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“Building a Regional 100G
Collaboration Infrastructure”
Keynote Presentation
CineGrid International Workshop 2015
Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute
University of California, San Diego
December 11, 2015
Dr. Larry Smarr
Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology
Harry E. Gruber Professor,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD
Vision: Creating a West Coast “Big Data Freeway”
Connected by CENIC/Pacific Wave to Internet2 & GLIF
Use Lightpaths to Connect
All Data Generators and Consumers,
Creating a “Big Data” Freeway
Integrated With High Performance Global Networks
“The Bisection Bandwidth of a Cluster Interconnect,
but Deployed on a 20-Campus Scale.”
This Vision Has Been Building for 25 Years
Interactive Supercomputing End-to-End Prototype:
Using Analog Communications to Prototype the Fiber Optic Future
“We’re using satellite technology…
to demo what It might be like to have
high-speed fiber-optic links between
advanced computers
in two different geographic locations.”
― Al Gore, Senator
Chair, US Senate Subcommittee on Science, Technology and Space
“What we really have to do is eliminate distance between
individuals who want to interact with other people and
with other computers.”
― Larry Smarr, Director, NCSA
NSF’s OptIPuter Project: Using Supernetworks
to Meet the Needs of Data-Intensive Researchers
for the
Calit2 (UCSD, UCI), SDSC, and UIC Leads—Larry Smarr PI
Industry: IBM, Sun, Telcordia, Chiaro, Calient, Glimmerglass, Lucent
In August 2003,
Jason Leigh and his
students used
RBUDP to blast data
from NCSA to SDSC
over the
TeraGrid DTFnet,
achieving18Gbps file
transfer out of the
available 20Gbps
LS Slide 2005

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05.03.09 Invited Talk Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC2005) Title: The OptiPuter, Quartzite, and Starlight Projects: A Campus to Global-Scale Testbed for Optical Technologies Enabling LambdaGrid Computing Anaheim, CA

Pacific Research Platform Science Drivers
Pacific Research Platform Science DriversPacific Research Platform Science Drivers
Pacific Research Platform Science Drivers

The document discusses the vision and progress of the Pacific Research Platform (PRP) in creating a "big data freeway" across the West Coast to enable data-intensive science. It outlines how the PRP builds on previous NSF and DOE networking investments to provide dedicated high-performance computing resources, like GPU clusters and Jupyter hubs, connected by high-speed networks at multiple universities. Several science driver teams are highlighted, including particle physics, astronomy, microbiology, earth sciences, and visualization, that will leverage PRP resources for large-scale collaborative data analysis projects.

big datacyberinfrastructureinfrastructure
The Future of the Internet and its Impact on Digitally Enabled Genomic Medicine
The Future of the Internet and its Impact on Digitally Enabled Genomic MedicineThe Future of the Internet and its Impact on Digitally Enabled Genomic Medicine
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05.05.02 Invited Talk InterWest Partners Title: The Future of the Internet and its Impact on Digitally Enabled Genomic Medicine Menlo Park, CA

Integrated “OptIPlatform” Cyberinfrastructure System:
A 10Gbps Lightpath Cloud
National LambdaRail
Data Repositories & Clusters
HD/4k Video Images
HD/4k Video Cams
End User
HD/4k Telepresence
LS 2009
So Why Don’t We Have a National
Big Data Cyberinfrastructure?
“Research is being stalled by ‘information overload,’ Mr. Bement said, because
data from digital instruments are piling up far faster than researchers can study.
In particular, he said, campus networks need to be improved. High-speed data
lines crossing the nation are the equivalent of six-lane superhighways, he said.
But networks at colleges and universities are not so capable. “Those massive
conduits are reduced to two-lane roads at most college and university
campuses,” he said. Improving cyberinfrastructure, he said, “will transform the
capabilities of campus-based scientists.”
-- Arden Bement, the director of the National Science Foundation May 2005
DOE ESnet’s Science DMZ: A Scalable Network
Design Model for Optimizing Science Data Transfers
• A Science DMZ integrates 4 key concepts into a unified whole:
– A network architecture designed for high-performance applications,
with the science network distinct from the general-purpose network
– The use of dedicated systems for data transfer
– Performance measurement and network testing systems that are
regularly used to characterize and troubleshoot the network
– Security policies and enforcement mechanisms that are tailored for
high performance science environments
Science DMZ
Coined 2010
The DOE ESnet Science DMZ and the NSF “Campus Bridging” Taskforce Report Formed the Basis
for the NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure Network Infrastructure and Engineering (CC-NIE) Program
Creating a “Big Data” Freeway on Campus:
NSF-Funded CC-NIE Grants Prism@UCSD and CHeruB
Prism@UCSD, Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC, Calit2, PI (2013-15)
CHERuB, Mike Norman, SDSC PI

