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The Department of Energy’s
Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI)
GlobusWorld, Chicago, Illinois
Ben Brown, Director, Facilities Division, ASCR
May 7, 2024
The imperative of integration
 DOE’s Research Infrastructure
 Integration … what does it really mean?
 IRI: is it just the Grid, or something more?
 Researchers and their data
IRI = Integrated Research Infrastructure
Computing = high performance computing, data, and networking
Our Mission:
Deliver scientific discoveries
and major scientific tools to
transform our understanding
of nature and advance the
energy, economic, and
national security of the
United States.
More than 34,000 researchers
supported at more than 300
institutions and 17 DOE
national laboratories
More than 39,500
users of 28 Office of
Science scientific
user facilities
FY 2024 enacted
Steward 10 of the
17 DOE national

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Remote Presentation Emerging Centers Track Campus Research Computing Consortium (CaRCC) June 21, 2023

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Open Science Data Cloud - CCA 11
Open Science Data Cloud - CCA 11Open Science Data Cloud - CCA 11
Open Science Data Cloud - CCA 11

The Open Science Data Cloud is a hosted, managed, distributed facility that allows scientists to manage and archive medium and large datasets, provide computational resources to analyze the data, and share the data with colleagues and the public. It currently consists of 6 racks, 212 nodes, 1568 cores and 0.9 PB of storage across 4 locations with 10G networks. Projects using the Open Science Data Cloud include Bionimbus for hosting genomics data and Matsu 2 for providing flood data to disaster response teams. The goal is to build it out over the next 10 years into a small data center for science that can preserve data like libraries and museums preserve collections.

science clouddata intensive computingopen science data cloud
Orbital presentation pt1_200112_v1
Orbital presentation pt1_200112_v1Orbital presentation pt1_200112_v1
Orbital presentation pt1_200112_v1

The document provides an overview of research data management for the School of Engineering at the University of Lincoln. It discusses the benefits of research data management, including increased transparency, collaboration, and opportunities for new research. It also outlines some of the support and requirements for research data management from funders and institutions.

research data managementengineering data
DOE is a system of independent national laboratories
It is one of the happy incidents of the federal system that
a single courageous state may, if its citizens choose,
serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic
experiments without risk to the rest of the country.
Justice Louis D. Brandeis, 1932
DOE is a
laboratory of
Integration challenges
us to meld ideas,
practices, and even
ASCR Facilities: Major systems
The ASCR Facilities enterprise thrives in partnerships that
accelerate discovery and innovation.
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility
Energy Sciences Network
Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility
National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
High Performance Data Facility

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The document discusses data management plan requirements for proposals submitted to the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science for research funding. It provides context on the history of data management policies, outlines the four main requirements for inclusion of a data management plan, and suggests elements that should be included in the plan such as data types/sources, content/format, sharing/preservation, and protection. It also discusses tools like the Public Access Gateway for Energy and Science that can help manage access to research publications and data.

EarthCube Community Webinar 12.19.13: NSF EarthCube Funding Solicitation 13-529
EarthCube Community Webinar 12.19.13: NSF EarthCube Funding Solicitation 13-529EarthCube Community Webinar 12.19.13: NSF EarthCube Funding Solicitation 13-529
EarthCube Community Webinar 12.19.13: NSF EarthCube Funding Solicitation 13-529

The document summarizes an EarthCube community webinar that took place on December 19, 2013. The webinar covered EarthCube updates, the EarthCube test enterprise governance project, and the EarthCube funding solicitation. It provided an agenda for presentations on EarthCube governance, the funding solicitation, and a perspective on EarthCube from the NSF. It also described the goal of EarthCube to create a future state of geosciences cyberinfrastructure and outlined the test enterprise governance project which aims to develop an agile approach to designing an EarthCube system through community engagement.

