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Evergreen Valley College, Oct. 3rd, 2015
Clean Code II
Dependency Injection
Theo Jungeblut
• Director Customer Success at
AppDynamics in San Francisco
• Coder & software craftsman by night,
first time dad and house builder
• Architects decoupled solutions
& crafts maintainable code to last
• Worked in healthcare and factory
automation, building mission critical
applications, framework & platforms
• Degree in Software Engineering
and Network Communications
• Enjoys cycling, running and eating
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Where to get the Slides
• What is the issue?
• What is Dependency Injection?
• What are Dependencies?
• What is the IoC-Container doing for you?
• What, how, why?
• Q & A
Web UI
Mobile UI
A cleanly layered Architecture
What is the problem?
Clean Code II - Dependency Injection
What is Clean Code?
Clean Code is maintainable
Source code must be:
• readable & well structured
• extensible
• testable
Code Maintainability *
Principles Patterns Containers
Why? How? What?
Extensibility Clean Code Tool reuse
* from: Mark Seemann’s “Dependency Injection in .NET” presentation Bay.NET 05/2011
What is
Dependency Injection?
Without Dependency Injection
public class ExampleClass
private Logger logger;
public ExampleClass()
this.logger = new Logger();
this.logger.Log(“Constructor call”);
public class ExampleClass
private Logger logger;
public ExampleClass()
this.logger = new Logger();
this.logger.Log(“Constructor call”);
Without Dependency Injection
Inversion of Control –
Constructor Injection
public class ExampleClass
private ILogger logger;
public ExampleClass(ILogger logger)
this.logger = logger;
if (logger == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(“logger”);
this.logger.Log(“Constructor call”);
Why is
Dependency Injection
Benefits of Dependency Injection
Benefit Description
Late binding Services can be swapped with
other services.
Extensibility Code can be extended and reused
in ways not explicitly planned for.
Code can be developed in parallel.
Maintainability Classes with clearly defined
responsibilities are easier to
TESTABILITY Classes can be unit tested.
* from Mark Seemann’s “Dependency Injection in .NET”, page 16
Dependencies ?
Stable Dependency
“A DEPENDENCY that can be referenced without
any detrimental effects.
The opposite of a VOLATILE DEPENDENCY. “
* From Glossary: Mark Seemann’s “Dependency Injection in .NET”
Volatile Dependency
“A DEPENDENCY that involves side effects that may be
undesirable at times.
This may include modules that don’t yet exist, or that
have adverse requirements on its runtime
These are the DEPENDENCIES that are addressed by
* From Glossary: Mark Seemann’s “Dependency Injection in .NET”
a Job
for the Container
public class ExampleClass
private Logger logger;
public ExampleClass()
this.logger = new Logger();
this.logger.Log(“Constructor call”);
Without Dependency Injection
“Register, Resolve, Release”
“Three Calls Pattern by Krzysztof Koźmic:
1. Register
2. Resolve
Your code
What the IoC-Container will do for you
1. Register
2. Resolve
Separation of Concern (SoC)
probably by Edsger W. Dijkstra in 1974
You codeExecute
• Focus on purpose of your code
• Know only the contracts of the
• No need to know implementations
• No need to handle lifetime of the
The 3 Dimensions of DI
1.Object Composition
2.Object Lifetime
Register - Composition Root
• XML based Configuration
• Code based Configuration
• Convention based (Discovery)
Resolve a single object request for
example by Constructor Injection by
resolving the needed object graph for
this object.
Release objects from Container
when not needed anymore.
Anti Patterns
Control Freak
// UNITY Example
internal static class Program
private static UnityContainer unityContainer;
private static SingleContactManagerForm singleContactManagerForm;
private static void InitializeMainForm()
singleContactManagerForm =
Inversion of Control –
Service Locator
// UNITY Example
internal static class Program
private static UnityContainer unityContainer;
private static SingleContactManagerForm singleContactManagerForm;
private static void InitializeMainForm()
singleContactManagerForm =
Inversion of Control –
Service Locator
Inversion of Control –
Setter (Property) Injection
// UNITY Example
public class ContactManager : IContactManager
public IContactPersistence ContactPersistence
get { return this.contactPersistence; }
set { this.contactPersistence = value; }
Property Injection
+ Easy to understand
- Hard to implement robust
* Take if an good default exists
- Limited in application otherwise
Method Injection
public class ContactManager : IContactManager
public bool Save (IContactPersistencecontactDatabaseService,
IContact contact)
if (logger == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(“logger”);
…. // Additional business logic executed before calling the save
return contactDatabaseService.Save(contact);
Method Injection
• Needed for handling changing dependencies
in method calls
Ambient Context
public class ContactManager : IContactManager
public bool Save (….)
IUser currentUser = ApplicationContext.CurrentUser;
* The Ambient Context object needs to have a default value if not assigned yet.
Ambient Context
• Avoids polluting an API with Cross Cutting
• Only for Cross Cutting Concerns
• Limited in application otherwise
The Adapter Pattern
from Gang of Four, “Design Patterns”
Public class LoggingInterceptor : IContactManager
public bool Save(IContact contact)
bool success;
this. logger.Log(“Starting saving’);
success =
this. logger.Log(“Starting saving’);
return success;
Public class ContactManager :
public bool Save(IContact contact)
return Result
* Note: strong simplification of what logically happens through interception.
Dependency Injection Container & more
• Typically support all types of Inversion of Control mechanisms
• Constructor Injection
• Property (Setter) Injection
• Method (Interface) Injection
• Service Locator
•.NET based DI-Container
• Unity
• Castle Windsor
• StructureMap
• Spring.NET
• Autofac
• Puzzle.Nfactory
• Ninject
• PicoContainer.NET
• and more
Related Technology:
• Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF)
The “Must Read”-Book(s)
by Mark Seemann
Dependency Injection
is a set of software
design principles and
patterns that enable
us to develop loosely
coupled code.
Summary Clean Code - DI
Maintainability is achieved through:
• Simplification, Specialization Decoupling
(KISS, SoC, IoC, DI)
• Dependency Injection
Constructor Injection as default,
Property and Method Injection as needed,
Ambient Context for Dependencies with a default,
Service Locator never
• Registration
Configuration by Convention if possible, exception in Code as needed
Configuration by XML for explicit extensibility and post compile setup
• Quality through Testability (all of them!)
Graphic by Nathan Sawaya
courtesy of
Feedback & Comments:
Q & A
Graphic by Nathan Sawaya courtesy of speakers
Time to say Thank You!
The Organizers
Evergreen Valley College (team)
The volunteers (how about you?)
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… thanks for you attention!
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Theo Jungeblut
Lego For Engineers - Dependency Injection for LIDNUG (2011-06-03)
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Lego For Engineers - Dependency Injection for LIDNUG (2011-06-03)
Theo Jungeblut
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Theo Jungeblut

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Lego For Engineers - Dependency Injection for LIDNUG (2011-06-03)
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Lego for Software Engineers at Silicon Valley Code Camp 2011 (2010-10-10)
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