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Security Challenges and the Pacific Research Platform
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Security Challenges and the Pacific Research Platform

Cybersecurity Engagement in a Research Environment Workshop Rady School of Management, UC San Diego December 5, 2019

cyber securitydistributed machine learning
PRP, NRP, GRP & the Path Forward
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PRP, NRP, GRP & the Path Forward

The document provides an overview of the Pacific Research Platform (PRP) and discusses its role in connecting researchers across institutions and enabling new applications. It summarizes the PRP's key components like Science DMZs, Data Transfer Nodes (FIONAs), and use of Kubernetes for container management. Several examples are given of how the PRP facilitates high-performance distributed data analysis, access to remote supercomputers, and sensor networks coupled to real-time computing. Upcoming work on machine learning applications and expanding the PRP internationally is also outlined.

The Emerging Cyberinfrastructure for Earth and Ocean Sciences
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The Emerging Cyberinfrastructure for Earth and Ocean Sciences

05.03.05 Invited Talk to the SIO Council Title: The Emerging Cyberinfrastructure for Earth and Ocean Sciences La Jolla, CA

A UCSD Integrated Digital Infrastructure Project for Big Data Requirements
of Rob Knight’s Lab – PRP Does This on a Sub-National Scale
12 Cores/GPU
128 GB RAM
3.5 TB SSD
48TB Disk
10Gbps NIC
Knight Lab
Data Oasis
Knight 1024 Cluster
Emperor & Other Vis Tools
64Mpixel Data Analysis Wall
Based on Community Input and on ESnet’s Science DMZ Concept,
NSF Has Funded Over 100 Campuses to Build Local Big Data Freeways
Red 2012 CC-NIE Awardees
Yellow 2013 CC-NIE Awardees
Green 2014 CC*IIE Awardees
Blue 2015 CC*DNI Awardees
Purple Multiple Time Awardees
Source: NSF
The Pacific Research Platform Creates
a Regional End-to-End Science-Driven “Big Data Freeway System”
$5M 10/2015-10/2020
PI: Larry Smarr, UC San Diego Calit2
• Camille Crittenden, UC Berkeley CITRIS,
• Tom DeFanti, UC San Diego Calit2,
• Philip Papadopoulos, UC San Diego SDSC,
• Frank Wuerthwein, UC San Diego Physics
and SDSC
What About the Cloud?
• PRP Connects with the 2 NSF Experimental Cloud Grants
– Chameleon Through Chicago
– CloudLab Through Clemson
• CENIC/PW Has Multiple 10Gbps into Amazon Web Services
– First 10Gbps Connection 5-10 Years Ago
– Today, Seven 10Gbps Paths Plus a 100Gbps Path
– Peak Usage is <10%
– Lots of Room for Experimenting with Big Data
– Interest from Microsoft and Google as well
• Clouds Useful for Lots of Small Data
• No Business Model for Small Amounts of Really Big Data
• Also Very High Financial Barriers to Exit

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Why Researchers are Using Advanced Networks
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Why Researchers are Using Advanced Networks

07.07.03 Remote Talk from Calit2 to: Building KAREN Communities for Collaboration Forum KIWI Advanced Research and Education Network University of Auckland, Auckland City, New Zealand Title: Why Researchers are Using Advanced Networks La Jolla, CA

OptIPuter-A High Performance SOA LambdaGrid Enabling Scientific Applications
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07.03.21 IEEE Computer Society Tsutomu Kanai Award Keynote At the Joint Meeting of the: 8th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems 2nd International Workshop on Ad Hoc, Sensor and P2P Networks 11th IEEE International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems Title: OptIPuter-A High Performance SOA LambdaGrid Enabling Scientific Applications Sedona, AZ

High Performance Cyberinfrastructure is Needed to Enable Data-Intensive Scien...
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11.03.28 Remote Luncheon Presentation from Calit2@UCSD National Science Board Expert Panel Discussion on Data Policies National Science Foundation Title: High Performance Cyberinfrastructure is Needed to Enable Data-Intensive Science and Engineering Arlington, Virginia

