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Community Engagement Manager
(Fixed term - 2 years)
The opportunity:
To be successful in this role, you’ll need:
• Enough technical nous to be comfortable working with geeks; you’ll need to
be able to recognise the value in technical developments and communicate
this to a broader audience
• To demonstrate a solid understanding of the fundamentals of open data;
some experience/presence in the open data scene/community would be
• At least one year’s experience managing the social media presence of an
organisation or project
• Demonstrably superb written and oral communication skills
• The ability to define success metrics for projects and assemble evidence to
demonstrate their impact
• Experience of creating and delivering on community engagement strategies
• A bachelors degree (or higher), though the discipline is less important than
the skills and qualities you bring
• Great communication skills, able to listen as well as you can speak and write
• Ability to work with a broad range of professionals: research, technical,
communications/PR, events
• Ability to create and maintain impact among a broad audience, through
online and offline means
The challenge:
This isn’t a normal job; we’re not just asking you to email a CV. We want you to
demonstrate your ability to understand, reach and engage an audience. So, by 12
noon on Monday 19 August please use whatever (legal) means you have at your
disposal to reach our Head of Research, Tom Heath, and convince him that your
CV is worth reading. The more creative your approach, and the more it
demonstrates your passion for the transformative power of open data, the
greater your chances of getting to interview.
An open application for a post
working for an organisation
committed to openness?
Why not!
Open Data
What is “Open Data”?
“the idea that certain data should be freely
available to everyone to use and republish as
they wish, without restrictions from copyright,
patents or other mechanisms of control”
See Wikipedia
Why The Interest?
Open data may bring benefits:
• Verifiable of findings by peer
• “the coolest thing to do with
your data will be thought of by
someone else.”
• Open government data can
support transparency and
democratic control;
participation; self-
empowerment and help
improve efficiency and
effectiveness of government
services; support innovation
and demonstrate impact.
The Flip Side
Open data should not be
regarded as a panacea:
• There may be a lack of
interest in your open data.
• Organisations may be
concerned that their data
is of poor quality or may
be used against them.
• Those with vested
interests in, say, licensing
closed data may stifle
growth of open data.
What’s Needed?
For open data to be useful it needs to be usable:
• Licensed to permit reuse.
• Adequately described, so the data makes sense out-of-context.
• Available of tools to support data management, discovery and use
and expertise to use the tools.

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Slides for a talk on "Open Educational Practices (OEP): What They Mean For Me and How I Use Them" given by Brian Kelly, Innovation Advocate at Cetis, University of Bolton for a webinar organised by Salford University from 09.30-10.30 on Thursday 5 December 2013. See

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Slides for a talk on "Building and Sustaining a Community using the Social Web" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at a UCISA SSG Communications Group Conference on "Using Social Media to Communicate" held at Austin Court, Birmingham on 18 January 2012. See

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Slides for a 1-day workshop on "Future Technologies and Their Applications" facilitated by Brian Kelly and Tony Hirst at the ILI 2013 conference on Monday 14 October 2013. See See

