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SPA you and your
customers will love
Chris Love
Who Am I
• Microsoft MVP
• ASP Insider
• Edge User Agent
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• Tweaker, Lover of Web, JavaScript,
• @ChrisLove
High Performance Single Page Web
• Responsive Design
• Touch
• Mobile First
• Extensible, Scalable Architecture
• Web Build and Workflow
• Goes Really Fast!
• ~395 Pages
• 20 Chapters
• $9.99
Slide Deck & Source Code
• Slide Deck –
• Source Code –

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Enough with the javas cript already! de Nicholas Zakas
Enough with the javas cript already! de Nicholas ZakasEnough with the javas cript already! de Nicholas Zakas
Enough with the javas cript already! de Nicholas Zakas

The document discusses the growing prevalence and performance issues of JavaScript-heavy websites. It argues that much of the client-side logic in JavaScript libraries can be moved to the server by sharing code between server and client. Several companies that have done this, like Twitter and Airbnb, are cited as seeing significant improvements to initial page load times and a better user experience. The document also advocates for a progressive enhancement approach to JavaScript, loading scripts intelligently based on user needs and minimizing unused code.

developerjavascriptweb design and development
WHAT IS HTML5? (at CSS Nite Osaka)
WHAT IS HTML5? (at CSS Nite Osaka)WHAT IS HTML5? (at CSS Nite Osaka)
WHAT IS HTML5? (at CSS Nite Osaka)

This document discusses HTML5 and provides an overview of its key features. It explains that HTML5 is not just the HTML language, but also includes related APIs that allow richer functionality. Some of the major areas covered include semantics and accessibility, rich internet applications using new APIs, and specific technologies like canvas, video/audio, web storage, and web workers. The document emphasizes that HTML5 is still evolving and aims to unify web development across browsers.

Client Vs. Server Rendering
Client Vs. Server RenderingClient Vs. Server Rendering
Client Vs. Server Rendering

Client or Server Rendering Showing the newest trend of hybrid rendering polymorphic like react.js phantom.js, single page application, David Amend

Let Me Take
You On A
The jQueryUI Dialog Markup
The jQueryUI Dialog Markup

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Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NY
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NYExtreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NY
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NY

The document discusses optimizing web performance for mobile devices. It covers mobile web platforms and browsers, the importance of performance on mobile, tools for measuring performance, optimizing initial loading and above-the-fold content within 1 second, and maintaining responsiveness. The key recommendations are to measure on real devices, avoid redirects, reduce requests, load above-the-fold content quickly and defer the rest, and prioritize simplicity over complex designs and frameworks.

html5optimizationweb performance
Developing JavaScript Widgets
Developing JavaScript WidgetsDeveloping JavaScript Widgets
Developing JavaScript Widgets

Tips on developing self-contained JavaScript applications that can be added to a page; especially useful in content management systems

javascript angular widget
HTML5 Web Workers-unleashed
HTML5 Web Workers-unleashedHTML5 Web Workers-unleashed
HTML5 Web Workers-unleashed

Peter Lubbers from Kaazing gave a presentation on HTML5 features such as Web Workers, Geolocation, and WebSockets. He discussed how these new technologies allow for asynchronous background processing, location detection, and bi-directional real-time communications without polling. Browser support for HTML5 features was also reviewed.

My First Big SPA Experience
0 to 400 Views
Modular & Extensible
4 Months
Nothing To Reference
Lessons Learned
Can’t Load Everything At Once
Mobile Matters
Test Over Sprint 3G
Let’s Call it A
Single Page
A SPA Is All Inclusive

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Engineering the New LinkedIn Profile
Engineering the New LinkedIn ProfileEngineering the New LinkedIn Profile
Engineering the New LinkedIn Profile

Overview of the new frontend architecture used for the New Profile at LinkedIn. Blog version of this slidedeck:

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Grokking #9: Building a real-time and offline editing service with Couchbase
Grokking #9: Building a real-time and offline editing service with CouchbaseGrokking #9: Building a real-time and offline editing service with Couchbase
Grokking #9: Building a real-time and offline editing service with Couchbase

In this talk, I would like to share how we build a system for LitiBook that can handle (1) real-time editing, (2) offline editing, (3) synchronizing between devices and (4) conflict between different editing sessions. There are not much applications out there can do all these above things. (Evernote does not resolve conflict. Hackpad, Trello and Asana do not support offline). So the challenge is really interesting.

Server and client rendering of single page apps
Server and client rendering of single page appsServer and client rendering of single page apps
Server and client rendering of single page apps

This document discusses server and client rendering of single page applications. It outlines a wish list tool that was built to track products, receive alerts, and share lists. The goals are to improve the UI, separate the wish list into microservices, and update the frontend using modern frameworks. Shared rendering concerns between server and client are discussed, along with an architecture using Node.js, Express, Backbone, Handlebars and other technologies. Challenges with routing, data fetching, caching and other areas are covered, as well as potential solutions like React and Rendr. Overall it was found to be worthwhile but still immature, requiring better frameworks.