Sgci esip-7-20-18
Sgci esip-7-20-18Sgci esip-7-20-18
Sgci esip-7-20-18

Science Gateways Community Institute presentation on a panel at the Earth Science Information Partners summer 2018 meeting.

science gateways
$41.6M today
Integration origins: The Office of Energy Research created ESnet and NERSC to
democratize the National Laboratories’ access to HPC
The ASCR Facilities are Scientific User Facilities
FY 2023
28 scientific
user facilities
>37,000 users OLCF ALCF NERSC ESnet EMSL

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CCCORE: Cloud Container for Collaborative Research
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Cloud-based research collaboration platforms render scalable, secure and inventive environments that enabled academic and scientific researchers to share research data, applications and provide access to high- performance computing resources. Dynamic allocation of resources according to the unpredictable needs of applications used by researchers is a key challenge in collaborative research environments. We propose the design of Cloud Container based Collaborative Research (CCCORE) framework to address dynamic resource provisioning according to the variable workload of compute and data-intensive applications or analysis tools used by researchers. Our proposed approach relies on–demand, customized containerization and comprehensive assessment of resource requirements to achieve optimal resource allocation in a dynamic collaborative research environment. We propose algorithms for dynamic resource allocation problem in a collaborative research environment, which aim to minimize finish time, improve throughput and achieve optimal resource utilization by employing the underutilized residual resources.

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Victoria A. White Head, Computing Division Fermilab
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Global scientific collaborations are essential for particle physics experiments. Fermilab experiments involve over 200 institutions from around the world, with over half of physicists and a third of students coming from outside the US. Fermilab is working to support these collaborations through networks, grid computing, guest scientists programs, and outreach. Advances in information technology and global e-science are profoundly impacting many fields.

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Collaborative by Nature - Chris Higgins, IGIBS & EDINA
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Presentation given at the Collaborative by Nature event (#gecoenv) in Cardiff on 11th November 2011.

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LCLS-II First Light
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SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

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The document discusses the developing needs for e-infrastructures to support research. It summarizes the key recommendations from the OSI report, which include providing researchers with access to resources, facilities to discover resources, confidence in resource quality and integrity, and assurance of future accessibility. The JISC committee is developing a new strategy to address priorities around integrating data from multiple sources and enabling collaboration across boundaries.

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Panel Presentation CENIC Annual Conference University of California, Irvine - Irvine, CA March 9, 2015

big dataanalyticscyberinfrastucture
Integrated Research Infrastructure
The double meaning of IRI
Integrated Research Infrastructure
Linking distributed resources is becoming paramount to
modern collaborative science, to integrated science.
Accelerating discovery & innovation
Democratizing access
Drawing new talent
Advancing open science
The challenges of our time call upon DOE and its national
laboratories to be an open innovation ecosystem.
DOE’s Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) Vision:
To empower researchers to meld DOE’s world-class research tools, infrastructure, and user facilities seamlessly and
securely in novel ways to radically accelerate discovery and innovation
New modes of
integrated science
Experimental and Observational
User Facilities
AI Tools
Digital Twins
High Performance
Data Facility
Data Management
Data Repositories
PuRE Data Assets
AI-enabled insight from
integrating vast data sources
Rapid data analysis and
steering of experiments
Novel workflows using
multiple user facilities
Software and
DOE’s Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) Vision:
To empower researchers to meld DOE’s world-class research tools, infrastructure, and user facilities seamlessly and
securely in novel ways to radically accelerate discovery and innovation
New modes of
integrated science
Experimental and Observational
User Facilities
AI Tools
Digital Twins
High Performance
Data Facility
Data Management
Data Repositories
PuRE Data Assets
AI-enabled insight from
integrating vast data sources
Rapid data analysis and
steering of experiments
Novel workflows using
multiple user facilities
Software and
The IRI Vision:
It’s about empowering people.
It’s about data.

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The document discusses Internet2, an advanced networking consortium that operates a 15,000 mile fiber optic network for research and education. It provides very high speed connectivity and collaboration technologies to facilitate large data sharing and frictionless research. Examples are given of life sciences projects utilizing Internet2's high-speed network for genomic research and agricultural applications involving terabytes of satellite and sensor data. The network is expanding to include cloud computing resources and supercomputing centers to enable global-scale distributed scientific computing and collaboration.