Supporting Web Managers
About the IMW Event
The annual IWMW event was launched in 1997. It provides an
opportunity for university Web managers to update their
skills and learn about new Web developments.
A Culture of Openness
The IWMW event has encouraged open
approaches. This has included:
• Open availability of speakers slides.
• Live streaming of plenary talks.
• Availability of data about the events in
open reusable formats (illustrated).
• ‘Event amplification’ since 2006.
Talks on Data and Openness
“Open Education: The Business & Policy Case for OER”,
Cable Green, Creative Commons
“Mozilla, Open Badges and a Learning Standard for Web Literacy”,
Doug Belshaw, Mozilla Foundation
“Data and the Web Manager”, Kevin Ashley, DCC
“Open Data Development in the City of Edinburgh Council”,
Sally Kerr, Edinburgh City Council
“Data Visualisation: A Taster”, Tony Hirst, OU and Martin Hawksey, CETIS
“Key Information Data Sets”, Andrew Oakley, HESA
In addition to these talks, workshops sessions on “Analytics - What is Changing and Why
Does it Matter?”; “Open Up: Open Data in the Public Sector”; “Save Money and Make
Things Better with Linked Open Data” and “Big and Small Web Data” explored issues
about data and openness in more depth.
Data about speakers and their talks for all IWMW events is
available as RSS data. As shown a map of the location of
speakers’ host institutions can be viewed.
Pro-Active Approach To
Advocacy and Sharing
During 16 years at UKOLN Brian
Kelly has given over 400 talks
through the UK and Europe, as
well as in North America,
Australia and Asia.
Brian has provided open access
to his slides, through use of
Creative Commons licences as well as use of
services such as Slideshare which permit reuse,
downloading, modifications and embedding.
Case Study: Using Social Media to Raise
the Visibility of a Research Paper
• Paper on “A Challenge to Web
Accessibility Metrics and Guidelines:
Putting People and Processes First”
accepted by the W4A 2012 conference.
• Four co-authors agree to be pro-active in
maximising vies of the paper: it has
valuable ideas which they want
practitioners to implement and peers to
discuss and cite.
• Two resources were promoted:
the paper and the slides.
• Nos. of views were recorded
during week of conference:
1,391 views of slides; 3 and 311
views of other slides with
conference tag!
• Paper was author’s third most
downloaded paper in 2012
• Paper has been cited by
researchers in Catalonia.
Sharing Experiences
Experiences shared in talk on
“Using Social Media to Enhance
Your Research Activities” given
at Social Research conference.
Topsy was used to observe
discussions & monitor effectiveness
of use of social media.
Research Profile
Brian Kelly’s research profile:
 Over 60 papers published in
peer-reviewed journals and
conferences or invited papers at
international conferences.
 56 co-authors.
 H-index of 13 according to
Google Scholar Citations.
 Papers available from multiple
source including university
repository, ResearchGate and
The papers have covered topics including web accessibility, web
preservation, web standards and the social web.
A word cloud based on the content of the papers is shown below.

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Using Social Media to Enhance Your Research Activities
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Slides for talk on "Using Social Media to Enhance Your Research Activities" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN.

Brian Kelly is well-connected on the social web. He has:
 Over 3,700 followers on Twitter and over 1,200 connections on
 A Klout score of 57.
Although social media metrics can be
‘gamed’ and do not give an indication of
the value of the services used, these
values indicate long-standing involvement
with social media services.
The mosaic shown
above was created
using Frintr.
It uses Twitter
avatars from Brian’s
Twitter network.
Two depictions of Brian’s
Twitter network are shown.
The Twitter network
map shown to the left
was created by Tony
Followers in particular
communities are
Feedback from LinkedIn
LinkedIn Testimonials
“Brian has been extremely successful in his role as a
national advocate for useful trends in presenting
information via the web.“ Chris Rusbridge
“Brian is a remarkable individual. He combines detailed
knowledge of the technologies used in higher and further
education with enthusiasm, but tempers this with a real
understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of that
technology, and where it is best applied or not applied.”
Charles Oppenheim
Linkedin Endorsements
You may be sceptical of LinkedIn endorsements. But the
aggregation provides an indication of skills and expertise
as perceived by over 1,200 of my LinkedIn network.
Well-established Open Practices
As illustrated in the timeline Brian has been pro-active on his
involve with open practices for some time. This work includes:
• Papers including “Let’s Free IT Support Materials” (EUNIS 2006);
“Openness in Higher Education: Open Source; Open Standards;
Open Access” (ELPub 2007); “What Does Openness Mean To The
Museum Community?” (MW 2008) and “What Next For
Libraries?” (SRA 2013).
• Making project outputs, blog posts and other resources
available with Creative Commons licences.
• Organising events and publishing posts on openness.
Criteria for the post:
Technical nous: Happy to use a wide range of
online tools & services.
Understand open data: Have written about and
used open licences & published open data.
Social media management: Several years
experience in use of social media.
Written and oral skills: Prolific speaker & author
of articles, blog posts, papers, etc.
Define and use metrics: Have used social media
metrics & understand their limitations.
Community engagement strategies: Introduced
‘event amplification’ at IWMW events.
Communication skills: Experienced speaker and
also participant at many events.
Working with a range of professionals: As an
author & event organiser have worked with a
broad range of professionals across higher
education & cultural heritage sectors.
Create and maintain impact: Aware of the
importance of ‘impact’ in the public sector and
seek to enhance impact in my professional

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Wanted By The ODI!

