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Implementing a Responsive
Image Strategy
Chris Love
The Image Problem
• Images Account for Majority of Downloaded Content
• That means images cost you and your users money
Height=“640px” width=“240px”
alt="66 Pounds in 108 Days - How a Normal Fat
Guy Lost Weight and Got In Shape"/>
tend to use the largest
image, relying on the
browser to resize

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Why your slow loading website is costing you sales and how to fix it
Why your slow loading website is costing you sales and how to fix itWhy your slow loading website is costing you sales and how to fix it
Why your slow loading website is costing you sales and how to fix it

Learn: Why your website MUST be fast to be competitive, how a page is loaded by the browser, how to measure page speed and 5 simple ways to speed up YOUR website .

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Why your slow loading website is costing you sales and how to fix it
Why your slow loading website is costing you sales and how to fix itWhy your slow loading website is costing you sales and how to fix it
Why your slow loading website is costing you sales and how to fix it

This document discusses how slow loading websites can negatively impact business by reducing conversions and increasing abandonment. It covers: 1. Research showing websites that load faster increase donations, click-through rates, and conversions while decreasing abandonment. 2. How browsers load pages over TCP and HTTP, including how objects like JavaScript, CSS, images are retrieved. 3. Methods for measuring page speed like load time, start render time, and speed index. 4. Techniques for speeding up websites like GZip compression, caching, optimizing images, bundling resources, and minimizing web fonts.

optimizationweb performancehttp/2
Web performance
Web performanceWeb performance
Web performance

1. Definition of Web performance. 2. Why Important. 3. Webpage Rendering. 4. Browsers render. 5. Web Performance Rules. 6. Web Performance Tools. 7. Research

html css jsperformanceperformance tools
• Waste bandwidth
• time
• money
• Forces Browser to
Work Harder
85% of mobile users expect pages to load as fast or
faster than they load on the desktop.
Implementing a Responsive Image Strategy
The Image Problem
• Screen Diversity Means Variety of Image Sizes & Quality
• Screen Size
• Screen Resolution
• Bandwidth Consideration
• Art Direction

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A performance optimization presentation for WordCamp Sacramento 2016. Presented by Austin Gil. This presentation addresses issues in design, development, and project management, where performance is most greatly affected. We look at various opportunities and techniques within each stage that may offer more speed. The subjects range from beginner to advanced with tips and advice that just about anyone can walk away with, and we end with a collection of recommended tools. This presentation was designed so the slides would be useful even out of context of the presentation. Please enjoy.

Implementing a Responsive Image Strategy
height=“640px” width=“240px”
alt="66 Pounds in 108 Days - How a Normal Fat
Guy Lost Weight and Got In Shape"/>
alt="66 Pounds in 108 Days - How a Normal Fat
Guy Lost Weight and Got In Shape"/>
srcset="img/66-pounds-108-days-cover_fz0145_c_scale,w_200.jpg 200w,
img/66-pounds-108-days-cover_fz0145_c_scale,w_280.jpg 280w,
img/66-pounds-108-days-cover_fz0145_c_scale,w_346.jpg 346w,
img/66-pounds-108-days-cover_fz0145_c_scale,w_405.jpg 405w,
img/66-pounds-108-days-cover_fz0145_c_scale,w_453.jpg 453w"
alt="66 Pounds in 108 Days - How a Normal Fat Guy Lost Weight and Got In Shape"/>

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There's no question about it. A slow website will cost you sales. WordPress website speed can sometimes be difficult to tackle. We've put together a guide on improving your WordPress website loading times. Our WordPress speed guide is perfect for those who want to learn how to speed up their WordPress website in 2019. Let us know what you think!

