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PostgreSQL Replication
in 10 Minutes

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts, Inc.
SCALE 2014
1. See a multistage replication
2. Hear how to set up and
configure replication
3. Understand different
setups and replication
PostgreSQL Replication in 10  Minutes - SCALE
PostgreSQL Replication in 10  Minutes - SCALE

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Postgres on OpenStack
Postgres on OpenStackPostgres on OpenStack
Postgres on OpenStack

OpenStack is rapidly gaining popularity with businesses as they realize the benefits of a private cloud architecture. This presentation was delivered by Dave Page, ‎Chief Architect, Tools & Installers at EnterpriseDB & PostgreSQL Core Team member during PG Open 2014. He addressed some of the common components of OpenStack deployments, how they can affect Postgres servers, and how users might best utilize some of the features they offer when deploying Postgres, including: • Different configurations for the Nova compute service • Use of the Cinder block store • Virtual networking options with Neutron • WAL archiving with the Swift object store

by EDB
Streaming Replication (Keynote @ PostgreSQL Conference 2009 Japan)
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Streaming Replication (Keynote @ PostgreSQL Conference 2009 Japan)

PostgreSQL Conference 2009 Japan Keynote Lecture

PostgreSQL Hangout Parameter Tuning
PostgreSQL Hangout Parameter TuningPostgreSQL Hangout Parameter Tuning
PostgreSQL Hangout Parameter Tuning

This document discusses PostgreSQL parameter tuning, specifically related to memory and optimizer parameters. It provides guidance on setting parameters like shared_buffer, work_mem, temp_buffer, maintenance_work_mem, random_page_cost, sequential_page_cost, and effective_cache_size to optimize performance based on hardware characteristics like available RAM and disk speed. It also covers force_plan parameters that can include or exclude certain query optimization techniques.

google hangoutpostgrespostgresql
PostgreSQL Replication in 10  Minutes - SCALE
PostgreSQL Replication in 10  Minutes - SCALE
replication terms
master / slave
master / standby
master / replica
primary / secondary
primary / replica
replication mechanisms

1. statement
2. row
3. binary

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SQL Server vs Postgres
SQL Server vs PostgresSQL Server vs Postgres
SQL Server vs Postgres

This document provides an overview of key differences between SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases. It covers topics such as extensions, cost, case sensitivity, operating systems, processor configuration, write-ahead logging (WAL), checkpoints, disabling writes, page corruptions, MVCC, vacuum, database snapshots, system databases, tables, indexes, statistics, triggers, functions, security, backups, replication, imports/exports, maintenance, and monitoring. The document aims to help SQL Server DBAs understand how to administer and work with PostgreSQL databases.

postgres sql server training
Ilya Kosmodemiansky - An ultimate guide to upgrading your PostgreSQL installa...
Ilya Kosmodemiansky - An ultimate guide to upgrading your PostgreSQL installa...Ilya Kosmodemiansky - An ultimate guide to upgrading your PostgreSQL installa...
Ilya Kosmodemiansky - An ultimate guide to upgrading your PostgreSQL installa...

Even an experienced PostgreSQL DBA can not always say that upgrading between major versions of Postgres is an easy task, especially if there are some special requirements, such as downtime limitations or if something goes wrong. For less experienced DBAs anything more complex than dump/restore can be frustrating. In this talk I will describe why we need a special procedure to upgrade between major versions, how that can be achieved and what sort of problems can occur. I will review all possible ways to upgrade your cluster from classical pg_upgrade to old-school slony or modern methods like logical replication. For all approaches, I will give a brief explanation how it works (limited by the scope of this talk of course), examples how to perform upgrade and some advice on potentially problematic steps. Besides I will touch upon such topics as integration of upgrade tools and procedures with other software — connection brokers, operating system package managers, automation tools, etc. This talk would not be complete if I do not cover cases when something goes wrong and how to deal with such cases.

