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Accelerating Science, Technology and
Innovation Through Open Data and
Open Science:
African Open Science Platform
Presented by Ina Smith - @ismonet
Project Manager, African Open Science Platform
SA National Research Data Workshop, 2 July 2019
Accelerating Science, Technology and Innovation Through Open Data and Open Science/Ina Smith
Ebola outbreak 2014-2015 in West Africa
Ebola outbreak 2014-2015

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Big Data is today: key issues for big data - Dr Ben Evans
Big Data is today: key issues for big data - Dr Ben EvansBig Data is today: key issues for big data - Dr Ben Evans
Big Data is today: key issues for big data - Dr Ben Evans

Presentation in Canberra: Preparing for your data future seminar Fri 22 July 2016 Big Data is today: key issues for big data Dr Ben Evans NCI - Associate Director Research Engagements and Initiatives

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Charting the Future - Ms Heather Jenks, ANU
Charting the Future - Ms Heather Jenks, ANUCharting the Future - Ms Heather Jenks, ANU
Charting the Future - Ms Heather Jenks, ANU

Presentation in Canberra: Preparing for your data future seminar Fri 22 July 2016 Panel session: Charting the Future Ms Heather Jenks, Associate Director, Library Services, ANU

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The African Open Science Platform (AOSP)
The African Open Science Platform (AOSP)The African Open Science Platform (AOSP)
The African Open Science Platform (AOSP)

This document discusses initiatives for an African Open Science Platform to support open data and data infrastructure across Africa. It lists existing data centers and computing centers in various African countries, as well as international collaborations and challenges around policy, funding, internet access, data storage, computer infrastructure, skills, and awareness. The platform aims to address these challenges and support open data and data-driven research on the continent.

open sciencerdaafrican open science platform
Example challenges regarding health data
• Delay in sharing pathogen data
• Gaps in pathogen data
• Lack of adherence to
international standards
• Uncertainty about IP rights
• Absence of patient consent
• Data not FAIR
• “Open possible, closed
• And more
Accelerating Science, Technology and Innovation Through Open Data and Open Science/Ina Smith
Accelerating Science, Technology and Innovation Through Open Data and Open Science/Ina Smith
Accelerating Science, Technology and Innovation Through Open Data and Open Science/Ina Smith

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African Open Science Platform pilot study and landscape findings
African Open Science Platform pilot study and landscape findingsAfrican Open Science Platform pilot study and landscape findings
African Open Science Platform pilot study and landscape findings

The document provides an overview of the African Open Science Platform (AOSP) pilot study and selected findings from a landscape study on open science in Africa. The AOSP aims to promote open data policies, training, and infrastructure across Africa. Over its 3-year pilot period it established an African Open Data Forum, launched initiatives in several countries, and identified 66 African research projects that could benefit from improved data sharing. The landscape study found that while certain countries and initiatives are making progress, challenges remain around low research funding, lack of open data policies, limited e-infrastructure, and gaps in health, government, and other data. Overall, more investment is still needed to strengthen Africa's science and technology systems and

african open science platformopen dataopen science
IRENA Global Atlas status and perspectives
IRENA Global Atlas status and perspectivesIRENA Global Atlas status and perspectives
IRENA Global Atlas status and perspectives

A presentation by Nicolas Fichaux at the IRENA GCC workshop. The workshop took place in June, 2013 and was hosted by the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research.

UbuntuNet Alliance/Pascal Hoba
UbuntuNet Alliance/Pascal HobaUbuntuNet Alliance/Pascal Hoba
UbuntuNet Alliance/Pascal Hoba

