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“The Pacific Research Platform
Two Years In”
Welcome and Overview Talk
to the Pacific Research Platform “PRPv2” Workshop 2017
University of California, San Diego
February 21, 2017
Dr. Larry Smarr
Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology
Harry E. Gruber Professor,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD
DOE ESnet’s Science DMZ: A Scalable Network
Design Model for Optimizing Science Data Transfers
• A Science DMZ integrates 4 key concepts into a unified whole:
– A network architecture designed for high-performance applications,
with the science network distinct from the general-purpose network
– The use of dedicated systems as data transfer nodes (DTNs)
– Performance measurement and network testing systems that are
regularly used to characterize and troubleshoot the network
– Security policies and enforcement mechanisms that are tailored for
high performance science environments
Science DMZ
Coined 2010
The DOE ESnet Science DMZ and the NSF “Campus Bridging” Taskforce Report Formed the Basis
for the NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure Network Infrastructure and Engineering (CC-NIE) Program
FIONAs and FIONettes – Flash I/O Network Appliances – Are DTNs:
Linux PCs Optimized for DMZs over Distance
Science DMZ Data Transfer Nodes (DTNs) &
Also Compute/Visualization/ML Nodes
Phil Papadopoulos & Tom DeFanti
Joe Keefe & John Graham
FIONAS—40G, $8,000
FIONette—1G, $1,000
The Pacific Research Platform’s Second Year:
a Working End-to-End Science-Driven DMZ-Connector
Uniform DTN End Points
$5M 10/2015-10/2020
PI: Larry Smarr, UC San Diego Calit2
• Camille Crittenden, UC Berkeley CITRIS,
• Tom DeFanti, UC San Diego Calit2,
• Philip Papadopoulos, UCSD SDSC,
• Frank Wuerthwein, UCSD Physics and SDSC

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Journée Calcul Intensif pour la biologie Lille 14/06/11.

Toward a National Research Platform
Toward a National Research PlatformToward a National Research Platform
Toward a National Research Platform

The document summarizes Dr. Larry Smarr's presentation on the Pacific Research Platform (PRP) and its role in working toward a national research platform. It describes how PRP has connected research teams and devices across multiple UC campuses for over 15 years. It also details PRP's innovations like Flash I/O Network Appliances (FIONAs) and use of Kubernetes to manage distributed resources. Finally, it outlines opportunities to further integrate PRP with the Open Science Grid and expand the platform internationally through partnerships.

40 Powers of 10 - Simulating the Universe with the DiRAC HPC Facility
40 Powers of 10 - Simulating the Universe with the DiRAC HPC Facility40 Powers of 10 - Simulating the Universe with the DiRAC HPC Facility
40 Powers of 10 - Simulating the Universe with the DiRAC HPC Facility

In this deck from the Swiss HPC Conference, Mark Wilkinson presents: 40 Powers of 10 - Simulating the Universe with the DiRAC HPC Facility. "DiRAC is the integrated supercomputing facility for theoretical modeling and HPC-based research in particle physics, and astrophysics, cosmology, and nuclear physics, all areas in which the UK is world-leading. DiRAC provides a variety of compute resources, matching machine architecture to the algorithm design and requirements of the research problems to be solved. As a single federated Facility, DiRAC allows more effective and efficient use of computing resources, supporting the delivery of the science programs across the STFC research communities. It provides a common training and consultation framework and, crucially, provides critical mass and a coordinating structure for both small- and large-scale cross-discipline science projects, the technical support needed to run and develop a distributed HPC service, and a pool of expertise to support knowledge transfer and industrial partnership projects. The on-going development and sharing of best-practice for the delivery of productive, national HPC services with DiRAC enables STFC researchers to produce world-leading science across the entire STFC science theory program." Watch the video: Learn more: and Sign up for our insideHPC Newsletter:

PRP Continues to Expand Rapidly While Increasing Connectivity:
One Year of Progress – 12 Sites to 20 Sites
January 29, 2016 December 15, 2016
Connected 20 DMZs at 10G and 40G,
demonstrating disk-to-disk GridFTP
at ~7.5G and 12.5G respectively,
and 900Mb at 1G
Many PRP Science Engagement Workshops
Were Held in 2016
• PRP Workshop Held in Collaboration with UC-Wide Research IT
– May 1, 2016
– 45 Attendees
– Ten UC Campuses
See Talk by Camille Crittenden and
Tom DeFanti
PRP’s First 1.5 Years:
Connecting Campus Application Teams and Devices
100 Gbps FIONA at UCSC Connects the UCSC Hyades Cluster
to the NERSC Supercomputer at LBNL
Supporting UCSC Remote Access
to Large Data Subsets
of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)
and AGORA Galaxy Simulation Data
Produced at NERSC.
250 images per night
800GB per night
See Talk by Shawfeng Dong
UCSC Feb 7, 2017

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ONOS-based Location and Load aware Virtually Dedicated Container Networking o...
ONOS-based Location and Load aware Virtually Dedicated Container Networking o...ONOS-based Location and Load aware Virtually Dedicated Container Networking o...
ONOS-based Location and Load aware Virtually Dedicated Container Networking o...

This document discusses ONOS-based location and load aware virtually dedicated container networking over KREONET-S. It provides an overview of KREONET-S, describes how ONOS is used to provide virtual dedicated networking, and how a location and load aware orchestrator can allocate container resources. It demonstrates how virtual dedicated networks can be provisioned on demand to provide dedicated bandwidth and connectivity for containers, and showcases its use for science applications.

Cloud computing and bioinformatics
Cloud computing and bioinformaticsCloud computing and bioinformatics
Cloud computing and bioinformatics

This document discusses using cloud computing for bioinformatics. It begins by defining cloud computing and describing its key characteristics like on-demand access to computing resources and rapid elasticity. It then discusses different cloud delivery models like Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). The document provides examples of public cloud providers for each delivery model. It also introduces tools like CloudBridge that help make applications cloud-independent and CloudLaunch, a portal for deploying cloud-enabled bioinformatics applications. Finally, it briefly discusses how these tools and cloud resources can help improve bioinformatics workflows by providing scalable infrastructure for processing large genomic datasets.

galaxycloud computingbioinformatics
OCCI - The Open Cloud Computing Interface – flexible, portable, interoperable...
OCCI - The Open Cloud Computing Interface – flexible, portable, interoperable...OCCI - The Open Cloud Computing Interface – flexible, portable, interoperable...
OCCI - The Open Cloud Computing Interface – flexible, portable, interoperable...

The Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) specification set defines a general protocol and API applicable to many different cloud resource management tasks. OCCI began as a remote management API for IaaS model based Services, allowing for the development of interoperable tools for common tasks including deployment, autonomic scaling and monitoring. It has since evolved into a general-purpose flexible RESTful API framework with a strong focus on integration, portability, interoperability and innovation while still remaining highly extensible. OCCI is suitable to serve many other models in addition to IaaS, including e.g. PaaS and SaaS. The current release (v1.1) of OCCI has achieved a high degree of adoption and implementation in production in a wide variety of languages, projects, software products and application areas. The OCCI working group is in the process of developing an update of the OCCI specifications as version 1.2 with improvements that result from nearly four years of successful field experience. This version will be backwards compatible with v1.1 and will include: - A new JSON rendering to accompany updates to the existing HTTP and text renderings. - Minor updates of current OCCI core infrastructure model and specification. - New extensions that will include PaaS support, notifications support and SLA support. ?In addition, the OCCI group is considering best methods for support of additional features, including monitoring, key management and security, interdomain networking and direct interface support for popular batch systems through the Distributed Resource Management Application API (DRMAA) standard.

