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Using Responsive Web Design To
Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Chris Love
Who Am I
• ASP Insider
• Internet Explorer User Agent
• Author
• Speaker
• Tweaker, Lover of Web, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5
• @ChrisLove
Slide Deck & Source Code
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Responsive web design is design
that responds to the screen size it’s
being viewed on.

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CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control
CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. ControlCSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control
CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control

This document discusses the differences between CSS and JavaScript and when each is most appropriate to use. It argues that CSS is often underestimated in favor of JavaScript solutions. CSS has advanced significantly with features like calc(), media queries, animations/transitions, flexbox, grid, variables and more. These powerful features allow many tasks to be accomplished with CSS alone without needing JavaScript. The document encourages embracing the "squishiness" of the web and considering CSS more when building interfaces.

Beyond Responsive Workshop [Beyond Tellerrand 2014]
Beyond Responsive Workshop [Beyond Tellerrand 2014]Beyond Responsive Workshop [Beyond Tellerrand 2014]
Beyond Responsive Workshop [Beyond Tellerrand 2014]

Responsive web design has taken our industry by storm and with good reason: it helps us improve our reach with less effort. But incorporating responsive design is not the goal, meeting our user’s needs is. Responsive design is not an end in itself… it’s just the beginning. We need to embrace the heterogenous nature of the web—myriad web-enabled devices with vastly different dimensions, screen sizes, networks, and capabilities in use by countless individuals, each with their own special needs—and craft experiences that will work anywhere at any time. We need to build robust systems that adapt in ways far beyond aesthetics.

cssjavascriptresponsive web design
High Performance Mobile Web
High Performance Mobile WebHigh Performance Mobile Web
High Performance Mobile Web

The document discusses best practices for optimizing performance on the mobile web. It recommends using the mobile web as a cross-platform solution, leveraging HTML5 capabilities. Key tips include minimizing HTTP requests, using local storage and cookies to cache resources, favoring CSS transitions over timers for animation, using touch events instead of click events, and enabling hardware acceleration where possible. It also discusses using the app cache manifest to allow full-screen web apps on mobile.
“Google not only recommends RWD as the best way to
target mobile users , but also favors mobile-optimized sites
when presenting results for searches made on a mobile
- Hayley Francis
“Mobile websites can suffer from a high bounce rate if the
content they offer is too stripped down, or too dissimilar
from the content offered on the desktop site. Google will
interpret this high bounce rate as a sign that a website isn’t
offering relevant content to users, which is likely to lead to a
drop in rankings.”
- Hayley Francis
Single Web Site/App
•Easier to Maintain
•Consistent Content Makes Users Happy
•User Tend to use more than 1 device to
engage with business

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These 20 tips will help you speed up your Wordpress website and make it load faster. For more, please visit -

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Optimizing Sites for Mobile Devices
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Optimizing Sites for Mobile Devices

Slides for my Adobe MAX 2011 presentation on Optimizing Sites for Mobile Devices. In this hands-on lab, I explore the concept of developing a mobile strategy that approaches mobile as an equal partner in the design process, and explores techniques to help site content deploy across devices and contexts.

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Web Development Life Cycle
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Web Development Life Cycle

Web development cycle is the essence of any development project. Proper conceptualization of the various phases and following them religiously allows one to complete a web development project in a timely and effective manner.

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Not Being Mobile Friendly Turns Away
•Lower Engagement Rates
•Lower brand Image (ie That Site Sux)
Make Sure Basic Responsiveness Works
• The viewport as a whole needs to scale. In short, horizontal scrollbars
are not your friend. No matter how small the viewport might get, no
horizontal scrollbar should appear.
Make Sure Basic Responsiveness Works
• Things shouldn’t get cut off unpredictably. Don’t put hard limits on
certain block widths or texts. Always find a way to make things scale,
crop, or predict how they will cut off, and then make them look right.
Make Sure Basic Responsiveness Works
• Don’t wrap menus. The hamburger icons, although controversial, are
a nice trick to make menus look good on most devices. Alternatively,
use shorter menus altogether.

