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Html5 Fit:  Get Rid of Love Handles
My Fitness Journey
Lost over 90 pounds
Regained my health
Became a fit athlete again
Noticed many parallels with
the modern web
10 Days to HTML5 Fitness
A 10 Day Email Course to
Help You Get Your Web Sites
In Shape.
“We have remade the web in
our own image...obese"
Jason Grigsby,
Mobile and Web Strategist and Co-Founder
Cloud Four
Average web
page is now
larger than
HTML5 Fitness
HTML5 fitness is more than just having
clean, performant code.
It is about a development lifestyle that
produces consistent, maintainable
applications your customers will love.
Developed in parallel with my personal
journey to health & fitness.
Web Sites Are Obese &
Out of Shape
LOVE2DEV.COM as of 5/15/2016
117 File Requests – 2.4+MB
22 JavaScript Files - 399KB
7 CSS Files – 75KB
60 Images – 1.5MB
40 TCP Connections
21 Domains
43% Cacheable
Web Sites Are Obese & Out of Shape
Original Web was
Lean & Fit
During dial-up days, HTML
was pre-rendered on server
We assumed little to no
bandwidth available
Broadband expansion
Browsers got better,
stronger and faster
Mobile devices
We assumed broadband
was ubiquitous
We moved processing to
the client
Developers ignored
Web Got Older & Obese
Web (WWW) Developers
We are
We Eat Too Much
We Load Too Much
We Eat the Wrong Things
We are
Web became obese because…
We Load the Wrong Things
We don’t know how to cook
We are
We Don't Know How to Code the Web
We Don't Eat Real Food Anymore
We are
We Don't Write Real Web Code Anymore
We are
We Rely on Fast and
Processed Food
We Rely on Fast Food Frameworks
We Rely on Fast Food Frameworks
We are
out of
We Don't Exercise
Web is out
of shape
We Don't Analyze Our
Web Sites or Apps
We are
out of
We Assume Exercise Is Hard
Web is out
of shape
We Assume Analyzing
Web Client is Hard
We are
out of
We Don't Know How to Exercise
Web is out
of shape
We Don't Know
How to Analyze Our
Web Clients
We are
out of
We Think We Don't
Have Enough Time
Web is out
of shape
We Don't Budget
Time or
Resources to
We are
out of
We Let Real Life Get in Our Way
Web is out
of shape
We are distracted by
too many shiny balls
and suffer from
JavaScript fatigue
Why Is HTML5 Fitness
User Experience is
to the customer.
Matt Young
Technology Evangelist & Writer,
“Every second is absolutely critical in ensuring a
user experience that will yield the maximum
likelihood of conversion, meaning a site visitor
follows through and makes a purchase.”
Speed Matters!
Faster Sites Rank Higher
Faster is Better User Experience
Mobile First Web Applications Rank Higher
SEO & Web Performance
Faster Sites Have Higher Conversion
Speed does not mean difficult for the
“Making your web experience quicker and more enjoyable for visitors… may be as
simple as making sure the basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components of your
site—the foundational front end building blocks of the Web for nearly 20 years—
have been optimized.”
Web page size, speed, and performance
By Terrence Dorsey
Performance Affects User Experience
Over 50% Will Abandon a Slow Site After 3 Seconds
We Have to Concentrate 50% Harder for Slow Sites
78% Have Felt Stress or Anger With Slow Sites
44% Say Slow Sites Make Them Anxious
4% Have Thrown Their Phone
“Web pages are trying to do too many things,
and often failing to optimize along the way.
It’s not just ecommerce sites, either: ... we learned
quite a bit in analyzing news, travel and sports
sites, along with ecommerce.”
Kent Alstad, VP of Acceleration
at Radware
“As we’ve found in the past:
 Pages keep getting bigger in their total size
 The number of resource requests is
increasing dramatically
 Performance takes a hit due to page
complexity and large, unoptimized images.
These trends threaten user retention and can
have a huge impact on the bottom line.”
Kent Alstad, VP of Acceleration
at Radware
Where to Start?
Web Performance Optimization
Web performance optimization, WPO, or website
optimization involves ongoing monitoring and testing
of websites to achieve optimum performance under
given constraints.
Usually optimization is restricted due to lack of complete
information and metrics to evaluate the performance of a
Measure Web Fitness
Set A Performance Budget
“This may be a specific load time, but
it is usually an easier conversation to
have when you break the budget
down into the number of requests or
size of the page.”
