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Website Optimization: How to
Increase Page Performance
and More
Let's Connect
Managing Partner,
Let's Connect
Demand Generation
Specialist, Boundify
Table of Contents
● Introduction
● Improving Website Performance
● Enhancing SEO for a Website
● Optimizing a Website for Mobile
● Implementing Website Security Best Practices

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The document provides an SEO audit report for It analyzes various on-page and off-page SEO factors for the website. Some key findings include technical issues like missing meta tags, slow page speed, and lack of an XML sitemap. It also finds the website has low authority and organic traffic. The SEO strategy section then provides recommendations around on-page optimization, content creation, link building, and improving domain authority through a strong link profile.

Uncovering WordPress’s Most Common SEO Issues and What You Can Do to Fix Them
Uncovering WordPress’s Most Common SEO Issues and What You Can Do to Fix ThemUncovering WordPress’s Most Common SEO Issues and What You Can Do to Fix Them
Uncovering WordPress’s Most Common SEO Issues and What You Can Do to Fix Them

You can’t travel anywhere on the internet without coming across a WordPress website. As the world’s most widely used Content Management System, WordPress powers over 43% of all websites and holds an impressive 64.2% CMS market share.

Technial SEO
Technial SEOTechnial SEO
Technial SEO

How to make your product/service found by Google. Technical SEO aims the crawling and indexing phase of your website. A list of top 10 technical seo topics for 2020 with a checklist you can go through, before publishing a website.

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Website Performance
The speed at which web pages are downloaded and
displayed in a user’s web browser. Basically, website
performance tells you how fast your website is.
Best-in-class webpages
become interactive within 5.3
seconds. Any slower and
visitors will
abandon your site, reducing
conversions and sales.
How Quickly Should a
Page Load?
The Importance
of Website
Will people come back
to a slow site?
The Importance
of Website
79% of shoppers who are
dissatisfied with site
say they’re less likely to
purchase from the same
site again.
The accessibility
of your site
● The availability of a
website and its contents
to all people.
The usability of
your site
● How efficiently and
easily visitors can see or
examine your website.
Your web design
● The process of planning,
ideating, and organizing
for the internet.
Website Performance Affects:
● Performance impacts metrics marketers care about, like
traffic, conversion rates, and revenue.

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Web development services

This document discusses website development using a content management system (CMS) and web optimization. It begins by outlining the objectives of designing a website that ranks well in search engines and can be rapidly developed. It then defines what a website and domain name are. The rest of the document discusses topics like the key points of website development, what a CMS is, how installing WordPress as a CMS can simplify development, and search engine optimization techniques like on-page and off-page optimization.

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A technical guide on website speed optimization for webmasters. A complete goto guide for every publisher.

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Increasing Load Speed and Reducing
Page Size
Load Speed
The time it takes to fully display the content on a
specific page.
● Best-in-class web pages should become interactive within
5.3 seconds.
Website Optimization How to Increase Page Performance and More
First Contentful
Paint (FCP)
● The time it takes in
seconds for text or
images to be shown to
Time to
Interactive (TTI)
● When the page
responds to user
interactions (such as
clicking) within 50ms.
The process of reducing
resources size by removing
unnecessary comments and
spacing in the source code.
Increasing Load Speed and Reducing
Page Size
The Components of a Website
● HTML provides the basic structure of sites, which
is enhanced and modified by CSS and JavaScript.
● CSS is used to edit the presentation, formatting,
and layout of a page.
● JavaScript is used to control the behavior of
different elements.

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SEO Agency In Shimla.pptx

Providing high traffic and engagement with no bounce rate, Gashes Technologies is a highly recommended SEO agency in Shimla. Our team consists of highly skilled professionals who are committed to providing customer satisfaction. Boost your business with our services and to avail our offers, please visit our website.