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Lecture 1: Web Design + Usability
Lecture 1: Web Design + UsabilityLecture 1: Web Design + Usability
Lecture 1: Web Design + Usability

The document discusses 43 common web design mistakes that should be avoided. Some key points include: 1. Websites should clearly communicate their purpose within seconds to capture visitors' limited attention. 2. Content should be scannable through use of bullet points, headers and lists rather than large blocks of text. 3. Fonts must be readable on all devices and visitors should not need to zoom in to read content. 4. Forcing new windows, resizing browsers or requiring registration without reason will frustrate visitors. 5. Usability, readability and clarity should be prioritized over flashy or distracting design elements that interfere with the user experience.

Responsive images are here. Now what?
Responsive images are here. Now what?Responsive images are here. Now what?
Responsive images are here. Now what?

The document discusses responsive images and issues around their implementation. It begins by outlining the new <picture> element and srcset/sizes attributes that allow images to adapt based on screen size and resolution. It then discusses challenges like managing many images, the need for image breakpoints to determine appropriate file sizes, and the tension between responsive images and the browser's lookahead parser. Overall, the document examines both the promise and difficulties of responsive images on the modern web.

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RESS: An Evolution of Responsive Web Design
RESS: An Evolution of Responsive Web DesignRESS: An Evolution of Responsive Web Design
RESS: An Evolution of Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design has become an important tool for front-end developers as they develop mobile-optimized solutions for clients. Browser-detection has been an important tool for server-side developers for the same task for much longer. Unfortunately, both techniques have certain limitations. I’ll show how both front-end and server-side developers can take advantage of the new technique called RESS (Responsive Web Design with Server Side Components) that aims to be combine the best of both worlds for delivering mobile-optimized content.

resshigher educationhighered
Make Sure Basic Responsiveness Works
• Make the images fit. If you ever get surprised by a horizontal scrollbar,
it’s most likely due to an image not scaling properly. Making your
images responsive is a must-do for every web design project.
Make your design “content-first”
•Remove what’s unimportant as the screen gets
•The key to intelligent responsive design is
predicting what parts of the page become
unimportant as the viewport gets smaller.
•Stating Mobile 1st makes this exercise easier
• 60% of adults use at least 2
devices every day, while 40%
have changed device through an
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere

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Mobile Best Practices
Mobile Best PracticesMobile Best Practices
Mobile Best Practices

A brief presentation for the Missouri State Digital Media Developer group on cutting through the hype surrounding mobile development and responsive design.

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Web Design and Development Life Cycle and Technologies
Web Design and Development Life Cycle and TechnologiesWeb Design and Development Life Cycle and Technologies
Web Design and Development Life Cycle and Technologies

This presentation is an introduction to the design, creation, and maintenance of web design and development life cycle and web technologies. With it, you will learn about the web technologies, the life cycle of developing an efficient website and web application and finally some web essentials questions will be provided and reviewed.

htmljava scriptweb design
Skill Session - Web Multi Device
Skill Session - Web Multi DeviceSkill Session - Web Multi Device
Skill Session - Web Multi Device

The document discusses responsive web design and developing for multiple devices. It recommends creating a single responsive website that adapts to different screens through techniques like fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries. It also suggests considering hybrid approaches that incorporate both web and native capabilities to deliver high-quality experiences across all devices.

Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
What is Adaptive?
• Uses Server-Side Device Detection
• Separate Site
• Usually m.<domain>.com
• Requires maintaining 2 Code Bases
• In Theory You Can Make a ‘mobile’ optimized version
• In Reality A PITA
• Often 3rd party solution that scraped full site for content

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Responsive web design & mobile web development - a technical and business app...
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Responsive web design & mobile web development - a technical and business app...