Tim Kadlec
Set Performance Baseline
Page Load Time
Time to Full Render
Time to First Interaction
Page Speed Index
Select Performance Metrics
Typical Load Time
Shoot for < 2 Seconds Over Broadband
My Standard
< 1 Second
Select Performance Metrics
Page Weight
What Does My Web Site Cost?
Select Performance Metrics
HTTP Chattiness
# of Requests
Web Performance Tools
Performance Budget
Google Page Insights
What Does My Site Cost?
3rd party script visualization
Online Tool
Identifies Common Performance Issues
Must be Public URL
Open Source
Available to Create Private Instance
Can be Scripted & Automated
LOVE2DEV.COM – film strip view
Identify Performance Issues
Identify Your Focus
What is Increasing Load time?
What is Delaying Rendering?
Is Overall User Experience Poor?
(e.g. users wait for action confirmation)
Act Now to Get
Rid of Your Web
Site's Love
Image Problems
• Too Large
• Not Optimized
Tools to Optimize Images
• pngCrush
• ImageOptm
• GruntIcon
Improper Dimensions
• Developers/Designers tend to
use the largest image to avoid
grainy images
• This means everyone gets super
large images
• Forces browsers to resize them
on the fly
• Browsers are not Optimized For Image

<img src="logo.png" width="50" height="40" />
Use Native Image Resolutions
Optimize Media Usage
Responsive Images
• Allow Us to Create and Use an Array of properly sized
• Browser downloads ‘best’ image for browser viewport
<img srcset="/img/awesome-photo-3300x6600.jpg 6600w,
/img/awesome-photo-6600x3300.jpg 3300w,
/img/awesome-photo-5960x2980.jpg 2980w,
/img/awesome-photo-5320x2660.jpg 2660w,
/img/awesome-photo-4680x2340.jpg 2340w,
/img/awesome-photo-4040x2020.jpg 2020w,
/img/awesome-photo-3400x1700.jpg 1700w,
/img/awesome-photo-2760x1380.jpg 1380w,
/img/awesome-photo-2120x1060.jpg 1060w,
/img/awesome-photo-1480x740.jpg 740w,
/img/awesome-photo-840x420.jpg 420w"
sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 30vw"
alt="Awesome Photo">
Image Optimization Workflow
• Images Added to ‘watched’ location
• Invokes Optimization Process
• Creates Responsive Set
• Optimizes Images
• Process Pushes Optimized Images to CDN File Storage
• Returns Image URLS & srcset value
Image Formats: PNG, JPEG, JPEG-XR
Optimize Media Usage
PNG (Default)
Website Elements, Logos
High Resolution Photographs
Don’t Get Distracted
GIF, TIFF, BMP, WebP, etc.
Consider A Static Web Application
Bypasses server-side rendering systems like ASP.NET, PHP,
Can be hosted in cloud file storage (S3, Azure Blobs)​
Client-side rendering in a SPA​
Many Generators Available
CSS Optimizations
CSS Selector Specificity
• Complex Specificity
• .main-content > article #myArticleId p
• Leads to large CSS files
• Makes Code Unmanageable
• Lower the Score the Better
• Browsers Parse Selectors Right to Left
• * Avoid Universal Selector
Right-Left Rule
• .main-content > article #myArticleId p
• Translates to:
• #myArticleId p
• Think More Like the Browser When Defining Selectors
Calculate CSS Specificity
• Count the Inline Style
• count the number of ID selectors in the selector (= a)
• count the number of class selectors, attributes selectors, and
pseudo-classes in the selector (= b)
• count the number of type selectors and pseudo-elements in the
selector (= c)
• ignore the universal selector
Calculate CSS Specificity
BEM Naming Convention
• Block
• Element
• Modifier
• Bootstrap and Primer Good Examples
• Create Rules Based on UI Expectations, Not Specific
BEM Naming Convention
• .btn {…}
• .btn-primary {…}
• .btn-primary:disabled {…}
• .btn-xs {…}
• Might also see __ between words
BEM Naming Convention
• <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Primary</button>
• <button type="button" class="btn btn-success">Success</button>
• <button type="button" class="btn btn-info">Info</button>
• <button type="button" class="btn btn-warning">Warning</button>
Inline CSS
• AMP Requires CSS Be Inlined in HEAD
• Eliminates HTTP Requests
• Enables Browser to Render as Fast As Possible
Loading CSS Optimization
Load Only Used CSS / Remove Unused CSS
UNCSS Module
Identify Critical CSS
Example: Most Bootstrap Sites Use <10% of Bootstrap
Bootstrap Adds up to 600kb to Page Weight
Javascript Optimization
• Still Blocking Call
• Use Async & Defer
• Load Only Scripts you will use
• Think Portion Control
<script src="jquery.js" … ></script>
<script src="prototype.js" … ></script>
<script src="dojo.js" … ></script>
<script src="animater.js" … ></script>
<script src="extjs.js" … ></script>
<script src="yahooui.js" … ></script>