The document outlines a presentation given by Ubuntunet Alliance at an Africa Open Science initiative conference in Addis, November 2017. It discusses: - Ubuntunet Alliance is the regional research and education network for 16 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa, connecting national research and education networks (NRENs). - The current Ubuntunet network includes 10 points of presence across Africa and Europe with over 2Gbps of capacity between Africa and Europe. - The AfricaConnect2 project aims to consolidate and extend the Ubuntunet network, increase research collaboration, and improve the capacity and sustainability of African NRENs. - Ubuntunet provides training to build capacity in areas like

open scienceopen datainfrastructure
Future AOSP Phase 1 Vision
“African scientists are at the cutting edge of
contemporary, data-intensive science as a
fundamental resource for a modern society. They
are innovative global exponents and advocates of
Open Science, and leaders in addressing African
and Global Challenges.”
Source: The Future of Science and Science of the Future
Future AOSP Phase 1 Mission
“The Platform is:
•a [trusted, continental, integrated] federated
system that provides scientists and other societal
actors with the means to find, deposit, manage,
share and reuse data, software and metadata in
pursuing their interests;
•a network providing connective tissue between
dispersed actors in ….”
NICIS Model for South Africa (national)
Collaboration among countries, institutions, projects,
researchers – sharing resources; free flow of data,
research, knowledge
Trust relationships, openness, transparency – trusting
others for having your best interest at heart, and not
because of the profits they can make from your
Researcher driven – needs addressed & bring
infrastructure to data
Key to AOSP

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Global Atlas and the GCC
Global Atlas and the GCCGlobal Atlas and the GCC
Global Atlas and the GCC

Presentation of the Global Atlas during the 2nd IRENA GCC meeting.

CSIRO investing in the future of data - John Morrissey
CSIRO investing in the future of data - John Morrissey CSIRO investing in the future of data - John Morrissey
CSIRO investing in the future of data - John Morrissey

Presented at Canberra: Preparing for your data future seminar Fri July 22, 2016 CSIRO investing in the future of data John Morrissey eResearch planner

andsbig datacsiro
The Developing Needs for e-infrastructures
The Developing Needs for e-infrastructuresThe Developing Needs for e-infrastructures
The Developing Needs for e-infrastructures

The document discusses the developing needs for e-infrastructures to support research. It summarizes the key recommendations from the OSI report, which include providing researchers with access to resources, facilities to discover resources, confidence in resource quality and integrity, and assurance of future accessibility. The JISC committee is developing a new strategy to address priorities around integrating data from multiple sources and enabling collaboration across boundaries.

African countries to prepare
• Connectivity, bandwidth
• Science engagement
• Open Data policies, making research data management a
• Incentives for sharing research data, and funders to make open
data a requirement (as open possible)
• Opportunities for skills development among network providers,
system architects, system support staff, user support staff, data
engineers, data architects, data stewards, data scientists,
• Trusted and reliable eInfrastructure
Similar to European Open Science Cloud, others
"We are not building the future EOSC from scratch,
but will be starting from what members of the
community worked in the last years: inclusiveness is
going to be critical, especially in regions whose
voice has not been heard enough so far." -
Cathrin Stöver, Chief Collaboration Officer, GÉANT
Accelerating Science, Technology and Innovation Through Open Data and Open Science/Ina Smith
“It was revealed last month [April 2019] that the tech
giant plans to launch a network of more than 3,000
low Earth orbit satellites to provide high-speed
broadband connectivity to "unserved and
underserved communities around the world".

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Helen Thompson, Peter Dahlhaus & Andrew MacLeod Federation University Australia, Ballarat, Victoria In this age of ‘big data’ virtually every field of research and practice is being redefined. Governments are adopting open data policies with the aim of delivering efficiency benefits, increasing evidence based planning, enhancing productivity and innovation. Inescapable discussions around big data and analytics are partly in response to an increased availability of next generation broadband and mobile technologies which have created a society that is spatially enabled and aware. Big business and citizens increasingly expect to be able to access past and current information about any location to find answers to their spatial queries. Opportunities are emerging for regional communities to take initiative and eradicate information silos which may have hindered regional collaboration and innovation. In parallel with assisting regions to embrace big data and foster data sharing a range of research questions arise: 1. What are the best methods to provide access to big and complex data, to assist decision makers? 2. How can digital technologies be used to enhance, rather than repeat, past research? 3. Can qualitative data be used to improve the accuracy of quantitative data or metadata? 4. How can we harness Citizen Science and include crowd-sourced data, while minimising subjective bias and maintaining accuracy? Interoperable spatial knowledge systems with dynamic modelling and visualisation capabilities have been developed in response to these research challenges. Examples are provided of systems developed in a variety of fields including groundwater research, catchment management, and strategic planning for bushfire.

open datacatchment managementdata interoperability
Open Science and Higher Education in Africa – Status, challenges & opportunit...
Open Science and Higher Education in Africa – Status, challenges & opportunit...Open Science and Higher Education in Africa – Status, challenges & opportunit...
Open Science and Higher Education in Africa – Status, challenges & opportunit...

