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Doing Modern Web, aka
JavaScript and HTML5 In The
Chris Love
Who Am I?
ASP Insider
Internet Explorer User Agent
Tweaker, Lover of Mobile Web, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5
Podcast Interviews
The Tablet Show
Chris Love Talks Surface Pro, Mobile Development and More
Chris Love Does Enterprise Mobility
Deep Fried Bytes
Mobile Web Is Not What The Other Guys Say It Is
Technology & Friends
Talking About Touch & Mobile Web
JavaScript Libraries
DeepTissueJS – A Touch Gesture Abstraction Library
PanoramaJS – JavaScript Library to Implement The Windows Phone Panorama Control in HTML5
ToolbarJS – JavaScript Library to Implement a Mobile AppBar, like Windows Phone
Coming Soon!
SPA – Single Page Application Router, View Manager
Backpack – Markup Manager leveraging LocalStorage
FannyPack – Markup Manager leveraging on page markup

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This document discusses AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). It defines AJAX as standards-based presentation using XHTML, CSS for dynamic display, DOM for interaction, XML/XSLT for data interchange, and asynchronous retrieval of XML data using XMLHttpRequest and JavaScript binding. It describes the components of AJAX including HTML, CSS, DOM, XMLHttpRequest object. It explains asynchronous processing in AJAX and how AJAX works by fetching data from servers in the background without page refreshes. It provides examples of XMLHttpRequest and discusses advantages like faster page loads and new interface types and disadvantages like initial slowness and compatibility issues.

Ppt full stack developer
Ppt full stack developerPpt full stack developer
Ppt full stack developer

SV Digital India, Pune teaches the entire syllabus of the entire Stack Web Development Certification Course. Includes Full Web Development and Mains Stack Advance Advance. This helps web developers to become a stack developer course in Pune.

full stack developer coursejava full stack developer coursefull stack developer course syllabus
Single page application and Framework
Single page application and FrameworkSingle page application and Framework
Single page application and Framework

The document discusses single page applications (SPAs) and frameworks. It defines an SPA as a web app that loads a single HTML page and dynamically updates it as the user interacts. This provides a desktop-like experience within web pages. Frameworks help with development by providing libraries for routing, templates, controllers, models, views and more. They also include tools for linting, transpiling, bundling, preprocessing and more. The document examines different framework architectures like MVC, MVVM and MVP and notes that frameworks should have a small size, be straightforward and support the needs of the specific application.

Slide Deck –
Only URL U Need!
Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise NYC Code Camp
Enterprises - Tend to focus on .NET
Non-Enterprises - Tend to focus on NodeJs, Ruby,
PHP and a few other server-side platforms

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React native and wordpress
React native and wordpressReact native and wordpress
React native and wordpress

The example code used during the presentation has been uploaded to This presentation was introduction to everyone to the basic concepts of React, WordPress REST API and very simple example using firebase with it

wordpressreact nativeupdates
Universal apps lightning talk
Universal apps lightning talk Universal apps lightning talk
Universal apps lightning talk

- Universal apps allow code to run on both the server and client for benefits like SEO and perceived performance - They render HTML on the server and initialize the single page application with the same server-rendered data - Frameworks like React support universal patterns, requiring code to run in both Node.js and browser environments - Challenges include ensuring environments match, handling performance of rendering large amounts of content, and testing both initial page load and subsequent single page application interactions

Java script introduction
Java script introductionJava script introduction
Java script introduction

1. JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language used to make web pages interactive. It was created by Netscape and allows developers to automate page elements and add interactivity. 2. JavaScript can be used to validate forms, open and close windows, perform calculations, and make pages feel fresh by updating elements like dates. It adds multimedia and allows pages to be customized based on user input. 3. JavaScript interacts with users by processing forms, validating input, and producing dynamic pages tailored to individual users. It is widely supported and accessible to beginners.

Enterprises - Have large and ‘small’ teams
Non-Enterprises - Have Small teams
Enterprises - Have DBAs
Non-Enterprises - Use NoSQL

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Backend Programming
Backend ProgrammingBackend Programming
Backend Programming

Backend development focuses on the server-side of web applications, including databases, data storage and retrieval, security, and APIs. The key skills required for backend development are proficiency in server-side programming languages like JavaScript, Python, Java, and C#, as well as knowledge of database technologies like MySQL, MongoDB, and SQL Server. Backend developers are responsible for designing effective backend solutions, storing and securing user data access across devices through APIs and version control systems.

