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Using Responsive Web
Design To Make Your Web
Work Everywhere
Chris Love
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Edge User Agent
Web developer 25 years
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Responsive Web Design
Introduced by Ethan Marcotte 2010 -

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WPO Israel Meetup - Mobile Web Performance slides by Steve Souders
WPO Israel Meetup - Mobile Web Performance slides by Steve SoudersWPO Israel Meetup - Mobile Web Performance slides by Steve Souders
WPO Israel Meetup - Mobile Web Performance slides by Steve Souders

Slides ofthe Steve Souders' mobile web performance presentations at the Israel web performance meetup on January 2012

mobile websteve soudersweb performance
Planning Your Progressive Web App
Planning Your Progressive Web AppPlanning Your Progressive Web App
Planning Your Progressive Web App

Presented at Web Directions Code, Melbourne If you have a website—particularly one that generates revenue for your organization—you need a Progressive Web App. So where do you begin? How do you decide which features of a Progressive Web App make sense for your users? What tools can make the process easier (or harder)? In this practical session, Jason will guide you through the key design decisions you’ll need to make about your Progressive Web App and how those decisions impact the scope of your project. He'll also teach you how to avoid common pitfalls and help you take full advantage of Progressive Web App technology.

progressive web appswebdesign
10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today
10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today
10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today

Web Performance is a serious issues these days. 80% of web performance issues are in the client. Many developers either do not realize what they are leaving on the table and how that affects the success of their application. These are 10 things any web developer can do in about 30-60 minutes to drastically increase page load times and thus increase the application's profitability.

html5css3mobile web
Design responds
to the
screen size
Responsive web design
& easy
Responsive web design
Minimal resizing,
panning, and
Responsive web design

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Secrets to free_web_hosting
Secrets to free_web_hostingSecrets to free_web_hosting
Secrets to free_web_hosting

This document provides information about choosing a free web host. It discusses researching various aspects of free web hosts including the amount of web space provided, whether ads will be displayed, availability of FTP access, file type and size limitations, reliability and speed, and whether programming languages like PHP and Perl are supported. It also discusses checking the bandwidth allotment and whether extras like a control panel, email, and forms are included. The overall message is that while free web hosting has advantages for those on a limited budget, it also has disadvantages like ads being displayed and limitations that should be fully researched before choosing a free host.

affiliate marketingmake money onlineonline business
2021 Chrome Dev Summit: Web Performance 101
2021 Chrome Dev Summit: Web Performance 1012021 Chrome Dev Summit: Web Performance 101
2021 Chrome Dev Summit: Web Performance 101

What do we mean when we talk about "web performance"? Why should you care about it? How can measure it? How do you get other people in your organization to care? In this workshop at the 2021 Chrome Dev Summit, I covered these questions – including an overview of the history of performance metrics, up to Core Web Vitals.

web performanceuser experienceseo
Velocity 2010: Performance Impact, Part Two: More Findings from the Front Lin...
Velocity 2010: Performance Impact, Part Two: More Findings from the Front Lin...Velocity 2010: Performance Impact, Part Two: More Findings from the Front Lin...
Velocity 2010: Performance Impact, Part Two: More Findings from the Front Lin...

Last year at Velocity, Strangeloop's VP Product, Hooman Beheshti, presented the findings from phase one of Strangeloop’s long-term research into the relationship between web performance and business benefits. The results were also published in Watching Websites. Since then, we’ve received a barrage of questions from the web performance community, which fueled phase two of our study. In this presentation, Strangeloop president Joshua Bixby offers our most recent findings. Some of the community’s questions were: * Who were the clients? * How fast were the pages? * What acceleration techniques were implemented? * What happened to the key page components (such as JS size, payload and roundtrips) of the websites? * How did changing key variables (page load time, payload, number of roundtrips, etc.) affect the outcome? We’ve been collecting and analyzing data to help us answer these questions, as well as some new ones we’ve thought up along the way. Join us as we present our findings, and help us consider what areas deserve further study.

site accelerationweb performancevelocity
Why Responsive Web
Hayley Francis
“Google not only recommends RWD as the
best way to target mobile users, but also favors
mobile-optimized sites when presenting
results for searches made on a mobile device.”
“Mobile websites can suffer from a high bounce rate if
the content they offer is too stripped down, or too
dissimilar from the content offered on the desktop site.
Google will interpret this high bounce rate as a sign
that a website isn’t offering relevant content to users,
which is likely to lead to a drop in rankings.”
Hayley Francis
Single Web Site/App
Consistent Content = Happy Users

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Hacking Web Performance
Hacking Web PerformanceHacking Web Performance
Hacking Web Performance

Session at ConFoo Montreal 2019 on the latest tips and tricks for achieving the best Web Performance on sites and apps.

