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Fast & Deadly: WordPress Websites
Need To be Mobile Friendly
An Advertiser’s Perspective
Presented by @Sam_Lalonde
Your Amazing Presenter: SAM LALONDE
Digital Marketing professional with around ~6 years of experience.
Based in Montreal (~7 yrs)
Senior Campaign Manager & Marketing Strategist @ Bloom Search Marketing
Tweet: @Sam_Lalonde
Today’s Agenda
• Introduce Sam
• Why The Advertiser?
• The Mobile World
• Some Stats
• Industry Insights (from various case studies)
• Some quick things to do
• Recap
• Q&A or Discussion*
Feel free to ask questions throughout my prez!

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The Small Things That Add Up: How to Find What Design Factors Influence Conve...
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The Small Things That Add Up: How to Find What Design Factors Influence Conve...

This document discusses how small design factors can influence conversion rates on websites. It provides examples of how websites like Walmart, Staples, and Intuit improved their conversion rates by 1-14% by reducing load times by 1-2 seconds. The document also discusses an experiment by Fanatics where reducing median page load times by 2 seconds nearly doubled mobile conversions. It identifies issues like inefficient images, blocking page loads, and unoptimized CSS/JavaScript that can impact performance. The key takeaways are that user expectations change, performance issues are unpredictable, you need to measure factors, optimizations can create new problems, and small improvements can make a big difference.

web design and developmentecommerceweb performance
It's the Little Things: Creating a Delightful WordPress Experience for Your C...
It's the Little Things: Creating a Delightful WordPress Experience for Your C...It's the Little Things: Creating a Delightful WordPress Experience for Your C...
It's the Little Things: Creating a Delightful WordPress Experience for Your C...

It's no longer enough to simply do your job; to keep clients happy and coming back for more work, you need to delight them. This is an overview of the things we do before, during and after launching a WordPress website that help make the entire experience delightful for our clients.

wordpressproject managementweb design
How to measure the business impact of web performance
How to measure the business impact of web performanceHow to measure the business impact of web performance
How to measure the business impact of web performance

If your site were one second slower, how many of your visitors would bounce? If your site were one second faster, how many additional orders would you receive? Bottom line: Do you know what one second of latency is worth to your business? Traditional approaches to performance monitoring are fatally flawed. They measure performance only in a silo, telling you how long key actions took but not putting that information into a context you can use to improve the one metric that ultimately matters: revenue. Bridging this gap requires the collection of performance and business data together, and then analyzing this data using the proper analytic methods. Using modern Real User Monitoring (RUM) techniques, Buddy Brewer will show you how to quantify the impact even one second of latency has on key business metrics like bounce and conversion rate.

soastaload testingreal user measurement
Why The Advertiser?
Has A Goal
- Ad Impressions
- Brand Keyword Traffic
- Direct Traffic
- Bounce Rate
- Downloads
- Page Views
- Page Visits
- Video Views
Lead Generation
- Completed Forms
- Information Requests
- Phone Calls
- Registrations
- Average Order Value
- Cost/Profit per Sale
- Customer Value
- Funnel Drops
- Repeat Customers
- Return on Investment
- Revenue
We don’t go online. We live online.
Some stats!

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How Slow Load Times Hurt Your Bottom Line (And 17 Things You Can Do to Fix It)How Slow Load Times Hurt Your Bottom Line (And 17 Things You Can Do to Fix It)
How Slow Load Times Hurt Your Bottom Line (And 17 Things You Can Do to Fix It)

This document discusses how slow page load times can hurt a website's bottom line. It notes that a 2% increase in conversions is seen for every 1 second improvement in load times. Examples are given of companies that cut load times in half and increased conversions by 9% and increased downloads by 15.4%. The document outlines two main causes of slow performance: pages being too big in size and pages being too complex. It provides tips on how to address these issues, such as compressing assets, lazy loading images, consolidating resources, and optimizing third-party scripts.

web performanceweb design and developmentuser experience
Technical SEO - Tea-Time SEO' Series of Daily SEO Live Talks
Technical SEO - Tea-Time SEO' Series of Daily SEO Live TalksTechnical SEO - Tea-Time SEO' Series of Daily SEO Live Talks
Technical SEO - Tea-Time SEO' Series of Daily SEO Live Talks