<script src="mochikit.js" … ></script>
<script src="lightbox.js" … ></script>
<script src="jslibs.js" … ></script>
<script src=“gsel.js" … ></script>
Standardize on a Single Architecture
Efficiently Structure Markup
<script src="facebookconnect.js" … ></script>
<script src="facebooklike.js" … ></script>
<script src="facebookstats.js" … ></script>
<script src="tweetmeme.js" … ></script>
<script src="tweeter.js" … ></script>
<script src="tweetingly.js" … ></script>
<script src="googleanalytics.js" … ></script>
<script src="doubleclick.js" … ></script>
<script src="monitor.js" … ></script>
<script src="digg.js" … ></script>
Don’t Include Script To Be Cool
Efficiently Structure Markup
Javascript Optimization
Avoid using fast food frameworks
- mostly fat and syntatic sugar
Avoid Transpiling
- just adds fat to code
- JavaScript is not that Difficult To Learn
Chris Wharton
Javascript Optimization
• Avoid polyfils without proper
feature detection and on demand
• Only support N-1 browser
version and IE 11
• Microsoft No Longer Supports IE 10 and
below and neither should you
Bundle & Minify Text Assets
Eliminate Excess HTTP Requests
Reduce Data Footprint
If Production Version
Bundle & aim for a Single JS and Single CSS file
Gzip Text Content
Browsers support Gzip & deflate algorithms
Reduces text base content size
Makes it easier to traverse Intertubes
14kb Critical Packet Size
This is due to HTTP’s Slow Start
This is the goal for Optimal Mobile Performance
• Request
• GET / HTTP/1.1
• Accept: */*
• Accept-Language: en-us
• UA-CPU: x86
• Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
• Host:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 3479
Expires: -1
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2017 21:30:46 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Encoding: gzip
GZIP Compress Network Traffic
Minimize Bytes Downloaded
Configure Gzip in IIS
Configure Gzip in Amazon S3 | CloudFront
Use a CDN
1. Globally Distributes Resources Closer to Client
2. Was Expensive
3. Amazon CloudFront & Azure cost pennies a month
Use Content Distribution Networks (CDN’s)
Quickly Respond to Network Requests
Use Content Distribution Networks (CDN’s)
Quickly Respond to Network Requests
Use Content Distribution Networks (CDN’s)
Quickly Respond to Network Requests
Use Content Distribution Networks (CDN’s)
Quickly Respond to Network Requests
Use Content Distribution Networks (CDN’s)
Quickly Respond to Network Requests
Far Future Expires Header
Lets the browser cache resources locally
Eliminates future Http requests
The fastest Http request is the one not made
Only updates resource if changed on server
• Request
• GET /images/banner.jpg
• Host:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Expires: Fri, 20 Apr 2017
00:00:00 GMT
Provide Cacheable Content
Minimize Bytes Downloaded
jQuery Data Request
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
data: data,
success: callback
Cached jQuery Data Request
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
data: data,
cache: true,
success: callback
Cache Data Requests
Minimize Bytes Downloaded
Use LocalStorage For Storage & Caching
Allows You to Keep Data Locally in a Hash Table
Approximately 5-10MB
Replace Cookies
Great For Caching
Use IndexDB for Larger Data Sets
Use A Client Build System
Bundling & Minification is OK
Grunt Is Very Easy & Extensive
• Validate Scripts
• Combine & Minify Scripts
• Validate CSS
• Combine & Minify CSS
• Critical CSS
• Many Other Tasks
Gulp, Broccoli, Webpac are also good tools
Slide Deck & Source Code

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Html5 Fit: Get Rid of Love Handles

  • 2. My Fitness Journey Lost over 90 pounds Regained my health Became a fit athlete again AND Noticed many parallels with the modern web LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 3. 10 Days to HTML5 Fitness A 10 Day Email Course to Help You Get Your Web Sites In Shape. LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 4. “We have remade the web in our own image...obese" Jason Grigsby, Mobile and Web Strategist and Co-Founder Cloud Four LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 5. Average web page is now larger than DOOM installation. LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 6. HTML5 Fitness LOVE2DEV.COM HTML5 fitness is more than just having clean, performant code. It is about a development lifestyle that produces consistent, maintainable applications your customers will love. Developed in parallel with my personal journey to health & fitness.
