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How to scale a distributed (file) system
Atin Mukherjee
Gluster Hacker
SSE @ Red Hat
IRC : atinmu
● Consensus in distributed system
● CAP theorem in distributed system
● Different distributed system design approaches
● Design challenges
● RAFT algorithm
● Consistent distributed store
● etcd
● Q & A
Consensus in distributed system
● Consensus – An agrement but for what and
between whom?
● For what → the op/transaction can be
committed or not
● Between whom → Answer is pretty simple, the
nodes forming the distributed system
● Quorum – (n/2) + 1
CAP theorem
● Any two of the following three gurantees
– Consistency (all nodes see the same data at the
same time)
– Availability (a guarantee that every request
receives a response about whether it succeeded or
– Partition tolerance (the system continues to operate
despite arbitrary message loss or failure of part of
the system)

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This document provides an overview of PNUTS, Yahoo!'s hosted data serving platform. The key points are: 1. PNUTS is a massively parallel and geographically distributed database system that provides a consistency model between full serializability and eventual consistency, through per-record timeline consistency. 2. It uses asynchronous geographic replication to replicas around the world for high availability and low latency updates. Notifications allow subscribers to stream updates. Bulk loading facilitates rapid data ingestion. 3. The architecture involves record-level mastering, storage units, tablet controllers, routers, and a message broker to propagate updates between regions while ensuring consistency.

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Os examples scheduling
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The document discusses scheduling in the Linux, Windows, and Solaris operating systems. In Linux, tasks are divided into scheduling classes and the scheduler selects the highest priority task in the highest priority class to run. The two main classes are the default class which uses Completely Fair Scheduler, and the real-time class. Windows uses a priority-based preemptive scheduler where the highest priority ready thread runs, and a higher priority thread can preempt a lower one. Solaris has six priority-based classes and uses different scheduling algorithms depending on the class, like time-sharing with dynamic time slices or real-time with static highest priority.

Hbase hivepig
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This document discusses NoSQL and big data processing. It provides background on scaling relational databases and introduces key concepts like the CAP theorem. The CAP theorem states that a distributed data store can only provide two out of three guarantees around consistency, availability, and partition tolerance. Many NoSQL systems sacrifice consistency for availability and partition tolerance, adopting an eventual consistency model instead of ACID transactions.

Distributed system design approaches
● No meta data – all nodes share across their
● Meta data server – One node holds data where
others fetches from it
So which one is better???
Probably none of them? Ask yourself for a
Challenges in design of a distributed
● No meta data server
– N * N exchange of Network messages
– Not scalable when N is probably in hundreds or
– Initialization time can be very high
– Can end up in a situation like “whom to believe,
whom not to” - popularly known as split brain
– How to undo a transaction locally
Challenges in design of a distributed
system - 2
● MDS (Meta data server)
Ahh!! so is this the only drawback??
– How about having replicas and then replica count??
– Additional N/W hop, lower performance
RAFT – A consensus algorithm
● Key functions
– Asymmetric – leader based
– Leader election
– Normal operation
– Safety and consistency after leader changes
– Neutralizing old leaders
– Client interactions
– Configuration changes

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This document discusses session management challenges for web applications in elastic infrastructure as a service (IaaS) systems. It presents two architectural solutions - session monitoring and session migration - to support scaling down operations while maintaining sticky sessions. The authors implemented session monitoring in the open source Eucalyptus IaaS system by adding a load balancer, monitor, and control daemon to track sessions and safely remove servers from the cluster. Future work includes evaluating the prototype's performance.