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Web performance optimization for modern web applications
Web performance optimization for modern web applicationsWeb performance optimization for modern web applications
Web performance optimization for modern web applications

Web Performance is extremely important to user experience and an important component of today's modern web applications. This session reviews why's and how's to make your modern web application perform better.

40 web design trends in 2015
40 web design trends in 201540 web design trends in 2015
40 web design trends in 2015

Parallax, responsive, card, and flat design are only a few modern Web Design trends that have taken the web by storm. I have listed 40 in this article, though I’m quite certain there’s more. So if you guys have spotted any modern trends that I’ve missed, just holla in the comments.

web developmentweb designweb design and development
Single Web Site/App
Easier to Maintain Code
Single Web Site/App
Reduce number of devices used to
accomplish a goal
60% adults use at least 2 devices every day
40% have changed device through an activity
Not Mobile Friendly Loses Customers
User Frustration leads
to Lower Engagement

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Introduction to web design
Introduction to web designIntroduction to web design
Introduction to web design

This document provides an introduction and overview of web design, including HTML, editors, hosting, and publishing websites. It discusses that while web design can seem intimidating, taking it slowly and learning the basics is important. WYSIWYG editors make it easier to design websites visually rather than through code, but have limitations and may produce imperfect HTML. Dreamweaver is recommended as a good option, while Frontpage is not advised due to flaws. Overall, learning HTML and gaining experience is emphasized over relying on programs.

BD Conf: Visit speed - Page speed is only the beginning
BD Conf: Visit speed - Page speed is only the beginningBD Conf: Visit speed - Page speed is only the beginning
BD Conf: Visit speed - Page speed is only the beginning

How can we beat the speed of light and make visits faster? Pre-fetching is one way we can make resources available before they're needed. This talk explores challenges in mobile visit performance and discusses the design of a generic pre-fetching system.

Higher Ed Web 2013 presentation - Field of Dreams, build it and they will come
Higher Ed Web 2013 presentation - Field of Dreams, build it and they will comeHigher Ed Web 2013 presentation - Field of Dreams, build it and they will come
Higher Ed Web 2013 presentation - Field of Dreams, build it and they will come

The document discusses the redesign of Grinnell College's website. It describes goals for a new smaller site with an easier publishing workflow that better represents the school's brand and distinctiveness. An audit found the old site's navigation was confusing and the brand was unclear to outsiders. Prototypes were developed with concepts like "Individuality" and a customized tile system. The new site features a streamlined information architecture and content strategy to engage users. Initial user testing results have been positive, though changing behaviors remains a challenge. Benefits include more authentic communication while threats include resistance to change.

Not Mobile Friendly Loses Customers
Lower Brand Image
Responsive Best Practices
Design responds to the screen size
Viewport as a Whole Scales

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Stapling and patching the web of now - ForwardJS3, San Francisco
Stapling and patching the web of now - ForwardJS3, San FranciscoStapling and patching the web of now - ForwardJS3, San Francisco
Stapling and patching the web of now - ForwardJS3, San Francisco

This document summarizes a talk given by Chris Heilmann at ForwardJS in 2015. Heilmann discusses the state of web development technologies and how developers have focused too much on experimental features that are not ready for production use. This has led to a fragmented web where browsers implement features differently. He argues developers should focus on standardizing and improving existing web standards rather than constantly introducing new technologies. ES6 is highlighted as a priority for improving existing JavaScript.

Untangling the web - week 3
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Untangling the web - week 3

This document provides an agenda and notes for a class on web business. It discusses homework assignments, visits from a webmaster and entrepreneur, revenue models like SaaS and advertising. It introduces the Lean Launchpad methodology and Business Model Canvas for planning web businesses. Students participate in exercises applying these concepts to a nonprofit marketing campaign, social media for a cleaning company, and sketching canvases for a toy reseller business.