cloud computingstandardsimplementations
20x40G PRP-connected
WAVE@UC San Diego
PRP Will Enable
Distributed Virtual Reality
MerWAVE @UC Merced
See Talk by Jeff Weekley
PRP Will Link the Laboratories of
the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
The Second FIONette was Deployed at the PEER Facility at UC Berkeley,
and its Performance is Being Monitored
John Graham Installing FIONette at PEER Feb 10, 2017
SIO Researchers Beginning to Use
Big Data Networks (Prism, IDI, PRP)
Jules Jaffe - Microscope Off Scripps Pier Frank Vernon - Expansion of HPWREN
Dan Cayan, Mike Dettinger
Regional Downscaling of Climate Models
Scott Sellars, Marty Ralph
Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes

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OptIPuter Overview
OptIPuter OverviewOptIPuter Overview
OptIPuter Overview

05.01.28 Third All Hands Meeting OptIPuter Project San Diego Supercomputer Center Title: OptIPuter Overview University of California, San Diego

Cloud Testbeds for Standards Development and Innovation
Cloud Testbeds for Standards Development and InnovationCloud Testbeds for Standards Development and Innovation
Cloud Testbeds for Standards Development and Innovation

Invited talk given at the 2014 Chip-to-Cloud Security Forum "Advances in Securing Embedded, Mobile and Cloud Services and Ecosystems" in the seminar session on "Procurement, SLAs, and Standardisation on a Global Scale." In this talk, Dr. Sill reviews the history of cloud and grid computing, the formation and charter description for Phases I and II of the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) "SAJACC" working group, and brings the discussion up to date with an overview of current "DevOps"-oriented cloud standards and software interoperability hands-on testing efforts worldwide.

implementationscloud computinggrid computing
PRP Backbone Sets Stage for 2017 Expansion
of HPWREN, Connected to CENIC, into Orange and Riverside Counties
• PRP CENIC 100G Link
– DTN FIONAs Endpoints
– Data Redundancy
– Disaster Recovery
– High Availability
– Network Redundancy
• Anchor to CENIC at UCI
– PRP FIONA Connects to
CalREN-HPR Network
– Data Replication Site
• Potential Future UCR
CENIC Anchor
Source: Frank Vernon,
Greg Hidley, UCSD
130°W 127°30’W
Possible PRP 2017 Expansion to Include NSF’s Ocean Observatory Initiative
Fiber Optic SensorNets on Seafloor Off Washington
To PRP via
Pacific Wave
Sea Bottom
Electro-optical Cable:
8,000 Volts
10 Gbps Optics
Slide Courtesy, John Delaney, UWash John Delaney Visiting UCSD’s SIO
For Three Months in 2017
Axial Volcano
140 Scientific Instruments
Being There - Remote Live High Definition Video
of Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vents
Mushroom Hydrothermal Vent
on Axial Seamount
1 Mile Below Sea Level
Picture Created
From 40 HD Frames
14 Minutes Live HD Video
On-Line Every 3 Hours
15 feet
Slide Courtesy, John Delaney, UWash
The Future of Supercomputing Will Blend Traditional HPC and Data Analytics
Integrating Non-von Neumann Architectures
“High Performance Computing Will Evolve
Towards a Hybrid Model,
Integrating Emerging Non-von Neumann Architectures,
with Huge Potential in Pattern Recognition,
Streaming Data Analysis,
and Unpredictable New Applications.”
Horst Simon, Deputy Director,
U.S. Department of Energy’s
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

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11.05.13 Invited Presentation Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine Salk Institute, La Jolla Larry Smarr, Calit2 & Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2 Title: High Performance Cyberinfrastructure Enabling Data-Driven Science Supporting Stem Cell Research

stem cellregenerative medicine
OpenACC Monthly Highlights - September
OpenACC Monthly Highlights - SeptemberOpenACC Monthly Highlights - September
OpenACC Monthly Highlights - September