Get practical advice from technical SEO experts: Paul Lovell from Always Evolving SEO, Franco Valentino of Narrative SEO and Serena Pearson, the SEO/ASO Manager at Kaizen. In this short ~20 minute talk they present bite-sized actionable SEO advice for improving the technical optimisation of your website in a way which delights users and search engines! These expert talks are offered free to the SEO community working from home during the coronavirus pandemic. Watch a recording of the stream to go with these slides here:

seo ppt slideshareslidehare seoslideshare seo strategy
Tis The Season: Load Testing Tips and Checklist for Retail Seasonal Readiness
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Tis The Season: Load Testing Tips and Checklist for Retail Seasonal Readiness

‘Tis the Season – Holiday 2014 eCommerce Quality Checklist Past Webinar Archived (originally presented June 26th, 2014) This year, your holiday traffic will increase 15% or more, and 50% of the users will be mobile. Recent research shows 71% of your revenue comes from multi-channel users, so if you haven’t started planning, you’re already behind. Leading retailers are preparing for Holiday “14 and testing their production sites for multi-channel access to 115% capacity, or beyond! If you’re not one of them, your plans are incomplete. Cover your risks. Join Tenzing and SOASTA experts as they discuss the must-do checklist for peak performance. In this webinar you’ll learn: Align your Marketing and Quality plans Cover the multichannel user experience Test early in the lab and fully in production Optimize end-to-end site speed and performance When to freeze for the winter Don’t miss this opportunity to “shop early” and see how the leading retailers are already beating the odds with cloud testing.

ecommercemobile testingretail readiness
Some stats
of cellular network connections
globally will occur at 3G or slower
speeds through 2020.
Some stats
of Canadian smartphone users say
they make quicker purchase
decisions now because they do
research on their phones.
Some stats
of all internet use will take place on
mobile devices in 2017.
Some stats
It is expected that by 2021 over 4.5 billion people
will have access to the Internet

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Boosting your conversion rate through web performance improvements
Boosting your conversion rate through web performance improvementsBoosting your conversion rate through web performance improvements
Boosting your conversion rate through web performance improvements

This document discusses ways to improve web performance and boost conversion rates. It begins by explaining how slow page loads can negatively impact businesses, costing Amazon $1.6 billion per year for every second of slowdown. The document then discusses various metrics that impact performance like page size, number of HTTP requests and JavaScript size. It provides tips for testing and improving performance, such as optimizing images, minifying files, leveraging caching and CDNs. The document stresses that web performance optimization is an ongoing process of testing, setting budgets and refactoring code over time.

Project Management & How do we do it!
Project Management  & How do we do it! Project Management  & How do we do it!
Project Management & How do we do it!

Project Management is often taken as a very complex job. While it is one, it can be simplified to meet needs as well and what else would be better than WordPress to give that flexibility? Alina will be talking about how her company uses WordPress to manage projects and how even the company as big as Automattic uses WordPress for the same and keep things simple.

project managementwordpresspm tool
Ecommerce World, WooCommerce
Ecommerce World, WooCommerceEcommerce World, WooCommerce
Ecommerce World, WooCommerce

WooCommerce is an eCommerce plugin for WordPress that was created in 2011 as a fork of the Jigoshop plugin. It aims to make it easy for non-developers to build an online store through WordPress' simple installation and by providing a theme and extensive plugin library. While it offers a low barrier to entry, WooCommerce stores may experience conflicts between plugins and themes and have potential security issues due to the frequent updates required of a WordPress site.

Some stats
By 2020, over 25 billion devices will be
embedded with Internet-based systems
Some stats
of mobile searches are driven by
speed, convenience, or urgency.
Would you wait in this line?
As users migrate to mobile, page load time is perhaps the most
important metric we have. If you can’t load pages fast enough,
you can’t compete. Consumer expectations in a mobile-led
world are extreme.
– Howard Mittman - VP & publisher of the Condé Nast men’s monthly

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A Humans First Approach to SEO and the Web
A Humans First Approach to SEO and the WebA Humans First Approach to SEO and the Web
A Humans First Approach to SEO and the Web

This document summarizes a human-first approach to SEO and web design. It emphasizes focusing on users rather than search engines, with collaboration between teams like UX, content, and development. Key points include designing for performance by optimizing images and removing unnecessary JavaScript, as well as creating well-structured content. The overall message is that a human-first approach prioritizes the user experience over search engine optimization tricks.

search engine optimizationgoogleseo
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Lighthouse custom audits - London Web Performance 2019

The document discusses using Google Lighthouse to create custom audits for web performance metrics. It provides examples of defining metrics like time to hero image, adding custom gathers and audits, and generating reports. Creating custom Lighthouse audits allows measuring important metrics outside the default categories and correlating them with business metrics. The document also discusses tools for custom metrics, Lighthouse variability, and automating measurements with Lighthouse CI.