Introduction to web performance @ IEEE
Introduction to web performance @ IEEEIntroduction to web performance @ IEEE
Introduction to web performance @ IEEE

Web performance refers to how fast a website works for each user, not how many users it can serve. Slow websites can negatively impact user experience and conversion rates, costing companies money. Most web performance issues come from the front-end rather than the back-end. Areas to focus on for improvement include JavaScript deferral, utilizing browser caching, reducing payload size and number of requests, progressive enhancement, and back-end optimizations like caching, server configuration, and query optimization.

web performance
No matter how
No Horizontal Scrollbars
Predict Page Flow in each Viewport
No Hard Limits on Block Width
Don’t Cut Off Text Unpredictably

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Modern web application devlopment workflow
Modern web application devlopment workflowModern web application devlopment workflow
Modern web application devlopment workflow

This document discusses modern web application development workflows. It begins by looking back at how web applications used to be developed by throwing together some HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. It then introduces newer technologies like Node.js, which uses the V8 JavaScript engine to allow JavaScript to be used on the server-side as well. The document recommends using tools like Yeoman for scaffolding, Bower for package management, Gulp for automation, and unit/end-to-end testing with frameworks like Mocha and Protractor. It advocates following best practices like using version control with Git and hosting code on GitHub. Overall, the document promotes establishing a robust development workflow that leverages modern tools and techniques.

The Future of Progressive Web Apps - Google for Indonesia
The Future of Progressive Web Apps - Google for IndonesiaThe Future of Progressive Web Apps - Google for Indonesia
The Future of Progressive Web Apps - Google for Indonesia

Presentation about the Future of Progressive Web Apps at the Google for Indonesia event in Jakarta, August 2016.

Impact_Responsive Web Design Brings Success to Your Business-AmitFBOXERLLP
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Responsive web design (RWD) allows websites to automatically adapt their layout to different screen sizes and devices like phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. There are three main types of responsive designs - basic fluid, adaptive, and responsive layouts. Responsive design provides benefits like a better user experience across devices, lower development and maintenance costs by using one design, and improved search engine results by having a single, optimized site. It allows businesses to reach more customers and potentially increase sales and conversions on mobile. Overall, responsive design streamlines site management, reporting, and helps provide customers with a consistent experience no matter what device they use.

Don’t Wrap Menus
Use Shorter Menus
Use Hamburger & Standard Icons
Make Images Responsive

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Service workers your applications never felt so good
Service workers   your applications never felt so goodService workers   your applications never felt so good
Service workers your applications never felt so good

If you have not heard of service workers you must attend this session. Service Workers encompass new browser capabilities, along with shiny new version of AJAX called Fetch. If you have every wanted your web applications to experience many native application features, such as push notifications, service workers is the gateway to your happiness. Have you felt confused by application cache and going offline? Well service workers enable offline experiences in a much cleaner way. But that is not all! If you want to see some of the cool new, advanced web platform features that you will actually use come to this session!

service workersprogressive web applicationspwa
Boston Globe: Responsive Web Design
Boston Globe: Responsive Web DesignBoston Globe: Responsive Web Design
Boston Globe: Responsive Web Design

The document discusses responsive web design for It describes taking a user-centered approach to understand different types of readers and their needs. This involved usability testing and prototyping different designs. The key aspects of responsive design are outlined as having a flexible grid layout, flexible images and media that resize appropriately, and using media queries to design for different breakpoint widths. The process of designing and refining the layout is discussed, moving from prototypes to coding and testing in the browser.

Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web DesignResponsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

Joseph Labrecque gave a presentation on responsive web design. He defined responsive web design as allowing desktop web pages to adapt to different screen sizes. He discussed important concepts like CSS media queries and fluid grids. He demonstrated how to use media queries to apply different styles based on screen width. He also overviewed common CSS layout methods and responsive frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation. Finally, he highlighted tools for responsive design like browser developer tools and Adobe programs like Dreamweaver and Animate.

responsive web designrwd
Watch for Horizontal Scrollbar
Key to Intelligent Responsive Design
Content-driven Design
Key to Intelligent Responsive Design
What parts of the page
become unimportant
as the viewport gets
Key to Intelligent Responsive Design
Design Mobile First
and Increase Viewport

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Responsive Web Design, ventaja, inconvenientes y recomendaciones
Responsive Web Design, ventaja, inconvenientes y recomendacionesResponsive Web Design, ventaja, inconvenientes y recomendaciones
Responsive Web Design, ventaja, inconvenientes y recomendaciones

El documento proporciona una introducción al diseño responsive y las diferentes opciones para crear experiencias digitales multiplataforma. Explica que debido al aumento del tráfico móvil, es importante que los sitios web sean accesibles y se adapten a diferentes dispositivos. Resume las tres partes clave del diseño responsive: rejilla flexible, imágenes flexibles y consultas de medios. También discute factores como el contenido, el rendimiento y las estrategias para priorizar la experiencia del usuario independientemente del dispositivo.