  • 2. Community Engagement Manager (Fixed term - 2 years) The opportunity: To be successful in this role, you’ll need: • Enough technical nous to be comfortable working with geeks; you’ll need to be able to recognise the value in technical developments and communicate this to a broader audience • To demonstrate a solid understanding of the fundamentals of open data; some experience/presence in the open data scene/community would be preferable • At least one year’s experience managing the social media presence of an organisation or project • Demonstrably superb written and oral communication skills • The ability to define success metrics for projects and assemble evidence to demonstrate their impact • Experience of creating and delivering on community engagement strategies • A bachelors degree (or higher), though the discipline is less important than the skills and qualities you bring • Great communication skills, able to listen as well as you can speak and write • Ability to work with a broad range of professionals: research, technical, communications/PR, events • Ability to create and maintain impact among a broad audience, through online and offline means The challenge: This isn’t a normal job; we’re not just asking you to email a CV. We want you to demonstrate your ability to understand, reach and engage an audience. So, by 12 noon on Monday 19 August please use whatever (legal) means you have at your disposal to reach our Head of Research, Tom Heath, and convince him that your CV is worth reading. The more creative your approach, and the more it demonstrates your passion for the transformative power of open data, the greater your chances of getting to interview.
  • 3. An open application for a post working for an organisation committed to openness? Why not!
  • 4. Open Data What is “Open Data”? “the idea that certain data should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish, without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control” See Wikipedia Why The Interest? Open data may bring benefits: • Verifiable of findings by peer review. • “the coolest thing to do with your data will be thought of by someone else.” • Open government data can support transparency and democratic control; participation; self- empowerment and help improve efficiency and effectiveness of government services; support innovation and demonstrate impact. The Flip Side Open data should not be regarded as a panacea: • There may be a lack of interest in your open data. • Organisations may be concerned that their data is of poor quality or may be used against them. • Those with vested interests in, say, licensing closed data may stifle growth of open data. What’s Needed? For open data to be useful it needs to be usable: • Licensed to permit reuse. • Adequately described, so the data makes sense out-of-context. • Available of tools to support data management, discovery and use and expertise to use the tools.
  • 5. Supporting Web Managers About the IMW Event The annual IWMW event was launched in 1997. It provides an opportunity for university Web managers to update their skills and learn about new Web developments. A Culture of Openness The IWMW event has encouraged open approaches. This has included: • Open availability of speakers slides. • Live streaming of plenary talks. • Availability of data about the events in open reusable formats (illustrated). • ‘Event amplification’ since 2006. Talks on Data and Openness 2013: “Open Education: The Business & Policy Case for OER”, Cable Green, Creative Commons “Mozilla, Open Badges and a Learning Standard for Web Literacy”, Doug Belshaw, Mozilla Foundation 2012: “Data and the Web Manager”, Kevin Ashley, DCC “Open Data Development in the City of Edinburgh Council”, Sally Kerr, Edinburgh City Council “Data Visualisation: A Taster”, Tony Hirst, OU and Martin Hawksey, CETIS “Key Information Data Sets”, Andrew Oakley, HESA In addition to these talks, workshops sessions on “Analytics - What is Changing and Why Does it Matter?”; “Open Up: Open Data in the Public Sector”; “Save Money and Make Things Better with Linked Open Data” and “Big and Small Web Data” explored issues about data and openness in more depth. Data about speakers and their talks for all IWMW events is available as RSS data. As shown a map of the location of speakers’ host institutions can be viewed.