The document discusses responsive web design and mobile web development. It recommends creating a single page web application that is optimized for all devices as a long term goal. It also discusses challenges like different screen sizes, browsers, and touch vs mouse interactions across diverse devices. The document advocates adapting the web experience according to the device using responsive design principles.

hybrid applicationiosresponsive web design
Improving frontend performance
Improving frontend performanceImproving frontend performance
Improving frontend performance

The technology landscape is changing with every passing year. The technology landscape is changing with every passing year. More people than ever before are now online. It also means that the ways that people are accessing the web all over the world are changing, too. In this talk, I talk about the different techniques coupled with few case studies on how to improve front-end performance.

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WordCamp Nashville 2016: The promise and peril of Agile and Lean practices
WordCamp Nashville 2016: The promise and peril of Agile and Lean practicesWordCamp Nashville 2016: The promise and peril of Agile and Lean practices
WordCamp Nashville 2016: The promise and peril of Agile and Lean practices

Michael Toppa gave a presentation on the promise and perils of Agile and Lean practices. He discussed how adopting these practices can help address common project problems like unrealistic expectations that compromise quality, multitasking that reduces productivity, and lack of feedback that leads to building the wrong products. However, going all-in with Agile through methods like Scrum requires major changes all at once, while adopting Lean through Kanban allows for more incremental evolution. Successful implementations inspect and adapt processes, rather than relying on superficial or misapplied changes.

leankanbanagile software development
Assuming User Needs
• You Can Determine User
Expectations Based on Device
• Reality Most Mobile Activity
Occurs on a Couch or Lean
Back Scenario
Assuming User Needs
“I think the key is not to assume anything. We don’t really know what
our users have come to look at. So, we can’t say, “Oh, it’s okay. This
person is on a mobile, so we’re going to cut out a load of the content so
they can’t reach it.”
John Cleveley BBC News
“this unspoken agreement to pretend that we had a certain size. And
that size changed over the years. For a while, we all sort of tacitly
agreed that 640 by 480 was the right size, and then later than changed
to 800:600, and 1024; we seem to have settled on this 960 pixel as
being this like, default. It’s still unknown. We still don’t know the size of
the browser; it’s just like this consensual hallucination that we’ve all
agreed to participate in: “Let’s assume the browser has a browser
width of at least 960 pixels.”
Jeremy Keith
“The emergence of ideas like “responsive design” and “future-friendly
thinking” are in part a response to the collective realization that
designing products that solve one problem in one context at a time is
no longer sustainable. By refocusing our process on systems that are
explicitly designed to adapt to a changing environment, we have an
opportunity to develop durable, long-lasting designs that renew their
usefulness and value over time.”
Wilson Miner

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Responsive Web Design Tutorial PDF for Beginners
Responsive Web Design Tutorial PDF for BeginnersResponsive Web Design Tutorial PDF for Beginners
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Learn Bootstrap 4 and responsive design basics step by step. For beginners and for experienced developers who want to migrate existing Bootstrap 3 sites to Bootstrap 4. Includes a tutorial, cheat sheets, templates, and quick reference guides.

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Introduction to web design
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Introduction to web design

This document provides an introduction and overview of web design, including HTML, editors, hosting, and publishing websites. It discusses that while web design can seem intimidating, taking it slowly and learning the basics is important. WYSIWYG editors make it easier to design websites visually rather than through code, but have limitations and may produce imperfect HTML. Dreamweaver is recommended as a good option, while Frontpage is not advised due to flaws. Overall, learning HTML and gaining experience is emphasized over relying on programs.

JavaScript front end performance optimizations
JavaScript front end performance optimizationsJavaScript front end performance optimizations
JavaScript front end performance optimizations

No one wants a slow loading, slow reacting application. As page weight has increased so has the dependency on JavaScript to drive rich user experiences. Today many pages load over 2MBs of JavaScript, but is this healthy? Do your scripts and dependencies perform well? In this session we will review common JavaScript performance bottlenecks, how to detect them and how to eliminate them. This session will review common bad coding syntax, architecture and how to replace them with better alternatives. You will also be exposed to caching, code organization, build and deployment best practices that produce the best user experiences. Finally, you will see how to use the navigation timing and performance timing APIs to fine tune your applications to produce a fast, lean application your customers will love.

web performancejavascript
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere

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All browsers have developer tools that help developers troubleshoot their applications. But each browser's tools are different and all have strengths and weaknesses. Microsoft Edge is no different.This session will highlight some deeper insights you can gain through the Edge developer tools and some advanced tools available from Microsoft. We will dive into advanced CSS and JavaScript debugging capabilities. We will also review how to chase memory leaks and diagnose common performance rendering issues. Finally we will do a quick review of Vorlon.js, a remote debugging library that enables you to troubleshoot issues on devices you do not have developer tool access.