PRP Allows for Multiple Secure Independent
Cooperating Research Groups
• Any Particular Science Driver is Comprised of
Scientists and Resources at a Subset of
Campuses and Resource Centers
• We Term These Science Teams with
the Resources and Instruments they Access as
Cooperating Research Groups (CRGs).
• Members of a Specific CRG Trust One Another,
But They Do Not Necessarily Trust Other CRGs
FIONA – Flash I/O Network Appliance:
Linux PCs Optimized for Big Data
UCOP Rack-Mount Build:
Science DMZ Data Transfer Nodes &
Optical Network Termination Devices
UCSD CC-NIE Prism Award & UCOP
Phil Papadopoulos & Tom DeFanti
Joe Keefe & John Graham
Cost $8,000 $20,000
Intel Xeon
Haswell Multicore
E5-1650 v3
2x E5-2697 v3
RAM 128 GB 256 GB
Network Interface 10/40GbE
RAID Drives 0 to 112TB (add ~$100/TB)
John Graham, Calit2’s QI
Uniform DTN End Points
Existing DTNs
As of October 2015
UC FIONAs Funded by
UCOP “Momentum” Grant
Ten Week Sprint to Demonstrate
the West Coast Big Data Freeway System: PRPv0
Presented at CENIC 2015
March 9, 2015
FIONA DTNs Now Deployed to All UC Campuses
And Most PRP Sites

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The document summarizes how the OptIPuter project is transforming scientific research through user-controlled high-speed optical network connections. It provides examples of how 1-10Gbps connections through projects like National LambdaRail are enabling new forms of collaborative work and access to scientific instruments and global data repositories. The OptIPuter creates an environment where researchers can access remote resources through local "OptIPortals" connected to these high-speed optical networks.

The Jump to Light Speed - Data Intensive Earth Sciences are Leading the Way t...
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05.06.14 Keynote to the 15th Federation of Earth Science Information Partners Assembly Meeting: Linking Data and Information to Decision Makers Title: The Jump to Light Speed - Data Intensive Earth Sciences are Leading the Way to the International LambdaGrid San Diego, CA

Peering The Pacific Research Platform With The Great Plains Network
Peering The Pacific Research Platform With The Great Plains NetworkPeering The Pacific Research Platform With The Great Plains Network
Peering The Pacific Research Platform With The Great Plains Network

The Pacific Research Platform (PRP) connects research institutions across the western United States with high-speed networks to enable data-intensive science collaborations. Key points: - The PRP connects 15 campuses across California and links to the Great Plains Network, allowing researchers to access remote supercomputers, share large datasets, and collaborate on projects like analyzing data from the Large Hadron Collider. - The PRP utilizes Science DMZ architectures with dedicated data transfer nodes called FIONAs to achieve high-speed transfer of large files. Kubernetes is used to manage distributed storage and computing resources. - Early applications include distributed climate modeling, wildfire science, plankton imaging, and cancer genomics. The PR

PRP Timeline
• PRPv1 (Years 1 and 2)
– A Layer 3 System
– Completed In 2 Years
– Tested, Measured, Optimized, With Multi-domain Science Data
– Bring Many Of Our Science Teams Up
– Each Community Thus Will Have Its Own Certificate-Based Access
To its Specific Federated Data Infrastructure.
• PRPv2 (Years 3 to 5)
– Advanced IPv6-Only Version with Robust Security Features
– e.g. Trusted Platform Module Hardware and SDN/SDX Software
– Support Rates up to 100Gb/s in Bursts And Streams
– Develop Means to Operate a Shared Federation of Caches
Why is PRPv1 Layer 3
Instead of Layer 2 like PRPv0?
• In the OptIPuter Timeframe, with Rare Exceptions, Routers Could Not Route at 10Gbps,
But Could Switch at 10Gbps. Hence for Performance, L2 was Preferred.
• Today Routers Can Route at 100Gps Without Performance Degradation. Our Prism
Arista Switch Routes at 40Gbps Without Dropping Packets or Impacting Performance.
• The Biggest Advantage of L3 is Scalability via Information Hiding. Details of the End-
to-End Pathways are Not Needed, Simplifying the Workload of the Engineering Staff.
• Also Advantage of L3 is Engineered Path Redundancy within the Transport Network.
• Thus, a 100Gbps Routed Layer3 Backbone Architecture Has Many Advantages:
– A Routed Layer3 Architecture Allows the Backbone to Stay Simple - Big, Fast, and Clean.
– Campuses can Use the Connection Without Significant Effort and Complexity on the End Hosts.
– Network Operators do not Need to Focus on Getting Layer 2 to Work and Later Diagnosing End-to-
End Problems with Less Than Good Visibility.
– This Leaves Us Free to Focus on the Applications on The Edges, on The Science Outcomes, and
Less on The Backbone Network Itself.
These points from Eli Dart, John Hess, Phil Papadopoulos, Ron Johnson, and others
Pacific Research Platform
Multi-Campus Science Driver Teams
• Jupyter Hub
• Biomedical
– Cancer Genomics Hub/Browser
– Microbiome and Integrative ‘Omics
– Integrative Structural Biology
• Earth Sciences
– Data Analysis and Simulation for Earthquakes and Natural Disasters
– Climate Modeling: NCAR/UCAR
– California/Nevada Regional Climate Data Analysis
– CO2 Subsurface Modeling
• Particle Physics
• Astronomy and Astrophysics
– Telescope Surveys
– Galaxy Evolution
– Gravitational Wave Astronomy
• Scalable Visualization, Virtual Reality, and Ultra-Resolution Video 19
PRP First Application: Distributed IPython/Jupyter Notebooks:
Cross-Platform, Browser-Based Application Interleaves Code, Text, & Images
Lua Kernel
IRKernel (for the R language)
Calico Project
• kernels implemented in Mono,
including Java, IronPython,
Boo, Logo, BASIC, and many
Clojure Kernel
Hy Kernel
Redis Kernel
jove, a kernel for io.js
Calysto Scheme
Calysto Processing
Mochi Kernel
Lua (used in Splash)
Spark Kernel
Skulpt Python Kernel
MetaKernel Bash
MetaKernel Python
Brython Kernel
IVisual VPython Kernel
Source: John Graham, QI