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Build Better Responsive websites. Hrvoje Jurišić
Build Better Responsive websites. Hrvoje JurišićBuild Better Responsive websites. Hrvoje Jurišić
Build Better Responsive websites. Hrvoje Jurišić

The document discusses the importance of website performance and provides tips to build responsive websites. It notes that users expect pages to load within 2 seconds and will leave slow sites. The tips include reducing HTTP requests, gzipping and minifying components, optimizing images, delivering JavaScript and CSS efficiently, lazy loading images, and inlining critical CSS. Following these foundations and techniques can significantly improve load times and user experience.

responsive websitehrvoje jurišić
img/66-pounds-108-days-cover_fz0145_c_scale,w_200.jpg 200w,
Image Source Image Width
Implementing a Responsive Image Strategy
Implementing a Responsive Image Strategy
Don’t Panic!!!!
•srcset is a progressive
•So it fails gracefully
•Internet Explorer loads the
src image just like always!

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Lazy load Website Assets
Lazy load Website AssetsLazy load Website Assets
Lazy load Website Assets

Website speed is a crucial aspect of on page SEO everyone can control. Your goal is to be interactive in under 3 seconds, even on a basic phone over a 3G connection. However, most web sites have so many requests and large payloads this time limit or budget cannot be achieved. In fact, the average web page takes 22 seconds to load, according to Google's research. But what if I told you there is a way to offload or even avoid loading page assets until they are needed? This can give your website a distinct advantage over your competition because not only will Google like your pages better so will your visitors!

seowebsiteweb design and development
There Are No “Buts” in Progressive Enhancement [Øredev 2015]
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Progressive enhancement sounds practical, but not for your current project, right? Good news: you’re wrong! In this session, Aaron will debunk the myths that often preclude individuals and organizations from embracing progressive enhancement and demonstrate solid techniques for applying progressive enhancement in your work. By the end of this session, you’ll walk away with * a better sense of the devices people are using to access the Web, * a framework for envisioning experience as a continuum, and * a solid understanding of how to improve the accessibility and reach of your Web projects. Come find out why progressive enhancement isn’t just for “content” sites (whatever those are).

imagesweb designperformance
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Full Guide - In this site speed optimization guide, we provide 25-Tips to get blazing fast website speeds of under 0.5s.

fastsite speedslow
Implementing a Responsive Image Strategy
A list of one or more strings
separated by commas indicating a
set of possible image sources for
the user agent (browser) to use
srcset="img/66-pounds-108-days-cover_fz0145_c_scale,w_200.jpg 200w,
img/66-pounds-108-days-cover_fz0145_c_scale,w_280.jpg 280w,
img/66-pounds-108-days-cover_fz0145_c_scale,w_346.jpg 346w,
img/66-pounds-108-days-cover_fz0145_c_scale,w_405.jpg 405w,
img/66-pounds-108-days-cover_fz0145_c_scale,w_453.jpg 453w"
alt="66 Pounds in 108 Days - How a Normal Fat Guy Lost Weight and Got In Shape"/>
How Does The Browser Choose?
We Don’t Know!
And That’s OK

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Velocity 2010: Performance Impact, Part Two: More Findings from the Front Lin...
Velocity 2010: Performance Impact, Part Two: More Findings from the Front Lin...Velocity 2010: Performance Impact, Part Two: More Findings from the Front Lin...
Velocity 2010: Performance Impact, Part Two: More Findings from the Front Lin...

Last year at Velocity, Strangeloop's VP Product, Hooman Beheshti, presented the findings from phase one of Strangeloop’s long-term research into the relationship between web performance and business benefits. The results were also published in Watching Websites. Since then, we’ve received a barrage of questions from the web performance community, which fueled phase two of our study. In this presentation, Strangeloop president Joshua Bixby offers our most recent findings. Some of the community’s questions were: * Who were the clients? * How fast were the pages? * What acceleration techniques were implemented? * What happened to the key page components (such as JS size, payload and roundtrips) of the websites? * How did changing key variables (page load time, payload, number of roundtrips, etc.) affect the outcome? We’ve been collecting and analyzing data to help us answer these questions, as well as some new ones we’ve thought up along the way. Join us as we present our findings, and help us consider what areas deserve further study.

site accelerationweb performancevelocity
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Client-side Web Performance Optimization [paper]

This document discusses client-side performance optimizations for websites. It begins by explaining how client-side loading accounts for 80-90% of total page load time on average. It then provides an overview of tools for analyzing performance bottlenecks. The document outlines several basic optimization techniques, including reducing HTTP requests, leveraging browser caching through headers and cache busters, optimizing images, prioritizing critical resources, and improving JavaScript and CSS performance. It emphasizes the importance of measuring performance before and after making changes.