Get updates about OpenACC. This month focuses on: A new OpenACC Online Course, book and number of exciting events highlighted in the OpenACC September Update

softwaresoftware developmentgpus
OGF standards for cloud computing
OGF standards for cloud computingOGF standards for cloud computing
OGF standards for cloud computing

Invited talk on Open Grid Forum standards, focusing specifically on the current status of the Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI), given at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology Cloud Computing Forum and Workshop VIII, July 7-10, 2015.

cloud computingimplementationsstandards
Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute Has Established a Pattern Recognition Lab
For Machine Learning on non-von Neumann Processors
Source: Dr. Dharmendra Modha
Founding Director, IBM Cognitive Computing Group
August 8, 2014
UCSD ECE Professor Ken Kreutz-Delgado Brings
the IBM TrueNorth Chip
to Start Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute
Pattern Recognition Laboratory
September 16, 2015
New Brain-Inspired Non-von Neumann Processors Are Emerging:
KnuEdge Has Provided Processor to Calit2’s PRL,31981.html
“KnuEdge and Calit2
have worked together
since the early days of
the KnuEdge LambdaFabric
processor, when key
personnel and technology
from UC San Diego
provided the genesis for
the first processor design.”
June 6, 2016
Proposed Cognitive Hardware and Software Ecosystem
On the Pacific Research Platform
• Working With 30 CSE Machine Learning Researchers
– Goal is 320 Game GPUs in 32-40 FIONAs at 10 PRP Campuses
– PRP Couples FIONAs with GPUs into a Condor-Managed Cloud
• PRP Access to Emerging Processors
– IBM TrueNorth, KnuEdge, FPGA, and Qualcomm Snapdragon
• Software Including a Wide Range of Open ML Algorithms
• Metrics for Performance of Processors and Algorithms
Source: Tom DeFanti, Calit2
Multiple Proposals Under Review
FIONA with 8-Game GPUs
Expanding to National Research Platform and Global Research Platform
Via CENIC/Pacific Wave, Internet2, and International Links
PRP’s Current

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HPC at Scale Enabled by DDN A3i and NVIDIA SuperPOD
HPC at Scale Enabled by DDN A3i and NVIDIA SuperPODHPC at Scale Enabled by DDN A3i and NVIDIA SuperPOD
HPC at Scale Enabled by DDN A3i and NVIDIA SuperPOD

The document discusses how DDN A3I storage solutions and Nvidia's SuperPOD platform can enable HPC at scale. It provides details on DDN's A3I appliances that are optimized for AI and deep learning workloads and validated for Nvidia's DGX-2 SuperPOD reference architecture. The solutions are said to deliver the fastest performance, effortless scaling, reliability and flexibility for data-intensive workloads.

OGF Introductory Overview - FAS* 2014
OGF Introductory Overview -  FAS* 2014OGF Introductory Overview -  FAS* 2014
OGF Introductory Overview - FAS* 2014

Introduction to the Open Grid Forum community and the document production process, as well as several primary application arenas for OGF specifications, given at the co-located International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (CAC 2014), IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO 2014) and the IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P’14) conferences, September 8-12, 2014 at Imperial College in London, UK.

testingcloudcloud computing
From the Pacific Research Platform to a National Research Platform
From the Pacific Research Platform to a National Research PlatformFrom the Pacific Research Platform to a National Research Platform
From the Pacific Research Platform to a National Research Platform

Panel: Toward a National, Friction-Free Scientific Data Superhighway Internet2 Global Summit San Diego, CA May 8, 2018