Implementing a Responsive Image Strategy
Implementing a Responsive Image StrategyImplementing a Responsive Image Strategy
Implementing a Responsive Image Strategy

Applications must implement responsive web design strategies today. However most developers are not experienced in responsive techniques. More over images have provided a difficult hurdle for developers and business stakeholders to make responsive. A proper responsive web design strategy increases return on investment, reduces long term maintenance requirements and improves application performance. Images create many challenges in implementing responsive design. This session will explain what responsive images are. How new web standards have enabled manageable responsive image practices. We will go over tooling and techniques to enable responsive images in your developer and line of business workflows. When you leave this session you will have actionable knowledge of responsive images, techniques, tooling and workflow options you can apply to your projects now.

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10 things you can do to speed up your web app today 2016
10 things you can do to speed up your web app today 201610 things you can do to speed up your web app today 2016
10 things you can do to speed up your web app today 2016

Web Sites are to slow and this is costing businesses money. Most performance issues are easy to fix. In this session we review why web performance is important and 10 simple things you can do to make a faster user experience.

Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
“Any attempt to draw a line around a particular device class
has as much permanence as a literal line in the sand. Pause for
a moment and the line blurs. Look away and it will be gone.
Let’s take the absolute best case scenario. You’re building a
web app for internal users for whom you get to specify what
computer is purchased and used. You can specify the browser,
the monitor size, keyboard, etc.”
Jason Grigsby
“How long do you think that hardware will be able to be found? Three
years from now when a computer dies and has to be replaced, what
are the chances that the new monitor will be a touchscreen?
By making a decision to design solely for a “desktop UI”, you are
creating technical debt and limiting the longevity of the app you’re
building. You’re designing to a collective hallucination. You don’t have
to have a crystal ball to see where things are headed.
And once you start accepting the reality that the lines inside form
factors are as blurry as the lines between them, then responsiveness
becomes a necessity.”
Jason Grigsby
Responsive Web Design
• Introduced by Ethan Marcotte 2010 -
• Web Design Approach To Create An Optimal Viewing
Experience Across All Browser ViewPorts
• Fluid Layouts
• Media Queries
• Minimal if any JavaScript Required

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Service workers your applications never felt so good
Service workers   your applications never felt so goodService workers   your applications never felt so good
Service workers your applications never felt so good

If you have not heard of service workers you must attend this session. Service Workers encompass new browser capabilities, along with shiny new version of AJAX called Fetch. If you have every wanted your web applications to experience many native application features, such as push notifications, service workers is the gateway to your happiness. Have you felt confused by application cache and going offline? Well service workers enable offline experiences in a much cleaner way. But that is not all! If you want to see some of the cool new, advanced web platform features that you will actually use come to this session!

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Disrupting the application eco system with progressive web applications
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Disrupting the application eco system with progressive web applications

Progressive Web Applications (PWA) is a comprehensive term describing web applications that implement a base set of browser platform features like HTTPS, Web Manifest and Service Workers. But it bleeds beyond the scope of an application's code because browsers are enabling qualified web applications to offer the same user experiences native application enjoy. This includes prominent home screen placement, push notifications, eliminated browser chrome and app store placement. Become a Progressive Web App expert with my course: Progressive Web Apps (PWA) Beginner to Expert ->

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Responsive web design
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Responsive web design