Streaming replication in practice
Streaming replication in practiceStreaming replication in practice
Streaming replication in practice

This document discusses streaming replication in PostgreSQL. It covers how streaming replication works, including the write-ahead log and replication processes. It also discusses setting up replication between a primary and standby server, including configuring the servers and verifying replication is working properly. Monitoring replication is discussed along with views and functions for checking replication status. Maintenance tasks like adding or removing standbys and pausing replication are also mentioned.

postgresql databases
replication mechanisms

1. queries
2. rows
3. data pages
also called ...

streaming replication


refers to the ability to stream new data pages
over a network connection

hot standby

refers to the ability of standbys to run readonly queries while in standby mode
more terms



snapshot, clone, basebackup


binary replication came from binary backup,
i.e. Point In Time Recovery
taking a moment-in-time copy of a running
database server


a lone read-write server, neither master nor

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PostgreSQL HA
PostgreSQL   HAPostgreSQL   HA
PostgreSQL HA

A look at what HA is and what PostgreSQL has to offer for building an open source HA solution. Covers various aspects in terms of Recovery Point Objective and Recovery Time Objective. Includes backup and restore, PITR (point in time recovery) and streaming replication concepts.

postgresqlreplicationstreaming replication
GUC Tutorial Package (9.0)
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GUC Tutorial Package (9.0)

The document provides an overview of Grand Unified Configuration Settings (GUCS) in PostgreSQL. It discusses the different types of GUCS, how they can be configured via postgresql.conf, SET commands, and other methods. Specific GUCS that are commonly adjusted are highlighted. The document also covers new features related to GUCS in recent PostgreSQL versions.

Overview of Postgres Utility Processes
Overview of Postgres Utility ProcessesOverview of Postgres Utility Processes
Overview of Postgres Utility Processes

This technical presentation by EDB Dave Thomas, Systems Engineer provides an overview of: 1) BGWriter/Writer Process 2) Wall Writer Process 3) Stats Collector Process 4) Autovacuum Launch Process 5) Syslogger Process/Logger process 6) Archiver Process 7) WAL Send/Receive Processes

by EDB
postgres plusprocesspostgres
configuration files



same settings for master, replica


presence turns on replication
must be in $PGDATA
views & functions
process list
● pg_stat_replication
● pg_is_in_recovery()
● pg_xlog* functions
permissions & security

replication permission
archiving replication

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Logical Replication in PostgreSQL - FLOSSUK 2016
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Logical Replication in PostgreSQL - FLOSSUK 2016

Slides from FLOSSUK Spring 2016 conference about the logical replication in PostgreSQL using pglogical extension.

PostgreSQL High Availability in a Containerized World
PostgreSQL High Availability in a Containerized WorldPostgreSQL High Availability in a Containerized World
PostgreSQL High Availability in a Containerized World

This document discusses high availability for PostgreSQL in a containerized environment. It outlines typical enterprise requirements for high availability including recovery time objectives and recovery point objectives. Shared storage-based high availability is described as well as the advantages and disadvantages of PostgreSQL replication. The use of Linux containers and orchestration tools like Kubernetes and Consul for managing containerized PostgreSQL clusters is also covered. The document advocates for using PostgreSQL replication along with services and self-healing tools to provide highly available and scalable PostgreSQL deployments in modern container environments.

Problems with PostgreSQL on Multi-core Systems with MultiTerabyte Data
Problems with PostgreSQL on Multi-core Systems with MultiTerabyte DataProblems with PostgreSQL on Multi-core Systems with MultiTerabyte Data
Problems with PostgreSQL on Multi-core Systems with MultiTerabyte Data

This document discusses PostgreSQL performance on multi-core systems with multi-terabyte data. It covers current market trends towards more cores and larger data sizes. Benchmark results show that PostgreSQL scales well on inserts up to a certain number of clients/cores but struggles with OLTP and TPC-E workloads due to lock contention. Issues are identified with sequential scans, index scans, and maintenance tasks like VACUUM as data sizes increase. The document proposes making PostgreSQL utilities and tools able to leverage multiple cores/processes to improve performance on modern hardware.

sun microsystemssolarispostgresql
archiving replication

set up archiving
start archiving
rsync all files
bring up replica
reasons to archive
replica out-of-sync
● combine with PITR or DR
● very erratic connection to master
● need remastering before 9.3
archiving tips
use a script which handles copy failure
● use a shared drive
● put archive on a partition
● monitor for archive growth
● compression
failover, failback
& remastering

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MySQL Server Backup, Restoration, and Disaster Recovery Planning
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MySQL Server Backup, Restoration, and Disaster Recovery Planning

Slides of Colin Charles and me talking at the MySQL Conference 2009:

Logical replication with pglogical
Logical replication with pglogicalLogical replication with pglogical
Logical replication with pglogical

