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NextGEOSS: The Next Generation European Data
Hub and Cloud Platform for Earth Observation
Bente Bye, Wolfgang Ksoll, Nuno Catarino, Marie-Francoise
Voidrot, Erwin Goor, Julian Meyer-Arnek, Pedro Goncalves,
and Nuno Grosso
EGU 2018,Vienna, 9th of April 2018
● The project NextGEOSS
● Data flow
● Data sources
● Data consumers: pilots
● Experiences - lessons learned
The NextGEOSS User Experience
NextGEOSS at a glance
User Feedback Mechanism
Enabling users to efficiently deliver and find fit-for-purpose
GEOSS data and information
Advanced Discovery Tools
Increased discoverability of Earth observations and related
information for thematic areas.

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UKRAINE - UKraine Replication, Awareness and INnovation based on EGNSS
UKRAINE - UKraine Replication, Awareness and INnovation based on EGNSSUKRAINE - UKraine Replication, Awareness and INnovation based on EGNSS
UKRAINE - UKraine Replication, Awareness and INnovation based on EGNSS

This document provides an overview and summary of the UKRAINE project, which aims to foster EGNSS application development and adoption in Ukraine through international cooperation. The 10-organization consortium, led by Valdani Vicari & Associati, is working towards preparing the Ukrainian aviation market for EGNOS, supporting regulated EGNSS applications, and generating innovative logistics solutions. Key achievements include developing guidance for PBN procedures, designing new flight procedures, evaluating optimal locations for EGNSS ground stations, and conducting pilot tests of EGNSS tracking technologies for rail transport of dangerous goods.

02. Fundamental elements 2nd info day
02. Fundamental elements 2nd info day02. Fundamental elements 2nd info day
02. Fundamental elements 2nd info day

The document summarizes the Fundamental Elements 2nd Info Day event in Prague on March 14, 2018. It discusses the Fundamental Elements program, which aims to develop EGNOS and Galileo technologies like chipsets and receivers to facilitate adoption of European GNSS systems. The program has a budget of 111.5 million Euro from 2014-2020, with 32.6 million already committed to 11 existing projects and 15 million published for 6 additional upcoming projects. 7 new projects in areas like safety, antennas, and autonomous driving were also presented at the event. The info day provided an opportunity for dialogue with beneficiaries, and the financing level for grants was raised to 70% of eligible costs based on feedback from the first info day.

Space & Satellite News Updates – 7th July 2015
Space & Satellite News Updates – 7th July 2015Space & Satellite News Updates – 7th July 2015
Space & Satellite News Updates – 7th July 2015

Oneweb is raising $500 million to build 900 satellites for global internet access via low Earth orbit broadband by 2019. Airbus will build the satellites, with 65 launches including some from Virgin Galactic and Arianespace rockets. The Project Mustang partnership aims to provide worldwide IoT coverage combining satellite links using a small dedicated terminal communicating through 868/915MHz bands to SIGFOX's terrestrial network. Terran Orbital is launching small satellites at 600km to provide cheap data connections for battery-powered sensors, having applications for disaster relief, agriculture, and military vehicle/troop tracking. The BATS project combines terrestrial ADSL, mobile and satellite systems through an intelligent gateway to provide over

NextGEOSS at a glance
Community Enhancement
Developing solutions with the communities for the
communities, creating relevant tools tailored to meet
community specific needs.
NextGEOSS at a glance
Open, Inclusive, and Agile
Development Strategy
The NextGEOSS approach and methodology are aligned with
the EU openness policies and the GEO open data sharing
policy. Multiple releases allow extensive collaboration.
NextGEOSS at a glance
NextGEOSS Project Facts
H2020 project*
Who: 27 partners from 13 countries
Period: 2016 - 2020
Budget: 10M EURO
*NextGEOSS is a winning answer to the H2020 SC5-20-2016 call
Open Source Technology – Earth Observation Science –
Benefits management - Sustainability
End User
Civil Society,
Innovative Research:
- Agriculture/
- Biodiversity
- Space+Security
- Cold Regions
- Air Pollution
- Disaster Risk
Search Business Cases
Market Study
Business Innovation/
Benefit Assessment
Sustainability Report
Development Goals of
the UN
Metadata + Tags
Dublin Core
1 - Sentinel
2 - GOME-2
3 - Proba-V
Data Flow
Data Sources
Open Data
Sentinel 1-5
Resources / Raw Data
CKAN Data Hub
Data Discovery Guide Data Ingestion Guide
Other Data
- Territorial
- Food Security
- Smart Cities
- Energy
- Grid Operating
- Solar Mapping

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Tim Martin on OS OpenSpace
Tim Martin on OS OpenSpaceTim Martin on OS OpenSpace
Tim Martin on OS OpenSpace

Tim Martin on Ordnance Survey's OS OpenSpace. This presentation was given at the Geographical Information Day in Birmingham, 18th November 2009, hosted by the West Midlands Regional Observatory.