10 golden rules for website design
10 golden rules for website design10 golden rules for website design
10 golden rules for website design

Are you looking for creating your own website? If so, then you must be aware with the principles of creating an effective website design. Make sure your website is responsive, creative and does not hold unnecessary details.

website designwebsite design and development
We are committed to improving speed across the board. If our
site takes a long time to load, it doesn’t matter how great our
journalism is, some people will leave the page before they see
what’s there.
– David Merrell - Senior Product Manager, The Washington Post
Mobile pages that load 1s faster see up to
27% increase in Conversion Rates
1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.3 6.6 6.9 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.1 8.4 8.7 9.0 9.3 9.6 9.9
Load time (seconds)
Sessions Conversion rate (%)
1.9% conversion
1.5% conversion rate
Note: Some of the pages that were faster than 2.4
seconds experienced a lower conversion rate with
the most common reason is because a lot of the
faster pages are 404/error pages.
Faster means fewer bounces
2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.3 6.6 6.9 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.1 8.4 8.7 9.0 9.3 9.6 9.9
Load time (in seconds)
Sessions Bounce rate
No matter what, faster is better and less is more
“...Similarly, as the number
of elements—text, titles,
images—on a page goes
from 400 to 6,000, the
probability of conversion
drops 95%.”

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Accelerated Mobile Pages - WordCamp Kansas City
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Accelerated Mobile Pages - WordCamp Kansas City

AMP is an open spec for lightweight, mobile-friendly pages. You can use it as the mobile view on your site, and having it enabled actually allows the AMP version of your page to be used by Google for search previews and in other places on their platform. In addition, many SEO experts recommend adopting AMP as Google is likely to reward those who do in terms of rankings. You will learn why AMP is important, how to easily add it to your WordPress site, and different techniques you can use to customize it to your specific needs.

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This document discusses how website speed and page load times directly impact user behavior and business metrics. It notes that even small increases in load times (100-500 milliseconds) can negatively impact key metrics like searches performed, pages visited, and sales conversions. The document then introduces Yottaa's Site Speed Optimizer product as a way to cut page load times in half with no software to install by leveraging their global cloud infrastructure and patented routing technologies to automatically apply web performance optimization techniques.

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Front end performance on
Front end performance on Shopify.comFront end performance on
Front end performance on

An overview of the areas where we are focusing our efforts on front end performance on Presented at the Toronto Web Performance Group's meetup on September 23, 2015.

Canada does very well in mobile load times,
so the bar is even higher
Slow and steady doesn’t win the race
Will abandon a site
that takes >3 seconds
to load
Expect a page to
load in <2 seconds
Say fast load time
speed is important
to site loyalty
No one’s willing to wait around!
Let’s make our websites faster!

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The document discusses content management systems (CMS) and bespoke website solutions. It provides information on what a CMS is and when they are needed. It then discusses bespoke CMS solutions, how they work, example websites, and factors to consider like costs and choosing a supplier. The document also summarizes open source CMS options, what open source means, common pros and cons, and how to choose the right open source solution.

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Website performance and an introduction to AMP
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Why website performance matters, and what is the business cost of not improving your page speed. Part two is looking at the AMP project, including AMP stories and AMP email

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Demystifying Website Performance and Its Impact on Revenue
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Demystifying Website Performance and Its Impact on Revenue

In this presentation we review website performance and how it impacts ecommerce sites, specifically those using Magento. We define website performance and give tips on how to speed up websites.

ecommercewebsiteswebsite design
What must be done to make your webpages load quickly
• Execute all JavaScript asynchronously
• Size all resources statically
• Don’t let extension mechanisms block rendering
• Keep all third-party JavaScript out of the critical path
• All CSS must be inline and size-bound
• Font triggering must be efficient
• Minimize style recalculations
• Only run GPU-accelerated animations
• Prioritize resource loading
• Load pages in an instant
There’s a plugin for that!
AMP by Automattic:
Our good friends at Automattic have created a plugin that adds support for the Accelerated
Mobile Pages (AMP) Project, which is an an open source initiative that aims to provide mobile
optimized content that can load instantly everywhere.
Glue for Yoast SEO & AMP:
The ever popular Joost de Valk (Yoast) has published the AMP Glue plugin which integrates Yoast
SEO into your AMP pages. This makes sure your meta-data is implemented correctly.