This document summarizes a presentation about open science and higher education in Africa given by Jacqueline Nnam. It discusses the status of open science in African universities, challenges to open science implementation, and opportunities and priorities for promoting open science through RUFORUM. RUFORUM aims to encourage open publication of research and has an open access repository. Challenges include varying policies, lack of infrastructure, and incentives for researchers. Opportunities include data science education and harmonizing policies. Priorities are awareness, capacity building, infrastructure, standards, and piloting open data projects.

open science open dataafrican open science platform
Science for the future The future of science: Governance/Khotso Mokhele
Science for the future The future of science: Governance/Khotso MokheleScience for the future The future of science: Governance/Khotso Mokhele
Science for the future The future of science: Governance/Khotso Mokhele

The document discusses governance options for the African Open Science Platform (AOSP). It presents several models including a treaty, national legal entity, treaty with national legal entity, agreement, memorandum of understanding, and notes the strengths and weaknesses of each. It emphasizes that a combination of models may be necessary to address AOSP's long term goals of sustainability, effectiveness, and impact. Key requirements identified include legal capacity, clear lines of authority, participation of partner states, flexibility, and funding commitments.

african open science platformopen science open data
Accelerating Science, Technology and Innovation Through Open Data and Open Science/Ina Smith
GÉANT Connecting the global R&E Community

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Data sharing for development: a case of Infrastructural development in Uganda...
Data sharing for development: a case of Infrastructural development in Uganda...Data sharing for development: a case of Infrastructural development in Uganda...
Data sharing for development: a case of Infrastructural development in Uganda...

This document discusses infrastructure data sharing in Uganda. It outlines the benefits of data sharing such as improved infrastructure planning and resilience. However, there are also barriers like insufficient skills, data quality issues, legacy IT systems, and lack of data sharing policies and guidelines. The document proposes a strategic approach to infrastructure data sharing that involves establishing multi-institutional implementation, developing policies and standards, providing training, developing technical infrastructure like a national digital twin, and forming partnerships. The goal is to maximize benefits while mitigating risks and tradeoffs of wider data sharing.

open science open dataafrican open science platform
Breaking new ground: the African Open Science Platform
Breaking new ground: the African Open Science PlatformBreaking new ground: the African Open Science Platform
Breaking new ground: the African Open Science Platform

The document summarizes the African Open Science Platform (AOSP) which is funded by the National Research Foundation of South Africa and directed by CODATA and the Academy of Science of South Africa. The AOSP aims to promote open science and open data practices in Africa. It discusses the key stakeholders involved, challenges around open data and science in Africa such as lack of infrastructure and incentives, and the potential benefits of the platform for African research. The AOSP will focus on developing policies, assessing infrastructure needs, training and capacity building around open data sharing and management.

open access africa open researchopen dataopen science
The African Open Science Platform (AOSP)
The African Open Science Platform (AOSP)The African Open Science Platform (AOSP)
The African Open Science Platform (AOSP)

The African Open Science Platform (AOSP) is a new initiative funded by the South African government and managed by the Academy of Science of South Africa to promote open data practices in Africa. It will focus on developing data policies, assessing infrastructure needs, training programs, and raising awareness of open science. By making African research data more accessible and reusable, the AOSP aims to increase collaboration and spur new discoveries to benefit society. However, challenges include managing intellectual property, protecting privacy, expanding internet access, and incentivizing data sharing. In its first year, the AOSP will work to engage stakeholders across Africa and identify existing open science initiatives and data repositories.