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Physics Research in an Era of Global Cyberinfrastructure
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05.11.03 Physics Department Colloquium UCSD Title: Physics Research in an Era of Global Cyberinfrastructure La Jolla, CA

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06.07.12 Invited Talk JASON Summer Program Title: Genomics at the Speed of Light: Understanding the Living Ocean La Jolla, CA

PRP Has Deployed Powerful FIONA Servers at UCSD and UC Berkeley
to Create a UC-Jupyter Hub 40Gbps Backplane
FIONAs Have GPUs and
Can Spawn Jobs
to SDSC’s Comet
Using inCommon CILogon
Authenticator Module
for Jupyter.
Deep Learning Libraries
Have Been Installed
And Run on Applications
Source: John Graham, QI
Jupyter Hub FIONA:
2 x 14-core CPUs
Nvidia K80 GPU
Dual 40GbE NICs
And a Trusted Platform Module
Cancer Genomics Hub (UCSC) is Housed in SDSC CoLo:
Large Data Flows to End Users at UCSC, UCB, UCSF, …
Cumulative TBs of CGH
Files Downloaded
Data Source: David Haussler,
Brad Smith, UCSC
30 PB
Large Hadron Collider Data Researchers Across Eight California Universities
Benefit From Petascale Data & Compute Resources across PRP
• Aggregate Petabytes of Disk
Space & Petaflops of Compute
• Transparently Compute on Data at
Their Home Institutions & Systems
at SLAC, NERSC, Caltech, UCSD,
Data & Compute
Data & Compute
Data & Compute
CSU Fresno
Source: Frank Wuerthwein,
UCSD Physics;
PRP Builds on
Two Automated Telescope Surveys
Creating Huge Datasets Will Drive PRP
300 images per night.
100MB per raw image
30GB per night
120GB per night
250 images per night.
530MB per raw image
150 GB per night
800GB per night
When processed
Increased by 4x
Source: Peter Nugent, Division Deputy for Scientific Engagement, LBL
Professor of Astronomy, UC Berkeley
Precursors to
PRP Allows Researchers
to Bring Datasets from NERSC
to Their Local Clusters
for In-Depth Science Analysis-
see UCSC’s Brad Smith Talk

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The Pacific Research Platform: A Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System
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Dan Cayan
USGS Water Resources Discipline
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego
much support from Mary Tyree, Mike Dettinger, Guido Franco and
other colleagues
California Energy Commission
NOAA RISA program
California DWR, DOE, NSF
Planning for climate change in California
substantial shifts on top of already high climate variability
SIO Campus Climate Researchers Need to Download
Results from NCAR Remote Supercomputer Simulations
to Make Regional Climate Change Forecasts
Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute Has Established a Pattern Recognition Lab
Investigating Using Brain-Inspired Processors
“On the drawing board are collections of 64, 256, 1024, and 4096 chips.
‘It’s only limited by money, not imagination,’ Modha says.”
Source: Dr. Dharmendra Modha
Founding Director, IBM Cognitive Computing Group
August 8, 2014
UCSD ECE Professor Ken Kreutz-Delgado Brings
the IBM TrueNorth Chip to Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute
September 16, 2015
A Brain-Inspired Cyberinstrument: Pattern Recognition Co-Processors
Coupled to Today’s von Neumann Processors
“If we think of today’s von Neumann computers
as akin to the “left-brain”
—fast, symbolic, number-crunching calculators,
then IBM’s TrueNorth chip
can be likened to the “right-brain”
—slow, sensory, pattern recognizing machines.”
- Dr. Dhamendra Modha, IBM Cognitive Computing
The Pattern Recognition Laboratory’s Cyberinstrument
Will be a PRP Computational Resource
Exploring Realtime Pattern Recognition in Streaming Media
& Discovering Patterns in Massive Datasets