An introduction to responsive web design and why it is important. Source code is from my latest book, High Performance Single Page Web Applications ( Source code is on GitHub,

html5responsive web designcss3
Mobile First
• Determine The Most Important
• Expand From There
• Start Responsive Design Mobile
• You will be doing yourself a favor
• Code is much easier to write and
Fluid Layout
•Stretch as the Browser ViewPort Changes
•Browser’s Viewable Area Inside the Chrome
•Serve as the Foundation for the Web Application
•Great Way To Create Native Like Experience
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Media Queries
@media (min-width: 600px) {
/* Selectors & Rules */
@media (min-width: 820px) {
/* Selectors & Rules */
@media (min-width: 1080px) {
/* Selectors & Rules */

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Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere

The document discusses responsive web design techniques for creating websites that work well across all device screens. It covers fluid layouts using relative units like percentages, media queries to apply styles conditionally based on screen width, and image optimization techniques like srcset and sizes attributes to serve the most appropriately sized image for different screens. The goal is to provide an optimal viewing experience for users on any device without needing separate mobile sites.

responsive web designweb developmentcss
Responsive Web Design - Why and How
Responsive Web Design - Why and HowResponsive Web Design - Why and How
Responsive Web Design - Why and How

This is the Responsive Web Design presentation given to the CIDD, Chicago Interactive Design & Development Meetup group, (sponsored by the WunderLand Group) on 3-13-14 by Ryan Dodd, Design Director for Siteworx in Chicago.

ryan doddciddsiteworx
A Day Building Fast, Responsive, Extensible Single Page Applications
A Day Building Fast, Responsive, Extensible Single Page ApplicationsA Day Building Fast, Responsive, Extensible Single Page Applications
A Day Building Fast, Responsive, Extensible Single Page Applications

This is an older slide deck I realized I never uploaded. It is a slightly longer deck than the Night at the SPA deck. This features many concepts that are forerunners to the modern progressive web application. There are slides related to web performance best practices, JavaScript architecture, responsive web design, touch and much more.

single page appresponsive web designweb performance
Responsive Navigation
•Use Media Queries to Optimize Rendering
•Show and Hide Content Based on ViewPort
•Create A Mobile Friendly View
•Optimize for Large Screens Without Device
Responsive Web
Tactics & Tools
Resize the Browser
Start Small & Increase Viewport
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere

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Responsive Design: The "other" way of doing mobile sites.
Responsive Design: The "other" way of doing mobile sites.Responsive Design: The "other" way of doing mobile sites.
Responsive Design: The "other" way of doing mobile sites.

A lot of folks are using jQuery Mobile for mobile websites, but are there better ways? Responsive design has taken the web world by storm the last couple of years, and here we compare the two methods and give examples of how Responsive Design using HTML and CSS shines.

web design and development
Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

- Responsive web design involves creating interfaces that work across a variety of screen resolutions using CSS3 media queries and fluid design. - Designers should start with a mobile-first approach, designing the interface for mobile and expanding it for larger screens. - Key techniques include using flexible units like percentages and ems, responsive images, and media queries to trigger layout changes at breakpoint widths. Frameworks can help implement responsive grids.

interaction designweb design and developmentresponsive
Mobile SEO (English Version)
Mobile SEO (English Version)Mobile SEO (English Version)
Mobile SEO (English Version)

Covers the following contents. Objective of this seminar Backgrounds Issues Google’s Issue Web site Owner’s Issue Mobile SEO Measures

mobile seoseoweb marketing
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere

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SEF 2014 - Responsive Design in SharePoint 2013
SEF 2014 - Responsive Design in SharePoint 2013SEF 2014 - Responsive Design in SharePoint 2013
SEF 2014 - Responsive Design in SharePoint 2013

Presented with Christian Ståhl Everyone is talking about responsive design. But are you really ready to bring SharePoint to mobile and tablets? While you may have an idea of what your site will look like when finished, there are many basic concepts and pitfalls that aren’t always outlined in the “How To’s”. In this session, we will go through foundational steps to planning a responsive SharePoint site including how to handle a hybrid content scenario that uses publishing and team sites. You will learn what tools and templates can make your life easier during design, build and testing. If you are excited about the capability of bringing SharePoint to any device but not sure where to start, check out this session to get the foundational understanding of the concept, best practices and examples to get you started.