SEO Agency In Shimla.pdf
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Providing high traffic and engagement with no bounce rate, Gashes Technologies is a highly recommended SEO agency in Shimla. Our team consists of highly skilled professionals who are committed to providing customer satisfaction. Boost your business with our services and to avail our offers, please visit our website.

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When it comes to rank your website in Google Ranking, then SEO plays a major role. But Few knows the best and effective ways to rank your website in Google SERPs.

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What Does Minification Do?
● HTML minification removes all unnecessary
characters from
the HTML.
● CSS minification removes all the unnecessary
characters and comments from your stylesheet
file that contains font and layout rules.
● JavaScript minification removes all
unnecessary characters and comments from
the JavaScript.
To minify HTML, try out the
PageSpeed Insights
Chrome extension.
• For CSS, try CSS
• For JavaScript, you could
use JS Compress.
Website Optimization How to Increase Page Performance and More
Original CSS File
Increasing Load Speed and
Reducing Page Size
The strings are easy to read.
A developer did this on
Minified CSS File
Increasing Load Speed and
Reducing Page Size
Once this file is minified, the
file size shrinks, but it is also a
whole lot harder to read.

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How to do the right website analysisHow to do the right website analysis
How to do the right website analysis

This document provides information on how to properly analyze a website for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. It discusses key aspects of on-page optimization that should be analyzed, including coding elements like URLs, Google Analytics implementation, and page speed, as well as content elements like titles, meta descriptions and headings. The document also provides background information on search engines, SEO, and ranking factors to help inform the audit process.

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Unleash the Power of Your Website: A Comprehensive Guide to Technical SEO
Unleash the Power of Your Website: A Comprehensive Guide to Technical SEOUnleash the Power of Your Website: A Comprehensive Guide to Technical SEO
Unleash the Power of Your Website: A Comprehensive Guide to Technical SEO

Is your website struggling to climb the search engine ladder? Technical SEO holds the key to unlocking its full potential. This comprehensive guide delves into the essential aspects of technical SEO, empowering you to take complete control of your website's health and performance. Discover the secrets to: Effortless Crawlability: Ensure search engines can effortlessly discover and understand your website's content, allowing them to effectively index your pages and improve your search visibility. Lightning-Fast Speed: Provide your visitors with a seamless and speedy browsing experience. Uncover the secrets behind website speed optimization and watch your bounce rate plummet while user engagement soars. Mobile-First Friendliness: In today's mobile-centric world, catering to mobile users is no longer optional, it's essential. Learn how to optimize your website for all devices, ensuring a flawless user experience across smartphones, tablets, and desktops. Error-Free Functionality: Eliminate technical glitches and broken links that can hinder user experience and negatively impact your website's ranking potential. Structured Data Mastery: Harness the power of structured data to enhance how search engines understand your website's content. This can lead to richer search results, increased click-through rates, and ultimately, improved website visibility. By mastering technical SEO, you'll equip your website with the power to: Earn top rankings in search results: Attract more organic traffic and gain the visibility your website deserves. Enhance user experience: Keep visitors engaged with a smooth and frustration-free browsing experience. Boost conversions: Convert website visitors into loyal customers and achieve your marketing goals. Future-proof your online presence: Stay ahead of the curve and ensure your website remains competitive in the ever-evolving SEO landscape. Start your journey to SEO success today! This guide empowers you to take control of your website's technical SEO, unlocking its full potential and paving the way for a thriving online presence.

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Core Web Vitals in Website Design.pdf
Core Web Vitals in Website Design.pdfCore Web Vitals in Website Design.pdf
Core Web Vitals in Website Design.pdf

Wondering what Google’s Core Web Vitals update is about? In this blog, we explain what the metrics are, why they are important, and how you can improve them.

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Compressed CSS File
Increasing Load Speed and
Reducing Page Size
These characters are
placemarks for where the
duplicate code used to be.
Minified and Compressed
CSS File
Increasing Load Speed and
Reducing Page Size
This generates the smallest
file size of the bunch.
Compression is enabled by
adding code to a file called
.htaccess on the web server.
Optimizing Your Web Page Elements
● Use Google Fonts instead of custom fonts.
● Use existing video hosting solutions.
● Compress your images.
● Make your images responsive.