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The Pacific Research Platform: a Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System
The Pacific Research Platform: a Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway SystemThe Pacific Research Platform: a Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System
The Pacific Research Platform: a Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System

The Pacific Research Platform (PRP) is a multi-institutional partnership that establishes a high-capacity "big data freeway system" spanning the University of California campuses and other research universities in California to facilitate rapid data access and sharing between researchers and institutions. Fifteen multi-campus application teams in fields like particle physics, astronomy, earth sciences, biomedicine, and visualization drive the technical design of the PRP over five years. The goal of the PRP is to extend campus "Science DMZ" networks to allow high-speed data movement between research labs, supercomputer centers, and data repositories across campus, regional

big datadistributed machine learningsupercomputing
Toward a National Research Platform
Toward a National Research PlatformToward a National Research Platform
Toward a National Research Platform

- The Pacific Research Platform (PRP) interconnects campus DMZs across multiple institutions to provide high-speed connectivity for data-intensive research. - The PRP utilizes specialized data transfer nodes called FIONAs that provide disk-to-disk transfer speeds of 10-100Gbps. - Early applications of the PRP include distributing telescope data between UC campuses, connecting particle physics experiments to computing resources, and enabling real-time wildfire sensor data analysis.

UC-Wide Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive Research
UC-Wide Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive ResearchUC-Wide Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive Research
UC-Wide Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive Research

Invited presentation by Calit2 Director Larry Smarr to the UC IT Leadership Council in Oakland, Calif., on May 19, 2014.

Collaboration Between EVL’s CAVE2
and Calit2’s VROOM Over 10Gb Wavelength
Source: NTT Sponsored ON*VECTOR Workshop at Calit2 March 6, 2013
Optical Fibers Link Australian and US
Big Data Researchers-Also Korea, Japan, and the Netherlands
Next Step: Use AARnet/PRP to Set Up
Planetary-Scale Shared Virtual Worlds
Digital Arena, UTS Sydney
CAVE2, Monash U, Melbourne
CAVE2, EVL, Chicago
The Pacific Research Platform Creates
a Regional End-to-End Science-Driven “Big Data Freeway System”
Opportunities for Collaboration
with CineGrid Systems

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The document discusses the Pacific Research Platform (PRP), a distributed cyberinfrastructure that connects researchers and data across multiple campuses in California and beyond using optical fiber networking. Key points: - The PRP uses high-speed networking infrastructure like the CENIC network to connect data generators and consumers across 15+ campuses, creating an integrated "big data freeway system". - It deploys specialized data transfer nodes called FIONAs to enable high-speed transfer of large datasets between sites at near the full network speed. - Recent additions include using Kubernetes to orchestrate containers across the PRP infrastructure and integrating machine learning resources through the CHASE-CI grant to support data-intensive AI applications.

global networksartificial intelligenceapplications
Positioning University of California Information Technology for the Future: S...
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05.02.15 Invited Talk The Vice Chancellor of Research and Chief Information Officer Summit “Information Technology Enabling Research at the University of California” Title: Positioning University of California Information Technology for the Future: State, National, and International IT Infrastructure Trends and Directions Oakland, CA

smarrcalit2university of california
A California-Wide Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive Research
A California-Wide Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive ResearchA California-Wide Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive Research
A California-Wide Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive Research

The document discusses creating a California-wide cyberinfrastructure for data-intensive research. It outlines efforts to connect all UC campuses and other research institutions across California with high-speed optical networks. This would create a "big data plane" to share large datasets. Several campuses have received NSF grants to upgrade their networks and implement Science DMZ architectures with 10-100Gbps connections to CENIC. Connecting these resources would provide researchers access to high-performance computing, large scientific instruments, and datasets. This would support collaborative big data science across disciplines like physics, climate modeling, genomics and microscopy.

big data

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Building a Regional 100G Collaboration Infrastructure