This document discusses logical replication with pglogical. It begins by explaining that pglogical performs row-oriented replication and outputs replication data that can be used in various ways. It then covers the architectures of standalone PostgreSQL, physical replication, and logical replication. The rest of the document discusses key aspects of pglogical such as its output plugin, selective replication capabilities, performance and future plans, and examples of using the output with other applications.

big datadatabasedata
Out of the box replication in postgres 9.4
Out of the box replication in postgres 9.4Out of the box replication in postgres 9.4
Out of the box replication in postgres 9.4

This document provides an overview of setting up out of the box replication in PostgreSQL 9.4 without third party tools. It discusses write-ahead logs (WAL), replication slots, pg_basebackup, and pg_receivexlog. The document then demonstrates setting up replication on VMs with pg_basebackup to initialize a standby server, configuration of primary and standby servers, and monitoring of replication.

more terms

failover, promotion




making a replica into a master/standalone
returning the original master to master status


designating a new master in a group of
replica promotion
pg_ctl promote
● trigger file
● rm recovery.conf & restart
failover has 3 parts
1. failing over the database
2. failing over the connections
manual failover



easy to set up
fewer accidental failovers


being woken up at 3am

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Streaming Replication Made Easy in v9.3
Streaming Replication Made Easy in v9.3Streaming Replication Made Easy in v9.3
Streaming Replication Made Easy in v9.3

This document discusses setting up streaming replication in PostgreSQL v9.3 to enable high availability. It covers preparing primary and standby servers, configuring wal_level and max_wal_senders on the primary, taking a backup and restoring on the standby, creating a recovery.conf file, starting the servers to test replication, triggering failover by promoting the standby, handling multiple replicas without rebuilding, and rebuilding the original primary as a new standby. Monitoring replication status is also addressed using views like pg_stat_replication.

postgres streamingstreaming replicationpostgres 9.3
Elephant Roads: a tour of Postgres forks
Elephant Roads: a tour of Postgres forksElephant Roads: a tour of Postgres forks
Elephant Roads: a tour of Postgres forks

Josh Berkus Most users know that PostgreSQL has a 23-year development history. But did you know that Postgres code is used for over a dozen other database systems? Thanks to our liberal licensing, many companies and open source projects over the years have taken the Postgres or PostgreSQL code, changed it, added things to it, and/or merged it into something else. Illustra, Truviso, Aster, Greenplum, and others have seen the value of Postgres not just as a database but as some darned good code they could use. We'll explore the lineage of these forks, and go into the details of some of the more interesting ones.

pgwest 2009postgresql
Database Replication
Database ReplicationDatabase Replication
Database Replication

This document discusses database replication including synchronous and asynchronous replication, master-slave and multimaster replication. It provides examples of implementing asynchronous master-slave replication in MySQL and PostgreSQL as well as asynchronous multimaster replication in CouchDB. The document notes some problems that can occur with multimaster replication including update conflicts and discusses potential solutions. Configuration steps are outlined for setting up basic replication between MySQL and PostgreSQL databases for learning purposes only and not for production use.

automated failover



low downtime
sleep through the night


hard to set up correctly
need broker server
accidentally triggered failovers
use corosync/VIP
● use connection failover
● use peer broker server

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Backing up Wikipedia Databases
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Backing up Wikipedia Databases

Slides presented at Percona Live Europe Open Source Database Conference 2019, Amsterdam, 2019-10-01. Imagine a world where all Wikipedia articles disappear due to a human error or software bug. Sounds unreal? According to some estimations, it would take an excess of hundreds of million person-hours to be written again. To prevent that scenario from ever happening, our SRE team at Wikimedia recently refactored the relational database recovery system. In this session, we will discuss how we backup 550TB of MariaDB data without impacting the 15 billion page views per month we get. We will cover what were our initial plans to replace the old infrastructure, how we achieved recovering 2TB databases in less than 30 minutes while maintaining per-table granularity, as well as the different types of backups we implemented. Lastly, we will talk about lessons learned, what went well, how our original plans changed and future work.

The Accidental DBA
The Accidental DBAThe Accidental DBA
The Accidental DBA

This document provides a summary of a presentation on becoming an accidental PostgreSQL database administrator (DBA). It covers topics like installation, configuration, connections, backups, monitoring, slow queries, and getting help. The presentation aims to help those suddenly tasked with DBA responsibilities to not panic and provides practical advice on managing a PostgreSQL database.