The EGNSS Knowledge Triangle -An introduction to the e-KnoT project
The EGNSS Knowledge Triangle -An introduction to the e-KnoT projectThe EGNSS Knowledge Triangle -An introduction to the e-KnoT project
The EGNSS Knowledge Triangle -An introduction to the e-KnoT project

The e-KnoT project aims to increase Europe's competitiveness through developing high-level skills in satellite navigation. It strengthens the interaction between education, research, and industry. Key initiatives include scholarships and internships to connect students and industry, professional training programs, consultancy vouchers for academic support to companies, and events linking research and industry. The project also facilitates collaboration between education and research through specialized PhD training and excellence weeks. The overarching goal is to support the European economy by building a robust satellite navigation knowledge triangle between academia, research, and the private sector.

User Feedback with NiMMBUS (UofB, Barcelona)
Example for integration of external programs
1. User Feedback for a particular dataset starts in the NextGEOSS data hub
2. NiMMbus as an external program is called (see login)
3. Mask is filled in in NiMMbus
4. Feedback data are in the last step available in NiMMbus and NextGEOSS
Data Sources
● Sources
○ Satellites: Copernicus, Sentinel, ESA (Fotos, Radar, Laser, …)
○ In Situ
○ Civil Society
● All Open Data
● The EU wants to update the PSI directive: not only public service but
also with public money financed data in public transport, energy
research (open access data)
● These sources produce a tremendous amount of data in real time
(10,000 datasets a day)
● How to search in the data to support transforming data to
Cold Regions
Air Pollution
in Mega Cities
Space &
Disaster Risk
Food Security
Smart Cities
● Pilots are numerical intensive applications in the cloud
● Time Series are calculated from the sources, e.g. in
agriculture for crop performance optimization
● Machine Learning is applied, e.g. in Biodiversity pilots
● Smart Cities pilot brings together data from different
stakeholders like civil society, government and business
● Energy pilots creates e.g. solar maps for cities
● Air Pollution measures e.g. NOx in cities
CKAN - Open Source and Standard Metadata
● Open Source in Github (
● Harvesting metadata
● Searchable by Web GUI or API (OpenSearch, RDF),
tagging with iTAG
● Metadata-standards:
○ “Normal” standards: Dublin Core,DCAT, GeoCAT,
○ Community metadata standards. Essential
Variables: Biodiversity, Climate, Ocean
Metadata + Tags
Dublin Core
Data Discovery Guide Data Ingestion Guide

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Experiences using Linked Open Data around the Union catalog (CCUC)
Experiences using Linked Open Data around the Union catalog (CCUC)Experiences using Linked Open Data around the Union catalog (CCUC)
Experiences using Linked Open Data around the Union catalog (CCUC)

Aquesta presentació s'emmarca dins de la 40th ELAG (European Library Automation Group) Conferenece, celebrada els dies 6 a 9 de juny a la Royal Library de Copenhaguen. En concret, aquesta comunicació forma part de les "Lightning talks" del dia 9 de juny i se centra en explicar les experiències d'ús de les LOD (Linked Open Data) en el Catàleg Col·lectiu de les Universitats de Catalunya (CCUC).

csuclibrarylinked open data
03 ESNC2014 special prize_european gnss agency_gsa
03 ESNC2014 special prize_european gnss agency_gsa03 ESNC2014 special prize_european gnss agency_gsa
03 ESNC2014 special prize_european gnss agency_gsa