  • 1. “Building a Regional 100G Collaboration Infrastructure” Keynote Presentation CineGrid International Workshop 2015 Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute University of California, San Diego December 11, 2015 Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Harry E. Gruber Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD 1
  • 2. Vision: Creating a West Coast “Big Data Freeway” Connected by CENIC/Pacific Wave to Internet2 & GLIF Use Lightpaths to Connect All Data Generators and Consumers, Creating a “Big Data” Freeway Integrated With High Performance Global Networks “The Bisection Bandwidth of a Cluster Interconnect, but Deployed on a 20-Campus Scale.” This Vision Has Been Building for 25 Years
  • 3. Interactive Supercomputing End-to-End Prototype: Using Analog Communications to Prototype the Fiber Optic Future “We’re using satellite technology… to demo what It might be like to have high-speed fiber-optic links between advanced computers in two different geographic locations.” ― Al Gore, Senator Chair, US Senate Subcommittee on Science, Technology and Space Illinois Boston SIGGRAPH 1989 “What we really have to do is eliminate distance between individuals who want to interact with other people and with other computers.” ― Larry Smarr, Director, NCSA
  • 4. NSF’s OptIPuter Project: Using Supernetworks to Meet the Needs of Data-Intensive Researchers OptIPortal– Termination Device for the OptIPuter Global Backplane Calit2 (UCSD, UCI), SDSC, and UIC Leads—Larry Smarr PI Univ. Partners: NCSA, USC, SDSU, NW, TA&M, UvA, SARA, KISTI, AIST Industry: IBM, Sun, Telcordia, Chiaro, Calient, Glimmerglass, Lucent 2003-2009 $13,500,000 In August 2003, Jason Leigh and his students used RBUDP to blast data from NCSA to SDSC over the TeraGrid DTFnet, achieving18Gbps file transfer out of the available 20Gbps LS Slide 2005
  • 5. Integrated “OptIPlatform” Cyberinfrastructure System: A 10Gbps Lightpath Cloud National LambdaRail Campus Optical Switch Data Repositories & Clusters HPC HD/4k Video Images HD/4k Video Cams End User OptIPortal 10G Lightpath HD/4k Telepresence Instruments LS 2009 Slide
  • 6. So Why Don’t We Have a National Big Data Cyberinfrastructure? “Research is being stalled by ‘information overload,’ Mr. Bement said, because data from digital instruments are piling up far faster than researchers can study. In particular, he said, campus networks need to be improved. High-speed data lines crossing the nation are the equivalent of six-lane superhighways, he said. But networks at colleges and universities are not so capable. “Those massive conduits are reduced to two-lane roads at most college and university campuses,” he said. Improving cyberinfrastructure, he said, “will transform the capabilities of campus-based scientists.” -- Arden Bement, the director of the National Science Foundation May 2005
  • 7. DOE ESnet’s Science DMZ: A Scalable Network Design Model for Optimizing Science Data Transfers • A Science DMZ integrates 4 key concepts into a unified whole: – A network architecture designed for high-performance applications, with the science network distinct from the general-purpose network – The use of dedicated systems for data transfer – Performance measurement and network testing systems that are regularly used to characterize and troubleshoot the network – Security policies and enforcement mechanisms that are tailored for high performance science environments Science DMZ Coined 2010 The DOE ESnet Science DMZ and the NSF “Campus Bridging” Taskforce Report Formed the Basis for the NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure Network Infrastructure and Engineering (CC-NIE) Program
  • 8. Creating a “Big Data” Freeway on Campus: NSF-Funded CC-NIE Grants Prism@UCSD and CHeruB Prism@UCSD, Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC, Calit2, PI (2013-15) CHERuB, Mike Norman, SDSC PI CHERuB
  • 9. A UCSD Integrated Digital Infrastructure Project for Big Data Requirements of Rob Knight’s Lab – PRP Does This on a Sub-National Scale FIONA 12 Cores/GPU 128 GB RAM 3.5 TB SSD 48TB Disk 10Gbps NIC Knight Lab 10Gbps Gordon Prism@UCSD Data Oasis 7.5PB, 200GB/s Knight 1024 Cluster In SDSC Co-Lo CHERuB 100Gbps Emperor & Other Vis Tools 64Mpixel Data Analysis Wall 120Gbps 40Gbps 1.3Tbps
  • 10. Based on Community Input and on ESnet’s Science DMZ Concept, NSF Has Funded Over 100 Campuses to Build Local Big Data Freeways Red 2012 CC-NIE Awardees Yellow 2013 CC-NIE Awardees Green 2014 CC*IIE Awardees Blue 2015 CC*DNI Awardees Purple Multiple Time Awardees Source: NSF