Single page application
Single page applicationSingle page application
Single page application

This document discusses single page applications (SPAs) and provides an overview of what SPAs are and their advantages compared to traditional websites. It defines SPAs as web applications that fit on a single web page and provide a more desktop-like user experience through features like fluid page transitions without reloads. The document outlines how SPAs move more of the application logic to the client, fetch data on demand, and support features like back/forward buttons and offline use. Examples of SPAs include Gmail and merchant locators.

Single Page Application Development with backbone.js and Simple.Web
Single Page Application Development with backbone.js and Simple.WebSingle Page Application Development with backbone.js and Simple.Web
Single Page Application Development with backbone.js and Simple.Web

This document summarizes a presentation about developing single page applications using Backbone.js and Simple.Web. It discusses Backbone.js and its core components like models, views and routers. It also covers libraries that are commonly used with Backbone like Underscore, Handlebars and RequireJS. Finally, it provides an overview of Simple.Web, a SOLID-based REST framework that can be used with Backbone.js applications.

Enterprises - Get Paid Real Salaries
Non-Enterprises – Get Lots Of Free Pizza
In Short -
Enterprises Need
Where Should They Start

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Ember.js is a JavaScript framework for building single-page web applications using MVC architecture. It allows developers to build applications with less code through features like handlebars templates. Ember.js makes building JavaScript apps simple by handling tasks like routing and simplifying common patterns. Developers can learn to use Ember.js through their comprehensive guides on the website, which cover everything from basics to advanced concepts. The framework is open source, free to use, and can be downloaded from their website.

Full stack web development
Full stack web developmentFull stack web development
Full stack web development

Training as Full stack web developer with online course. Classes includes Python, MongoDB and Javascript online on full stack web development.

web developmentfull stackfront end
Rise and Fall of the Frontend Developer
Rise and Fall of the Frontend DeveloperRise and Fall of the Frontend Developer
Rise and Fall of the Frontend Developer

Un breve viaje por la concepción del Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web desde el clásico patrón de Aplicaciones Web de Servidor con renderización en servidor e interactividad limitada en cliente a la reciente era de las Single Page Applications con renderización en cliente, foco en la interactividad y desacoplamiento del backend hasta llegar a los actuales patrones híbridos de renderización en cliente y servidor en busca de la mejor performance, la mejor experiencia de usuario y el mejor SEO.

What a Modern Web App Is
(API + HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript +
StandardsCompliant Browser) *
(Touch + Mobility + Performance)
=== Great Single Page Application
What Does the Modern Enterprise Web App
Topology look like?
Browser/AJAX Layer
The Modern Web Hour Glass
DB – SQL Server/NoSQL
What does the AJAX Layer Look Like?

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Top front end website development tools and frameworks
Top front end website development tools and frameworksTop front end website development tools and frameworks
Top front end website development tools and frameworks

Website Development Tools ought to have the option to give a quicker website or mobile app development improvement at lower costs.

website development toolssoftware developmentwordpress website
Iseltech17 - Single Page Applications
Iseltech17 - Single Page ApplicationsIseltech17 - Single Page Applications
Iseltech17 - Single Page Applications

This document discusses single page applications (SPAs). It begins with an introduction to SPAs and their motivations, such as improved user experience through reduced page reloads. It then compares SPAs to traditional multipage applications. Popular JavaScript frameworks for building SPAs are listed. The document concludes with recommendations for getting started with SPAs, such as choosing a framework and practicing best coding practices.

Learning Single page Application chapter 1
Learning Single page Application chapter 1Learning Single page Application chapter 1
Learning Single page Application chapter 1

This document provides an overview of single page applications (SPAs) and the MEAN stack. It discusses SPAs, the MVC and MVVM patterns, differences between SPAs and traditional web development, factors for choosing frameworks, and an introduction to the MEAN stack which is comprised of MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js. It also briefly mentions tools for developing web applications and recommends an IDE along with providing example Indonesian tutorials.