open scienceafrican open science platformopen data
 ASREN - Algeria, Egypt, Lybia, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia
(4 connected; 2 not yet connected)
 WACREN - Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire,
Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra
Leone, Togo
(3 connected; 11 not yet connected)
 UbuntuNet Alliance - Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia,
Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda,
Zambia, Zimbabwe
(10 connected; 6 not yet connected)
Connected countries
NRENs providing specialised Internet services
NRENs providing specialised Internet services
• Large bandwidth network connections between
research institutions and providers of HPC and
research Cloud providers
• NRENs may be able to provide high performance
computing and storage services in some cases (not
core business)
• In SA – high performance computing service provided
by HPCC and storage services by DIRISA
NRENs experimenting with data transfer

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Results from the FAIR Expert Group Stakeholder Consultation on the FAIR Data ...Results from the FAIR Expert Group Stakeholder Consultation on the FAIR Data ...
Results from the FAIR Expert Group Stakeholder Consultation on the FAIR Data ...

Turning FAIR into Reality report and action plan by Simon Hodson, Executive Director of CODATA, delivered during the FAIR Data Session at the EOSC Stakeholders Forum 2018

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Researchers: how and why manage research data; CDU Darwin 070915
Researchers: how and why manage research data; CDU Darwin 070915Researchers: how and why manage research data; CDU Darwin 070915
Researchers: how and why manage research data; CDU Darwin 070915

An ANDS( brief presentation to Charles Darwin University researchers on research data management (RDM). What, Why and How to do RDM? Presentation 07 Sept 2015, Darwin Aust.

andsresearch datadata management
Perspectives from the African Open Science Platform/Susan Veldsman
Perspectives from the African Open Science Platform/Susan VeldsmanPerspectives from the African Open Science Platform/Susan Veldsman
Perspectives from the African Open Science Platform/Susan Veldsman

The African Open Science Platform (AOSP) aims to promote open science and open data practices in Africa. It is funded by the South African Department of Science and Technology and managed by the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf). AOSP focuses on developing policies, building capacity, establishing infrastructure, and providing incentives to support open data sharing. It has held several workshops across Africa to engage stakeholders and has conducted surveys to assess the current landscape. AOSP's ultimate goal is to facilitate collaboration and ethical data practices to generate benefits for African society.

open scienceopen databotswana
Analysis of Big and Broad Research Data
• Require high performance computing services
High Performance Computing Services
• Cloud systems to provide highly flexible environments
• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Cloud providers - to
be linked to NRENs e.g. OpenStack
• Performance loss to be addressed through OpenStack
provisioning HPC environments onto the bare metal
servers making up the underling clusters
• New standards such as AARC2 BluePrint architecture
are enabling role based authorized, secure access to
distributed Cloud systems - accessing data distributed
among the federated resources
High Performance Computing Services
Examples of organisations providing IaaS Cloud systems
to support research include NeCTAR in Australia and
Compute Canada (CC).
A slightly different example is EGI that provides a
framework and toolset to federate the IaaS Cloud
systems hosted at data centres across Europe.
African Open Science Platform Pilot (2016 – 2019)
• Landscape study – 66+ data-intensive initiatives
• Stakeholders (network) – 1 500+ individuals
• Priority data-intensive disciplines
• Frameworks:
• Open Data Policy (statements, enabling processes, elements)
• Incentives (actions, career assessment)
• eInfrastructure (connectivity, cloud & hpc, data curation)
• Capacity Building (technical & non-technical)
• Research Data Management (services, core skills, dmp)
• Funders (work in progress)

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The African Open Science Platform: Policy | Infrastructure | Skills | Incenti...
The African Open Science Platform: Policy | Infrastructure | Skills | Incenti...The African Open Science Platform: Policy | Infrastructure | Skills | Incenti...
The African Open Science Platform: Policy | Infrastructure | Skills | Incenti...