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Amp your site an intro to accelerated mobile pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a framework for building web pages that are optimized for mobile devices. It addresses issues like slow load times and poor user experiences on mobile by simplifying pages and parallelizing resource loading. AMP pages use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to load quickly. They are cached globally through Google's AMP Cache for fast delivery. Publishers can easily implement AMP pages and monetize them while embracing an open web.

amp mobile
Core Web Vitals - Why You Need to Pay Attention
Core Web Vitals - Why You Need to Pay AttentionCore Web Vitals - Why You Need to Pay Attention
Core Web Vitals - Why You Need to Pay Attention

Learn about the following: What Are Core Web Vitals Why They Are Important Today Why They Will Be Critical Next Year How to Improve Them Now The Secret Advantage That No One Is Talking About Why This Is All Good News For Your Website

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Poslovni Imenik BiH - Lokal d.o.o.
Poslovni Imenik BiH - Lokal d.o.o.Poslovni Imenik BiH - Lokal d.o.o.
Poslovni Imenik BiH - Lokal d.o.o.

Poslovni Imenik BiH. Registar Firmu u BiH. Upisite se na, najpopularnijoj poslovnoj mreži u Bosni i Herzegovini . Budite tamo gdje su vaši kupci. Registar firmi u BiH

poslovni imenik bihregistar firmi u bihfirme u bih
Use a Content Delivery Network
…deliver content to end users with lower latency
Use Caching When Available
Minify all the things!
Some Tools
See How Your Website Stacks Up
• There are some really great tools out there!

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Customer acquisition for SaaS
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Customer acquisition for SaaS

The document discusses strategies for building a successful software as a service (SaaS) company, including focusing on predictable compounding growth through subscription business models, prioritizing customer acquisition by optimizing marketing, sales, and customer success functions, and maintaining low customer churn rates which are key to high valuation multiples. Specific metrics and examples from surveys of public SaaS companies are provided around revenue, growth rates, sales team structures and productivity, commission rates, and customer retention.

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5 Simple Actions to Make a Measurable Impact on Your Responsive Site

Our President, Patrick Collins, presented at eTail East 2013 in Philadelphia, PA, on 5 Simple Actions to Make a Measurable Impact on Your Responsive Site. Listen to what he had to say, and contact him with any questions or comments at

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Responding to the challenge of the mobile web (2012)
Responding to the challenge of the mobile web (2012)Responding to the challenge of the mobile web (2012)
Responding to the challenge of the mobile web (2012)

The document provides an overview of responding to the mobile web challenge. It discusses: 1) A quick history of mobile web usage from 1999 to today, noting how the introduction of the iPhone in 2007 changed expectations and usage. 2) How the mobile web has evolved since then, with variable connection speeds, various screen sizes, and people expecting mobile-friendly websites from major sites. 3) An analysis of the RSPB website's mobile traffic, which exceeds 1% and includes key pages. This suggests the need to prioritize a responsive mobile site. 4) Recommendations to embrace standardization, redesign the site to be responsive, test on various devices, and view mobile as integral

Mobile First?
If I can leave you with three things, it’s that:
• Every website has a goal and its our job to make people reach that
• People live online with their phones and they are not willing to wait
around on their phones. …the stats back this up!
• There are some plugins that already exist that can make your
WordPress websites fast, deadly, and mobile friendly!
…and let’s make the web a faster place!
Make something you love every day.

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Wordcamp 2017-toronto-sam lalonde