full web stackmean stacknodejs
What is the API?
The window to and from your data
Can be Restful, but more importantly should use JSON
Can be hosted internally or in the cloud
As the web guy I could care less what lies behind the API,
just give me the JSON baby
What is HTML5?
Natural progression of HTML that is a living breathing
specification that defines how developers can
confidently create modern web sites with structured
markup, CSS and JavaScript
What is CSS3?
Natural progression of CSS that is a living breathing
specification that defines what developers can use to
control the rendering, animations and other really cool
things with their HTML elements.
What is JavaScript?
It is not C# or Java so stop writing it that way!
It is a protypical, very dynamic language
Provides a rich way to drive great user experiences in the
browser and now do cool things on the server

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Introduction to back-end
Introduction to back-endIntroduction to back-end
Introduction to back-end

The document provides an introduction to back-end development, including definitions of the internet, World Wide Web, and request-response cycle. It explains the differences between front-end and back-end development and lists common front-end and back-end programming languages. Main protocols like IP, TCP, UDP, and HTTP are described. Additional back-end concepts covered include CRUD functionality, securing passwords, HTTPS, and APIs. Resources for further learning back-end development with languages like Python, Node.js, and PHP are also provided.

Introduction To JavaScript
Introduction To JavaScriptIntroduction To JavaScript
Introduction To JavaScript

JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to create attractive and responsive web pages. It improves the user experience on static pages and makes web development easier. JavaScript can be used on both the client-side in browsers to validate user input, and server-side to create more dynamic web applications and games. While it provides more control and interactivity, JavaScript must be used carefully as any code has the potential to harm a system.

javascriptintroduction to javascriptweb designing website language
A night at the spa
A night at the spaA night at the spa
A night at the spa

This is the slide deck to introduce important topics to developer to build great, high performance Single Page Web Applications. The slide deck is used to setup a review of the code and architecture in my demonstration movie web application used in my latest book. The site is live at and the source code is available on GitHub Single page application are a new frontier to the web development world. They require a completely different mindset than classic, server-side heavy web development. Not only do developers need to understand modular JavaScript and the DOM API they also need to understand good responsive design practices, performance optimization, touch and a mobile first approach.

html5sparesponsive web design
Oh No!! Not JavaScript!!
Enterprise Developers Really Do Not Understand
Enterprise JavaScript
var helloWorld = function (message) {
if (!message) {
message = "Hello World";;;;;;
Relax – It’s Not That Hard
C-like Syntax
Very Modular and Extensible
Understand Scope & Context
What is this?
Has Core Set of Object
Math, Date, Array, etc
It’s NOT C#
So Do Not Write It Like C#

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Touch the web
Touch the webTouch the web
Touch the web

Touch is now everywhere. It is almost impossible to find a personal computing device without a touch screen. This means developers and designers need to reconsider how to design client interfaces to successfully enable successful touch interactions. Touch involves layout choices, new CSS properties and new touch APIs. This session covers design concepts and how to apply new coding techniques

SPAs Are Easy
SPAs Are EasySPAs Are Easy
SPAs Are Easy

This document discusses single page applications (SPAs) and how to build them for high performance. It introduces Chris Love as an ASP.NET MVP and author who has written a book about SPAs. It outlines Love's recommended approach called "The Love2SPA Way" which focuses on extensibility, scalability, and uses libraries like SPAjs and Backpack to build SPAs that are maintainable, testable and deployable. The document concludes by stating this approach can provide tangible returns on investment.

html5sparesponsive web design
Developing and deploying a website with html5
Developing and deploying a website with html5Developing and deploying a website with html5
Developing and deploying a website with html5

This document discusses developing and deploying websites with HTML5. It covers creating fluid responsive layouts, single page applications, and JavaScript libraries. It also discusses build and deployment processes using GruntJS to manage source code and optimize web applications.

What is a SPA?
Single Page App
Has 1 to many views
Heavy JavaScript
Enterprise Quality Applications Should Be
Have Tangible ROI
Of Course All Enterprise
Applications Meet
Those Criteria....
What is Maintainable JavaScript?

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10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today
10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today
10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today

Web Performance is a serious issues these days. 80% of web performance issues are in the client. Many developers either do not realize what they are leaving on the table and how that affects the success of their application. These are 10 things any web developer can do in about 30-60 minutes to drastically increase page load times and thus increase the application's profitability.

html5css3mobile web
Single page applications the basics
Single page applications the basicsSingle page applications the basics
Single page applications the basics

Single Page Applications or SPAs are a hot topic today, however most developers feel lost. We are going to explore the basic concepts of a SPA, go over a few gotchas and traps and cover some best practices. This is not a talk about a specific framework, but more of a breakdown of how a SPA is composed, many key working concepts and some techniques you should employ for a successful modern web application.

Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise
Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the EnterpriseDoing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise
Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise

Some Practices and Principles to help get enterprises on the right track building modern web applications.

What is Scalable JavaScript?
• Should Work As More Users Enter
• Should Keep Working On Errors
• A Core App
• Add Functionality As Needed
Enterprise JavaScript Apps Need to Be Modular
Do Not Use the Global Namespace
Use a Module
JavaScript Object – {}
Anonymous Methods
Make it Extensible
Think Like jQuery
What is Testable JavaScript?
Small Testable Units of Work
Be Able to Be Automated
Easy to Understand Libraries

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Front End Development | Introduction
Front End Development | IntroductionFront End Development | Introduction
Front End Development | Introduction

This document provides an overview of front end development concepts including HTML5, JavaScript, frameworks like Angular and libraries like jQuery. It discusses HTML5 features like offline support and new elements. JavaScript evolution and MVC frameworks are explained. Development tools like Webstorm, Grunt, Bower and Sass are presented. Different platforms like desktop, mobile and frameworks are covered at a high level.


Web development is evolving at a breakneck speed every passing year. New website technologies are being discovered regularly as developers explore new ways of innovation. To make it easier for you, I have analyzed the shifts across industries and created an ultimate list of some of the latest web development trends in 2022.

Postmodern Web Apps
Postmodern Web AppsPostmodern Web Apps
Postmodern Web Apps

The document discusses the rise of post-modern web applications (PMWAs), which resemble desktop applications more than traditional web pages. PMWAs have asynchronous communication with backends, complex client-side logic, and must scale to large numbers of users. While new technologies like HTML5 enable PMWAs, traditional techniques may not apply, and new paradigms are needed. However, not everything requires new approaches. The talk outlines features of PMWAs and examples like Google apps, then discusses enabling technologies like JavaScript improvements, component frameworks, and local storage.

What is Deployable JavaScript?
Continuous Build
Auto Deployment
Auto Testing (yes those pesky unit tests)
What is Tangible JavaScript?
Easy to Maintain
Reduced Bugs
Low Barrier to Entry for Future Devs
Tangible ROI
• Should Improve Business Process(es) by Reducing Time Needed
• Reducing or Eliminating Manual Processes
• Improve Quality by Eliminating Errors and Defects
Sounds Great, but Isn't
that What Everyone
Already Does?

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Web Development Today
Web Development TodayWeb Development Today
Web Development Today

This document provides best practices for building modern web applications. It discusses choosing server-side technologies like the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), which is a common and advantageous option. It also covers the Model-View-Controller design pattern, which separates an application into these components. Models manage data, Views handle presentation, and Controllers process user input and pass data between Models and Views. The document recommends unobtrusive JavaScript, CSS for layout, and implementing AJAX after non-script functionality is established on the client-side. Overall, it outlines strategies for architecting robust and maintainable web applications.

Front End Lecture 1.pptx
Front End Lecture 1.pptxFront End Lecture 1.pptx
Front End Lecture 1.pptx

The document provides an overview of web development, including: - Web development involves creating websites and web applications for hosting on the internet. - The front end is the client-side code users interact with in their browser, built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and libraries like jQuery. The back end involves server-side code and databases. - Full stack development includes skills in both front end and back end technologies like JavaScript, Python, Java, databases.

Modern Web Applications
Modern Web ApplicationsModern Web Applications
Modern Web Applications

Todays web front-end applications architecture. All resources shared at the end of presentation. Full sources on:

Seriously Have You Ever
Worked in An Enterprise?
So How Do You Manage A JavaScript App?
Project Structure
Bundling & Minification
Build System
I Like GruntJs
Demo Time!