A SPA Leverages
AJAX/Sockets Storage Hash Fragment
Mobile Browsers
Aggressively Purge Cache
Weaker Processors
Less Memory
Cellular Connections
More Expensive
The Web Is Obese
100 Files Requests – 2.2MB
22 JavaScript Files - 354KB
7.4 CSS Files – 71KB
54 Images – 1.4MB
2.9 Fonts – 111kb
39 TCP Connections
18 Domains
48% Cacheable

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Thinking in Components
Thinking in ComponentsThinking in Components
Thinking in Components

Presented at Web Unleashed 2017. More info at Presented by Ksenija Gogic, TWG Overview What are components? How can designers apply a component-minded approach to their workflow? How can we leverage components to improve the design handoff? Ultimately – how can designers and developers work together even better? Using React as a framework, Ksenija will discuss how to design for a component-based web application to make for a more efficient workflow, an easier design handoff, and a better understanding between roles. Objective To create a common language and understanding when working with component-based web frameworks between designers and developers. Target Audience Designers and developers looking to make their collaborative workflow even better. Five Things Audience Members Will Learn How to take a component-minded approach to building a design system How to design and create components using Sketch symbols How to assemble (compose) collections of components using Sketch symbols How to work with modifiers (props) to customize components How to ensure everyone is speaking the same language

web designweb developmentweb unleashed 2017
Building Progressive Web Apps for Android and iOS
Building Progressive Web Apps for Android and iOSBuilding Progressive Web Apps for Android and iOS
Building Progressive Web Apps for Android and iOS

Presented at Web Unleashed 2017. More info at Presented by Simon MacDonald, Adobe Overview Progressive Web Apps are the new hotness with Google pressing hard to make them the defacto choice for building mobile applications but what’s to be done about iOS where many of the key API’s are not supported. That’s where Apache Cordova/PhoneGap comes in by polyfilling the missing functionality. In this talk Simon will show you how to create a PWA that runs on the web, Android and iOS from a single code base. Take advantage of some new tools to easily deploy and test your PWA. Beginning with a brief overview of Progressive Web Apps, what features make your web app progressive and which API’s you can take advantage of, Simon will discuss the availability of these API’s on various platforms, taking care not to completely dump on Apple for falling behind. No, that’s a lie, he will jokingly take Apple to task. He will introduce Apache Cordova/PhoneGap, explaining how you can use Apache Cordova/PhoneGap to deploy a web application to Android and iOS; explaining how Cordova plugins allow us to polyfil the missing functionality on iOS. Simon will demo a PWA running on the desktop in Chrome, Android in Chrome and as a compiled hybrid app on iOS all from the same codebase. Objective To introduce developers to building progressive web apps for all platforms. Target Audience Web application developers Five Things Audience Members Will Learn What are Progressive Web Apps How to build a progressive web app The differences between PWA’s on Chrome and Safari How to use a single code base to target web, Android and iOS How to deploy a PWA on iOS as an app

web designweb developmentweb unleashed 2017
Extending WordPress as a pro
Extending WordPress as a proExtending WordPress as a pro
Extending WordPress as a pro

Marko Heijnen discussed several ways to extend WordPress, including hooks, drop-ins, pluggable functions, and pluggable classes. He demonstrated, which collects WordPress usage data, and, a conference platform built with Node.js. He explained how to build extensions for the future by future-proofing code and looking at new technologies like Node.js.

Cant Use Fast Food Frameworks
Cant Use Fast Food Frameworks
Dumping jQuery & What it means
• Faster Load Times
• Master DOM APIs
• Alternatives
• Create DollarBill 
• Learn to be Modular
• And Yes This Was Painful
• For about 2 weeks
• But Was A Great Experience
Fast Food Frameworks Are Bad
Full of Processed Carbs
Loaded With Preservatives
Syntactic Sugar

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A 20 minute introduction to AngularJS for XPage developers
A 20 minute introduction to AngularJS for XPage developersA 20 minute introduction to AngularJS for XPage developers
A 20 minute introduction to AngularJS for XPage developers

Slides for the session I gave at the XPages & Beer event on July 2nd, 2014. See for the demo files.

Thats Not Flash?
Thats Not Flash?Thats Not Flash?
Thats Not Flash?

Vector graphics allow shapes to be mathematically represented and scaled smoothly, while raster graphics use a grid of pixels. SVG is an XML format for describing vector shapes and is supported natively by modern browsers. DojoX GFX provides a normalized API for creating vector graphics across browsers using SVG, VML, Canvas, or Silverlight depending on browser support. It implements a procedural subset of SVG for creating shapes and text programmatically similar to the canvas API.

The fundamental problems of GUI applications and why people choose React
The fundamental problems of GUI applications and why people choose ReactThe fundamental problems of GUI applications and why people choose React
The fundamental problems of GUI applications and why people choose React

Instead of asking people which JavaScript framework to learn, let's look back into GUI application architecture (which Web Front-end is a case). Then you will understand why people created those library & frameworks and why React became so popular.