  • 11. The Pacific Research Platform Creates a Regional End-to-End Science-Driven “Big Data Freeway System” NSF CC*DNI Grant $5M 10/2015-10/2020 PI: Larry Smarr, UC San Diego Calit2 Co-Pis: • Camille Crittenden, UC Berkeley CITRIS, • Tom DeFanti, UC San Diego Calit2, • Philip Papadopoulos, UC San Diego SDSC, • Frank Wuerthwein, UC San Diego Physics and SDSC
  • 12. What About the Cloud? • PRP Connects with the 2 NSF Experimental Cloud Grants – Chameleon Through Chicago – CloudLab Through Clemson • CENIC/PW Has Multiple 10Gbps into Amazon Web Services – First 10Gbps Connection 5-10 Years Ago – Today, Seven 10Gbps Paths Plus a 100Gbps Path – Peak Usage is <10% – Lots of Room for Experimenting with Big Data – Interest from Microsoft and Google as well • Clouds Useful for Lots of Small Data • No Business Model for Small Amounts of Really Big Data • Also Very High Financial Barriers to Exit
  • 13. PRP Allows for Multiple Secure Independent Cooperating Research Groups • Any Particular Science Driver is Comprised of Scientists and Resources at a Subset of Campuses and Resource Centers • We Term These Science Teams with the Resources and Instruments they Access as Cooperating Research Groups (CRGs). • Members of a Specific CRG Trust One Another, But They Do Not Necessarily Trust Other CRGs
  • 14. FIONA – Flash I/O Network Appliance: Linux PCs Optimized for Big Data UCOP Rack-Mount Build: FIONAs Are Science DMZ Data Transfer Nodes & Optical Network Termination Devices UCSD CC-NIE Prism Award & UCOP Phil Papadopoulos & Tom DeFanti Joe Keefe & John Graham Cost $8,000 $20,000 Intel Xeon Haswell Multicore E5-1650 v3 6-Core 2x E5-2697 v3 14-Core RAM 128 GB 256 GB SSD SATA 3.8 TB SATA 3.8 TB Network Interface 10/40GbE Mellanox 2x40GbE Chelsio+Mellanox GPU NVIDIA Tesla K80 RAID Drives 0 to 112TB (add ~$100/TB) John Graham, Calit2’s QI
  • 15. FIONAs as Uniform DTN End Points Existing DTNs As of October 2015 FIONA DTNs UC FIONAs Funded by UCOP “Momentum” Grant
  • 16. Ten Week Sprint to Demonstrate the West Coast Big Data Freeway System: PRPv0 Presented at CENIC 2015 March 9, 2015 FIONA DTNs Now Deployed to All UC Campuses And Most PRP Sites
  • 17. PRP Timeline • PRPv1 (Years 1 and 2) – A Layer 3 System – Completed In 2 Years – Tested, Measured, Optimized, With Multi-domain Science Data – Bring Many Of Our Science Teams Up – Each Community Thus Will Have Its Own Certificate-Based Access To its Specific Federated Data Infrastructure. • PRPv2 (Years 3 to 5) – Advanced IPv6-Only Version with Robust Security Features – e.g. Trusted Platform Module Hardware and SDN/SDX Software – Support Rates up to 100Gb/s in Bursts And Streams – Develop Means to Operate a Shared Federation of Caches
  • 18. Why is PRPv1 Layer 3 Instead of Layer 2 like PRPv0? • In the OptIPuter Timeframe, with Rare Exceptions, Routers Could Not Route at 10Gbps, But Could Switch at 10Gbps. Hence for Performance, L2 was Preferred. • Today Routers Can Route at 100Gps Without Performance Degradation. Our Prism Arista Switch Routes at 40Gbps Without Dropping Packets or Impacting Performance. • The Biggest Advantage of L3 is Scalability via Information Hiding. Details of the End- to-End Pathways are Not Needed, Simplifying the Workload of the Engineering Staff. • Also Advantage of L3 is Engineered Path Redundancy within the Transport Network. • Thus, a 100Gbps Routed Layer3 Backbone Architecture Has Many Advantages: – A Routed Layer3 Architecture Allows the Backbone to Stay Simple - Big, Fast, and Clean. – Campuses can Use the Connection Without Significant Effort and Complexity on the End Hosts. – Network Operators do not Need to Focus on Getting Layer 2 to Work and Later Diagnosing End-to- End Problems with Less Than Good Visibility. – This Leaves Us Free to Focus on the Applications on The Edges, on The Science Outcomes, and Less on The Backbone Network Itself. These points from Eli Dart, John Hess, Phil Papadopoulos, Ron Johnson, and others
  • 19. Pacific Research Platform Multi-Campus Science Driver Teams • Jupyter Hub • Biomedical – Cancer Genomics Hub/Browser – Microbiome and Integrative ‘Omics – Integrative Structural Biology • Earth Sciences – Data Analysis and Simulation for Earthquakes and Natural Disasters – Climate Modeling: NCAR/UCAR – California/Nevada Regional Climate Data Analysis – CO2 Subsurface Modeling • Particle Physics • Astronomy and Astrophysics – Telescope Surveys – Galaxy Evolution – Gravitational Wave Astronomy • Scalable Visualization, Virtual Reality, and Ultra-Resolution Video 19
