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Coordination in
Distributed Systems
Andrea Monacchi
Consensus, Configuration, Reliability
1. Consensus
2. Apache Zookeeper
● Multiple processes must agree on a value (e.g. time, state, price)
● Synchronization in systems - Very general topic - many applications
○ clock synchronization - e.g. firefly synchronization
○ smart power grids - e.g. phased-locked loop (PLL)
○ load balancing
○ state-machine replication and distributed replica
○ distributed-lock and distributed-transaction algorithms
● In practice
○ environment is noisy - i.e. faults may arise endogenously/exougenously
■ Crash failures (process stops) - process or network caused
■ Byzantine failures (most general failure) - probabilistic terms, identification is strategy/protocol driven
○ consensus protocols must be fault tolerant (accept failure)
Protocol requirements:
● Agreement - consensus should result in one common value
● Termination - consensus process eventually converges
● Integrity - if correct processes picked v, then v should be selected by consensus process

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Reader/writer problem
Reader/writer problemReader/writer problem
Reader/writer problem

The reader/writer problem involves coordinating access to shared data by multiple reader and writer processes. There are two main approaches: (1) prioritizing readers, where readers can access the data simultaneously but writers must wait, risking writer starvation. This can be solved using semaphores. (2) Prioritizing writers, where new readers must wait if a writer is already accessing the data. This prevents starvation and can be implemented using monitors. The document then describes how to use semaphores to solve the reader/writer problem by prioritizing readers, with mutex, wrt, and readcount semaphores controlling access for readers and writers.

processsynchronizationreader writer problem
● agreeing on single integer value
● agreeing on binary value (binary consensus)
Reference algorithm: Paxos (by Leslie Lamport)
● difficult to understand and implement
● even worse in multi-paxos variant
● implementations far from theory (multiple
flavours derived)
● agreement of a sequence of values
● can be decomposed in multiple single-valued
Reference algorithm: Multi-Paxos, Raft
● Raft has understandability at its core
● consensus decomposed to 3 sub-problems
Consensus process decomposed to 3 sub-problems:
● leader election - upon failures on the current
leader (only 1 leader at time)
● log replication - the leader keeps the logs of all
other servers in sync with his ones, via
replication (identical append-only logs)
● safety - if any server has committed a log entry
at a certain index, no other one can apply a
different log for that index (append only log)
● strong leadership - log replicated only from leader
to followers; logs are received from clients on
leader, then propagated by leader to followers
who apply it when considered safe.
● leader election - using randomized timers and
heartbeats from leader to followers;
● Membership changes - using new joint consensus
approach to keep cluster operating during
configuration changes;
Raft: leader election
Each node is a state machine in 1 of these states: ● Each follower uses a randomized timer and a heartbeat on the current
● Upon timer expiration, node becomes candidate and asks all nodes for
votes; Voting as first-come-first-served on requests;
● If majority arrives, then node confirms leaderships by sending
heartbeat to all to establish authority;
● No concept of time, rather arbitrary terms of arbitrary length with 1
defined leader
● Term identified by ID monotonically increasing and used to mark each
● If Candidate receives AppendEntries (by other candidate) with same or
higher Term ID, then becomes follower and updates local Term ID.
● If more candidates at same time exist vote may lead to no majority
(split votes), then new election begins;
● Random election timeouts used by each node to prevent split votes;
first expiring asks for new elections;
2 remote-procedure calls (RPCs):
● RequestVotes - from candidate to all
● AppendEntries - from leader to followers
to replicate log entries and/or send heartbeat
source: original paper
Raft: log replication
● Leader receives command for its FSM from client
● Leader appends command to its log
● Leader calls AppendEntries in parallel to all nodes to
replicate the entry;
● If log entry was safely replicated by majority of
followers then (it is safe to commit it) run command
and return result;
● if not (e.g. follower crashed or too slow) leader retries
AppendEntries indefinetely until all followers are in
sync with their log;
● Term ID stored with command as Log entry to detect
● Followers can locally apply committed command;
● Followers’ crashes can be easily recovered
● Leaders’ crashes may leave log inconsistent
○ not all log entries may have been replicated
Solution - Log Matching Property:
● AppendEntries include consistency check, i.e. reference
to TermID and command of previous Log Entry;
● Log Entry is refused if previous Log Entry does not
match that of leader;
● Conflicting entries overwritten with that of leader
(appended after last common entry for both);
● Leaders never overwrite their own log;

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Gossip là một giao thức trao đổi thông tin phổ biến trong các hệ thống phân tán giúp cho các máy chủ duy trì trạng thái đồng nhất với nhau cũng như thực hiện các nhiệm vụ có chủ đích. Điểm mạnh của nó là khả năng phát tán thông tin ở tốc độ cao cũng như không hề có single point of failure. Trong bài talk này, Anh Nguyễn Anh Tú, thành viên của Grokking sẽ chia sẻ một số thông tin về giao thức Gossip cũng như điểm qua một vài ứng dụng thực tiễn của nó. - Về diễn giả: Anh Nguyễn Anh Tú hiện đang là Staff Software Engineer tại Axon Vietnam, đồng thời là thành viên của Grokking Vietnam.