This document discusses using the resource manager to control parallelism and Auto DOP in the database. It introduces parallelism concepts, Auto DOP, and how the resource manager can be used to limit parallelism through consumer groups, directives, and queuing. Setting up the resource manager divides users into groups, assigns parallel limits, and prevents performance degradation by queuing queries rather than allowing parallelism to downgrade. The resource manager provides finer control over Auto DOP and makes parallelism usage and throughput more predictable.

need the replica which is “furthest
● measure both receive point and replay
● need 9.3 for “streaming-only”
replication lag
query cancel
reasons for lag

network delay

speed of light

replica too busy
● file operations block


replication lag issues
inconsistency (if load-balancing)
● query cancel


applications need to retry queries

catch-up speed
● burden on master

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This document provides an overview of built-in physical and logical replication in PostgreSQL. It discusses: - The different layers of replication including database physical, database logical, and operating system layers. - The milestones of physical replication including file-based replication from PostgreSQL 8, streaming replication introduced in 9.0, and synchronous replication and quorum commit features added later. - How to set up streaming replication including configuring the master and standby servers, synchronizing data, and creating a recovery configuration file. - Features of streaming replication like asynchronous vs synchronous modes and hot standby vs warm standby. - Logical replication introduced in PostgreSQL 10 and how it differs from physical replication by replic


This document discusses PostgreSQL backups and disaster recovery. It covers the need for different types of backups like logical and physical backups. It discusses how to store backups and automate the backup process. The document also covers how to validate backups are working properly and tools that can be used. It emphasizes that both logical and physical backups are important to have for different recovery scenarios. Automation is recommended to manage the complex backup processes.

PostgreSQL High Availability in a Containerized World
PostgreSQL High Availability in a Containerized WorldPostgreSQL High Availability in a Containerized World
PostgreSQL High Availability in a Containerized World

This document discusses PostgreSQL high availability in a containerized environment. It begins with an overview of containers and their advantages like lower footprint and density. It then covers enterprise needs for high availability like recovery time objectives. Common approaches to PostgreSQL high availability are discussed like replication, shared storage, and using projects like Patroni and Stolon. Modern trends with containers are highlighted like separating data and binaries. Kubernetes is presented as a production-grade orchestrator that can provide horizontal scaling and self-healing capabilities. The discussion concludes with challenges of multi-region deployments and how service discovery with Consul can help address those challenges.

what synch rep does
guarantee against data loss
what it doesn't

enforce global consistency


master can be behind
replica snapshot can be behind

help availability
“I would rather be down
than potentially lose

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MySQL Enterprise Backup: Backup & Recovery Performance tests, full and partial restores, comparisons using MySQL Utilities, using transportable tablespaces, etc. A simple scenario on a small environment, using ubuntu a laptop and an external hd, showing how to use MEB and leave mysqldump to those specific situations, and reduce backup and restore times via MEB and single-image files, extracting specific .ibd or .frm's and recover the lost rows, or a dropped table.

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MySQL replication allows data from a master database server to be copied to one or more slave database servers. It provides advantages like improving performance through load balancing, increasing data security with backups on slaves, and enabling analytics on slaves without impacting the master. Basic replication involves setting up a master server and slave server with unique IDs, configuring the master to log binary changes, and pointing the slave to the master so it can copy the binary log entries.

Mysql replication @ gnugroup
Mysql replication @ gnugroupMysql replication @ gnugroup
Mysql replication @ gnugroup

Replication allows data to be shared between multiple MySQL databases. The master database records all changes in binary logs which are used to replicate data to slave databases. Slaves pull data from the master's binary logs and execute the same statements locally to match the master's data. This allows for high availability, load balancing, and off-site processing capabilities.

mysql replication
how to synch rep
1. pick one (or a pool) of servers to be
your synch replicas
2. change application_name
3. change master's postgresql.conf
4. reload
Postgres specialities
implements only 1-redundant model
● synch is per-transaction


not per replica
synch only important transactions
synch rep design
1 replica is synch replica
● several asych replicas
● load-balance to asynch only
● always failover to synch replica

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This document discusses using Pacemaker with MySQL for high availability (HA). It covers key concepts in HA including eliminating single points of failure. It then discusses various MySQL HA solutions like replication, DRBD, MySQL Cluster, and using Linux HA tools like Pacemaker. Pacemaker manages resources across nodes to ensure services are always running, and can monitor and migrate MySQL and other services in an HA cluster. The document provides configuration examples and best practices for setting up MySQL HA with Pacemaker.