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Distributed Mutual exclusion algorithms
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Distributed Mutual exclusion algorithms

1. There are two main approaches to distributed mutual exclusion - token-based and non-token based. Token based approaches use a shared token to allow only one process access at a time, while non-token approaches use message passing to determine access order. 2. A common token based algorithm uses a centralized coordinator process that grants access to the requesting process. Ring-based algorithms pass a token around a logical ring, allowing the process holding it to enter the critical section. 3. Lamport's non-token algorithm uses message passing of requests and timestamps to build identical request queues at each process, allowing the process at the head of the queue to enter the critical section. The Ricart-Agrawala

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Distributed System
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Distributed System

- A distributed system is a collection of autonomous computers linked by a network that appear as a single computer. Inter-process communication allows processes running on different computers to exchange data. Common IPC methods include message passing, shared memory, and remote procedure calls. - Marshalling is the process of reformatting data to allow exchange between modules that use different data representations. Remote procedure calls allow a program to execute subroutines in another address space, such as on another computer. The client-server model partitions tasks between service providers (servers) and requesters (clients). - Election algorithms are used in distributed systems to choose a coordinator process from among a group of processes. Examples include the bully algorithm and ring

RAFT : Terms
● Divided into two parts
– Election
– Normal operation
● At most 1 leader per term
● Failed election - split vote
● Each server maintains current term value
● Identify obsolete information
RAFT : Server states
● Server states transition
RAFT : Replicated state machine
● A picture says thousand words...
RAFT : Different RPCs
● RequestVote RPCs – Candidate sends to other
nodes for electing itself as leader
● AppendEntries RPCs – Normal operation
● AppendEntries RPCs with no message - Heart
beat messages – Leader sends to all followers
to make its presence

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The document outlines the key performance testing requirements when using LoadRunner. It discusses factors that impact throughput like hardware specifications, software processing overhead, and degree of parallelism. It also defines different types of performance tests including load testing to determine maximum load, stress testing under deprived resources, soak testing under prolonged load, and scalability testing to determine if an application can scale. Finally, it lists requirements for scripts, parametrization, correlations, scenarios, think times, and monitoring tools for capacity planning when using LoadRunner for performance testing.

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This is the Complete Information about Data Replication you need, i am focused on these topics: What is replication? Who use it? Types ? Implementation Methods?

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StrikrSystemsLLP provides automation services to help identify automation requirements, plan proof of concepts and development work, and drive efficiency. They take a modular approach to design reusable automation solutions across organizations. Their process involves understanding existing systems and scripts, exploring automation opportunities, and designing data-driven solutions without resume-driven frameworks or outdated tools like Excel. They deliver integrated services and aim to eliminate user interaction from automated processes.

RAFT : Leader Election
● current_term++
● Follower->Candidate
● Self vote
● Send request vote RPCs to all other servers, retry until either:
– Receive votes from majority of server
– Receive RPC from valid leader
– Election time out elapses – increment term
● Election properties
– Safety – allow at most one winner per term
– Liveness – some candidate must eventually win
Consistent distributed store
● A common consistent store which can be
shared by different nodes
● In the form of key value pair for ease of use
● Such distributed key value store
implementations are available.
● Named as /etc distributed
● Open source distributed consistent key value store
● Based on RAFT
● Highly available and reliable
● Sequentially consistent
● Watchable
● Exposed via HTTP
● Runtime reconfigurable (Saling feature)
● Durable (snapshot backup/restore)
● Time to live keys (have a time out)
Why etcd
● Vibrant community
● 500+ applications like kubernetes, cloud
foundry using it
● 150+ developers
● Stable releases

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This document discusses various topics related to communication and synchronization in distributed systems. It covers concepts like communication protocols, remote procedure calls, client-server and peer-to-peer models, blocking vs non-blocking communication, reliability, group communication, message ordering, and synchronization techniques including clock synchronization algorithms, mutual exclusion algorithms, and atomic transactions.

● Use etcd sub cluster to store configuration data
● No burden on application to maintain
● And that's all!!
Q & A

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This document discusses transaction management and concurrency control. It defines a transaction as a logical unit of work that must be completed or aborted with no intermediate states. It describes the ACID properties of atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability that transactions should have. It also discusses concurrency control techniques like locking and time stamping to ensure transactions execute serially for consistency despite concurrent access.