  • 6. Pro-Active Approach To Advocacy and Sharing During 16 years at UKOLN Brian Kelly has given over 400 talks through the UK and Europe, as well as in North America, Australia and Asia. Brian has provided open access to his slides, through use of Creative Commons licences as well as use of services such as Slideshare which permit reuse, downloading, modifications and embedding.
  • 7. Case Study: Using Social Media to Raise the Visibility of a Research Paper Background • Paper on “A Challenge to Web Accessibility Metrics and Guidelines: Putting People and Processes First” accepted by the W4A 2012 conference. • Four co-authors agree to be pro-active in maximising vies of the paper: it has valuable ideas which they want practitioners to implement and peers to discuss and cite. Approaches • Two resources were promoted: the paper and the slides. • Nos. of views were recorded during week of conference: 1,391 views of slides; 3 and 311 views of other slides with conference tag! • Paper was author’s third most downloaded paper in 2012 • Paper has been cited by researchers in Catalonia. Sharing Experiences Experiences shared in talk on “Using Social Media to Enhance Your Research Activities” given at Social Research conference. Topsy was used to observe discussions & monitor effectiveness of use of social media.
  • 8. Research Profile Brian Kelly’s research profile:  Over 60 papers published in peer-reviewed journals and conferences or invited papers at international conferences.  56 co-authors.  H-index of 13 according to Google Scholar Citations.  Papers available from multiple source including university repository, ResearchGate and The papers have covered topics including web accessibility, web preservation, web standards and the social web. A word cloud based on the content of the papers is shown below.
  • 9. Well-Connected Brian Kelly is well-connected on the social web. He has:  Over 3,700 followers on Twitter and over 1,200 connections on LinkedIn.  A Klout score of 57. Although social media metrics can be ‘gamed’ and do not give an indication of the value of the services used, these values indicate long-standing involvement with social media services. The mosaic shown above was created using Frintr. It uses Twitter avatars from Brian’s Twitter network. Two depictions of Brian’s Twitter network are shown. The Twitter network map shown to the left was created by Tony Hirst. Followers in particular communities are highlighted.
  • 10. Feedback from LinkedIn LinkedIn Testimonials “Brian has been extremely successful in his role as a national advocate for useful trends in presenting information via the web.“ Chris Rusbridge “Brian is a remarkable individual. He combines detailed knowledge of the technologies used in higher and further education with enthusiasm, but tempers this with a real understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of that technology, and where it is best applied or not applied.” Charles Oppenheim Linkedin Endorsements You may be sceptical of LinkedIn endorsements. But the aggregation provides an indication of skills and expertise as perceived by over 1,200 of my LinkedIn network.
  • 11. Well-established Open Practices As illustrated in the timeline Brian has been pro-active on his involve with open practices for some time. This work includes: • Papers including “Let’s Free IT Support Materials” (EUNIS 2006); “Openness in Higher Education: Open Source; Open Standards; Open Access” (ELPub 2007); “What Does Openness Mean To The Museum Community?” (MW 2008) and “What Next For Libraries?” (SRA 2013). • Making project outputs, blog posts and other resources available with Creative Commons licences. • Organising events and publishing posts on openness.
  • 12. Conclusions Criteria for the post: Technical nous: Happy to use a wide range of online tools & services. Understand open data: Have written about and used open licences & published open data. Social media management: Several years experience in use of social media. Written and oral skills: Prolific speaker & author of articles, blog posts, papers, etc. Define and use metrics: Have used social media metrics & understand their limitations. Community engagement strategies: Introduced ‘event amplification’ at IWMW events. Communication skills: Experienced speaker and also participant at many events. Working with a range of professionals: As an author & event organiser have worked with a broad range of professionals across higher education & cultural heritage sectors. Create and maintain impact: Aware of the importance of ‘impact’ in the public sector and seek to enhance impact in my professional activities.