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If you are a Linux administrator and ALSO have to take care of a MySQL databases, this presentation if for you, While it will not turn you instantly into a DBA it will help you understand how to properly care and feed your instances

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This document provides an overview of measuring and tuning performance for the Puppet Enterprise (PE) platform. It discusses gathering data from PE services like Puppet Server and PuppetDB through JVM logging, metrics, and configurations. Important metrics for Puppet Server include JRuby usage and catalog compilation times. Tuning options involve adjusting JRuby capacity and rebalancing agent checkins. The document also covers monitoring PuppetDB for storage usage and command processing, as well as optimizing PostgreSQL query performance.

tuningpe performancemeasuring
how to cascade

have master & replica
clone the master or the replica
point primary_conninfo to the replica
bring up the new replica
why to cascade
limit connections to master
● don't clone master
● know which replica is ahead
why to cascade
Los Angeles






why not cascade?
● cycles
● increases SPOFs

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Out of the Box Replication in Postgres 9.4(PgConfUS)
Out of the Box Replication in Postgres 9.4(PgConfUS)Out of the Box Replication in Postgres 9.4(PgConfUS)
Out of the Box Replication in Postgres 9.4(PgConfUS)

This document contains notes from a presentation on PostgreSQL replication. It discusses write-ahead logs (WAL), replication history in PostgreSQL from versions 7.0 to 9.4, how to set up basic replication, tools for backups and monitoring replication, and demonstrates setting up replication without third party tools using pg_basebackup, replication slots, and pg_receivexlog. Contact information is provided for the presenter and information on their employer, Medallia, is included at the end.

Out of the box replication in postgres 9.4(pg confus)
Out of the box replication in postgres 9.4(pg confus)Out of the box replication in postgres 9.4(pg confus)
Out of the box replication in postgres 9.4(pg confus)

This document contains notes from a presentation on PostgreSQL replication. It discusses write-ahead logs (WAL), replication history in PostgreSQL from versions 7.0 to 9.4, how to set up basic replication, tools for backups and monitoring replication, and demonstrates setting up replication without third party tools using pg_basebackup, replication slots, and pg_receivexlog. It also includes contact information for the presenter and an invitation to join the PostgreSQL Slack channel.

postgresqlhigh availabilityreplication
The Essential postgresql.conf
The Essential postgresql.confThe Essential postgresql.conf
The Essential postgresql.conf

Discusses the the most important parameters inside the postgresql.conf. Given at the Beijing Perl Workshop, China, 2008

in the
use a shared archive

ephemeral replicas
no sync to disk
● do not recover from crash


spin up a replacement instead

turn off all logging/disk

fsync off, bgwriter off,
full_page_writes off
sharding and replication
server 1

server 2

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Do you 'also' have MySQL DBA responsibilities as part of your job but have no DBA training? This presentation covers a lot of the DBA level info for those who have a Linux admin background but are not DBAs

18 philbe replication stanford99
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Primary-copy replication designates one replica as the primary copy where transactions are applied. Updates are asynchronously propagated to secondary replicas. Multi-master replication allows transactions to update any replica with conflicts detected and resolved later. Other approaches include quorum-based consensus algorithms and configurations with various read and write requirements across replicas.

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MySQL is easy to implement but can be extremely difficult to manage. There are many stories of database mistakes costing organizations large sums of money. This session, led by a Percona expert DBA, will focus on MySQL management best practices for a healthy Magento Enterprise Edition infrastructure.

sharding and replication
server 1

server 2
changes coming up

in dev: pg_rewind

failback without full clone

9.4: merge recovery.conf &
● 9.4+: “logical” streaming replication



Josh Berkus:



Upcoming Events

NYC pgDay: April 2-3
pgCon, Ottawa, May 21-24
Copyright 2013 PostgreSQL Experts Inc. Released under the Creative Commons
Share-Alike 3.0 License. All images are the property of their respective owners. The
WAL-E image is the property of Disney Inc. and is use here as parody.

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