MicroJS Libraries
Promote Modular
Single Focus
•Small Footprint
•Long Lifespan
The Modern Web Hour Glass
Web Server
DB – SQL Server/
Application Loading Process
The 1st Time a User Visits
They ‘Install’ the Application

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Building single page applications
Building single page applicationsBuilding single page applications
Building single page applications

A Lecture given in Aalto University course "Design of WWW Services". Single page app is already several years old web application paradigm that is now gaining traction due to the interest towards HTML5 and particularly cross-platform mobile (web) applications. The presentation overviews the single page application paradigm and compares it with other web app paradigms. The presentation uses Backbone.js as the sample and gives practical tips on how to best structure Backbone.js applications. It contains an extensive set of tips and links in the notes section. The reader is adviced to download the presentation for better readability of the notes.

Mobile web performance dwx13
Mobile web performance dwx13Mobile web performance dwx13
Mobile web performance dwx13

The document discusses improving mobile web performance. It notes that mobile is different than desktop due to limitations in power, memory, battery and connections on mobile devices. Sites are growing larger in size which slows performance, and users strongly prefer faster loading sites. A variety of tools can measure performance, and waterfalls charts show where time is spent loading pages between the server and client. Optimizations discussed include enabling caching, compression, image resizing, lazy loading images, inlining images and scripts where possible, minifying assets, and delivering scripts and styles in a single HTTP request through techniques like application caching.

Developing and deploying a website with html5
Developing and deploying a website with html5Developing and deploying a website with html5
Developing and deploying a website with html5

This document discusses developing and deploying websites with HTML5. It covers creating fluid responsive layouts, single page applications, and JavaScript libraries. It also discusses build and deployment processes using GruntJS to manage source code and optimize web applications.

•The Initial Request
•Contains Critical Path Assets
• Master Layout HTML + CSS Inline
• Initial Possible Views
• Initial View’s CSS
• Core Application JavaScript + Initial View’s Controllers
Application Loading Process
•Deferred Request(s)
•Contains Additional View HTML, CSS and
Application Loading Process
We b A p p l i c a t i o n
V I E WV I E WV I E WV I E WV I E WC o n t r o l l e r
V i e w E n g i n e
Te m p l a t e
E n g i n e

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A night at the spa
A night at the spaA night at the spa
A night at the spa

This is the slide deck to introduce important topics to developer to build great, high performance Single Page Web Applications. The slide deck is used to setup a review of the code and architecture in my demonstration movie web application used in my latest book. The site is live at and the source code is available on GitHub Single page application are a new frontier to the web development world. They require a completely different mindset than classic, server-side heavy web development. Not only do developers need to understand modular JavaScript and the DOM API they also need to understand good responsive design practices, performance optimization, touch and a mobile first approach.

html5sparesponsive web design
A Day Building Fast, Responsive, Extensible Single Page Applications
A Day Building Fast, Responsive, Extensible Single Page ApplicationsA Day Building Fast, Responsive, Extensible Single Page Applications
A Day Building Fast, Responsive, Extensible Single Page Applications

This is an older slide deck I realized I never uploaded. It is a slightly longer deck than the Night at the SPA deck. This features many concepts that are forerunners to the modern progressive web application. There are slides related to web performance best practices, JavaScript architecture, responsive web design, touch and much more.

single page appresponsive web designweb performance
Single Page Apps
Single Page AppsSingle Page Apps
Single Page Apps

Presentation on Single Page Applications I recently gave for a client. Feel free to contact Omni Resources at or myself on LinkedIn at if you would like to learn more about builiding Single Page Apps.

Markup Management
•Keep the DOM Lean
•Leverage Browser Storage to Persist Markup
View Engine – Cache Markup
• Parses Markup For Views & Templates
• Stores All Markup Related Concerns in Storage
• Retrieves View Markup On Demand
• Abstracts Templating or Binding Library
View Engine – Lazy Loading
•Reduces Initial Load
•Enables 14kb Goal
•View Engine Still Parses Markup & Caches
•Also caches and injects CSS & Script References

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Cvcc performance tuning
Cvcc performance tuningCvcc performance tuning
Cvcc performance tuning

Web Performance tuning presentation given at Covers basic http flow, measuring performance, common changes to improve performance now, and several tools and techniques you can use now.

Sai Sharan_UI_Resume
Sai Sharan_UI_ResumeSai Sharan_UI_Resume
Sai Sharan_UI_Resume

Sai Madisetty has over 7 years of experience as a front-end UI developer. He is proficient in HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, and responsive design. Some of Sai's responsibilities include developing user interfaces, APIs, style guides, and wireframes. He has worked on projects for clients such as Nomura America Securities, JP Morgan Chase, and United Health Care. Sai also has expertise in cross-browser compatibility, accessibility, and agile methodologies.

Rise and Fall of the Frontend Developer
Rise and Fall of the Frontend DeveloperRise and Fall of the Frontend Developer
Rise and Fall of the Frontend Developer

Un breve viaje por la concepción del Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web desde el clásico patrón de Aplicaciones Web de Servidor con renderización en servidor e interactividad limitada en cliente a la reciente era de las Single Page Applications con renderización en cliente, foco en la interactividad y desacoplamiento del backend hasta llegar a los actuales patrones híbridos de renderización en cliente y servidor en busca de la mejor performance, la mejor experiencia de usuario y el mejor SEO.


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