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The Asia Pacific & Korea Research
Platforms: An Overview
Jeonghoon Moon
9th Feb 2023
2023 4th NRP Workshop@UCSD, San Diego
1. Asia Pacific Research Platform/ in APAN
– Asi@Connect Project
2. Korea Research Platform
– Current Status
3. New Challenges
– Related Project
4. Conclusion
Asia Pacific Research Platform
[2] Asi@Connect Project
APAN APRP(Asia-Pacific Research Platform) WG
• Since 2018 APRP WG initiated at APAN 45th 2018 in Singapore
APRP – Asia Pacific Research Platform Working Group
APAN meeting held 2 times in a year
• Objectives
The goal is to share ‘xRP’ experience with the members and to propose the establishment
of an APRP which will be part of the GRP (Global Research Platform).
- Promote HPC ecosystem in the Asia-Pacific.
- Engage APAN members and ASEAN countries
- Towards the setting up an Asia Pacific Research Platform (APRP) and become a part of
a Global Research Platform
• Target
Academia and Industry
• Executive member
Chair : Jeonghoon Moon, KISTI, Korea
Co-Chair : Andrew Howard, NCI, Australia
Secretary : Asif Khan, Perdana Univ. Malaysia
• Asi@Connect 5th Call project by TEIN*CC
Title : A High bandwidth distributed HPC (1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023)
APRP(Asia-Pacific Research Platform) History and plan
• Since 2018 APRP WG initiated at APAN 45th 2018 in Singapore
2018: 45th – Singapore (Singapore), 46th – Auckland (New Zealand)
2019: 47th – Daejeogn (Korea), 48th – Putrajaya (Malaysia)
2020: 49th – Kathumandu (Nepal_Cancel), 50th – Hongkong (Hongkong)
2021: 51st – Islamabad (Pakistan), 52nd – Jakarta (Indonesia)
2022: 53rd – Bangladesh (Bangladesh), 54th – Jinan (China)
2023: 55th – Kathumandu (Nepal) coming next March
Total 9 times held WG meeting and 18 sessions
• APRP WG Scale
Every 2 sessions, & average 12 presenters from 8 countries of Asia region
Average participant before COVID-19 offline is around 30 ~ 40
Average participant after COVID-19 online is around 50 ~ 60
From 2023, APRP WG held as a hybrid
• Challenges
Grant Asi@Connect project
• Trends shift
Big data super-highway (Required NRENs upgrade in Asia)
 Building a platform (Lack of IT infrastructure in Asia)
 Applying 3rd party applications (Weather/Climate, Environment, Agriculture(Smart Farm),
AI, Bio-Informatics, Cloud, etc)
Asi@Connect Project
Asi@Connect Project
Asi@Connect provides dedicated high-capacity internet connectivity for research and education communities
across Asia-Pacific; operating at speeds of up to 10 Gbps, it currently interconnects universities and research
centres in 21 countries/economies across the region. It also connects to the 50 million European researchers and
academics served by the GÉANT network and supports collaborative programmes in areas such as Earth
observation, disaster warning, climate research, food security, delivery of e-health and e-learning. (Trans-Eurasia
Information Network (TEIN) programme by EU funding which called Asi@Connect 1st – 5th call)
Overview of APRP Project
– Title : Building a high bandwidth distributed HPC
– Work Package : WP4
– Participants : Korea, Australia, Malaysia, Pakistan
– Duration : 1st April 2022 – 31st July 2023
– Budget : 150K Euro
– Lead & Co-applicant :
• Jeonghoon Moon : Korea Institute of Science and Information Technology(KISTI)/KR
• Andrew Howard: National Computational Infrastructure(NCI)/AU
• Mohammad Asif Khan : Perdana University/MY
• Nor Asilah Wati Abdul Hamid : University Putra Malaysia(UPM)/MY
• Syed Asif Raza Shah : Sukkur IBA University(SIBAU)/PK
Project Background
• Increasing big data  Required high throughput/capacity network  Big data super highway
• Lack of IT infrastructure  Computing resources  Distributed/Shared HPC
• Linked ScienceDMZs : Research Platform + Kubernetes = High bandwidth distributed HPC
Example1: Using distributed computing resources
over US NSF funded PRP and Computing for analysis
of CO2 sequestration
Example2: Using distributed computing resources and
LSTM data over Korea government project for climate
analysis by KRP
PRPNRPGRPAPRPAsi@Connect project
Architecture of a High Bandwidth Distributed HPC
• ScienceDMZ-based high bandwidth networking architecture (participating countries via TEIN)
• Interconnect available computing recourses in a distributed environment
• Resource of computing servers will be managed by container cloud technology
Building Strategy
• Activity1: Building a big data super-highway based on TEIN
– Deploy ScienceDMZ/DTN
– Big data transfer via ScienceDMZs
• Activity2: Building a distributed HPC platform