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Responsive Web Design_2013
Responsive Web Design_2013Responsive Web Design_2013
Responsive Web Design_2013

This document discusses responsive web design (RWD). RWD allows websites to automatically adjust their layout depending on the user's screen size using media queries. It is important for accessibility and usability as most internet users now access the web on mobile devices. The document recommends using a mobile-first and progressive enhancement approach where basic content and functionality work on all browsers and advanced features are progressively added. It provides examples of RWD techniques and tools to test responsive designs.

drupalresponsive web designsandcamp
Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web DesignResponsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

Designing for the web is no longer what it used to be. The number of devices with web-browsing capabilities is growing at an increasing speed. RWD is an approach aimed to provide a solid viewing experience for a multiple of screens with one set of code.

responsive designfront endweb design
Chrome Device Mode
Chrome Device Mode
• Emulate your site across different screen sizes and resolutions,
including Retina displays.
• Responsively design by visualizing and inspecting CSS media queries.
• Evaluate your site’s performance using the network emulator, without
affecting traffic to other tabs.
Chrome Device Mode
• Set the Viewport
• Manually using the responsive option
• Allows you to freely test and plan for unknown devices
• Or Chose A Specific Device
• Allows you to see current popular device rendering experiences
Chrome Device Mode Presets
• Sets the correct "User Agent" (UA) string.
• Sets the device resolution and DPI (device pixel ratio).
• Emulates touch events (if applicable).
• Emulates mobile scrollbar overlays and meta viewport.
• Autosizes (boosts) text for pages without a defined viewport.

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Webinar Recording "Best Practices in RWD - Responsive Web Design"
Webinar Recording "Best Practices in RWD - Responsive Web Design"Webinar Recording "Best Practices in RWD - Responsive Web Design"
Webinar Recording "Best Practices in RWD - Responsive Web Design"

Key Takeaways: A> Understanding RWD: What exactly is Responsive Web Design – the philosophy, the concept B> Techniques and tools for RWD - Details about Media queries and CSS as well as various frameworks and tools for creating RWD design C> Advantages and Limitations in RWD D> Conceptual Knowledge of Server Side Responsive Design (RESS) Have Questions? - Please feel free to email Sachin Katariya - Harbinger Systems

The future of BYU web design
The future of BYU web designThe future of BYU web design
The future of BYU web design

The document discusses redesigning the BYU website to be more responsive and adaptive to different screen sizes. It notes that the current layout is outdated since it was designed in 2007 for 1024x768 screens. Modern browsers come in a variety of sizes from mobile to desktop and beyond. The document recommends a mobile-first approach using responsive web design techniques like flexible grids, fluid images, and media queries to dynamically serve optimized layouts depending on screen width. It also advocates progressive enhancement and polyfills to gracefully support older browsers.

mobile firstweb designresponsive web design
Why should we build our website responsive
Why should we build our website responsiveWhy should we build our website responsive
Why should we build our website responsive

Responsive web design allows a single website to automatically adapt to different screen sizes and devices. It works by adjusting content, layout, and interactions using fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries. The main benefits are lower costs through a single site, easier updates and SEO, and compatibility with new devices. While initial development costs may be higher, responsive design is recommended for better usability, user experience, and mobile search engine optimization.

Chrome Device Emulation Toggle States &
• Default browser UI
• With Chrome navigation
• With opened keyboard
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
•Allows You To Bind JavaScript Callbacks to
MediaQuery Breakpoints
•Available in All Modern Browsers (IE 10+)
•Eliminated Need to Bind to Resize Event
window.matchMedia("(min-width: 400px)").addListener(function (e) {
{"the view port is at least 400 pixels wide");
}else{"the view port is not at least 400 pixels wide");

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Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web DesignResponsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design, a technique that allows web designers to create flexible web page layouts that change depending on the screen size of the site visitor, allows us to optimize user experiences for the increasingly variable ways people are accessing the Web.