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Learn about standards studied in the US National Science Foundation Cloud and Autonomic Computing Industry/University Cooperative Research Center Cloud Standards Testing Lab and how you can get involved to extend the successes from these results in your own cloud software settings. Presented at the O'Reilly OSCON 2014 Open Cloud Day. Video available at

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1) RITMARE is a large, multi-institutional Italian marine research project aiming to build a data management infrastructure to facilitate sharing of data across research communities. 2) Subproject 7 of RITMARE seeks to design an IT system that enables interoperability and data exchange without forcing a single model or centralization. Efforts have included developing a data policy, collecting researcher requirements, and creating tools and services. 3) While progress has been made in establishing nodes providing access to data and metadata, uptake by researchers has been less than expected due to insufficient technical support, lack of data-related incentives, and developing a data policy after the project began rather than at the outset.

big datafairresearch data alliance
The IRI Architecture Blueprint Activity
established a framework for serious planning
Download link
The IRI Blueprint Activity created a framework for IRI implementation
User experience practice will ensure relentless attention to user
perspectives and needs through requirements gathering,user-
centric (co)-design,continuous feedback,and other means.
Resource co-operations practice is focused on creating new modes
of cooperation,collaboration,co-scheduling,and joint planning
across facilities and DOE programs.
Cybersecurity and federated access practice is focused on
creating novel solutions that enable seamless scientific collaboration
within a secure and trusted IRI ecosystem.
Workflows,interfaces,and automation practice is focused on
creating novel solutions that facilitate the dynamic assembly of
components across facilities into end-to-end IRI pipelines.
Scientific data life cycle practice is focused on ensuring that users
can manage their data and metadata across facilities from inception
to curation,archiving,dissemination,and publication.
Portable/scalable solutions practice is focused on ensuring that
transitions can be made across heterogeneous facilities (portability)
and from smaller to larger resources (scalability).
Time-sensitive pattern has urgency,
requiring real-time or end-to-end
performance with high reliability, e.g.,for
timely decision-making,experiment
steering, and virtual proximity.
Data integration-intensive pattern
requires combining and analyzing data
from multiple sources, e.g., sites,
experiments, and/or computational runs.
Long-term campaign pattern requires
sustained access to resources over a long
period to accomplish a well-defined
IRI Science Patterns (3) IRI Practice Areas (6)
Convened over 150 DOE national laboratory experts from all 28 SC
user facilities across 13 national laboratories to consider the
technological, policy, and sociological challenges to implementing IRI.
Cross-facility partnerships are yielding early results
LBNL’s Superfacility project, ORNL’s INTERSECT project, and ANL’s NEXUS project, and a several other collaborations, are
active incubators for IRI design patterns. Here are a few cherry-picked highlights from the Supercomputing 23 conference
(November 12-17, 2023 in Denver):
 FES: DIII-D user facility
• Has worked with ALCF to run post-shot analysis on Polaris at 16X the prior resolution and a completed the analysis between shots,
allowing the analysis result to be considered with every shot instead of every other shot.
• Has worked with NERSC to automate rapid plasma state reconstruction on Perlmutter. Previously these reconstructions were handcrafted
with 4,000 produced in the 15 years between 2008-22; they created over 20,000 automated reconstructions in the first 6 months.
 BES: x-ray light sources
• LCLS is streaming data to NERSC (Perlmutter) and OLCF (Frontier) via ESnet to achieve wall clock speedups of data analysis; what would have
taken ~ 30 minutes at LCLS is now reduced to 5 minutes, fast enough to make adjustments between experiments.
• APS has worked with ALCF and has multiple beamlines running analyses in production on Polaris: X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy, Laue
Depth reconstructions, X-ray Ptychography, High-Energy Diffraction Microscopy.
 BES: electron microscopy
• The National Center for Electron Microscopy at the Molecular Foundry regularly streams data from their high-resolution electron microscope
directly into NERSC's compute nodes for immediate processing; this process is 14x faster than previous file transfer methods with a more
consistent transfer time.
IRI Program value propositions (authored by the SC IRI Coordination Group)
For the taxpayer, for all of us:
Achieve greater productivity and avoid duplication of effort.
For the researcher:
Achieve transformational reduction in time to insight and complexity.
For program/RI/institutional leaders:
 Achieve greater effectiveness and efficiency in coordinating efforts;
 Achieve more nimble solutions than would be possible alone;
 Gain leverage with partners who possess like requirements;
 Avoid single points of failure; and
 Gain access to expertise and shared experience.