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Website speed optimization guide for technically advanced webmasters

A technical guide on website speed optimization for webmasters. A complete goto guide for every publisher.

wordpress speed optimizationtechnologyinternet
What if You Want to
Control the Rendered
sizes to the rescue!
A list of one or more strings
separated by commas indicating a
set of source sizes.
Each source size consist of a
media condition and a source size
sizes="(max-width: 453px) 67vw, 453px"
srcset="img/66-pounds-108-days-cover_fz0145_c_scale,w_200.jpg 200w,
img/66-pounds-108-days-cover_fz0145_c_scale,w_280.jpg 280w,
img/66-pounds-108-days-cover_fz0145_c_scale,w_346.jpg 346w,
img/66-pounds-108-days-cover_fz0145_c_scale,w_405.jpg 405w,
img/66-pounds-108-days-cover_fz0145_c_scale,w_453.jpg 453w"
alt="66 Pounds in 108 Days - How a Normal Fat Guy Lost Weight and Got In

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Page Performance webdev lunch and learn #2: Page performance. What makes websites slow, how to make them faster.

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Is your website's speed letting you down?
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Is your website's speed letting you down?

The document discusses page speed and provides tips for optimizing website page speed. It introduces tools like Google Page Speed and Yahoo YSlow for measuring page speed. It then provides steps on how to use these tools and makes recommendations for improving page speed through image optimization, CSS and JavaScript minification, reducing errors, caching assets, and reducing the number of HTTP requests and third party widgets.

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Q4策略 best策略,掌握旺季行情

sizes="(max-width: 453px) 67vw, 453px"
Media Query Condition Source size Default
vw unit
• Not a Fun German Car
• Refers to Viewport Width
• 1 vw === 1% of the current viewport width
Art Direction
Implementing a Responsive Image Strategy

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This document presents a methodology for using natural language processing and machine learning techniques for mobile device forensics. It discusses extracting text messages from a mobile device, creating a text message corpus, using feature extraction like bag-of-words and bigrams, and applying supervised machine learning algorithms like Naive Bayes classification to determine if text messages are drug-related or neutral. The methodology aims to address issues with existing approaches like limited corpora and accuracy problems with simple keyword searches. It concludes that the approach applies NLP to mobile forensics in a novel way and makes the corpus available to improve methodologies.

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Apache Wicketを利用したWebシステムで Reactiveプログラミングを取り入れた事例の紹介

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This document provides an overview and examples of using ngx_mruby, which allows embedding the mruby scripting language in the nginx web server. It introduces ngx_mruby and how it works, provides instructions for building and installing ngx_mruby, and gives several code examples for common tasks like content handling, logging, redirection, and authorization using ngx_mruby. Key features covered include accessing nginx variables and requests, sharing data across request phases and worker processes, and integrating mruby gems.

nginx mruby ngx_mruby dots
The PICTURE Element
• Accounts for Art Direction
• Mime Type Support
Implementing a Responsive Image Strategy
Implementing a Responsive Image Strategy
Don’t Panic!!!!
•PICTURE is a progressive
•So it fails gracefully
•Internet Explorer & Safari
load the src image just like

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This document summarizes the healthcare IT services offered by Grow-High, including medical transcription, revenue cycle management, and billing. Grow-High specializes in providing outsourced transcription, coding, billing, accounts receivable follow-up, and denial management services. Partnering with Grow-High can help healthcare organizations reduce costs, boost revenues, improve workflows, and maximize efficiencies. Grow-High ensures accurate, timely transcription services that are 100% HIPAA compliant through state-of-the-art technologies and highly trained personnel.

Introduction to Resource Hints
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Introduction to Resource Hints

2016年12月5日に開催された Frontrend Vol.8 の「Introduction to Resource Hints」のセッション資料です。

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En Gotham, el colapso bursátil ha hecho que las familias aumenten el ahorro. A corto plazo, esto causará una caída en el producto y el empleo, mientras que la inversión también disminuirá. En el modelo keynesiano, si los impuestos disminuyen de 100 a 99, la renta de equilibrio aumentará de 1200 a 1203.