Responsive web designing ppt(1)
Responsive web designing ppt(1)Responsive web designing ppt(1)
Responsive web designing ppt(1)

In today's internet scenario responsive websites are the most popular way of putting a website in worldwide web, as this a form in which your website can be seen in multiple devices without any problem. In this slide we tried to explain step by step processes in responsive website design.

responsive web design
Responsive Design
Responsive DesignResponsive Design
Responsive Design

Websites are all about content. People can access your content many different ways and formats with mobile devices, iPads, phones, etc. The questions are: how can we maintain control over the display of our content and keep our brand consistent? How can we try to provide the best user experience on any platform? Enter Responsive Web Design. Many experts are not leaning on one static design but on structured content that adapts to its given environment. In this talk, we are going to take a look at responsive web design techniques out there including: progressive enhancement, flexible grids, media queries, flexible images & video, & other methods of implementation.

mobile firstadaptive designweb design
Responsive Design
Can you spot responsive websites?
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated

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Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques
Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and TechniquesResponsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques
Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques

Responsive Web design challenges Web designers to adapt a new mindset to their design and coding processes. This talk provides an overview of various practical techniques, tips and tricks that you might want to be aware of when working on a new responsive design project.

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Strong Teamwork in Big Project: Divide work & Multiply Success
Strong Teamwork in Big Project: Divide work & Multiply SuccessStrong Teamwork in Big Project: Divide work & Multiply Success
Strong Teamwork in Big Project: Divide work & Multiply Success

Big Projects in MNCs are not accomplished by any individual but by a Team of dedicated individuals. TEAM means Together Everyone Achieves More. In this session, learn effective teamwork skills that you need to successfully complete a big project.

Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work EverywhereUsing Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere

The document discusses responsive web design and strategies for creating websites that adapt to different screen sizes. It recommends taking a mobile-first approach, using fluid layouts and media queries to make content responsive. Key tips include starting small and resizing the browser, using Chrome's device mode to emulate different devices, and the matchMedia API to bind JavaScript to breakpoints. The overall goal is to provide an optimal viewing experience across all devices.

responsive web designhtml5mobile web
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated
Don’t Assume User Needs

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Responsive web design
Responsive web designResponsive web design
Responsive web design

An introduction to responsive web design and why it is important. Source code is from my latest book, High Performance Single Page Web Applications ( Source code is on GitHub,

html5responsive web designcss3
There Is No Mobile: An Introduction To Responsive Web Design
There Is No Mobile: An Introduction To Responsive Web DesignThere Is No Mobile: An Introduction To Responsive Web Design
There Is No Mobile: An Introduction To Responsive Web Design

The web has come a long way. One of the great features of the modern web is responsive web design (RWD). RWD allows developers to create a single web client for all devices & platforms. This presentation is an introduction to key concepts developers need to understand in order to start implementing responsive web design.

responsive web designcss3html5
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere

The document discusses responsive web design techniques for creating websites that work well across all device screens. It covers fluid layouts using relative units like percentages, media queries to apply styles conditionally based on screen width, and image optimization techniques like srcset and sizes attributes to serve the most appropriately sized image for different screens. The goal is to provide an optimal viewing experience for users on any device without needing separate mobile sites.