  • 2. Fast & Deadly: WordPress Websites Need To be Mobile Friendly An Advertiser’s Perspective Presented by @Sam_Lalonde
  • 3. Your Amazing Presenter: SAM LALONDE Digital Marketing professional with around ~6 years of experience. Based in Montreal (~7 yrs) Senior Campaign Manager & Marketing Strategist @ Bloom Search Marketing Tweet: @Sam_Lalonde Write: Connect:
  • 4. Today’s Agenda • Introduce Sam • Why The Advertiser? • The Mobile World • Some Stats • Industry Insights (from various case studies) • Some quick things to do • Recap • Q&A or Discussion* Feel free to ask questions throughout my prez! Hello!
  • 6. Every Website Has A Goal Branding - Ad Impressions - Brand Keyword Traffic - Direct Traffic Engagement - Bounce Rate - Downloads - Page Views - Page Visits - Video Views Lead Generation - Completed Forms - Information Requests - Phone Calls - Registrations Sales - Average Order Value - Cost/Profit per Sale - Customer Value - Funnel Drops - Repeat Customers - Return on Investment - Revenue
  • 7. We don’t go online. We live online.
  • 9. Some stats of cellular network connections globally will occur at 3G or slower speeds through 2020.
  • 10. Some stats of Canadian smartphone users say they make quicker purchase decisions now because they do research on their phones.
  • 11. Some stats of all internet use will take place on mobile devices in 2017. 75
  • 12. Some stats It is expected that by 2021 over 4.5 billion people will have access to the Internet
  • 13. Some stats By 2020, over 25 billion devices will be embedded with Internet-based systems
  • 14. Some stats of mobile searches are driven by speed, convenience, or urgency.
  • 15. Would you wait in this line?
  • 16. As users migrate to mobile, page load time is perhaps the most important metric we have. If you can’t load pages fast enough, you can’t compete. Consumer expectations in a mobile-led world are extreme. – Howard Mittman - VP & publisher of the Condé Nast men’s monthly Quote Time
  • 17. We are committed to improving speed across the board. If our site takes a long time to load, it doesn’t matter how great our journalism is, some people will leave the page before they see what’s there. – David Merrell - Senior Product Manager, The Washington Post Quote Time
  • 18. Load Times Mobile pages that load 1s faster see up to 27% increase in Conversion Rates 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.3 6.6 6.9 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.1 8.4 8.7 9.0 9.3 9.6 9.9 Load time (seconds) Sessions Sessions Conversion rate (%) 1.9% conversion rate 1.5% conversion rate Note: Some of the pages that were faster than 2.4 seconds experienced a lower conversion rate with the most common reason is because a lot of the faster pages are 404/error pages.
  • 19. Faster means fewer bounces 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.3 6.6 6.9 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.1 8.4 8.7 9.0 9.3 9.6 9.9 180,000 140,000 100,000 60,000 0 20,000 58 45 32 19 0 6 Sessions Load time (in seconds) Bouncerate(%) Sessions Bounce rate 13% bounce rate 20% bounce rate 58% bounce rate
  • 20. No matter what, faster is better and less is more “...Similarly, as the number of elements—text, titles, images—on a page goes from 400 to 6,000, the probability of conversion drops 95%.” Load Times
  • 21. Load Times Compared Canada does very well in mobile load times, so the bar is even higher
  • 22. Slow and steady doesn’t win the race Will abandon a site that takes >3 seconds to load 40% Expect a page to load in <2 seconds 47% Say fast load time speed is important to site loyalty 52% Speed
  • 23. No one’s willing to wait around!
  • 24. Let’s make our websites faster!
  • 25. Improving Speed What must be done to make your webpages load quickly • Execute all JavaScript asynchronously • Size all resources statically • Don’t let extension mechanisms block rendering • Keep all third-party JavaScript out of the critical path • All CSS must be inline and size-bound • Font triggering must be efficient • Minimize style recalculations • Only run GPU-accelerated animations • Prioritize resource loading • Load pages in an instant
  • 26. There’s a plugin for that!
  • 27. AMP Plugin AMP by Automattic: Our good friends at Automattic have created a plugin that adds support for the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project, which is an an open source initiative that aims to provide mobile optimized content that can load instantly everywhere.
  • 28. AMP Plugin Glue for Yoast SEO & AMP: The ever popular Joost de Valk (Yoast) has published the AMP Glue plugin which integrates Yoast SEO into your AMP pages. This makes sure your meta-data is implemented correctly.
  • 29. Improving Speed Use a Content Delivery Network …deliver content to end users with lower latency
  • 32. Some Tools See How Your Website Stacks Up • There are some really great tools out there! • • • •
  • 34. RECAP If I can leave you with three things, it’s that: • Every website has a goal and its our job to make people reach that goal. • People live online with their phones and they are not willing to wait around on their phones. …the stats back this up! • There are some plugins that already exist that can make your WordPress websites fast, deadly, and mobile friendly!
  • 35. …and let’s make the web a faster place! Make something you love every day.