  • 20. PRP First Application: Distributed IPython/Jupyter Notebooks: Cross-Platform, Browser-Based Application Interleaves Code, Text, & Images IJulia IHaskell IFSharp IRuby IGo IScala IMathics Ialdor LuaJIT/Torch Lua Kernel IRKernel (for the R language) IErlang IOCaml IForth IPerl IPerl6 Ioctave Calico Project • kernels implemented in Mono, including Java, IronPython, Boo, Logo, BASIC, and many others IScilab IMatlab ICSharp Bash Clojure Kernel Hy Kernel Redis Kernel jove, a kernel for io.js IJavascript Calysto Scheme Calysto Processing idl_kernel Mochi Kernel Lua (used in Splash) Spark Kernel Skulpt Python Kernel MetaKernel Bash MetaKernel Python Brython Kernel IVisual VPython Kernel Source: John Graham, QI
  • 21. PRP Has Deployed Powerful FIONA Servers at UCSD and UC Berkeley to Create a UC-Jupyter Hub 40Gbps Backplane FIONAs Have GPUs and Can Spawn Jobs to SDSC’s Comet Using inCommon CILogon Authenticator Module for Jupyter. Deep Learning Libraries Have Been Installed And Run on Applications Source: John Graham, QI Jupyter Hub FIONA: 2 x 14-core CPUs 256GB RAM 1.2TB FLASH 3.8TB SSD Nvidia K80 GPU Dual 40GbE NICs And a Trusted Platform Module
  • 22. Cancer Genomics Hub (UCSC) is Housed in SDSC CoLo: Large Data Flows to End Users at UCSC, UCB, UCSF, … 1G 8G 15G Cumulative TBs of CGH Files Downloaded Data Source: David Haussler, Brad Smith, UCSC 30 PB
  • 23. Large Hadron Collider Data Researchers Across Eight California Universities Benefit From Petascale Data & Compute Resources across PRP • Aggregate Petabytes of Disk Space & Petaflops of Compute • Transparently Compute on Data at Their Home Institutions & Systems at SLAC, NERSC, Caltech, UCSD, SDSC SLAC Data & Compute Resource Caltech Data & Compute Resource UCSD & SDSC Data & Compute Resources UCSB UCSC UCD UCR CSU Fresno UCI Source: Frank Wuerthwein, UCSD Physics; SDSC; co-PI PRP PRP Builds on SDSC’s LHC-UC Project
  • 24. Two Automated Telescope Surveys Creating Huge Datasets Will Drive PRP 300 images per night. 100MB per raw image 30GB per night 120GB per night 250 images per night. 530MB per raw image 150 GB per night 800GB per night When processed at NERSC Increased by 4x Source: Peter Nugent, Division Deputy for Scientific Engagement, LBL Professor of Astronomy, UC Berkeley Precursors to LSST and NCSA PRP Allows Researchers to Bring Datasets from NERSC to Their Local Clusters for In-Depth Science Analysis- see UCSC’s Brad Smith Talk
  • 25. Dan Cayan USGS Water Resources Discipline Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego much support from Mary Tyree, Mike Dettinger, Guido Franco and other colleagues Sponsors: California Energy Commission NOAA RISA program California DWR, DOE, NSF Planning for climate change in California substantial shifts on top of already high climate variability SIO Campus Climate Researchers Need to Download Results from NCAR Remote Supercomputer Simulations to Make Regional Climate Change Forecasts
  • 26. Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute Has Established a Pattern Recognition Lab Investigating Using Brain-Inspired Processors “On the drawing board are collections of 64, 256, 1024, and 4096 chips. ‘It’s only limited by money, not imagination,’ Modha says.” Source: Dr. Dharmendra Modha Founding Director, IBM Cognitive Computing Group August 8, 2014
  • 27. UCSD ECE Professor Ken Kreutz-Delgado Brings the IBM TrueNorth Chip to Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute September 16, 2015
  • 28. A Brain-Inspired Cyberinstrument: Pattern Recognition Co-Processors Coupled to Today’s von Neumann Processors “If we think of today’s von Neumann computers as akin to the “left-brain” —fast, symbolic, number-crunching calculators, then IBM’s TrueNorth chip can be likened to the “right-brain” —slow, sensory, pattern recognizing machines.” - Dr. Dhamendra Modha, IBM Cognitive Computing The Pattern Recognition Laboratory’s Cyberinstrument Will be a PRP Computational Resource Exploring Realtime Pattern Recognition in Streaming Media & Discovering Patterns in Massive Datasets
  • 29. Collaboration Between EVL’s CAVE2 and Calit2’s VROOM Over 10Gb Wavelength EVL Calit2 Source: NTT Sponsored ON*VECTOR Workshop at Calit2 March 6, 2013
  • 30. Optical Fibers Link Australian and US Big Data Researchers-Also Korea, Japan, and the Netherlands
  • 31. Next Step: Use AARnet/PRP to Set Up Planetary-Scale Shared Virtual Worlds Digital Arena, UTS Sydney CAVE2, Monash U, Melbourne CAVE2, EVL, Chicago
  • 32. The Pacific Research Platform Creates a Regional End-to-End Science-Driven “Big Data Freeway System” Opportunities for Collaboration with CineGrid Systems