responsive web designweb developmentcss
Assuming User Needs
You Can Determine
User Expectations
Based on Device
Most Mobile Activity
Occurs on a Couch or
Lean Back Scenario
Assuming User Needs
“I think the key is not to assume anything. We
don’t really know what our users have come to
look at. So, we can’t say, “Oh, it’s okay. This
person is on a mobile, so we’re going to cut out a
load of the content so they can’t reach it.”
John Cleveley BBC News
“[We had] this unspoken agreement to pretend that
we had a certain size. And that size changed over the
years. For a while, we all sort of tacitly agreed that 640
by 480 was the right size, and then later changed to
800:600, and 1024; we seem to have settled on this
960 pixel as being this like, default. It’s still unknown
… this consensual hallucination that we’ve all agreed
to participate in:
“Let’s assume the browser has a browser width of
at least 960 pixels.”
Jeremy Keith
Co-founder - Clearleft
Blog - adactio
“The emergence of ideas like “responsive design”
and “future-friendly thinking” are in part a response
to the collective realization that designing products
that solve one problem in one context at a time is
no longer sustainable. By refocusing our process on
systems that are explicitly designed to adapt to a
changing environment, we have an opportunity to
develop durable, long-lasting designs that renew
their usefulness and value over time.”
Wilson Miner
“Perennial Design”

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Responsive Design in 2016
Responsive Design in 2016Responsive Design in 2016
Responsive Design in 2016

Learn more about responsive design, the process, whether or not it's right for your site, and how it will evolve with the newest technology.

technologyresponsive designweb design
Responsive Design: The "other" way of doing mobile sites.
Responsive Design: The "other" way of doing mobile sites.Responsive Design: The "other" way of doing mobile sites.
Responsive Design: The "other" way of doing mobile sites.

A lot of folks are using jQuery Mobile for mobile websites, but are there better ways? Responsive design has taken the web world by storm the last couple of years, and here we compare the two methods and give examples of how Responsive Design using HTML and CSS shines.

web design and development
Mobile Web User Experience
Mobile Web User ExperienceMobile Web User Experience
Mobile Web User Experience

How the mobile context has evolved over the years and where it is headed? In his session on “Mobile Web UX,” former WebVisions board member Nick Finck will explore the differences between the web and the mobile web, why these differences are important, what the key user experience principals are for the mobile web . . . oh yeah, and there will be plenty of examples for you to sink your teeth into. Nick will also provide the information you’ll need to design an optimal user experience for the mobile web, and alert you to the decisions you will need to make along the way.

user experienceuxmobile
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated

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Mobile UX
Mobile UXMobile UX
Mobile UX

Nick Finck is a principal and director of user experience with over 15 years of experience in web design. He has worked with many large companies to improve their mobile user experience. In his presentation, he discusses how the way people use mobile devices has changed, with phones now being used more for data than calls. He advocates rethinking the web for the mobile context and provides technical examples of optimizing content, interactions, and interfaces for mobile.

user experienceuxmobile ux
Responsive Web Design - Why and How
Responsive Web Design - Why and HowResponsive Web Design - Why and How
Responsive Web Design - Why and How

This is the Responsive Web Design presentation given to the CIDD, Chicago Interactive Design & Development Meetup group, (sponsored by the WunderLand Group) on 3-13-14 by Ryan Dodd, Design Director for Siteworx in Chicago.

ryan doddciddsiteworx
Shamit khemka talks about Responsive Web Designing Owning the Web
Shamit khemka talks about Responsive Web Designing Owning the WebShamit khemka talks about Responsive Web Designing Owning the Web
Shamit khemka talks about Responsive Web Designing Owning the Web

This document discusses responsive web design and why it is important. It notes that mobile internet access now exceeds desktop access, driving the need for responsive designs. Responsive designs use fluid grids and media queries to automatically adjust content across devices. Fluid grids use proportion-based sizing rather than fixed pixels. Media queries apply different CSS styles depending on screen width, targeting resolutions like 320px, 480px, etc. The conclusion recommends hiring a professional responsive web design company to create a single responsive site that works across devices.

shamit khemkamedia queriescss
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated
“Any attempt to draw a line around a particular
device class has as much permanence as a literal
line in the sand. Pause for a moment and the line
blurs. Look away and it will be gone.
Let’s take the absolute best case scenario. You’re
building a web app for internal users for whom you
get to specify what computer is purchased and
used. You can specify the browser, the monitor size,
keyboard, etc.”
Jason Grigsby
Co-Founder of &
Co-Author of Head First
Mobile Web

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Adaptive design: what is it and why should I be using it?
Adaptive design: what is it and why should I be using it?Adaptive design: what is it and why should I be using it?
Adaptive design: what is it and why should I be using it?