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Concurrency Control Techniques: Concurrency Control, Locking Techniques for Concurrency Control, Time Stamping Protocols for Concurrency Control, Validation Based Protocol, Multiple Granularity, Multi Version Schemes, Recovery with Concurrent Transaction,

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This document discusses task migration in distributed systems. It defines task migration as the preemptive transfer of a partially executed task to another node. The document outlines the group members working on the task migration project and provides an introduction to terminology used. It then discusses reasons for task migration like load distribution and improving communication. The main issues discussed are state transfer costs, location transparency, migration mechanism structure, and performance impacts.

Raft: Safety
Followers may be unavailable while leader commits certain
entries and then become leader itself, thus overwriting the
previous leader entries;
Restrict access to leadership by ensuring that leader for a term
contains all entries committed in previous terms (completeness);
● RequestVote RPC includes info on candidate log, so that the
voter can decline if its local log is more up to date than the
candidate one;
● Logs of candidate and voter compared by i) last entries (in
terms of Term Id and command) and ii) length;
● To avoid leader crashing before committing entries and
having partially replicated the entry; only allow leader to
commit entries that have the current Term ID; By the
properties of log replication, only if consistency check is
passed (last terms match) additional entries can be added;
thus resulting in correct log merging;
Apache Zookeeper
● Coordination using a shared file system
○ CRUD operations on tiny files called ZNodes, having stat-like versioning and ACLS
○ ZNodes can have associated data and children nodes - Read this
○ Event-driven communication - Clients can watch for changes on ZNodes - Example
○ Ephemeral Nodes - can’t have children and expire when the creating process dies
○ TTL Nodes - automatic removal upon timer expiration
● Used for Service Discovery, Metadata Management, Synchronization, Leader Election
○ e.g. Hadoop/Yarn and Kafka, many more
○ Using a barrier to synchronize distributed processes (fork/join model)
■ use node b1/ as barrier, each process adds a child node in b1, of kind b1/p1, b1/p2, and so on
■ when enough processes have created their nodes (as provided to the barrier), the join can start
■ example can be generalized to other synch. models, e.g. locks, 2-phase Commit, Leader election
○ Producer-consumer model simply adding child nodes (using sequential ID) in the ZNode queue
Apache Zookeeper: Example
Apache Kafka Cluster
git clone
docker-compose -f zk-single-kafka-single.yml up -d
docker-compose -f zk-multiple-kafka-multiple.yml up -d
docker run 
-d --network host 
-e HTTP_PORT=9000 
--name zoonavigator 
--restart unless-stopped 
Apache Zookeeper: Example
$ kaf topic create example_topic_folks
✅ Created topic!
Topic Name: example_topic_folks
Partitions: 1
Replication Factor: 1
Cleanup Policy: delete

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In 1965, Dijkstra proposed a new and very significant technique for managing concurrent processes by using the value of a simple integer variable to synchronize the progress of interacting processes. This integer variable is called semaphore. So it is basically a synchronizing tool and is accessed only through two low standard atomic operations, wait and signal designated by P() and V() respectively. The classical definition of wait and signal are : Wait : decrement the value of its argument S as soon as it would become non-negative. Signal : increment the value of its argument, S as an individual operation.

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● Very similar to Zookeeper
○ file system-like structure with similar functionalities for Nodes (e.g. event-reaction on changes, TTL)
● Raft protocol to distribute replicas across ETCD cluster
● Either addressed via REST/JSON (e.g. by UIs) or gRPC (by other services) - See API v2, v3
● Very lightweight and performant (written in Go) - core component of Kubernetes

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Coordination in distributed systems

