. It begins with a brief history of streaming in Spark and outlines some of the limitations of the previous DStream API. It then introduces the new Structured Streaming API, which allows for continuous queries to be expressed as standard Spark SQL queries against continuously arriving data. It describes the new processing model and how queries are executed incrementally. It also covers features like event-time processing, windows, joins, and fault-tolerance guarantees through checkpointing and write-ahead logging. Overall, the document presents Structured Streaming as providing a simpler way to perform streaming analytics by allowing streaming queries to be expressed using the same APIs as batch queries.

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What's new with Apache Spark's Structured Streaming?
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What's new with Apache Spark's Structured Streaming?

Structured Streaming in Apache Spark allows users to write streaming applications as batch-style queries on static or streaming data sources. It treats streams as continuous unbounded tables and allows batch queries written on DataFrames/Datasets to be automatically converted into incremental execution plans to process streaming data in micro-batches. This provides a simple yet powerful API for building robust stream processing applications with end-to-end fault tolerance guarantees and integration with various data sources and sinks.

big dataapache sparkdatabricks
Stateless wordcount
● In this example, we will define word count on a batch
● Batch is defined for 5 seconds.
● Rather than using groupBy and count API’s we will use
groupByKey and flatMapGroups API
● flatMapGroups defines operations to be done on each
● We will be using output mode APPEND
● Ex : StatelessWordCount
Limitations of flatMapGroups
● flatMapGroups will be slower than groupBy and count
as it doesn’t support partial aggregations
● flatMapGroups can be used only with output mode
APPEND as output size of the function is unbounded
● flatMapGroups needs grouping done using Dataset API
not using Dataframe API
Checkpoint and state recovery
● Building stateful applications comes with additional
responsibility of checkpointing the state for safe
● Checkpointing is achieved by writing state of the
application to a HDFS compatible storage
● Checkpointing is specific for queries. So you can mix
and match stateless and stateful queries in same
● Ex : RecoverableAggregation
Working with Files

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A Deep Dive into Structured Streaming: Apache Spark Meetup at Bloomberg 2016

Tathagata 'TD' Das presented at Bay Area Apache Spark Meetup. This talk covers the merits and motivations of Structured Streaming, and how you can start writing end-to-end continuous applications using Structured Streaming APIs.

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This document summarizes a presentation about building a structured streaming connector for continuous applications using Azure Event Hubs as the streaming data source. It discusses key design considerations like representing offsets, implementing the getOffset and getBatch methods required by structured streaming sources, and challenges with testing asynchronous behavior. It also outlines issues contributed back to the Apache Spark community around streaming checkpoints and recovery.

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Introduction to Structured Streaming
Introduction to Structured StreamingIntroduction to Structured Streaming
Introduction to Structured Streaming

Structured Streaming is a scalable and fault-tolerant stream processing engine built on the Spark SQL engine.

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File streams
● Structured Streaming has excellent support for the file
based streams
● Supports file types like csv, json,parquet out of the box
● Schema inference is not supported
● Picking up new files on arrival is same as DStream file
stream API
● Ex : FileStreamExample
Joins with static data
● As Dataset is common abstraction across batch and
stream API’s , we can easily enrich structured stream
with static data
● As both have schema built in, spark can use the catalyst
optimiser to optimise joins between files and streams
● In our example,we will be enriching sales stream with
customer data
● Ex : StreamJoin

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Introduction to Structured streaming