Implementing a Responsive Image Strategy
<source media="(min-width: 650px)" srcset="images/kitten-large.png">
<source media="(min-width: 465px)" srcset="images/kitten-medium.png">

<img src="images/kitten-small.png" alt="a cute kitten">
<source type="image/svg+xml" srcset="logo.xml">
<source type="image/webp" srcset="logo.webp">
<img src="logo.png" alt="ACME Corp">
When using the <PICTURE>
element you must make sure
your CSS breakpoints match
your image breakpoints

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Google Compute Engineを利用して自動デプロイ、開発環境の構築について話しました。

[Azure Deep Dive] APIエコノミーに向けて ~Azure API ManagementによるAPIの公開と管理~ (2016/12/16)
[Azure Deep Dive] APIエコノミーに向けて ~Azure API ManagementによるAPIの公開と管理~ (2016/12/16)[Azure Deep Dive] APIエコノミーに向けて ~Azure API ManagementによるAPIの公開と管理~ (2016/12/16)
[Azure Deep Dive] APIエコノミーに向けて ~Azure API ManagementによるAPIの公開と管理~ (2016/12/16)


AbemaTV のインターネットにおける Linear TV サービスがどのように構築されているのか説明します。

<PICTURE> Caveats
Art Direction is Usually an Edge Case
Great! But How Do You Manage Responsive
The Image Problem – Read More
• Jason Grigsby Responsive Images Series
Implementing a Responsive Image Strategy

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Хімія та біологія

Images meet Web
Images meet WebImages meet Web
Images meet Web

網頁與圖片已密不可分 ,根據統計,圖片在網頁上的比重超過 50%,意即只要處理好圖片,就解決網頁一半以上的問題。這次的主題將要介紹如何在什麼都要 RWD、mobile-firendly 的時代,用前端的技術,去完成最佳的圖片體驗。

Responsive images are here. Now what?
Responsive images are here. Now what?Responsive images are here. Now what?
Responsive images are here. Now what?

The document discusses responsive images and issues around their implementation. It begins by outlining the new <picture> element and srcset/sizes attributes that allow images to adapt based on screen size and resolution. It then discusses challenges like managing many images, the need for image breakpoints to determine appropriate file sizes, and the tension between responsive images and the browser's lookahead parser. Overall, the document examines both the promise and difficulties of responsive images on the modern web.

responsive web designwebresponsive images

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Andrea Verlicchi
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Zarema Khalilova
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Christopher Schmitt
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Andrea Verlicchi
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Centro Web
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Reinaldo Ferraz
Make your website 2 times faster
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Satoshi Kikuchi
IBM Connect 2016 - AD1548 - Building Responsive XPages Applications
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Bilder einbinden ist kein Thema, oder?
Walter Ebert
High Performance Images
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Walter Ebert

Similar to Implementing a Responsive Image Strategy (20)

Images meet Web
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High Performance Images in WordPress
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CSS and image optimization
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High Performance Images: Beautiful Shouldn't Mean Slow
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High Performance Images: Beautiful Shouldn't Mean Slow
Next Steps in Responsive Design
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2022.04 - CSS Day IT - Images Optimisation 4.0
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2022.04 - CSS Day IT - Images Optimisation 4.0
Responsive Images in the Real World - presented at JavaScript Open 2015
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Responsive Images in the Real World - presented at JavaScript Open 2015
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Отзывчивые изображения правильно
Delivering Responsive Images
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Delivering Responsive Images
[CSSDevConf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design 2014
[CSSDevConf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design 2014[CSSDevConf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design 2014
[CSSDevConf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design 2014
Responsive images, an html 5.1 standard
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Responsive images, an html 5.1 standard
Accessibility on SVG and SEO
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Accessibility on SVG and SEO
Make your website 2 times faster
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Make your website 2 times faster
IBM Connect 2016 - AD1548 - Building Responsive XPages Applications
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High Performance Images
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