PRP Timeline
• PRPv1
– A Routed Layer 3 Architecture
– Tested, Measured, Optimized, With Multi-Domain Science Data
– Bring Many Of Our Science Teams Up
– Each Community Thus Will Have Its Own Certificate-Based Access
To its Specific Federated Data Infrastructure
• PRPv2
– Incorporating SDN/SDX, AutoGOLE / NSI
– Advanced IPv6-Only Version with Robust Security Features
– e.g. Trusted Platform Module Hardware and SDN/SDX Software
– Support Rates up to 100Gb/s in Bursts and Streams
– Develop Means to Operate a Shared Federation of Caches
– Cooperating Research Groups
Our Support:
• US National Science Foundation (NSF) awards CNS 0821155 and
CNS-1338192, CNS-1456638, ACI-1540112, and ACI-1541349
• University of California Office of the President CIO
• UCSD Chancellor’s Integrated Digital Infrastructure Program
• UCSD Next Generation Networking initiative
• Calit2 and Calit2 Qualcomm Institute
• CENIC, PacificWave and StarLight
• DOE ESnet

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Larry Smarr
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Larry Smarr
Towards a High-Performance National Research Platform Enabling Digital Research
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Larry Smarr
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Larry Smarr
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Larry Smarr
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Larry Smarr
High Performance Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive Research
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Larry Smarr
Advanced Global-Scale Networking Supporting Data-Intensive Artificial Intelli...
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Larry Smarr
Toward a Global Research Platform for Big Data Analysis
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Larry Smarr
The Pacific Research Platform
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Larry Smarr
Creating a Big Data Machine Learning Platform in California
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Larry Smarr
The Pacific Research Platform: A Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System
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Larry Smarr
The National Research Platform Enables a Growing Diversity of Users and Appl...
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Larry Smarr
Pacific Wave and PRP Update Big News for Big Data
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Larry Smarr
The Pacific Research Platform: A Regional-Scale Big Data Analytics Cyberinfra...
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Larry Smarr

Similar to The Pacific Research Platform Two Years In (20)

Toward A National Big Data Superhighway
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Using the Pacific Research Platform for Earth Sciences Big Data
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Towards a High-Performance National Research Platform Enabling Digital Research
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The Pacific Research Platform: A Regional-Scale Big Data Analytics Cyberinfra...
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The Pacific Research Platform: A Regional-Scale Big Data Analytics Cyberinfra...
Peering The Pacific Research Platform With The Great Plains Network
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The Pacific Research Platform- a High-Bandwidth Distributed Supercomputer
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The Pacific Research Platform- a High-Bandwidth Distributed Supercomputer
Toward a National Research Platform
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Toward a National Research Platform
The PRP and Its Applications
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The PRP and Its Applications
The Pacific Research Platform: Building a Distributed Big Data Machine Learni...
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The Pacific Research Platform: Building a Distributed Big Data Machine Learni...
The Pacific Research Platform: Leading Up to the National Research Platform
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The Pacific Research Platform
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The Pacific Research Platform
High Performance Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive Research
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High Performance Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive Research
Advanced Global-Scale Networking Supporting Data-Intensive Artificial Intelli...
Advanced Global-Scale Networking Supporting Data-Intensive Artificial Intelli...Advanced Global-Scale Networking Supporting Data-Intensive Artificial Intelli...
Advanced Global-Scale Networking Supporting Data-Intensive Artificial Intelli...
Toward a Global Research Platform for Big Data Analysis
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The Pacific Research Platform
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The Pacific Research Platform
Creating a Big Data Machine Learning Platform in California
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The Pacific Research Platform: A Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System
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The Pacific Research Platform: A Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System
The National Research Platform Enables a Growing Diversity of Users and Appl...
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The National Research Platform Enables a Growing Diversity of Users and Appl...
Pacific Wave and PRP Update Big News for Big Data
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The Pacific Research Platform: A Regional-Scale Big Data Analytics Cyberinfra...
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The Pacific Research Platform: A Regional-Scale Big Data Analytics Cyberinfra...