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Chapter 18 - Distributed Coordination
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Chapter 18 - Distributed Coordination

Event Ordering Mutual Exclusion Atomicity Concurrency Control Deadlock Handling Election Algorithms Reaching Agreement

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Transactions and Concurrency Control in distributed systems. Transaction properties, classification, and transaction implementation. Flat, Nested, and Distributed transactions. Inconsistent Retrievals, Lost Update, Dirty Read, and Premature Writes Problem

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Manging scalability of distributed system

  • 1. How to scale a distributed (file) system Atin Mukherjee Gluster Hacker SSE @ Red Hat @mukherjee_atin IRC : atinmu
  • 2. Agenda ● Consensus in distributed system ● CAP theorem in distributed system ● Different distributed system design approaches ● Design challenges ● RAFT algorithm ● Consistent distributed store ● etcd ● Q & A
  • 3. Consensus in distributed system ● Consensus – An agrement but for what and between whom? ● For what → the op/transaction can be committed or not ● Between whom → Answer is pretty simple, the nodes forming the distributed system ● Quorum – (n/2) + 1
  • 4. CAP theorem ● Any two of the following three gurantees – Consistency (all nodes see the same data at the same time) – Availability (a guarantee that every request receives a response about whether it succeeded or failed) – Partition tolerance (the system continues to operate despite arbitrary message loss or failure of part of the system)
  • 5. Distributed system design approaches ● No meta data – all nodes share across their data ● Meta data server – One node holds data where others fetches from it So which one is better??? Probably none of them? Ask yourself for a minute....
  • 6. Challenges in design of a distributed system ● No meta data server – N * N exchange of Network messages – Not scalable when N is probably in hundreds or thousands – Initialization time can be very high – Can end up in a situation like “whom to believe, whom not to” - popularly known as split brain – How to undo a transaction locally
  • 7. Challenges in design of a distributed system - 2 ● MDS (Meta data server) – SPOF Ahh!! so is this the only drawback?? – How about having replicas and then replica count?? – Additional N/W hop, lower performance
  • 8. RAFT – A consensus algorithm ● Key functions – Asymmetric – leader based – Leader election – Normal operation – Safety and consistency after leader changes – Neutralizing old leaders – Client interactions – Configuration changes
  • 9. RAFT : Terms ● Divided into two parts – Election – Normal operation ● At most 1 leader per term ● Failed election - split vote ● Each server maintains current term value ● Identify obsolete information
  • 10. RAFT : Server states ● Server states transition
  • 11. RAFT : Replicated state machine ● A picture says thousand words...
  • 12. RAFT : Different RPCs ● RequestVote RPCs – Candidate sends to other nodes for electing itself as leader ● AppendEntries RPCs – Normal operation workload ● AppendEntries RPCs with no message - Heart beat messages – Leader sends to all followers to make its presence
  • 13. RAFT : Leader Election ● current_term++ ● Follower->Candidate ● Self vote ● Send request vote RPCs to all other servers, retry until either: – Receive votes from majority of server – Receive RPC from valid leader – Election time out elapses – increment term ● Election properties – Safety – allow at most one winner per term – Liveness – some candidate must eventually win
  • 14. Consistent distributed store ● A common consistent store which can be shared by different nodes ● In the form of key value pair for ease of use ● Such distributed key value store implementations are available.
  • 15. etcd ● Named as /etc distributed ● Open source distributed consistent key value store ● Based on RAFT ● Highly available and reliable ● Sequentially consistent ● Watchable ● Exposed via HTTP ● Runtime reconfigurable (Saling feature) ● Durable (snapshot backup/restore) ● Time to live keys (have a time out)
  • 16. Why etcd ● Vibrant community ● 500+ applications like kubernetes, cloud foundry using it ● 150+ developers ● Stable releases
  • 17. Conclusion ● Use etcd sub cluster to store configuration data ● No burden on application to maintain consistency ● And that's all!!
  • 19. Q & A