"responsive web design"
Responsive web design ppt
Responsive web design pptResponsive web design ppt
Responsive web design ppt

This document discusses the history and concepts of responsive web design. It covers topics like fluid grids and layouts, flexible images and videos, media queries, and the advantages of responsive design. The key points are: - Responsive web design allows websites to automatically adjust to different screen sizes through fluid grids and layouts, flexible images and media queries. - Media queries allow different CSS styles to be applied based on screen width and orientation. - Responsive design helps create a better user experience by optimizing websites for various devices like desktops, tablets and phones.

responsive web design
How to create a mobile version of your website
How to create a mobile version of your websiteHow to create a mobile version of your website
How to create a mobile version of your website

This document provides guidance on creating a mobile version of a website. It discusses considerations for mobile design including speed, dimensions, behavior, and designing. It emphasizes the importance of speed for mobile and provides tips for fluid layouts, CSS media queries, touch interfaces, short pages, and mobile development tools.

css3mobile version
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere

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Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere

  • 1. Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere Chris Love @ChrisLove
  • 2. Who Am I • ASP.NET MVP • ASP Insider • Internet Explorer User Agent • Author • Speaker • Tweaker, Lover of Web, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5 • @ChrisLove •
  • 3. Slide Deck & Source Code • Slide Deck – • Source Code –
  • 4. Responsive web design is design that responds to the screen size it’s being viewed on.
  • 6. SEO “Google not only recommends RWD as the best way to target mobile users , but also favors mobile-optimized sites when presenting results for searches made on a mobile device.” - Hayley Francis
  • 7. SEO “Mobile websites can suffer from a high bounce rate if the content they offer is too stripped down, or too dissimilar from the content offered on the desktop site. Google will interpret this high bounce rate as a sign that a website isn’t offering relevant content to users, which is likely to lead to a drop in rankings.” - Hayley Francis
  • 8. Single Web Site/App •Easier to Maintain •Consistent Content Makes Users Happy •User Tend to use more than 1 device to engage with business
  • 9. Not Being Mobile Friendly Turns Away Customers •Lower Engagement Rates •Lower brand Image (ie That Site Sux)
  • 10. Make Sure Basic Responsiveness Works • The viewport as a whole needs to scale. In short, horizontal scrollbars are not your friend. No matter how small the viewport might get, no horizontal scrollbar should appear.
  • 11. Make Sure Basic Responsiveness Works • Things shouldn’t get cut off unpredictably. Don’t put hard limits on certain block widths or texts. Always find a way to make things scale, crop, or predict how they will cut off, and then make them look right.
  • 12. Make Sure Basic Responsiveness Works • Don’t wrap menus. The hamburger icons, although controversial, are a nice trick to make menus look good on most devices. Alternatively, use shorter menus altogether.
  • 13. Make Sure Basic Responsiveness Works • Make the images fit. If you ever get surprised by a horizontal scrollbar, it’s most likely due to an image not scaling properly. Making your images responsive is a must-do for every web design project.
  • 14. Make your design “content-first” •Remove what’s unimportant as the screen gets smaller •The key to intelligent responsive design is predicting what parts of the page become unimportant as the viewport gets smaller. •Stating Mobile 1st makes this exercise easier
  • 15. • 60% of adults use at least 2 devices every day, while 40% have changed device through an activity •
  • 20. What is Adaptive? • Uses Server-Side Device Detection • WURFL • Separate Site • Usually m.<domain>.com • Requires maintaining 2 Code Bases • In Theory You Can Make a ‘mobile’ optimized version • In Reality A PITA • Often 3rd party solution that scraped full site for content
  • 21. Assuming User Needs • You Can Determine User Expectations Based on Device • Reality Most Mobile Activity Occurs on a Couch or Lean Back Scenario
  • 22. Assuming User Needs “I think the key is not to assume anything. We don’t really know what our users have come to look at. So, we can’t say, “Oh, it’s okay. This person is on a mobile, so we’re going to cut out a load of the content so they can’t reach it.” John Cleveley BBC News