The document summarizes the African Open Science Platform (AOSP), which aims to coordinate open science activities across Africa. It discusses benefits of open research data such as collaboration, economic development, and avoiding duplication. Infrastructure to support open data in countries like Tunisia, Kenya, and South Africa is described. The AOSP will focus on developing policy, infrastructure, skills, and incentives through frameworks and roadmaps. Challenges around intellectual property and ICT infrastructure are also addressed. The AOSP aims to engage stakeholders from science organizations, universities, governments, and more to mobilize African data science capacity.

african open science platformopen science open data
Perspectives from the African Open Science Platform (AOSP)/Ina Smith
Perspectives from the African Open Science Platform (AOSP)/Ina SmithPerspectives from the African Open Science Platform (AOSP)/Ina Smith
Perspectives from the African Open Science Platform (AOSP)/Ina Smith

High-level Meeting & Workshop on Environmental and Scientific Open Data for Sustainable Development Goals in Developing Countries. Madagascar, 4-6 December 2017

open scienceopen datepolicy
The Role of Librarians in transforming the world through Open Data and Open S...
The Role of Librarians in transforming the world through Open Data and Open S...The Role of Librarians in transforming the world through Open Data and Open S...
The Role of Librarians in transforming the world through Open Data and Open S...

The document discusses the role of librarians in supporting open data and open science to advance research and help achieve sustainable development goals. It defines open science as making research processes transparent and accessible. Librarians can advocate for open policies, develop data skills, manage repositories, and support proper data management among researchers. The African Open Science Platform aims to build capacity and infrastructure for open data across the continent through stakeholder engagement and national initiatives. Librarians are well-positioned to partner with researchers and help maximize the benefits of open approaches.

open science open dataafrican open science platform
AOSP Stakeholders
AOSP Data Science School
Accelerating Science, Technology and Innovation Through Open Data and Open Science/Ina Smith
AOSP eInfrastructure Ecosystem (Draft)

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Without data, science is merely an opinion: African Open Science Platform/Ina...

This document summarizes a presentation about open data and science in Africa. It discusses the benefits of open data, such as enabling more informed decisions and driving development. It also addresses challenges like researchers' fears of having errors or incomplete data exposed. The presentation promotes the African Open Science Platform, which aims to establish open data policies and build capacity through workshops on data skills. The platform connects stakeholders to advance open data and science across Africa.

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African Open Science Platform
African Open Science PlatformAfrican Open Science Platform
African Open Science Platform

Describes the four focus areas. Presented during the CODATA Summer School, 3-7 July 2017, Trieste, Italy.

african open science platformopen dataopen science
African Open Science Platform
African Open Science PlatformAfrican Open Science Platform
African Open Science Platform

The document summarizes the African Open Science Platform (AOSP). It discusses that AOSP aims to coordinate open science activities across Africa to increase collaboration, data sharing and reuse. It is focused on four key areas: establishing an open data forum, funding research infrastructure initiatives, funding transdisciplinary research projects, and developing open data policies. The ultimate goals are to accelerate discovery through open data, attract more funding, and contribute to global knowledge. AOSP is funded by the National Research Foundation of South Africa and managed by the Academy of Science of South Africa.

african open science platform
Proposed data-intensive flagship project (Draft)
eInfrastructure Roadmap (Draft)
South Africa White Paper on STI
“As part of its commitment to African STI cooperation,
South Africa will also work to advance the open science
agenda elsewhere on the continent and within regional
frameworks. The strategic role of the African Open
Science Platform, hosted by the Academy of Science of
South Africa, which promotes African-wide
development and coordination of data policies, data
training and data infrastructure, will be leveraged with
the support of the DST and the National Research
Foundation (NRF).”
STI Strategy for Africa 2024 - Priorities for the
African research community
1. disease prevention & control;
2. climate resilience (disaster risk);
3. environmental protection (biosphere, hydrosphere);
4. food and nutritional security;
5. smart resilient cities; [SONA]
6. achieving sustainability goals;
7. improved knowledge production;
8. improved intra-Africa research collaboration.

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DATAD-R African Open Science Platform (AOSP)
DATAD-R African Open Science Platform (AOSP)DATAD-R African Open Science Platform (AOSP)
DATAD-R African Open Science Platform (AOSP)

The document summarizes the African Open Science Platform (AOSP), which aims to coordinate open science activities across Africa. It discusses open science principles and the rationale for an African platform to increase collaboration, data reuse, and accelerate discovery. The AOSP is funded by the NRF of South Africa and managed by ASSAf. It focuses on establishing an open data forum, funding research infrastructure and projects, developing open data policies and training, and creating incentives for data sharing. Initial actions include workshops on policy, capacity building, and surveys to inform the platform's development.