ESNC 2014 Presentation at the International Kick off in Rotterdam on 15 April Presentation of the GSA Special Prize that is organised by the European GNSS Agency Are you the next European GNSS application entrepreneur? The European GNSS Agency (GSA), a European Union agency, works with the European Commission on a range of activities aimed at helping European entrepreneurs and businesses take commercial advantage of European GNSS (EGNOS and Galileo). The GSA Special Prize rewards the year's most promising application idea for European GNSS. This year's winner will have the opportunity to advance their idea at a suitable incubation centre of their choice within the EU-27 for six months, with an additional six months possible based on an interim evaluation. Sign up from 1 April - 30 June at The European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) is an international contest that awards the best services, products, or business innovations using satellite navigation in everyday life. Since 2004, ESNC’s mission has been to spur on development of market-driven applications based on satellite navigation technologies, including EGNOS and Galileo. Within the past nine years more than 6,000 developers took part in the ESNC. This year’s prize pool is worth EUR 1 million including cash, business incubation, coaching, patent consulting, prototyping and marketing support, access to customers and user communities, and publicity in the world’s leading satellite navigation network. Winners of the 25 regional and 7 special prizes will be in the running for the grand prize of EUR 20,000 and six months incubation in a regional centre of choice. Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) enable countless applications here on Earth. Submissions are welcome in any relevant application field, including: Location Based Services, Smart Moving, Safety & Security,Navigation, Health, Energy, Augmented Reality, Gaming, Sports & Tracking, Public & Social Services, Agriculture and many more.

business incubationgalileo applicationsgalileo satellites
Europeana Newspapers - the Gateway to European Newspapers Online
Europeana Newspapers - the Gateway to European Newspapers OnlineEuropeana Newspapers - the Gateway to European Newspapers Online
Europeana Newspapers - the Gateway to European Newspapers Online

Europeana Newspapers - the Gateway to European Newspapers Online IFLA 2013 Satellite Meeting on Newspaper & Genloc Sections, Science Centre Singapore, 14-15 August 2013, Singapore.

Experiences - Lessons learned
● Faster discovery from a bunch of sources and easier access by a single point of access
● Due to large number of datasets harvesters have to be designed carefully to catch up the load
● IT-architecture has to be scalable
● End-2-End tests (sources - datahub - application in the cloud) bring quality assurance to the
● Not many sources offer standard based metadata -> connectors have to be programmed
● Metadata are not standardized enough: spelling, language, meaning
Quality issues
● Traditional metadata like Dublin Core, DCAT, GeoDCAT or ISO are not enough
Some communities need special metadata (Essential Biodiversity Variables, Climate, Ocean,
● Licenses: public domain (German: gemeinfrei) is free of rights. No license possible. But
administrations are creative in finding licences (>100) for open data
Sources therefore have often licences not mentioned: too complicate
See also: Theoretical Availability versus Practical Accessibility: The Critical Role of
Metadata Management in Open Data Portals
Wolfgang Ksoll
Twitter: @Nextgeoss
Facebook: Nextgeoss
YouTube: Nextgeoss
Backup: Pilot Examples
IP1: Time Series Analysis for Agricultural Monitoring
Pilot Scope
• Scale up Time Series analysis tools to huge amounts of HR EO-data
• SAT EO-data & in-situ data
Pilot Objectives
• Extend Proba-V MEP & Copernicus Global Land Time Series Viewer with Sent-2 derived VGT indices
• REST and/or WPS end-points → WP3
• Extend prototype of Agro STAC (Spatial Temporal Catalogue for Agronomy) from FP-7 SIGMA → towards
• Temporal and attribute accuracy on WM(T)S: guidelines and prototype
• Integrate with processing chains & data on public clouds
• Transfer to operations (in-situ)

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The OCRE project
The OCRE projectThe OCRE project
The OCRE project

The document discusses OCRE, a project that aims to stimulate adoption of commercial cloud and Earth observation services by the European research community. It does this through two main approaches: 1) aggregating research community requirements and demand into a public procurement tender to establish agreements with capable suppliers, and 2) making €9.5 million available to fund adoption of the selected services. The procurement will be carried out according to EU public procurement directives and establish framework agreements with suppliers for services like IaaS, PaaS, and Earth observation. Research institutions will then be able to purchase resources through the framework agreements. The project will also drive integration of the selected services with the European Open Science Cloud portal.

07 web based perspective visualization of open land use and other agriculture...
07 web based perspective visualization of open land use and other agriculture...07 web based perspective visualization of open land use and other agriculture...
07 web based perspective visualization of open land use and other agriculture...