– Research Platform by Kubernetes based on container
– CPU/GPU/Memory and Storage
• Activity3: Presenting pilot use cases
– Bio-Science (MY)
– AI-Science (PK)
• Activity1: Building a big data super-highway based on TEIN
– Interconnecting participant NRENs via TEIN
– Installing DTN at each participant institutes (ScienceDMZ)
– Measuring the ScienceDMZ using a monitoring system (PerfSONAR)
Detail of Activities
• Activity 2: Building a distributed HPC platform
– Building a platform to manage CPU/GPU computing resources, including storage by Kubernetes
– Building block-chain based ID federation
– Building an easy user interface
Activity 2
• Activity 3: Presenting pilot application use-cases
– Bioinformatics-based Science use-cases
– AI-based Science use-cases
Activity 3
Distributed Training Completed
Distributed Training Started on Worker Nodes
Results after Completion of Distributed Training
Total Excution time by using CPUs
Activity 3 – Study cases
Molecular Simulation: Binding Residues & Characteristics
for 47-PHE, 19-ILE, 98-ARG, 140-PHE, 23-ILE, 22-VAL
• Activity 3: Presenting pilot application use-cases
– Bio-Science use-cases by Asif Khan(Perdana Univ. Malaysia and Turkey)
• Applying High-Performance Computing in Drug Discovery and Molecular Simulation
• Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) of large number of sequences on HPC
– AI-Science use-cases by Asif Raza (Sukkur-IBA Univ. Pakistan)
• Multiple object tracking for aerial view images
• Distributed training(MNIST), Running Distributed MPI job
Multiple Object Tracking for Aerial View Images
1M sequences, with 1.5 TB RAM, 100 CPUs 1 hour by RefAligne
KRP – Korea Research Platform
[1] Current Status
[2] Related Projects
KRP for Domestic
• Since 2015, Global partner of PRP project
• Since 2018, Leading of APAN APRP WG
• Since 2021, Expanding to 25 Korea National Research Institute
HPC over HPN
Korea Research Platform (1G ~ 100Gb/s)
HPC over HPN: A High bandwidth distributed HPC
KISTI Supercomputer
Faster workflow with big data
• Korea Research Platform expanding to 25 National Research Institutes
• HPC(Supercomputer, Cloud, Storage) over HPN and global federation
New Challenge
[1] Related Projects in Korea
Related Project 1 – Smart Hostpital
1. Smart Hospital development project (Grant Sept 2022)
• Title : The Construction of patient-tailored, hyper-personalized digital medical ecosystem based
on Omni-verse platform
• Participants: 20 Institutes, Hospital, and Company (Koryo Anam General Hospital, LG Electronics,
Kakao, KISTI, KHNP and etc)
• Total budget: About 15M$(8 years)
• KISTI: 1.8M$ (8 years)
• Research contents (KISTI/KREONET part)
- Big data super-highway for inter-hospital and Human & Genome data centers
- High speed wireless communication inter/intra smart hospital
- IT Technologies for Smart Hospital
Related Project 2 – Smart Agriculutre
2. Korea Rural Development Administration project (Grant March 2022)
• Title: Development of integrated linkage system for agricultural big data and utilization model
• Participants: Seoul National Univ., KISTI
• Total Budget: About 450,000$(3years)
• KISTI: 150,000$(For 3years)
• Research Contents (KISTI/KREONET part)
- Agriculture big data transfer
- Running Crop model on the Research Platform (Using CPU & GPU)
- Establishment Research Platform for end-user(Farmer) & developer(Agriculture Researcher)
1. Korea Environment Institute Project grant Dec 2022
• Title : Establishment and development of a Smart decision-making system based on diverse
environment model
• Participants: KEI, KISTI, Several Commercial Company
• KISTI budget : About 1M$(for 3-4years)
• Research contents (KISTI/KREONET part)
- Building a Container based Research Platform & Ceph storage
- Building a Distributed Research Platform based on Multi-Institutional HPC(Weather,
Agriculture, Environment Institutes and statistical data)
- Operation of various models on the Research Platform
Related Project 3 – Smart decision-making system
– Enhancement APAN APRP WG
– Collaboration with related WG(Agriculture, Medical and Cloud) in APAN
– Finding new project after Asi@Connect project
2. Deploy Research Platform to Asia region and Korea Domestic Part
– Enhancement KRP
– Expanding to 25 National Research Institute
– For AI & High performance computing environment
3. New Challenge
– Expanding to Disaster(Urban flooding) and AI Education areas

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The Asia Pacific and Korea Research Platforms: An Overview Jeonghoon Moon

  • 1. The Asia Pacific & Korea Research Platforms: An Overview 1 KISTI/KREONET Jeonghoon Moon 9th Feb 2023 2023 4th NRP Workshop@UCSD, San Diego