  • 7. Web Sites Are Obese & Out of Shape LOVE2DEV.COM as of 5/15/2016 117 File Requests – 2.4+MB 22 JavaScript Files - 399KB 7 CSS Files – 75KB 60 Images – 1.5MB 40 TCP Connections 21 Domains 43% Cacheable
  • 8. Web Sites Are Obese & Out of Shape LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 9. LOVE2DEV.COM Original Web was Lean & Fit During dial-up days, HTML was pre-rendered on server We assumed little to no bandwidth available
  • 10. Broadband expansion Browsers got better, stronger and faster Mobile devices proliferated We assumed broadband was ubiquitous We moved processing to the client Developers ignored mobile Web Got Older & Obese Web (WWW) Developers LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 11. We are obese because… We Eat Too Much LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 13. We Eat the Wrong Things LOVE2DEV.COM We are obese because…
  • 14. LOVE2DEV.COM Web became obese because… We Load the Wrong Things
  • 15. We don’t know how to cook LOVE2DEV.COM We are obese because…
  • 17. We Don't Eat Real Food Anymore LOVE2DEV.COM We are obese because…
  • 19. LOVE2DEV.COM We are obese because… We Rely on Fast and Processed Food
  • 22. We are out of shape because… We Don't Exercise LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 23. Web is out of shape because… We Don't Analyze Our Web Sites or Apps LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 24. We are out of shape because… We Assume Exercise Is Hard LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 25. Web is out of shape because… We Assume Analyzing Web Client is Hard LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 26. We are out of shape because… We Don't Know How to Exercise LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 27. Web is out of shape because… We Don't Know How to Analyze Our Web Clients LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 28. We are out of shape because… We Think We Don't Have Enough Time LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 29. Web is out of shape because… We Don't Budget Time or Resources to Analysis LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 30. We are out of shape because… We Let Real Life Get in Our Way LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 31. Web is out of shape because… We are distracted by too many shiny balls and suffer from JavaScript fatigue LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 32. Why Is HTML5 Fitness Important? LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 33. User Experience is to the customer. EVERYTHING LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 35. LOVE2DEV.COM Matt Young Technology Evangelist & Writer, Radware “Every second is absolutely critical in ensuring a user experience that will yield the maximum likelihood of conversion, meaning a site visitor follows through and makes a purchase.”
  • 37. Faster Sites Rank Higher Faster is Better User Experience Mobile First Web Applications Rank Higher Mobilegeddon SEO & Web Performance LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 38. Faster Sites Have Higher Conversion Rates LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 39. Speed does not mean difficult for the developer LOVE2DEV.COM “Making your web experience quicker and more enjoyable for visitors… may be as simple as making sure the basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components of your site—the foundational front end building blocks of the Web for nearly 20 years— have been optimized.” Web page size, speed, and performance By Terrence Dorsey
  • 40. Performance Affects User Experience Over 50% Will Abandon a Slow Site After 3 Seconds We Have to Concentrate 50% Harder for Slow Sites 78% Have Felt Stress or Anger With Slow Sites 44% Say Slow Sites Make Them Anxious 4% Have Thrown Their Phone LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 41. “Web pages are trying to do too many things, and often failing to optimize along the way. It’s not just ecommerce sites, either: ... we learned quite a bit in analyzing news, travel and sports sites, along with ecommerce.” Kent Alstad, VP of Acceleration at Radware
  • 42. “As we’ve found in the past:  Pages keep getting bigger in their total size  The number of resource requests is increasing dramatically  Performance takes a hit due to page complexity and large, unoptimized images. These trends threaten user retention and can have a huge impact on the bottom line.” Kent Alstad, VP of Acceleration at Radware
  • 44. Web Performance Optimization Web performance optimization, WPO, or website optimization involves ongoing monitoring and testing of websites to achieve optimum performance under given constraints. Usually optimization is restricted due to lack of complete information and metrics to evaluate the performance of a website. LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 46. Set A Performance Budget “This may be a specific load time, but it is usually an easier conversation to have when you break the budget down into the number of requests or size of the page.” LOVE2DEV.COM Tim Kadlec