  • 1. Coordination in Distributed Systems Andrea Monacchi Consensus, Configuration, Reliability
  • 2. Agenda 1. Consensus 2. Apache Zookeeper 3. ETCD
  • 3. Consensus ● Multiple processes must agree on a value (e.g. time, state, price) ○ ● Synchronization in systems - Very general topic - many applications ○ clock synchronization - e.g. firefly synchronization ○ smart power grids - e.g. phased-locked loop (PLL) ○ load balancing ○ state-machine replication and distributed replica ○ distributed-lock and distributed-transaction algorithms ● In practice ○ environment is noisy - i.e. faults may arise endogenously/exougenously ■ Crash failures (process stops) - process or network caused ■ Byzantine failures (most general failure) - probabilistic terms, identification is strategy/protocol driven ○ consensus protocols must be fault tolerant (accept failure)
  • 4. Consensus Protocol requirements: ● Agreement - consensus should result in one common value ● Termination - consensus process eventually converges ● Integrity - if correct processes picked v, then v should be selected by consensus process
  • 5. Consensus Single-valued ● agreeing on single integer value ● agreeing on binary value (binary consensus) Reference algorithm: Paxos (by Leslie Lamport) ● difficult to understand and implement ● even worse in multi-paxos variant ● implementations far from theory (multiple flavours derived) Multi-valued ● agreement of a sequence of values ● can be decomposed in multiple single-valued Reference algorithm: Multi-Paxos, Raft ● Raft has understandability at its core ● consensus decomposed to 3 sub-problems
  • 6. Raft Consensus process decomposed to 3 sub-problems: ● leader election - upon failures on the current leader (only 1 leader at time) ● log replication - the leader keeps the logs of all other servers in sync with his ones, via replication (identical append-only logs) ● safety - if any server has committed a log entry at a certain index, no other one can apply a different log for that index (append only log) Peculiarities: ● strong leadership - log replicated only from leader to followers; logs are received from clients on leader, then propagated by leader to followers who apply it when considered safe. ● leader election - using randomized timers and heartbeats from leader to followers; ● Membership changes - using new joint consensus approach to keep cluster operating during configuration changes;
  • 7. Raft: leader election Each node is a state machine in 1 of these states: ● Each follower uses a randomized timer and a heartbeat on the current leader; ● Upon timer expiration, node becomes candidate and asks all nodes for votes; Voting as first-come-first-served on requests; ● If majority arrives, then node confirms leaderships by sending heartbeat to all to establish authority; ● No concept of time, rather arbitrary terms of arbitrary length with 1 defined leader ● Term identified by ID monotonically increasing and used to mark each communication; ● If Candidate receives AppendEntries (by other candidate) with same or higher Term ID, then becomes follower and updates local Term ID. ● If more candidates at same time exist vote may lead to no majority (split votes), then new election begins; ● Random election timeouts used by each node to prevent split votes; first expiring asks for new elections; 2 remote-procedure calls (RPCs): ● RequestVotes - from candidate to all ● AppendEntries - from leader to followers to replicate log entries and/or send heartbeat source: original paper
  • 8. Raft: log replication ● Leader receives command for its FSM from client ● Leader appends command to its log ● Leader calls AppendEntries in parallel to all nodes to replicate the entry; ● If log entry was safely replicated by majority of followers then (it is safe to commit it) run command and return result; ● if not (e.g. follower crashed or too slow) leader retries AppendEntries indefinetely until all followers are in sync with their log; ● Term ID stored with command as Log entry to detect inconsistencies; ● Followers can locally apply committed command; Notes: ● Followers’ crashes can be easily recovered ● Leaders’ crashes may leave log inconsistent ○ not all log entries may have been replicated Solution - Log Matching Property: ● AppendEntries include consistency check, i.e. reference to TermID and command of previous Log Entry; ● Log Entry is refused if previous Log Entry does not match that of leader; ● Conflicting entries overwritten with that of leader (appended after last common entry for both); ● Leaders never overwrite their own log;
  • 9. Raft: Safety Problem: Followers may be unavailable while leader commits certain entries and then become leader itself, thus overwriting the previous leader entries; Solution: Restrict access to leadership by ensuring that leader for a term contains all entries committed in previous terms (completeness); Implementation: ● RequestVote RPC includes info on candidate log, so that the voter can decline if its local log is more up to date than the candidate one; ● Logs of candidate and voter compared by i) last entries (in terms of Term Id and command) and ii) length; ● To avoid leader crashing before committing entries and having partially replicated the entry; only allow leader to commit entries that have the current Term ID; By the properties of log replication, only if consistency check is passed (last terms match) additional entries can be added; thus resulting in correct log merging;
  • 10. Apache Zookeeper ● Coordination using a shared file system ○ CRUD operations on tiny files called ZNodes, having stat-like versioning and ACLS ○ ZNodes can have associated data and children nodes - Read this ○ Event-driven communication - Clients can watch for changes on ZNodes - Example ○ Ephemeral Nodes - can’t have children and expire when the creating process dies ○ TTL Nodes - automatic removal upon timer expiration ● Used for Service Discovery, Metadata Management, Synchronization, Leader Election ○ e.g. Hadoop/Yarn and Kafka, many more ○ Using a barrier to synchronize distributed processes (fork/join model) ■ use node b1/ as barrier, each process adds a child node in b1, of kind b1/p1, b1/p2, and so on ■ when enough processes have created their nodes (as provided to the barrier), the join can start ■ example can be generalized to other synch. models, e.g. locks, 2-phase Commit, Leader election ○ Producer-consumer model simply adding child nodes (using sequential ID) in the ZNode queue
  • 11. Apache Zookeeper: Example Apache Kafka Cluster git clone t docker-compose -f zk-single-kafka-single.yml up -d docker-compose -f zk-multiple-kafka-multiple.yml up -d ZooNavigator docker run -d --network host -e HTTP_PORT=9000 --name zoonavigator --restart unless-stopped elkozmon/zoonavigator:latest
  • 12. Apache Zookeeper: Example $ kaf topic create example_topic_folks ✅ Created topic! Topic Name: example_topic_folks Partitions: 1 Replication Factor: 1 Cleanup Policy: delete
  • 13. ETCD ● Very similar to Zookeeper ○ file system-like structure with similar functionalities for Nodes (e.g. event-reaction on changes, TTL) ● Raft protocol to distribute replicas across ETCD cluster ● Either addressed via REST/JSON (e.g. by UIs) or gRPC (by other services) - See API v2, v3 ● Very lightweight and performant (written in Go) - core component of Kubernetes