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Boost your website's rankings! Learn how web design impacts SEO and optimize for success. Check out the blog now!

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The document provides information about search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. It discusses key on-page optimization factors like keywords, content structure, titles, descriptions and headings. It also covers off-page optimization including backlinks, social signals and link building. Technical SEO topics like site speed, security and sitemaps are explained as well. The document aims to educate on best practices for improving a website's visibility in search engines.

Chewy Trewella - Google Searchtips
Chewy Trewella - Google SearchtipsChewy Trewella - Google Searchtips
Chewy Trewella - Google Searchtips

1. The document provides an overview of how Google Search works and guidelines for site owners to ensure their content is discoverable, indexable, and ranks well. It discusses Google's crawling, indexing, and ranking processes. 2. The document then outlines Google's Webmaster Guidelines covering site structure, titles, snippets, text, and use of technologies like Flash. It recommends testing sites using analytics and submitting sitemaps to help Google find all pages. 3. The document concludes by summarizing the discussion and providing resources for webmasters to engage with Google through its Webmaster Tools and get support on search visibility.

How to Make Images Responsive
Add a CSS rule that sets all
images to fill the width of the
container the image is in.
Enhancing SEO
for a Website
On-Page SEO
The process of optimizing
various front-end and back-end
components of your website so
that it ranks in search
engines and brings in new
Web Crawler (Spider or Bot)
Downloads and indexes content
from all over the internet
to learn and understand the
contents of a web page so
that that information can be
retrieved when it’s needed.
The Importance of
On-Page SEO
1. Crawl: Search web
pages and look over the
code and content for each
2. Index: Store and
organize the information it
finds from crawling
3. Rank: Provide the pieces
of content that best
match a person’s search
Search Engines Have 3 Primary

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Search Engine Optimization, also referred as SEO, Website Promotion, Internet Marketing, Web Marketing is the process of making your website or webpage to rank high in search engines.

2024 July - Hubspot's Content Hub and the Implications for B2B Marketers - G...
2024 July - Hubspot's Content Hub and the Implications for B2B Marketers  - G...2024 July - Hubspot's Content Hub and the Implications for B2B Marketers  - G...
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Join us for our next Greenville Hug event where we will explore Hubspot's Content Hub! During this session, we will break down in detail the Content Hub's features and use cases for marketers for creating & managing content. Hope to see you there!

aicontent marketinghubspot
A file of code that lives
on your web server and
lists all of the relevant
URLs your website is
● Marketing is usually
responsible for
defining the
structure of the site.
● A developer will then
build an XML sitemap
file based on the
website’s structure.
The Roles Involved in Structuring a
Website’s Sitemap
● The sitemap lives on a
server. An IT expert will
be able to get it there.
● Legal will make sure the
site doesn’t have
outstanding copyright
Once You've Planned Out How Your
Website Will be Organized, You’ll:
● Create the XML sitemap
● Put it on your web server
● Submit it to each individual search engine
Website Optimization How to Increase Page Performance and More

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En este evento, te guiaremos a través de las implicaciones de Content Hub para los usuarios de HubSpot y te mostraremos cómo puedes aprovechar esta poderosa herramienta para crear, administrar y distribuir contenido de manera más efectiva. Todo esto en conjunto con nuestros invitados Juanita Moreno y Luis Azuaje, profesores de la Academia de HubSpot. Aprenderás: ¿Qué es Content Hub? y ¿Cómo puede beneficiar a tu negocio? Cómo crear y organizar contenido en Content Hub Cómo distribuir tu contenido a través de múltiples canales Cómo medir el rendimiento de tu contenido y optimizar tu estrategia Este evento es perfecto para: Profesionales de marketing que buscan mejorar su estrategia de marketing de contenidos Usuarios de HubSpot que quieren aprender más sobre Content Hub Cualquiera que quiera crear y distribuir contenido de manera más eficiente