Derived from Author :

digitalart adaptivedesign
Responsive Web Design vs Mobile Web App
Responsive Web Design  vs  Mobile Web AppResponsive Web Design  vs  Mobile Web App
Responsive Web Design vs Mobile Web App

This document discusses responsive web design versus mobile web apps. It provides an overview of responsive web design, explaining that it uses fluid grids, flexible images and media queries to automatically adapt a website's layout for different screen sizes. The key elements of responsive web design like HTML, CSS and JavaScript are outlined. It also discusses some challenges of responsive web design like providing a less rich user experience than mobile apps and longer development cycles. Examples are given of when responsive web design would be most appropriate, such as for corporate, blog and news sites.

responsive web design vs mobile web app rwd in rwhat’s best for your enterprise?
LDD Southern Summit 2013 - Adido - The theatre of the future-friendly website
LDD Southern Summit 2013 - Adido - The theatre of the future-friendly websiteLDD Southern Summit 2013 - Adido - The theatre of the future-friendly website
LDD Southern Summit 2013 - Adido - The theatre of the future-friendly website

This document discusses the need for websites and applications to be designed in a "future-friendly" way to accommodate unpredictable technological changes and new devices. It notes that the distinction between mobile and desktop is blurring as screens and usages vary widely. Responsive design is presented as an approach that can build sites optimized for all screen sizes through fluid layouts and flexible images. The document emphasizes making content worthwhile and relevant for users across contexts and devices.

user experienceadidolet's do digital
“How long do you think that hardware will be able to be found?
Three years from now when a computer dies and has to be replaced,
what are the chances that the new monitor will be a touchscreen?
By making a decision to design solely for a “desktop UI”, you are
creating technical debt and limiting the longevity of the app you’re
building. You’re designing to a collective hallucination. You don’t
have to have a crystal ball to see where things are headed.
And once you start accepting the reality that the lines inside form
factors are as blurry as the lines between them, then responsiveness
becomes a necessity.”
Jason Grigsby
Responsive Web Design
Tactics & Tools
Fluid Grid
Media Queries
@media (min-width: 600px) {
/* Selectors & Rules */
@media (min-width: 820px) {
/* Selectors & Rules */
@media (min-width: 1080px) {
/* Selectors & Rules */

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How not having a Responsive Website can be Detrimental to your business?
How not having a Responsive Website can be Detrimental to your business?How not having a Responsive Website can be Detrimental to your business?
How not having a Responsive Website can be Detrimental to your business?

Is your website responsive? Know about the benefits that you are losing out; collaborate with an outsourcing responsive website development agency now!

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How To Be an HTML5 Mobile Cloud Champion
How To Be an HTML5 Mobile Cloud ChampionHow To Be an HTML5 Mobile Cloud Champion
How To Be an HTML5 Mobile Cloud Champion

Chris Love is a Chief Mobility Officer who focuses on mobile cloud technologies. He advocates for mobile-first design and HTML5 web applications to reach large consumer markets on personal mobile devices. Some key points he discusses include using meta tags and viewports to optimize the mobile experience, leveraging new HTML5 form inputs and CSS3 features, and considering touch and mobile usability in design. He also discusses options for enterprise mobility including managing devices and data in the cloud.

enterprise mobilityhtml5mobile web
Mobile SEO (English Version)
Mobile SEO (English Version)Mobile SEO (English Version)
Mobile SEO (English Version)

Covers the following contents. Objective of this seminar Backgrounds Issues Google’s Issue Web site Owner’s Issue Mobile SEO Measures

mobile seoseoweb marketing
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated

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Mobile devices have become the dominant way users access websites. Many large companies still have websites that are not optimized for mobile. According to a website validator, popular sites like Target, Verizon, Amazon, and Best Buy scored very low in mobile friendliness. Even cutting-edge websites scored low. To have a mobile-friendly site, businesses should use responsive design, evaluate their content management system, and use the W3C validator regularly to identify and address issues. Following these guidelines will help small businesses have mobile sites that outperform some large companies.