This document discusses developing a web-based 3D visualization of open land use and agricultural data layers over a terrain model. Specifically, it involves integrating the Cesium 3D module into the HSLayers NG library to allow perspective views of open data. This will be demonstrated with a use case visualizing detailed farm data from Rostenice farm over local and EU-wide digital terrain and surface models, along with open layers and farm-specific data on yield potential, vegetation indices, and machinery tracks.

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BP2: Crop Monitoring supporting Food Security
Pilot Scope
• Use of Sentinel-2 for crop monitoring in collaboration with industry
• Data fusion between Proba-V 100 m and Sentinel-2
Pilot Objectives
• Deploy and run HR processing chain for Vegetation Parameters on public cloud: on-demand & subscription
• Develop dynamic dashboard: integration of time series analysis
• Demonstrations & training for users from Agro and Insurance sector
• Convenient & scalable processing of large amounts Sentinel-2
• Data analytics
• Data fusion of Proba-V and Sentinel-2
Pilot Scope
• Essential Biodiversity Variables (RS-EBVs) for habitat
mapping and monitoring
Pilot Objectives
• demonstrate the value of an European Data Hub for the creation of RS-EBVs, which leads to creating a
GEOhub for EBVs by linking the key policy/user network groups (GEO-BON, CBD and IPBES) with the
space agencies.
• demonstrate the use of the European Data Hub in terms high resolution RS-EBVs for habitat mapping
(distribution, suitability and probability) in order to support the European Environment Agency (EEA)
and its Topic Centre for Biological Diversity (ETC-BD). The integration of EO data with in-situ observations,
vegetation relevés, will play an important role.
• Incorporation of several RS-EBVs (e.g. phenology) to improve the distribution mapping of EUNIS habitats.
• How far can we integrate different aspects of the developed habitat modelling method (data & models) into
Cloud Sandbox Solution?
IP5: Air polution, Urban Growth, Health Risks in Megacities
Pilot Scope
• Analysis of air pollution trends, urban growth rates and health risk indicators
for megacities by integrating EO data with the nextGEOSS infrastructure
• New inputs from Sentinel-3, -5P, CAMS, WDC/RSAT
Pilot Objectives
• Develop a multi-sensor approach to analyse air pollution variability in megacities
linked to
urban growth rates
• Develop a tool to analyse local trends and health risks using the NextGEOSS
• Exploit Copernicus data and servies (Sentinel-3, -5P, CAMS)
• Strengthen the link to the health community
• Integrate with Copernicus data hubs and processing chains
BP3: Smart Cities
Pilot Scope
• Pilot based in work developed in ESPRESSO H2020 support action. Smart cities use the ISO 37120 and
we will see how that maps on the SDG for EO, as well as pilot how we can integrate smart city sensors in
the in-situ EO
Pilot Objectives
• Mapping ISO 37120 and SDG, sensor integration in GC
• Sensor standards in Smart Cities and standards in in-situ EO

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The document discusses how the space and non-space communities can engage for mutual benefit. It provides an overview of the European Space Agency's (ESA) European Centre for Satellite Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT) and its activities in areas like telecommunications, earth observation, exploration, and business incubation. ECSAT aims to develop commercial space-based products and services and spin space technologies off into other sectors. The document also summarizes several ESA programs that support industry competitiveness and public-private partnerships, including ARTES for telecommunications and IAP for integrated applications. It provides examples of how satellite communications and earth observation data can benefit sectors like transportation, climate monitoring, and mobile networks. The document advocates for more collaboration between

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This call is launched within the EU R&D funding programme ‘Fundamental Elements’ which supports the development of EGNSS-enabled chipsets, receivers and antennas. The objectives of the Fundamental Elements can be summarised as following: - Facilitate the adoption of the European GNSS Systems, building on their innovative services and differentiators - Improve the competitiveness of EU industry - Address user needs in priority market segments - Maximise benefits to European citizens

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NextGEOSS: The Next Generation European Data Hub and Cloud Platform for Earth Observation