  • 2. 1. Asia Pacific Research Platform/ in APAN – APAN APRP WG – Asi@Connect Project 2. Korea Research Platform – Current Status 3. New Challenges – Related Project 4. Conclusion 2 Contents
  • 3. Asia Pacific Research Platform 3 [1] APAN APRP WG [2] Asi@Connect Project
  • 4. APAN APRP(Asia-Pacific Research Platform) WG • Since 2018 APRP WG initiated at APAN 45th 2018 in Singapore APRP – Asia Pacific Research Platform Working Group APAN meeting held 2 times in a year • Objectives The goal is to share ‘xRP’ experience with the members and to propose the establishment of an APRP which will be part of the GRP (Global Research Platform). - Promote HPC ecosystem in the Asia-Pacific. - Engage APAN members and ASEAN countries - Towards the setting up an Asia Pacific Research Platform (APRP) and become a part of a Global Research Platform • Target Academia and Industry • Executive member Chair : Jeonghoon Moon, KISTI, Korea Co-Chair : Andrew Howard, NCI, Australia Secretary : Asif Khan, Perdana Univ. Malaysia • Asi@Connect 5th Call project by TEIN*CC Title : A High bandwidth distributed HPC (1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023)
  • 5. APRP(Asia-Pacific Research Platform) History and plan • Since 2018 APRP WG initiated at APAN 45th 2018 in Singapore 2018: 45th – Singapore (Singapore), 46th – Auckland (New Zealand) 2019: 47th – Daejeogn (Korea), 48th – Putrajaya (Malaysia) 2020: 49th – Kathumandu (Nepal_Cancel), 50th – Hongkong (Hongkong) 2021: 51st – Islamabad (Pakistan), 52nd – Jakarta (Indonesia) 2022: 53rd – Bangladesh (Bangladesh), 54th – Jinan (China) 2023: 55th – Kathumandu (Nepal) coming next March Total 9 times held WG meeting and 18 sessions • APRP WG Scale Every 2 sessions, & average 12 presenters from 8 countries of Asia region Average participant before COVID-19 offline is around 30 ~ 40 Average participant after COVID-19 online is around 50 ~ 60 From 2023, APRP WG held as a hybrid • Challenges Grant Asi@Connect project • Trends shift Big data super-highway (Required NRENs upgrade in Asia)  Building a platform (Lack of IT infrastructure in Asia)  Applying 3rd party applications (Weather/Climate, Environment, Agriculture(Smart Farm), AI, Bio-Informatics, Cloud, etc)
  • 6. Asi@Connect Project Asi@Connect Project Asi@Connect provides dedicated high-capacity internet connectivity for research and education communities across Asia-Pacific; operating at speeds of up to 10 Gbps, it currently interconnects universities and research centres in 21 countries/economies across the region. It also connects to the 50 million European researchers and academics served by the GÉANT network and supports collaborative programmes in areas such as Earth observation, disaster warning, climate research, food security, delivery of e-health and e-learning. (Trans-Eurasia Information Network (TEIN) programme by EU funding which called Asi@Connect 1st – 5th call) Overview of APRP Project – Title : Building a high bandwidth distributed HPC – Work Package : WP4 – Participants : Korea, Australia, Malaysia, Pakistan – Duration : 1st April 2022 – 31st July 2023 – Budget : 150K Euro – Lead & Co-applicant : • Jeonghoon Moon : Korea Institute of Science and Information Technology(KISTI)/KR • Andrew Howard: National Computational Infrastructure(NCI)/AU • Mohammad Asif Khan : Perdana University/MY • Nor Asilah Wati Abdul Hamid : University Putra Malaysia(UPM)/MY • Syed Asif Raza Shah : Sukkur IBA University(SIBAU)/PK
  • 7. Project Background • Increasing big data  Required high throughput/capacity network  Big data super highway • Lack of IT infrastructure  Computing resources  Distributed/Shared HPC • Linked ScienceDMZs : Research Platform + Kubernetes = High bandwidth distributed HPC Example1: Using distributed computing resources over US NSF funded PRP and Computing for analysis of CO2 sequestration Example2: Using distributed computing resources and LSTM data over Korea government project for climate analysis by KRP PRPNRPGRPAPRPAsi@Connect project
  • 8. Architecture of a High Bandwidth Distributed HPC • ScienceDMZ-based high bandwidth networking architecture (participating countries via TEIN) • Interconnect available computing recourses in a distributed environment • Resource of computing servers will be managed by container cloud technology
  • 9. Building Strategy • Activity1: Building a big data super-highway based on TEIN – KREONET(KR), AARNet(AU), MYREN(MY), PERN(PK) – Deploy ScienceDMZ/DTN – Big data transfer via ScienceDMZs • Activity2: Building a distributed HPC platform – Research Platform by Kubernetes based on container – CPU/GPU/Memory and Storage • Activity3: Presenting pilot use cases – Bio-Science (MY) – AI-Science (PK)