  • 1. Introduction to Structured Streaming Next Generation Streaming API for Spark m/madhukaraphatak/examples/sparktwo/streaming
  • 2. ● Madhukara Phatak ● Big data consultant and trainer at ● Consult in Hadoop, Spark and Scala ●
  • 3. Agenda ● Evolution in Stream Processing ● Drawbacks of DStream API ● Introduction to Structured Streaming ● Understanding Source and Sinks ● Stateful stream applications ● Handling State recovery ● Joins ● Window API
  • 4. Evolution of Stream Processing
  • 5. Stream as Fast Batch Processing ● Stream processing viewed as low latency batch processing ● Storm took stateless per message and spark took minibatch approach ● Focused on mostly stateless / limited state workloads ● Reconciled using Lamda architecture ● Less features and less powerful API compared to the batch system ● Ex : Storm, Spark DStream API
  • 6. Drawbacks of Stream as Fast Batch ● Handling state for long time and efficiently is a challenge in these systems ● Lambda architecture forces the duplication of efforts in stream and batch ● As the API is limited, doing any kind of complex operation takes lot of effort ● No clear abstractions for handling stream specific interactions like late events, event time, state recovery etc
  • 7. Stream as the default abstraction ● Stream becomes the default abstraction on which both stream processing and batch processing is built ● Batch processing is looked at as bounded stream processing ● Supports most of the advanced stream processing constructs out of the box ● Strong state API’s ● In par with functionalities of Batch API ● Ex : Flink, Beam
  • 8. Challenges with Stream as default ● Stream as abstraction makes it hard to combine stream with batch data ● Stream abstraction works well for piping based API’s like map, flatMap but challenging for SQL ● Stream abstraction also sometimes make it difficult to map it to structured world as in the platform level it’s viewed as byte stream ● There are efforts like flink SQL but we have to wait how it turns out
  • 10. Tied to Minibatch execution ● DStream API looks stream as fast batch processing in both API and runtime level ● Batch time integral part of the API which makes it minibatch only API ● Batch time dicates how different abstractions of API like window and state will behave
  • 11. RDDs based API ● DStream API is based on RDD API which is deprecated for user API’s in Spark 2.0 ● As DStream API uses RDD, it doesn’t get benefit of the all runtime improvements happened in spark sql ● Difficult to combine in batch API’s as they use Dataset abstraction ● Running SQL queries over stream are awkward and not straight forward
  • 12. Limited support for Time abstraction ● Only supports the concept of Processing time ● No support for ingestion time and event time ● As batch time is defined at application level, there is no framework level construct to handle late events ● Windowing other than time, is not possible
  • 14. Stream as the infinite table ● In structured streaming, a stream is modeled as an infinite table aka infinite Dataset ● As we are using structured abstraction, it’s called structured streaming API ● All input sources, stream transformations and output sinks modeled as Dataset ● As Dataset is underlying abstraction, stream transformations are represented using SQL and Dataset DSL
  • 15. Advantage of Stream as infinite table ● Structured data analysis is first class not layered over the unstructured runtime ● Easy to combine with batch data as both use same Dataset abstraction ● Can use full power of SQL language to express stateful stream operations ● Benefits from SQL optimisations learnt over decades ● Easy to learn and maintain
  • 17. Reading from Socket ● Socket is built in source for structured streaming ● As with DStream API, we can read socket by specifying hostname and port ● Returns a DataFrame with single column called value ● Using console as the sink to write the output ● Once we have setup source and sink, we use query interface to start the execution ● Ex : SocketReadExample
  • 18. Questions from DStream users ● Where is batch time? Or how frequently this is going to run? ● awaitTermination is on query not on session? Does that mean we can have multiple queries running parallely? ● We didn't specify local[2], how does that work? ● As this program using Dataframe, how does the schema inference works?
  • 19. Flink vs Spark stream processing ● Spark run as soon as possible may sound like per event processing but it’s not ● In flink, all the operations like map / flatMap will be running as processes and data will be streamed through it ● But in spark asap, tasks are launched for given batch and destroyed once it’s completed ● So spark still does minibatch but with much lower latency.
  • 21. Spark Execution Graph a b 1 2 3 4 Batch 1 Map Stage Aggregat e Stage Spawn tasks Batch 2 Map Stage Aggregat e Stage Sink Stage Sink Stage Spawn tasks Socket Stream
  • 22. Independence from Execution Model ● Even though current structured streaming runtime is minibatch, API doesn’t dictate the nature of runtime ● Structured Streaming API is built in such a way that query execution model can be change in future ● Already plan for continuous processing mode to bring structured streaming in par with flink per message semantics ●
  • 23. Socket Minibatch ● In last example, we used asap trigger. ● We can mimic the DStream mini batch behaviour by changing the trigger API ● Trigger is specified for the query, as it determines the frequency for query execution ● In this example, we create a 5 second trigger, which will create a batch for every 5 seconds ● Ex : SocketMiniBatchExample
  • 24. Word count on Socket Stream ● Once we know how to read from a source, we can do operations on the same ● In this example, we will do word count using Dataframe and Dataset API’s ● We will be using Dataset API’s for data cleanup/preparation and Dataframe API to define the aggregations ● Ex : SocketWordCount
  • 26. Stateful operations ● In last example, we observed that spark remembers the state across batches ● In structured streaming, all aggregations are stateful ● Developer needs to choose output mode complete so that aggregations are always up to date ● Spark internally uses the both disk and memory state store for remembering state ● No more complicated state management in application code
  • 27. Understanding output mode ● Output mode defines what’s the dataframe seen by the sink after each batch ● APPEND signifies sink only sees the records from last batch ● UPDATE signifies sink sees all the changed records across the batches ● COMPLETE signifies sink sess complete output for every batch ● Depending on operations, we need to choose output mode
  • 28. Stateless aggregations ● Most of the stream applications benefit from default statefulness ● But sometime we need aggregations done on batch data rather on complete data ● Helpful for porting existing DStream code to structured streaming code ● Spark exposes flatMapGroups API to define the stateless aggregations
  • 29. Stateless wordcount ● In this example, we will define word count on a batch data ● Batch is defined for 5 seconds. ● Rather than using groupBy and count API’s we will use groupByKey and flatMapGroups API ● flatMapGroups defines operations to be done on each group ● We will be using output mode APPEND ● Ex : StatelessWordCount
  • 30. Limitations of flatMapGroups ● flatMapGroups will be slower than groupBy and count as it doesn’t support partial aggregations ● flatMapGroups can be used only with output mode APPEND as output size of the function is unbounded ● flatMapGroups needs grouping done using Dataset API not using Dataframe API
  • 31. Checkpoint and state recovery ● Building stateful applications comes with additional responsibility of checkpointing the state for safe recovery ● Checkpointing is achieved by writing state of the application to a HDFS compatible storage ● Checkpointing is specific for queries. So you can mix and match stateless and stateful queries in same application ● Ex : RecoverableAggregation
  • 33. File streams ● Structured Streaming has excellent support for the file based streams ● Supports file types like csv, json,parquet out of the box ● Schema inference is not supported ● Picking up new files on arrival is same as DStream file stream API ● Ex : FileStreamExample
  • 34. Joins with static data ● As Dataset is common abstraction across batch and stream API’s , we can easily enrich structured stream with static data ● As both have schema built in, spark can use the catalyst optimiser to optimise joins between files and streams ● In our example,we will be enriching sales stream with customer data ● Ex : StreamJoin