  • 1. NextGEOSS: The Next Generation European Data Hub and Cloud Platform for Earth Observation Bente Bye, Wolfgang Ksoll, Nuno Catarino, Marie-Francoise Voidrot, Erwin Goor, Julian Meyer-Arnek, Pedro Goncalves, and Nuno Grosso EGU 2018,Vienna, 9th of April 2018
  • 2. Agenda ● The project NextGEOSS ● Data flow ● Data sources ● Data consumers: pilots ● CKAN ● Experiences - lessons learned
  • 3. The NextGEOSS User Experience
  • 4. NextGEOSS at a glance User Feedback Mechanism Enabling users to efficiently deliver and find fit-for-purpose GEOSS data and information Advanced Discovery Tools Increased discoverability of Earth observations and related information for thematic areas.
  • 5. NextGEOSS at a glance Community Enhancement Developing solutions with the communities for the communities, creating relevant tools tailored to meet community specific needs.
  • 6. NextGEOSS at a glance Open, Inclusive, and Agile Development Strategy The NextGEOSS approach and methodology are aligned with the EU openness policies and the GEO open data sharing policy. Multiple releases allow extensive collaboration.
  • 7. NextGEOSS at a glance NextGEOSS Project Facts H2020 project* Who: 27 partners from 13 countries Period: 2016 - 2020 Budget: 10M EURO *NextGEOSS is a winning answer to the H2020 SC5-20-2016 call
  • 8. Open Source Technology – Earth Observation Science – Benefits management - Sustainability End User Communities: Civil Society, Government, Business Extension SPARQL Extension RDF Zookeeper Solrcloud Search CKAN API Web Access/ GUI Open Search Innovative Research: - Agriculture/ Foresting - Biodiversity - Space+Security - Cold Regions - Air Pollution - Disaster Risk Reduction Search Business Cases Market Study VCM Business Innovation/ Sustainability Benefit Assessment Sustainability Report Sustainability Development Goals of the UN Metadata + Tags Dublin Core DCAT GeoDCAT-AP ISO ITags Harvesting Connectors Providers 1 - Sentinel 2 - GOME-2 3 - Proba-V 4 - CMEMS … WP2.2 Data Flow Data Sources Open Data Copernicus Sentinel 1-5 Marine Land Atmosphere Citizen Commercial Provider WP3 Resources / Raw Data Metadata CKAN Data Hub Interfaces Data Discovery Guide Data Ingestion Guide NIMMbus User-feed back Pilots/Apps/Cloud Other Data Cube Apps. GEO DAB Business: - Territorial Planning - Food Security - Smart Cities - Energy - Grid Operating - Solar Mapping CKAN Core WP4+5+6+7 WP8 WP2.1 Requirements Harvest
  • 9. User Feedback with NiMMBUS (UofB, Barcelona) Example for integration of external programs 1. User Feedback for a particular dataset starts in the NextGEOSS data hub 2. NiMMbus as an external program is called (see login) 3. Mask is filled in in NiMMbus 4. Feedback data are in the last step available in NiMMbus and NextGEOSS
  • 10. Data Sources ● Sources ○ Satellites: Copernicus, Sentinel, ESA (Fotos, Radar, Laser, …) ○ In Situ ○ Civil Society ● All Open Data ● The EU wants to update the PSI directive: not only public service but also with public money financed data in public transport, energy research (open access data) ● These sources produce a tremendous amount of data in real time (10,000 datasets a day) ● How to search in the data to support transforming data to knowledge?
  • 11. PILOTSInnovative Pilots Business Pilots IP1 Agricultural Monitoring IP2 Biodiversity IP4 Cold Regions IP5 Air Pollution in Mega Cities IP3 Space & Security IP6 Disaster Risk Reduction BP1 Territorial Planning BP2 Food Security BP4.1/2 Energy* BP3 Smart Cities NOA ● Pilots are numerical intensive applications in the cloud ● Time Series are calculated from the sources, e.g. in agriculture for crop performance optimization ● Machine Learning is applied, e.g. in Biodiversity pilots ● Smart Cities pilot brings together data from different stakeholders like civil society, government and business ● Energy pilots creates e.g. solar maps for cities ● Air Pollution measures e.g. NOx in cities
  • 12. CKAN - Open Source and Standard Metadata ● Open Source in Github ( ● Harvesting metadata ● Searchable by Web GUI or API (OpenSearch, RDF), tagging with iTAG ● Metadata-standards: ○ “Normal” standards: Dublin Core,DCAT, GeoCAT, ISO ○ Community metadata standards. Essential Variables: Biodiversity, Climate, Ocean Extension SPARQL Extension RDF Zookeeper Solrcloud Search CKAN API Web Access/ GUI Open Search Metadata + Tags Dublin Core DCAT GeoDCAT-AP ISO ITags Interfaces Data Discovery Guide Data Ingestion Guide CKAN Core WP2.1