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The Pacific Research Platform Two Years In

  • 1. “The Pacific Research Platform Two Years In” Welcome and Overview Talk to the Pacific Research Platform “PRPv2” Workshop 2017 University of California, San Diego February 21, 2017 Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Harry E. Gruber Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD 1
  • 2. DOE ESnet’s Science DMZ: A Scalable Network Design Model for Optimizing Science Data Transfers • A Science DMZ integrates 4 key concepts into a unified whole: – A network architecture designed for high-performance applications, with the science network distinct from the general-purpose network – The use of dedicated systems as data transfer nodes (DTNs) – Performance measurement and network testing systems that are regularly used to characterize and troubleshoot the network – Security policies and enforcement mechanisms that are tailored for high performance science environments Science DMZ Coined 2010 The DOE ESnet Science DMZ and the NSF “Campus Bridging” Taskforce Report Formed the Basis for the NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure Network Infrastructure and Engineering (CC-NIE) Program
  • 3. FIONAs and FIONettes – Flash I/O Network Appliances – Are DTNs: Linux PCs Optimized for DMZs over Distance FIONAs Are Science DMZ Data Transfer Nodes (DTNs) & Also Compute/Visualization/ML Nodes Phil Papadopoulos & Tom DeFanti Joe Keefe & John Graham FIONAS—40G, $8,000 FIONette—1G, $1,000
  • 4. The Pacific Research Platform’s Second Year: a Working End-to-End Science-Driven DMZ-Connector FIONAs as Uniform DTN End Points NSF CC*DNI Grant $5M 10/2015-10/2020 PI: Larry Smarr, UC San Diego Calit2 Co-Pis: • Camille Crittenden, UC Berkeley CITRIS, • Tom DeFanti, UC San Diego Calit2, • Philip Papadopoulos, UCSD SDSC, • Frank Wuerthwein, UCSD Physics and SDSC
  • 5. PRP Continues to Expand Rapidly While Increasing Connectivity: One Year of Progress – 12 Sites to 20 Sites January 29, 2016 December 15, 2016 Connected 20 DMZs at 10G and 40G, demonstrating disk-to-disk GridFTP at ~7.5G and 12.5G respectively, and 900Mb at 1G
  • 6. Many PRP Science Engagement Workshops Were Held in 2016 • PRP Workshop Held in Collaboration with UC-Wide Research IT – May 1, 2016 – 45 Attendees – Ten UC Campuses See Talk by Camille Crittenden and Tom DeFanti
  • 7. PRP’s First 1.5 Years: Connecting Campus Application Teams and Devices
  • 8. 100 Gbps FIONA at UCSC Connects the UCSC Hyades Cluster to the NERSC Supercomputer at LBNL Supporting UCSC Remote Access to Large Data Subsets of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) and AGORA Galaxy Simulation Data Produced at NERSC. 250 images per night 800GB per night See Talk by Shawfeng Dong UCSC Feb 7, 2017
  • 9. 40G FIONAs 20x40G PRP-connected WAVE@UC San Diego PRP Will Enable Distributed Virtual Reality PRP MerWAVE @UC Merced See Talk by Jeff Weekley
  • 10. PRP Will Link the Laboratories of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
  • 11. The Second FIONette was Deployed at the PEER Facility at UC Berkeley, and its Performance is Being Monitored John Graham Installing FIONette at PEER Feb 10, 2017
  • 12. SIO Researchers Beginning to Use Big Data Networks (Prism, IDI, PRP) Jules Jaffe - Microscope Off Scripps Pier Frank Vernon - Expansion of HPWREN Dan Cayan, Mike Dettinger Regional Downscaling of Climate Models Scott Sellars, Marty Ralph Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
  • 13. PRP Backbone Sets Stage for 2017 Expansion of HPWREN, Connected to CENIC, into Orange and Riverside Counties • PRP CENIC 100G Link UCSD to SDSU – DTN FIONAs Endpoints – Data Redundancy – Disaster Recovery – High Availability – Network Redundancy • Anchor to CENIC at UCI – PRP FIONA Connects to CalREN-HPR Network – Data Replication Site • Potential Future UCR CENIC Anchor UCR UCI UCSD SDSU Source: Frank Vernon, Greg Hidley, UCSD