  • 10. • Activity1: Building a big data super-highway based on TEIN – Interconnecting participant NRENs via TEIN – Installing DTN at each participant institutes (ScienceDMZ) – Measuring the ScienceDMZ using a monitoring system (PerfSONAR) Detail of Activities
  • 11. • Activity 2: Building a distributed HPC platform – Building a platform to manage CPU/GPU computing resources, including storage by Kubernetes – Building block-chain based ID federation – Building an easy user interface Activity 2
  • 12. • Activity 3: Presenting pilot application use-cases – Bioinformatics-based Science use-cases – AI-based Science use-cases Activity 3
  • 13. Distributed Training Completed Distributed Training Started on Worker Nodes Results after Completion of Distributed Training Total Excution time by using CPUs 1 2 3 Activity 3 – Study cases Molecular Simulation: Binding Residues & Characteristics for 47-PHE, 19-ILE, 98-ARG, 140-PHE, 23-ILE, 22-VAL • Activity 3: Presenting pilot application use-cases – Bio-Science use-cases by Asif Khan(Perdana Univ. Malaysia and Turkey) • Applying High-Performance Computing in Drug Discovery and Molecular Simulation • Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) of large number of sequences on HPC – AI-Science use-cases by Asif Raza (Sukkur-IBA Univ. Pakistan) • Multiple object tracking for aerial view images • Distributed training(MNIST), Running Distributed MPI job Multiple Object Tracking for Aerial View Images 1M sequences, with 1.5 TB RAM, 100 CPUs 1 hour by RefAligne
  • 14. KRP – Korea Research Platform 14 [1] Current Status [2] Related Projects
  • 15. KRP for Domestic • Since 2015, Global partner of PRP project • Since 2018, Leading of APAN APRP WG • Since 2021, Expanding to 25 Korea National Research Institute
  • 16. 16 HPC over HPN Korea Research Platform (1G ~ 100Gb/s) HPC over HPN: A High bandwidth distributed HPC KISTI Supercomputer Nurion GPU-DTNs GPU-DTNs Faster workflow with big data • Korea Research Platform expanding to 25 National Research Institutes • HPC(Supercomputer, Cloud, Storage) over HPN and global federation
  • 17. New Challenge 17 [1] Related Projects in Korea
  • 18. Related Project 1 – Smart Hostpital 1. Smart Hospital development project (Grant Sept 2022) • Title : The Construction of patient-tailored, hyper-personalized digital medical ecosystem based on Omni-verse platform • Participants: 20 Institutes, Hospital, and Company (Koryo Anam General Hospital, LG Electronics, Kakao, KISTI, KHNP and etc) • Total budget: About 15M$(8 years) • KISTI: 1.8M$ (8 years) • Research contents (KISTI/KREONET part) - Big data super-highway for inter-hospital and Human & Genome data centers - High speed wireless communication inter/intra smart hospital - IT Technologies for Smart Hospital
  • 19. 19 Related Project 2 – Smart Agriculutre 2. Korea Rural Development Administration project (Grant March 2022) • Title: Development of integrated linkage system for agricultural big data and utilization model • Participants: Seoul National Univ., KISTI • Total Budget: About 450,000$(3years) • KISTI: 150,000$(For 3years) • Research Contents (KISTI/KREONET part) - Agriculture big data transfer - Running Crop model on the Research Platform (Using CPU & GPU) - Establishment Research Platform for end-user(Farmer) & developer(Agriculture Researcher)
  • 20. 1. Korea Environment Institute Project grant Dec 2022 • Title : Establishment and development of a Smart decision-making system based on diverse environment model • Participants: KEI, KISTI, Several Commercial Company • KISTI budget : About 1M$(for 3-4years) • Research contents (KISTI/KREONET part) - Building a Container based Research Platform & Ceph storage - Building a Distributed Research Platform based on Multi-Institutional HPC(Weather, Agriculture, Environment Institutes and statistical data) - Operation of various models on the Research Platform Related Project 3 – Smart decision-making system
  • 21. 1. APRP WG in APAN – Enhancement APAN APRP WG – Collaboration with related WG(Agriculture, Medical and Cloud) in APAN – Finding new project after Asi@Connect project 2. Deploy Research Platform to Asia region and Korea Domestic Part – Enhancement KRP – Expanding to 25 National Research Institute – For AI & High performance computing environment 3. New Challenge – Expanding to Disaster(Urban flooding) and AI Education areas 21 Conclusion
  • 22. T H A N K Y O U