  • 13. Experiences - Lessons learned ● Faster discovery from a bunch of sources and easier access by a single point of access ● Due to large number of datasets harvesters have to be designed carefully to catch up the load ● IT-architecture has to be scalable ● End-2-End tests (sources - datahub - application in the cloud) bring quality assurance to the parts ● Not many sources offer standard based metadata -> connectors have to be programmed individually ● Metadata are not standardized enough: spelling, language, meaning Quality issues ● Traditional metadata like Dublin Core, DCAT, GeoDCAT or ISO are not enough Some communities need special metadata (Essential Biodiversity Variables, Climate, Ocean, …) ● Licenses: public domain (German: gemeinfrei) is free of rights. No license possible. But administrations are creative in finding licences (>100) for open data Sources therefore have often licences not mentioned: too complicate See also: Theoretical Availability versus Practical Accessibility: The Critical Role of Metadata Management in Open Data Portals
  • 16. IP1: Time Series Analysis for Agricultural Monitoring Pilot Scope • Scale up Time Series analysis tools to huge amounts of HR EO-data • SAT EO-data & in-situ data Pilot Objectives • Extend Proba-V MEP & Copernicus Global Land Time Series Viewer with Sent-2 derived VGT indices • REST and/or WPS end-points → WP3 • Extend prototype of Agro STAC (Spatial Temporal Catalogue for Agronomy) from FP-7 SIGMA → towards operations • Temporal and attribute accuracy on WM(T)S: guidelines and prototype Challenges • Integrate with processing chains & data on public clouds • Transfer to operations (in-situ)
  • 17. BP2: Crop Monitoring supporting Food Security Pilot Scope • Use of Sentinel-2 for crop monitoring in collaboration with industry • Data fusion between Proba-V 100 m and Sentinel-2 Pilot Objectives • Deploy and run HR processing chain for Vegetation Parameters on public cloud: on-demand & subscription • Develop dynamic dashboard: integration of time series analysis • Demonstrations & training for users from Agro and Insurance sector Challenges • Convenient & scalable processing of large amounts Sentinel-2 • Data analytics • Data fusion of Proba-V and Sentinel-2
  • 18. IP2:Biodiversity Pilot Scope • Essential Biodiversity Variables (RS-EBVs) for habitat mapping and monitoring Pilot Objectives • demonstrate the value of an European Data Hub for the creation of RS-EBVs, which leads to creating a GEOhub for EBVs by linking the key policy/user network groups (GEO-BON, CBD and IPBES) with the space agencies. • demonstrate the use of the European Data Hub in terms high resolution RS-EBVs for habitat mapping (distribution, suitability and probability) in order to support the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its Topic Centre for Biological Diversity (ETC-BD). The integration of EO data with in-situ observations, vegetation relevés, will play an important role. Challenges • Incorporation of several RS-EBVs (e.g. phenology) to improve the distribution mapping of EUNIS habitats. • How far can we integrate different aspects of the developed habitat modelling method (data & models) into Cloud Sandbox Solution?
  • 19. IP5: Air polution, Urban Growth, Health Risks in Megacities Pilot Scope • Analysis of air pollution trends, urban growth rates and health risk indicators for megacities by integrating EO data with the nextGEOSS infrastructure • New inputs from Sentinel-3, -5P, CAMS, WDC/RSAT Pilot Objectives • Develop a multi-sensor approach to analyse air pollution variability in megacities linked to urban growth rates • Develop a tool to analyse local trends and health risks using the NextGEOSS infrastructure • Exploit Copernicus data and servies (Sentinel-3, -5P, CAMS) • Strengthen the link to the health community Challenges • Integrate with Copernicus data hubs and processing chains
  • 20. BP3: Smart Cities Pilot Scope • Pilot based in work developed in ESPRESSO H2020 support action. Smart cities use the ISO 37120 and we will see how that maps on the SDG for EO, as well as pilot how we can integrate smart city sensors in the in-situ EO Pilot Objectives • Mapping ISO 37120 and SDG, sensor integration in GC Challenges • Sensor standards in Smart Cities and standards in in-situ EO