  • 14. Pacific City Neptune Canada 45°N 47°30’N 130°W 127°30’W N Seattle GigaPOP Portland Possible PRP 2017 Expansion to Include NSF’s Ocean Observatory Initiative Fiber Optic SensorNets on Seafloor Off Washington To PRP via Pacific Wave Sea Bottom Electro-optical Cable: 8,000 Volts 10 Gbps Optics Slide Courtesy, John Delaney, UWash John Delaney Visiting UCSD’s SIO For Three Months in 2017 Axial Volcano 140 Scientific Instruments
  • 15. Being There - Remote Live High Definition Video of Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vents Mushroom Hydrothermal Vent on Axial Seamount 1 Mile Below Sea Level Picture Created From 40 HD Frames 14 Minutes Live HD Video On-Line Every 3 Hours 15 feet Slide Courtesy, John Delaney, UWash
  • 16. The Future of Supercomputing Will Blend Traditional HPC and Data Analytics Integrating Non-von Neumann Architectures “High Performance Computing Will Evolve Towards a Hybrid Model, Integrating Emerging Non-von Neumann Architectures, with Huge Potential in Pattern Recognition, Streaming Data Analysis, and Unpredictable New Applications.” Horst Simon, Deputy Director, U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • 17. Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute Has Established a Pattern Recognition Lab For Machine Learning on non-von Neumann Processors Source: Dr. Dharmendra Modha Founding Director, IBM Cognitive Computing Group August 8, 2014 UCSD ECE Professor Ken Kreutz-Delgado Brings the IBM TrueNorth Chip to Start Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute Pattern Recognition Laboratory September 16, 2015
  • 18. New Brain-Inspired Non-von Neumann Processors Are Emerging: KnuEdge Has Provided Processor to Calit2’s PRL,31981.html “KnuEdge and Calit2 have worked together since the early days of the KnuEdge LambdaFabric processor, when key personnel and technology from UC San Diego provided the genesis for the first processor design.” June 6, 2016
  • 19. Proposed Cognitive Hardware and Software Ecosystem On the Pacific Research Platform • Working With 30 CSE Machine Learning Researchers – Goal is 320 Game GPUs in 32-40 FIONAs at 10 PRP Campuses – PRP Couples FIONAs with GPUs into a Condor-Managed Cloud • PRP Access to Emerging Processors – IBM TrueNorth, KnuEdge, FPGA, and Qualcomm Snapdragon • Software Including a Wide Range of Open ML Algorithms • Metrics for Performance of Processors and Algorithms Source: Tom DeFanti, Calit2 Multiple Proposals Under Review FIONA with 8-Game GPUs
  • 20. Expanding to National Research Platform and Global Research Platform Via CENIC/Pacific Wave, Internet2, and International Links PRP’s Current International Partners
  • 21. PRP Timeline • PRPv1 – A Routed Layer 3 Architecture – Tested, Measured, Optimized, With Multi-Domain Science Data – Bring Many Of Our Science Teams Up – Each Community Thus Will Have Its Own Certificate-Based Access To its Specific Federated Data Infrastructure • PRPv2 – Incorporating SDN/SDX, AutoGOLE / NSI – Advanced IPv6-Only Version with Robust Security Features – e.g. Trusted Platform Module Hardware and SDN/SDX Software – Support Rates up to 100Gb/s in Bursts and Streams – Develop Means to Operate a Shared Federation of Caches – Cooperating Research Groups
  • 22. Our Support: • US National Science Foundation (NSF) awards CNS 0821155 and CNS-1338192, CNS-1456638, ACI-1540112, and ACI-1541349 • University of California Office of the President CIO • UCSD Chancellor’s Integrated Digital Infrastructure Program • UCSD Next Generation Networking initiative • Calit2 and Calit2 Qualcomm Institute • CENIC, PacificWave and StarLight • DOE ESnet