  • 47. Set Performance Baseline Page Load Time Time to Full Render Time to First Interaction Page Speed Index LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 48. Select Performance Metrics Typical Load Time Shoot for < 2 Seconds Over Broadband My Standard < 1 Second LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 49. Select Performance Metrics Page Weight What Does My Web Site Cost? LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 50. Select Performance Metrics HTTP Chattiness # of Requests LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 51. Web Performance Tools F12 Performance Budget Google Page Insights LOVE2DEV.COM What Does My Site Cost? 3rd party script visualization
  • 53. LOVE2DEV.COM Open Source Available to Create Private Instance Can be Scripted & Automated
  • 55. – film strip view LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 57. Identify Your Focus LOVE2DEV.COM What is Increasing Load time? What is Delaying Rendering? Is Overall User Experience Poor? (e.g. users wait for action confirmation)
  • 58. Act Now to Get Rid of Your Web Site's Love Handles LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 60. Image Problems • Too Large • Not Optimized LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 61. Tools to Optimize Images • pngCrush • ImageOptm • GruntIcon • LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 62. Improper Dimensions • Developers/Designers tend to use the largest image to avoid grainy images • This means everyone gets super large images • Forces browsers to resize them on the fly • Browsers are not Optimized For Image Resizing LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 63. <html> <head> <title>Test</title> </head> <body> … <!-- logo.gif dimensions: 500 x 400 --> <img src="logo.png" width="50" height="40" /> … </body> </html> Use Native Image Resolutions Optimize Media Usage
  • 64. Responsive Images • Allow Us to Create and Use an Array of properly sized images • Browser downloads ‘best’ image for browser viewport LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 66. LOVE2DEV.COM <img srcset="/img/awesome-photo-3300x6600.jpg 6600w, /img/awesome-photo-6600x3300.jpg 3300w, /img/awesome-photo-5960x2980.jpg 2980w, /img/awesome-photo-5320x2660.jpg 2660w, /img/awesome-photo-4680x2340.jpg 2340w, /img/awesome-photo-4040x2020.jpg 2020w, /img/awesome-photo-3400x1700.jpg 1700w, /img/awesome-photo-2760x1380.jpg 1380w, /img/awesome-photo-2120x1060.jpg 1060w, /img/awesome-photo-1480x740.jpg 740w, /img/awesome-photo-840x420.jpg 420w" src="/img/awesome-photo.jpg" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 30vw" alt="Awesome Photo">
  • 67. Image Optimization Workflow • Images Added to ‘watched’ location • Invokes Optimization Process • Creates Responsive Set • Optimizes Images • Process Pushes Optimized Images to CDN File Storage • Returns Image URLS & srcset value LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 68. Image Formats: PNG, JPEG, JPEG-XR Optimize Media Usage PNG (Default) Website Elements, Logos JPEG Photographs JPEG-XR High Resolution Photographs Don’t Get Distracted GIF, TIFF, BMP, WebP, etc.
  • 69. Consider A Static Web Application Bypasses server-side rendering systems like ASP.NET, PHP, etc​. Can be hosted in cloud file storage (S3, Azure Blobs)​ Client-side rendering in a SPA​ Many Generators Available LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 71. CSS Selector Specificity • Complex Specificity • .main-content > article #myArticleId p • Leads to large CSS files • Makes Code Unmanageable • Lower the Score the Better • Browsers Parse Selectors Right to Left • * Avoid Universal Selector
  • 72. Right-Left Rule • .main-content > article #myArticleId p • Translates to: • #myArticleId p • Think More Like the Browser When Defining Selectors
  • 73. Calculate CSS Specificity • Count the Inline Style • count the number of ID selectors in the selector (= a) • count the number of class selectors, attributes selectors, and pseudo-classes in the selector (= b) • count the number of type selectors and pseudo-elements in the selector (= c) • ignore the universal selector
  • 75. BEM Naming Convention • Block • Element • Modifier • Bootstrap and Primer Good Examples • Create Rules Based on UI Expectations, Not Specific Elements
  • 76. BEM Naming Convention • .btn {…} • .btn-primary {…} • .btn-primary:disabled {…} • .btn-xs {…} • Might also see __ between words
  • 77. BEM Naming Convention • <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Primary</button> • <button type="button" class="btn btn-success">Success</button> • <button type="button" class="btn btn-info">Info</button> • <button type="button" class="btn btn-warning">Warning</button>