  • 23. “this unspoken agreement to pretend that we had a certain size. And that size changed over the years. For a while, we all sort of tacitly agreed that 640 by 480 was the right size, and then later than changed to 800:600, and 1024; we seem to have settled on this 960 pixel as being this like, default. It’s still unknown. We still don’t know the size of the browser; it’s just like this consensual hallucination that we’ve all agreed to participate in: “Let’s assume the browser has a browser width of at least 960 pixels.” Jeremy Keith
  • 24. “The emergence of ideas like “responsive design” and “future-friendly thinking” are in part a response to the collective realization that designing products that solve one problem in one context at a time is no longer sustainable. By refocusing our process on systems that are explicitly designed to adapt to a changing environment, we have an opportunity to develop durable, long-lasting designs that renew their usefulness and value over time.” Wilson Miner
  • 30. “Any attempt to draw a line around a particular device class has as much permanence as a literal line in the sand. Pause for a moment and the line blurs. Look away and it will be gone. Let’s take the absolute best case scenario. You’re building a web app for internal users for whom you get to specify what computer is purchased and used. You can specify the browser, the monitor size, keyboard, etc.” Jason Grigsby
  • 31. “How long do you think that hardware will be able to be found? Three years from now when a computer dies and has to be replaced, what are the chances that the new monitor will be a touchscreen? By making a decision to design solely for a “desktop UI”, you are creating technical debt and limiting the longevity of the app you’re building. You’re designing to a collective hallucination. You don’t have to have a crystal ball to see where things are headed. And once you start accepting the reality that the lines inside form factors are as blurry as the lines between them, then responsiveness becomes a necessity.” Jason Grigsby
  • 32. Responsive Web Design • Introduced by Ethan Marcotte 2010 - • Web Design Approach To Create An Optimal Viewing Experience Across All Browser ViewPorts • Fluid Layouts • Media Queries • Minimal if any JavaScript Required
  • 33. Mobile First • Determine The Most Important Information • Expand From There • Start Responsive Design Mobile First • You will be doing yourself a favor • Code is much easier to write and maintain
  • 34. Fluid Layout •Stretch as the Browser ViewPort Changes •Browser’s Viewable Area Inside the Chrome •Serve as the Foundation for the Web Application Layout •Great Way To Create Native Like Experience
  • 36. Media Queries @media (min-width: 600px) { /* Selectors & Rules */ } @media (min-width: 820px) { /* Selectors & Rules */ } @media (min-width: 1080px) { /* Selectors & Rules */ }
  • 37. Responsive Navigation •Use Media Queries to Optimize Rendering •Show and Hide Content Based on ViewPort Dimensions •Create A Mobile Friendly View •Optimize for Large Screens Without Device Detection
  • 39. Resize the Browser Start Small & Increase Viewport
  • 45. Chrome Device Mode • devtools/iterate/device-mode/
  • 46. Chrome Device Mode • Emulate your site across different screen sizes and resolutions, including Retina displays. • Responsively design by visualizing and inspecting CSS media queries. • Evaluate your site’s performance using the network emulator, without affecting traffic to other tabs.
  • 47. Chrome Device Mode • Set the Viewport • Manually using the responsive option • Allows you to freely test and plan for unknown devices • Or Chose A Specific Device • Allows you to see current popular device rendering experiences
  • 48. Chrome Device Mode Presets • Sets the correct "User Agent" (UA) string. • Sets the device resolution and DPI (device pixel ratio). • Emulates touch events (if applicable). • Emulates mobile scrollbar overlays and meta viewport. • Autosizes (boosts) text for pages without a defined viewport.
  • 49. Chrome Device Emulation Toggle States & Orientation • Default browser UI • With Chrome navigation bar • With opened keyboard
  • 51. matchMedia •Allows You To Bind JavaScript Callbacks to MediaQuery Breakpoints •Available in All Modern Browsers (IE 10+) •Eliminated Need to Bind to Resize Event
  • 52. matchMedia window.matchMedia("(min-width: 400px)").addListener(function (e) { if(e.matches) {"the view port is at least 400 pixels wide"); }else{"the view port is not at least 400 pixels wide"); } });