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Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise NYC Code Camp

  • 1. Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 In The Enterprise Chris Love @ChrisLove
  • 2. Who Am I? ASP.NET MVP ASP Insider Internet Explorer User Agent Author Speaker Tweaker, Lover of Mobile Web, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5
  • 3. Podcast Interviews The Tablet Show Chris Love Talks Surface Pro, Mobile Development and More Chris Love Does Enterprise Mobility Deep Fried Bytes Mobile Web Is Not What The Other Guys Say It Is Technology & Friends Talking About Touch & Mobile Web
  • 4. JavaScript Libraries DeepTissueJS – A Touch Gesture Abstraction Library PanoramaJS – JavaScript Library to Implement The Windows Phone Panorama Control in HTML5 ToolbarJS – JavaScript Library to Implement a Mobile AppBar, like Windows Phone Coming Soon! SPA – Single Page Application Router, View Manager Backpack – Markup Manager leveraging LocalStorage FannyPack – Markup Manager leveraging on page markup ??????
  • 5. Resources Slide Deck – Only URL U Need!
  • 7. Enterprises - Tend to focus on .NET
  • 8. Non-Enterprises - Tend to focus on NodeJs, Ruby, PHP and a few other server-side platforms
  • 9. Enterprises - Have large and ‘small’ teams
  • 10. Non-Enterprises - Have Small teams
  • 13. Enterprises - Get Paid Real Salaries
  • 14. Non-Enterprises – Get Lots Of Free Pizza
  • 17. What a Modern Web App Is (API + HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript + StandardsCompliant Browser) * (Touch + Mobility + Performance) === Great Single Page Application
  • 18. What Does the Modern Enterprise Web App Topology look like? Data API Browser/AJAX Layer
  • 19. The Modern Web Hour Glass HTML5 JavaScript CSS3 ASP.NET.IIS DB – SQL Server/NoSQL
  • 20. What does the AJAX Layer Look Like? HTML CSS JavaScript
  • 21. What is the API? The window to and from your data Can be Restful, but more importantly should use JSON Can be hosted internally or in the cloud As the web guy I could care less what lies behind the API, just give me the JSON baby
  • 22. What is HTML5? Natural progression of HTML that is a living breathing specification that defines how developers can confidently create modern web sites with structured markup, CSS and JavaScript
  • 23. What is CSS3? Natural progression of CSS that is a living breathing specification that defines what developers can use to control the rendering, animations and other really cool things with their HTML elements.
  • 24. What is JavaScript? It is not C# or Java so stop writing it that way! It is a protypical, very dynamic language Provides a rich way to drive great user experiences in the browser and now do cool things on the server
  • 25. Oh No!! Not JavaScript!!
  • 26. Enterprise Developers Really Do Not Understand JavaScript
  • 27. Enterprise JavaScript var helloWorld = function (message) { if (!message) { message = "Hello World";;;;;; } alert(message);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; };;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  • 28. Relax – It’s Not That Hard C-like Syntax Very Modular and Extensible Understand Scope & Context What is this? Has Core Set of Object Math, Date, Array, etc It’s NOT C# So Do Not Write It Like C#
  • 29. What is a SPA? Single Page App Has 1 to many views Heavy JavaScript
  • 30. Enterprise Quality Applications Should Be Maintainable Scalable Testable Deployable Have Tangible ROI
  • 31. Of Course All Enterprise Applications Meet Those Criteria....
  • 32. What is Maintainable JavaScript? Decoupled Extensible Structured
  • 33. What is Scalable JavaScript? • Should Work As More Users Enter • Should Keep Working On Errors
  • 34. Extensible • A Core App • Add Functionality As Needed Core Module Module Module
  • 35. Enterprise JavaScript Apps Need to Be Modular Do Not Use the Global Namespace Use a Module JavaScript Object – {} Anonymous Methods Make it Extensible Think Like jQuery
  • 36. What is Testable JavaScript? Small Testable Units of Work Be Able to Be Automated Easy to Understand Libraries
  • 37. What is Deployable JavaScript? Continuous Build Auto Deployment Auto Testing (yes those pesky unit tests)
  • 38. What is Tangible JavaScript? Easy to Maintain Reduced Bugs Low Barrier to Entry for Future Devs
  • 39. Tangible ROI • Should Improve Business Process(es) by Reducing Time Needed • Reducing or Eliminating Manual Processes • Improve Quality by Eliminating Errors and Defects
  • 40. Sounds Great, but Isn't that What Everyone Already Does?
  • 41. Seriously Have You Ever Worked in An Enterprise?
  • 42. So How Do You Manage A JavaScript App? Project Structure ‘Compiling’ Testing Bundling & Minification Build System I Like GruntJs