  • 78. Inline CSS • AMP Requires CSS Be Inlined in HEAD • Eliminates HTTP Requests • Enables Browser to Render as Fast As Possible LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 79. Loading CSS Optimization Load Only Used CSS / Remove Unused CSS UNCSS Module Identify Critical CSS Example: Most Bootstrap Sites Use <10% of Bootstrap Bootstrap Adds up to 600kb to Page Weight LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 80. Javascript Optimization • Still Blocking Call • Use Async & Defer • Load Only Scripts you will use • Think Portion Control LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 81. <script src="jquery.js" … ></script> <script src="prototype.js" … ></script> <script src="dojo.js" … ></script> <script src="animater.js" … ></script> <script src="extjs.js" … ></script> <script src="yahooui.js" … ></script> <script src="mochikit.js" … ></script> <script src="lightbox.js" … ></script> <script src="jslibs.js" … ></script> <script src=“gsel.js" … ></script> Standardize on a Single Architecture Efficiently Structure Markup
  • 82. <script src="facebookconnect.js" … ></script> <script src="facebooklike.js" … ></script> <script src="facebookstats.js" … ></script> <script src="tweetmeme.js" … ></script> <script src="tweeter.js" … ></script> <script src="tweetingly.js" … ></script> <script src="googleanalytics.js" … ></script> <script src="doubleclick.js" … ></script> <script src="monitor.js" … ></script> <script src="digg.js" … ></script> Don’t Include Script To Be Cool Efficiently Structure Markup
  • 83. Javascript Optimization Avoid using fast food frameworks - mostly fat and syntatic sugar Avoid Transpiling - just adds fat to code - JavaScript is not that Difficult To Learn LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 85. Javascript Optimization • Avoid polyfils without proper feature detection and on demand loading • Only support N-1 browser version and IE 11 • Microsoft No Longer Supports IE 10 and below and neither should you LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 86. Bundle & Minify Text Assets Eliminate Excess HTTP Requests Reduce Data Footprint If Production Version Bundle & aim for a Single JS and Single CSS file LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 87. Gzip Text Content Browsers support Gzip & deflate algorithms Reduces text base content size Makes it easier to traverse Intertubes 14kb Critical Packet Size This is due to HTTP’s Slow Start This is the goal for Optimal Mobile Performance LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 88. • Request • GET / HTTP/1.1 • Accept: */* • Accept-Language: en-us • UA-CPU: x86 • Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate • Host: Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 3479 Expires: -1 Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2017 21:30:46 GMT Pragma: no-cache Content-Encoding: gzip GZIP Compress Network Traffic Minimize Bytes Downloaded
  • 89. Configure Gzip in IIS LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 90. Configure Gzip in Amazon S3 | CloudFront LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 91. Use a CDN 1. Globally Distributes Resources Closer to Client 2. Was Expensive 3. Amazon CloudFront & Azure cost pennies a month LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 92. Use Content Distribution Networks (CDN’s) Quickly Respond to Network Requests
  • 93. Use Content Distribution Networks (CDN’s) Quickly Respond to Network Requests
  • 94. Use Content Distribution Networks (CDN’s) Quickly Respond to Network Requests
  • 95. Use Content Distribution Networks (CDN’s) Quickly Respond to Network Requests
  • 96. Use Content Distribution Networks (CDN’s) Quickly Respond to Network Requests
  • 97. Far Future Expires Header Lets the browser cache resources locally Eliminates future Http requests The fastest Http request is the one not made Only updates resource if changed on server LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 98. • Request • GET /images/banner.jpg HTTP/1.1 • Host: Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: image/jpeg Expires: Fri, 20 Apr 2017 00:00:00 GMT Provide Cacheable Content Minimize Bytes Downloaded
  • 99. jQuery Data Request jQuery.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'json', data: data, success: callback }); Cached jQuery Data Request jQuery.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'json', data: data, cache: true, success: callback }); Cache Data Requests Minimize Bytes Downloaded
  • 100. Use LocalStorage For Storage & Caching LOVE2DEV.COM Allows You to Keep Data Locally in a Hash Table localStorage sessionStorage Approximately 5-10MB Replace Cookies Great For Caching Use IndexDB for Larger Data Sets
  • 101. Use A Client Build System Bundling & Minification is OK Grunt Is Very Easy & Extensive • Validate Scripts • Combine & Minify Scripts • Validate CSS • Combine & Minify CSS • Critical CSS • UNCSS • Many Other Tasks Gulp, Broccoli, Webpac are also good tools LOVE2DEV.COM
  • 102. Slide Deck & Source Code LOVE2DEV.COM

Editor's Notes

  1. Update these #s before the presentation as they are always updating
  2. Update chart from latest httpArchive stats