africaopen scienceaosp
Framework and Roadmap towards an Open Science Infrastructure/Simon Hodson
Framework and Roadmap towards an Open Science Infrastructure/Simon HodsonFramework and Roadmap towards an Open Science Infrastructure/Simon Hodson
Framework and Roadmap towards an Open Science Infrastructure/Simon Hodson

Presented during the African Open Science Platform ICT Infrastructure meeting on 14 May 2018, Pretoria, South Africa.

african open science platformopen science open data
The Landscape of Open Science in Africa/Susan Veldsman & Joseph Wafula
The Landscape of Open Science in Africa/Susan Veldsman & Joseph WafulaThe Landscape of Open Science in Africa/Susan Veldsman & Joseph Wafula
The Landscape of Open Science in Africa/Susan Veldsman & Joseph Wafula

The document summarizes the landscape of open science in Africa based on a mapping conducted by the African Open Science Platform (AOSP). Some key findings include: 1) AOSP has compiled a register of Africa's data collections and services, key role players, potential partnerships, sources of content, and collaborations to inform its focus areas. 2) There are currently only 22 registered data repositories in Africa, with only one having the CoreTrustSeal for trusted data repositories. Challenges include lack of policies, incentives, skills, and coordination across the continent. 3) AOSP is working to address these challenges by developing open science policy frameworks, engaging stakeholders, building capacity through training programs, and coordin

african open science platformopen data open science
SGCI Statement of Principles and Actions: Social
and Economic Impact of Research (2018)
“Governance, Risk Management and Compliance
(GRC) participants should support and advocate for the
development and use of Open Science platforms that
widen access to knowledge and allow integrated
problem solving at a potentially transformative (as
opposed to incremental) scale.
GRC participants should commit funding towards the
development of the human capital necessary for
leveraging the potential of Big Data, as well as invest in
the infrastructure required materialising Open Science
Dr Happy Sithole - NSTF-South32 Management
Prof Tandi Matsha - NSTF-South32 Data for Research
Thank you!

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African Open Science Platform
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African Open Science Platform
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African Open Science Platform
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African Open Science Platform
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African Open Science Platform
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Framework and Roadmap towards an Open Science Infrastructure/Simon Hodson
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A coordinated framework for open data open science in Botswana/Simon Hodson
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The state of global research data initiatives: observations from a life on th...
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African Open Science Platform. Where are we? Where do we want to go? How do w...
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I o dav data workshop prof wafula final 19.9.17
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Global Research Data Initiatives
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Accelerating Science, Technology and Innovation Through Open Data and Open Science/Ina Smith