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We are excited to invite you to our May GVL Hug event, where we will explore the highly effective integration between Clearbit and HubSpot. During this session, we will break down in detail how this strategic partnership can significantly transform your marketing and sales approach. Why should you join? ✔️Learn how this integration has transformed marketing and sales strategies. ✔️Discover how to maximize the tools of both platforms to optimize processes. ✔️Learn how to turn anonymous traffic into sales opportunities. Agenda: 1️⃣ Clearbit Account Creation: Learn how to sign up for Clearbit and set up your account to make the most of its features. 2️⃣ Integration with HubSpot: Discover the importance of integrating Clearbit with HubSpot and follow our detailed steps to achieve a smooth integration. 3️⃣ Practical Integration Examples: Dive into case studies that detail how Clearbit can enrich your contacts and personalize your campaigns in HubSpot. 4️⃣ Clearbit Weekly Report: Learn how to access and interpret the Clearbit weekly report and how these metrics can drive your decision making. 5️⃣ Leveraging Anonymized Traffic: Discover effective strategies to optimize your marketing efforts by leveraging your company's anonymized traffic. Benefits of Attending: Learn how to improve your marketing and sales strategies with Clearbit and HubSpot. Discover how to maximize the tools of both platforms to optimize processes. Learn how to turn anonymous traffic into sales opportunities. Who Should Attend: Marketing professionals Sales professionals Business owners Anyone interested in learning more about Clearbit and HubSpot

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Learn how CRM Customization streamlines data organization by creating custom objects, properties, and associations tailored to your team's needs. Say goodbye to default settings, easily modify HubSpot's spaces for a perfect fit. Event Highlights: CRM Customization Unveiled: Unlock the full potential of your CRM by learning how to customize objects, properties, and associations. Tailor your CRM to meet your team's specific needs. Beyond Defaults: Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all solutions. Explore how to easily modify HubSpot's default spaces, ensuring your CRM aligns seamlessly with your unique workflows. Key Takeaways: ✅Streamline Data Management: Discover practical strategies to save time and enhance productivity in your team's daily operations. ✅Tailor CRM to Your Needs: Learn to customize your CRM for a personalized and efficient user experience. Who Should Attend: Marketing Professionals Sales Teams CRM Administrators Business Owners Don't miss this opportunity to optimize your CRM and enhance your team's efficiency. Join us for an evening of insights, networking, and practical tips.

The Importance of
Mobile Optimization
Internet Market Share
of Mobile
The Importance of
Follow mobile optimization
best practices for viewport,
fonts, and buttons.
Across the world, over 50%
of total internet activity is
done on mobile.
Responsive Design
The method of designing web pages that appear
in their optimized form on all devices.
The Importance of
Mobile Optimization

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Join us for our first Greenville HUG meeting of 2024 and learn how AI is revolutionizing customer engagement, lead generation, and sales conversion, all while streamlining marketing operations. Key Takeaways: By the end of this virtual event, you'll be knowledgeable about ✅ The latest advancements in HubSpot's AI technology. ✅ Practical applications of AI within HubSpot Whether you're new to AI or an experienced professional, our event caters to all levels of expertise. Discover AI's potential and find your path to success with HubSpot AI.

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Join us for our eleventh Greenville HUG meeting of 2023 and dive into the latest enhancements, features, and innovations that will empower your sales team with HubSpot Re-Launched Sales Hub for 2023 Key Takeaways: By the end of this virtual event, you'll be knowledgeable about ✅ Prospecting workspace ✅ Advanced lead management and reporting ✅ Intelligent deal management and forecasting ✅Expansion of HubSpot’s relationship with LinkedIn across marketing and sales

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INBOUND Experiences 2023
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INBOUND Experiences 2023

Join us for our tenth Greenville HUG meeting of 2023 where Emilio from Boundify will share his INBOUND 2023 experiences. Explore the latest trends and strategies in inbound marketing, valuable insights, and actionable takeaways.