Mobilism 2011: How to put the mobile in the mobile web
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Mobilism 2011: How to put the mobile in the mobile web

Media queries, server-side or client-side sniffers, how do we determine if the user is a mobile or desktop device? This tech talk will discuss which is the right solution(s) and how to implement it taking into consideration the various mobile user's browser capacity, bandwidth restrictions, as well as user choice. Jenifer Hanen @msjen

mobile web designmobile designmobilism
The future of BYU web design
The future of BYU web designThe future of BYU web design
The future of BYU web design

The document discusses redesigning the BYU website to be more responsive and adaptive to different screen sizes. It notes that the current layout is outdated since it was designed in 2007 for 1024x768 screens. Modern browsers come in a variety of sizes from mobile to desktop and beyond. The document recommends a mobile-first approach using responsive web design techniques like flexible grids, fluid images, and media queries to dynamically serve optimized layouts depending on screen width. It also advocates progressive enhancement and polyfills to gracefully support older browsers.

mobile firstweb designresponsive web design
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated
Chrome Device Mode
Emulate your site across different
screen sizes and resolutions,
including Retina displays.
Responsively design by visualizing
and inspecting CSS media queries.

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Responsive Web Designed for your communication and marketing needs
Responsive Web Designed for your communication and marketing needsResponsive Web Designed for your communication and marketing needs
Responsive Web Designed for your communication and marketing needs

This presentation will give you an overview of the application of Responsive Web Designed. Obviously a live presentation would show you the application in Action

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Quick Fetch API Introduction
Quick Fetch API IntroductionQuick Fetch API Introduction
Quick Fetch API Introduction

The Fetch API is a modern replacement of the XMLHTTPRequest object. It is based on promises and makes making AJAX/API calls easier to manage and code. This slide deck is a quick introduction to the API.

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Introduction to Progressive Web Applications
Introduction to Progressive Web ApplicationsIntroduction to Progressive Web Applications
Introduction to Progressive Web Applications

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are websites that utilize modern web capabilities to deliver native app-like experiences to users. PWAs are built using common web technologies including HTTPS, service workers, and web app manifests. Service workers allow PWAs to work offline by caching app assets and responding to fetch events. When installed on a user's homescreen, PWAs can load quickly and feel like native applications while retaining the benefits of the web such as being discoverable, installable, and updatable.

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Evaluate your site’s performance
using the network emulator,
without affecting traffic to other
Set the Viewport
Responsive option
Manually size to test and plan for unknown devices
Or Chose A Specific Device
Most popular devices
Chrome Device Mode Presets
• Sets the correct "User Agent" (UA) string.
• Sets the device resolution and DPI (device pixel ratio).
• Emulates touch events (if applicable).
• Emulates mobile scrollbar overlays and meta viewport.
• Autosizes (boosts) text for pages without a defined
Emulation Toggle States & Orientation
Default Browser UI with Chrome navigation bar
with open keyboard

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Introduction to Progressive Web Applications
Introduction to Progressive Web ApplicationsIntroduction to Progressive Web Applications
Introduction to Progressive Web Applications

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are websites that utilize modern web features to deliver native app-like experiences to users. The minimum requirements for a PWA are that it is served over HTTPS, includes a web app manifest, and registers a service worker. Service workers allow PWAs to work offline by handling fetch events and caching assets. While adding a PWA to a user's home screen can improve engagement, the true battleground is changing user perception of the capabilities of web apps versus native apps.

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Lazy load Website Assets
Lazy load Website AssetsLazy load Website Assets
Lazy load Website Assets

Website speed is a crucial aspect of on page SEO everyone can control. Your goal is to be interactive in under 3 seconds, even on a basic phone over a 3G connection. However, most web sites have so many requests and large payloads this time limit or budget cannot be achieved. In fact, the average web page takes 22 seconds to load, according to Google's research. But what if I told you there is a way to offload or even avoid loading page assets until they are needed? This can give your website a distinct advantage over your competition because not only will Google like your pages better so will your visitors!

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Progressive Web Apps for Education
Progressive Web Apps for EducationProgressive Web Apps for Education
Progressive Web Apps for Education

Progressive Web Applications are a new way to think about using the web to provide great user experiences using the best web platform features. The education market has many opportunities to benefit their communities using PWAs to deliver information and application experiences across all devices and platforms.

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Slide Deck & Source Code
Source Code
Slide Deck

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Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere - Updated

Editor's Notes

  1. Need new viewport image
  2. Med Gray background – simple Desktop website version – Is this site Responsive? Why not?
  3. Mobile site image – Is this site Responsive? Why or why not?
  4. Tell story about trying to find the Weather in Atlanta - why 500 server error?
  5. BG Desktop version – Is this responsive? Why or why not?
  6. BG – Mobile site images Is this site responsive? Why or why not?
  7. BG – Mobile site images Is this site responsive? Why or why not?
  9. Add’L IMAGE