  • 1. Applying scientific thinking in the service of society Accelerating Science, Technology and Innovation Through Open Data and Open Science: African Open Science Platform Presented by Ina Smith - @ismonet Project Manager, African Open Science Platform SA National Research Data Workshop, 2 July 2019
  • 3. Ebola outbreak 2014-2015 in West Africa
  • 5. Example challenges regarding health data • Delay in sharing pathogen data collected • Gaps in pathogen data • Lack of adherence to international standards • Uncertainty about IP rights • Absence of patient consent • Data not FAIR • “Open possible, closed necessary” • And more
  • 9. Future AOSP Phase 1 Vision “African scientists are at the cutting edge of contemporary, data-intensive science as a fundamental resource for a modern society. They are innovative global exponents and advocates of Open Science, and leaders in addressing African and Global Challenges.” Source: The Future of Science and Science of the Future
  • 10. Future AOSP Phase 1 Mission “The Platform is: •a [trusted, continental, integrated] federated system that provides scientists and other societal actors with the means to find, deposit, manage, share and reuse data, software and metadata in pursuing their interests; •a network providing connective tissue between dispersed actors in ….”
  • 11. NICIS Model for South Africa (national) SANReN CHPCDIRISA
  • 12. Collaboration among countries, institutions, projects, researchers – sharing resources; free flow of data, research, knowledge Trust relationships, openness, transparency – trusting others for having your best interest at heart, and not because of the profits they can make from your research Researcher driven – needs addressed & bring infrastructure to data Key to AOSP
  • 13. African countries to prepare • Connectivity, bandwidth • Science engagement • Open Data policies, making research data management a requirement • Incentives for sharing research data, and funders to make open data a requirement (as open possible) • Opportunities for skills development among network providers, system architects, system support staff, user support staff, data engineers, data architects, data stewards, data scientists, policy/decision-makers • Trusted and reliable eInfrastructure
  • 14. Similar to European Open Science Cloud, others "We are not building the future EOSC from scratch, but will be starting from what members of the community worked in the last years: inclusiveness is going to be critical, especially in regions whose voice has not been heard enough so far." - Cathrin Stöver, Chief Collaboration Officer, GÉANT
  • 16. “It was revealed last month [April 2019] that the tech giant plans to launch a network of more than 3,000 low Earth orbit satellites to provide high-speed broadband connectivity to "unserved and underserved communities around the world".
  • 19. GÉANT Connecting the global R&E Community community.aspx
  • 21.  ASREN - Algeria, Egypt, Lybia, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia (4 connected; 2 not yet connected)  WACREN - Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo (3 connected; 11 not yet connected)  UbuntuNet Alliance - Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe (10 connected; 6 not yet connected) Connected countries
  • 22. NRENs providing specialised Internet services
  • 23. NRENs providing specialised Internet services • Large bandwidth network connections between research institutions and providers of HPC and research Cloud providers • NRENs may be able to provide high performance computing and storage services in some cases (not core business) • In SA – high performance computing service provided by HPCC and storage services by DIRISA
  • 24. NRENs experimenting with data transfer
  • 25. Analysis of Big and Broad Research Data • Require high performance computing services ResearchDataManagement
  • 26. High Performance Computing Services • Cloud systems to provide highly flexible environments • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Cloud providers - to be linked to NRENs e.g. OpenStack • Performance loss to be addressed through OpenStack provisioning HPC environments onto the bare metal servers making up the underling clusters • New standards such as AARC2 BluePrint architecture are enabling role based authorized, secure access to distributed Cloud systems - accessing data distributed among the federated resources
  • 27. High Performance Computing Services Examples of organisations providing IaaS Cloud systems to support research include NeCTAR in Australia and Compute Canada (CC). A slightly different example is EGI that provides a framework and toolset to federate the IaaS Cloud systems hosted at data centres across Europe.
  • 28. African Open Science Platform Pilot (2016 – 2019) • Landscape study – 66+ data-intensive initiatives • Stakeholders (network) – 1 500+ individuals • Priority data-intensive disciplines • Frameworks: • Open Data Policy (statements, enabling processes, elements) • Incentives (actions, career assessment) • eInfrastructure (connectivity, cloud & hpc, data curation) • Capacity Building (technical & non-technical) • Research Data Management (services, core skills, dmp) • Funders (work in progress)
  • 35. South Africa White Paper on STI “As part of its commitment to African STI cooperation, South Africa will also work to advance the open science agenda elsewhere on the continent and within regional frameworks. The strategic role of the African Open Science Platform, hosted by the Academy of Science of South Africa, which promotes African-wide development and coordination of data policies, data training and data infrastructure, will be leveraged with the support of the DST and the National Research Foundation (NRF).”
  • 36. STI Strategy for Africa 2024 - Priorities for the African research community 1. disease prevention & control; 2. climate resilience (disaster risk); 3. environmental protection (biosphere, hydrosphere); 4. food and nutritional security; 5. smart resilient cities; [SONA] 6. achieving sustainability goals; 7. improved knowledge production; 8. improved intra-Africa research collaboration.
  • 37. SGCI Statement of Principles and Actions: Social and Economic Impact of Research (2018) “Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) participants should support and advocate for the development and use of Open Science platforms that widen access to knowledge and allow integrated problem solving at a potentially transformative (as opposed to incremental) scale. GRC participants should commit funding towards the development of the human capital necessary for leveraging the potential of Big Data, as well as invest in the infrastructure required materialising Open Science platforms.”
  • 38. Congratulations! Dr Happy Sithole - NSTF-South32 Management Award Prof Tandi Matsha - NSTF-South32 Data for Research Award