The Importance of
Website Security
How to Get a Certificate on
Your Website:
● Use HubSpot’s Website Grader
● The URL says "https://" and not "http://"
● You see a little padlock icon in the URL bar
● The certificate is valid
With the HubSpot CMS Hub:
You can direct all visitors to the secure
version of your site, no plugins required.
WordPress Plugins
Really Simple SSL, Insecure Content
Finder, and WP Force SSL can be used to
install your certificate, encrypt files, and
direct traffic to the secure version of
your site
The Importance of
Website Security
Whether it’s your first time using this product, or you’re looking to build up
your skills around it, we’ve got the best resources for you to get started.
Getting Started
Education: Help Articles:
● Product page: Website Grader
● Themes: Google SERP Snippet
Optimization Tool
● Knowledge Article: Is Your Website's Viewport
Configured for Mobile Users? Here's How to Do It
● Academy: The Website Migration Guide: SEO Strategy,
Process, & Checklist
● Academy: How to Optimize Your Website Performance
to Grow Traffic and Leads

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Utilizing Marketing Automation and Artificial Intelligence Utilizing Marketing Automation and Artificial Intelligence
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Join us for our ninth Greenville HUG meeting of 2023 and discover how marketing automation and AI can revolutionize your marketing efforts and improve efficiency, get insights about resources and best practices for integrating marketing automation and AI within the HubSpot ecosystem.

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Join us for our eighth Greenville HUG meeting of 2023 and learn how to create landing pages with HubSpot, using a seamless and efficient process and customizable templates, learn all about landing pages: when to use them, how to make them, and some tips and tricks for optimizing them for continued success.

Content Strategy With HubSpot
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Content Strategy With HubSpot

Join us for our seventh Greenville HUG meeting of 2023 and learn how content strategy can help you to elevate your content, create realistic goals, promote your content, identify which metrics to track, and perform an audit that will help you identify content needs to build a relevant journey for your audience.

Thank you

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Website Optimization How to Increase Page Performance and More

  • 1. Website Optimization: How to Increase Page Performance and More Greenville HUG
  • 4. Table of Contents ● Introduction ● Improving Website Performance ● Enhancing SEO for a Website ● Optimizing a Website for Mobile ● Implementing Website Security Best Practices
  • 5. Website Performance The speed at which web pages are downloaded and displayed in a user’s web browser. Basically, website performance tells you how fast your website is.
  • 6. Best-in-class webpages should become interactive within 5.3 seconds. Any slower and visitors will abandon your site, reducing conversions and sales. 5.3 seconds How Quickly Should a Page Load? The Importance of Website Performance
  • 7. Will people come back to a slow site? The Importance of Website Performance 79% of shoppers who are dissatisfied with site performance say they’re less likely to purchase from the same site again. 79%
  • 8. The accessibility of your site ● The availability of a website and its contents to all people. The usability of your site ● How efficiently and easily visitors can see or examine your website. Your web design ● The process of planning, ideating, and organizing content for the internet. Website Performance Affects: ● Performance impacts metrics marketers care about, like traffic, conversion rates, and revenue.
  • 9. Increasing Load Speed and Reducing Page Size Load Speed The time it takes to fully display the content on a specific page. ● Best-in-class web pages should become interactive within 5.3 seconds.
  • 11. First Contentful Paint (FCP) ● The time it takes in seconds for text or images to be shown to users. Time to Interactive (TTI) ● When the page responds to user interactions (such as clicking) within 50ms. Minification The process of reducing resources size by removing unnecessary comments and spacing in the source code. Increasing Load Speed and Reducing Page Size
  • 12. The Components of a Website ● HTML provides the basic structure of sites, which is enhanced and modified by CSS and JavaScript. ● CSS is used to edit the presentation, formatting, and layout of a page. ● JavaScript is used to control the behavior of different elements.
  • 13. What Does Minification Do? ● HTML minification removes all unnecessary characters from the HTML. ● CSS minification removes all the unnecessary characters and comments from your stylesheet file that contains font and layout rules. ● JavaScript minification removes all unnecessary characters and comments from the JavaScript. To minify HTML, try out the PageSpeed Insights Chrome extension. • For CSS, try CSS Compressor. • For JavaScript, you could use JS Compress.
  • 15. Original CSS File Increasing Load Speed and Reducing Page Size The strings are easy to read. A developer did this on purpose.
  • 16. Minified CSS File Increasing Load Speed and Reducing Page Size Once this file is minified, the file size shrinks, but it is also a whole lot harder to read.
  • 17. Compressed CSS File Increasing Load Speed and Reducing Page Size These characters are placemarks for where the duplicate code used to be.
  • 18. Minified and Compressed CSS File Increasing Load Speed and Reducing Page Size This generates the smallest file size of the bunch.
  • 19. Compression is enabled by adding code to a file called .htaccess on the web server.
  • 20. Optimizing Your Web Page Elements ● Use Google Fonts instead of custom fonts. ● Use existing video hosting solutions. ● Compress your images. ● Make your images responsive.
  • 21. How to Make Images Responsive Add a CSS rule that sets all images to fill the width of the container the image is in.
  • 23. On-Page SEO The process of optimizing various front-end and back-end components of your website so that it ranks in search engines and brings in new traffic. Web Crawler (Spider or Bot) Downloads and indexes content from all over the internet to learn and understand the contents of a web page so that that information can be retrieved when it’s needed. The Importance of On-Page SEO
  • 24. 1. Crawl: Search web pages and look over the code and content for each URL. 2. Index: Store and organize the information it finds from crawling 3. Rank: Provide the pieces of content that best match a person’s search query. CRAWL INDEX RANK Search Engines Have 3 Primary Functions
  • 25. Sitemap A file of code that lives on your web server and lists all of the relevant URLs your website is carrying.
  • 26. Marketing ● Marketing is usually responsible for defining the structure of the site. Development ● A developer will then build an XML sitemap file based on the website’s structure. IT The Roles Involved in Structuring a Website’s Sitemap ● The sitemap lives on a server. An IT expert will be able to get it there. Legal ● Legal will make sure the site doesn’t have outstanding copyright restrictions.
  • 27. Once You've Planned Out How Your Website Will be Organized, You’ll: ● Create the XML sitemap ● Put it on your web server ● Submit it to each individual search engine
  • 29. The Importance of Mobile Optimization
  • 30. 50% Internet Market Share of Mobile The Importance of Mobile Optimization Follow mobile optimization best practices for viewport, fonts, and buttons. Across the world, over 50% of total internet activity is done on mobile.
  • 31. Responsive Design The method of designing web pages that appear in their optimized form on all devices.
  • 32. The Importance of Mobile Optimization
  • 34. How to Get a Certificate on Your Website: ● Use HubSpot’s Website Grader ● The URL says "https://" and not "http://" ● You see a little padlock icon in the URL bar ● The certificate is valid
  • 35. With the HubSpot CMS Hub: You can direct all visitors to the secure version of your site, no plugins required. WordPress Plugins Really Simple SSL, Insecure Content Finder, and WP Force SSL can be used to install your certificate, encrypt files, and direct traffic to the secure version of your site The Importance of Website Security
  • 36. Whether it’s your first time using this product, or you’re looking to build up your skills around it, we’ve got the best resources for you to get started. Getting Started Education: Help Articles: ● Product page: Website Grader ● Themes: Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool ● Knowledge Article: Is Your Website's Viewport Configured for Mobile Users? Here's How to Do It ● Academy: The Website Migration Guide: SEO Strategy, Process, & Checklist ● Academy: How to Optimize Your Website Performance to Grow Traffic and Leads