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Brian Matthews presents the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and the EOSCpilot | OSFair2017 Workshop Workshop title: How FAIR friendly is your data catalogue? Workshop overview: This workshop will build upon the work planned by the EOSCpilot data interoperability task and the BlueBridge workshop held on April 3 at the RDA meeting. We will investigate common mechanisms for interoperation of data catalogues that preserve established community standards, norms and resources, while simplifying the process of being/becoming FAIR. Can we have a simple interoperability architecture based on a common set of metadata types? What are the minimum metadata requirements to expose FAIR data to EOSC services and EOSC users? DAY 3 - PARALLEL SESSION 6 & 7

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The PRP and Its Applications
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Panel Presentation With Tom DeFanti and Frank Wuerthwein Nautilus and the National Research Platform CENIC 2022 Annual Conference September 27, 2022

Globus Compute wth IRI Workflows - GlobusWorld 2024
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Globus Compute wth IRI Workflows - GlobusWorld 2024

As part of the DOE Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) program, NERSC at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and ALCF at Argonne National Lab are working closely with General Atomics on accelerating the computing requirements of the DIII-D experiment. As part of the work the team is investigating ways to speedup the time to solution for many different parts of the DIII-D workflow including how they run jobs on HPC systems. One of these routes is looking at Globus Compute as a way to replace the current method for managing tasks and we describe a brief proof of concept showing how Globus Compute could help to schedule jobs and be a tool to connect compute at different facilities.

globusglobusworldresearch data management
Vision Strategy Implement
Timeline of IRI Program Development
Jan 2020 Jan 2024
Jan 2022 Jan 2023
FY 2024 PBR advances IRI and the
High Performance Data Facility
SC IRI Blueprint Activity launch
IRI Blueprint Activity results
FY 2021 President’s Budget Request
includes Integrated Computation
and Data Infrastructure Initiative
ASCR IRI Task Force launch
Jan 2021
ASCR IRI Task Force report
IRI Program Development
Standup of the IRI Program is a DOE FY24-25 Agency Priority Goal
1. Invest in IRI foundational infrastructure
2. Stand up the IRI Program governance and FY24 workstreams
3. Bring IRI projects into formal coordination
4. Deploy an IRI Science Testbed across the ASCR Facilities
These are all connected.
These are each essential.
IRI Program launch is a DOE FY24-25 Agency Priority Goal.
ASCR is implementing IRI through these four major elements.
HPDF: A Brief Overview
• First-of-its-kind DOE Office of Science user facility
• Distributed operations model will be essential to long-term success and
required performance levels
• Project structure integrated with JLab and LBNL staff
HPDF: Meeting the Greatest Needs
The DOE envisions a revolutionary ecosystem – the
Integrated Research Infrastructure – to deliver seamless,
secure interoperability across National Laboratory facilities
The 2023 IRI Architecture Blueprint Activity identified three
broad science patterns that demand research infrastructure
• Time-sensitive patterns
• Data-integration-intensive patterns
• Long-term campaign patterns
HPDF will enable analysis, preservation, and accessibility to the staggering
amounts of experimental data produced by SC facilities
Our mission:
To enable
and accelerate
by delivering
and tools

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The Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) is a global network of data servers that archives and distributes the planet’s largest collection of Earth system model output for thousands of climate and environmental scientists worldwide. Many of these petabyte-scale data archives are located in proximity to large high-performance computing (HPC) or cloud computing resources, but the primary workflow for data users consists of transferring data, and applying computations on a different system. As a part of the ESGF 2.0 US project (funded by the United States Department of Energy Office of Science), we developed pre-defined data workflows, which can be run on-demand, capable of applying many data reduction and data analysis to the large ESGF data archives, transferring only the resultant analysis (ex. visualizations, smaller data files). In this talk, we will showcase a few of these workflows, highlighting how Globus Flows can be used for petabyte-scale climate analysis.

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Globus Compute Introduction - GlobusWorld 2024
Globus Compute Introduction - GlobusWorld 2024Globus Compute Introduction - GlobusWorld 2024
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We describe the deployment and use of Globus Compute for remote computation. This content is aimed at researchers who wish to compute on remote resources using a unified programming interface, as well as system administrators who will deploy and operate Globus Compute services on their research computing infrastructure.

globusglobusworldresearch data management
Globus Connect Server Deep Dive - GlobusWorld 2024
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We explore the Globus Connect Server (GCS) architecture and experiment with advanced configuration options and use cases. This content is targeted at system administrators who are familiar with GCS and currently operate—or are planning to operate—broader deployments at their institution.

globusglobus connect serverglobusworld
Data science requires curated and annotated data that adheres to
FAIR principles, and data reuse will be an HPDF metric. Office of
Scientific and Technical Information services will complement HPDF
to provide full life cycle coverage.
Flexible & Full Life Cycle Coverage
• Management – A dynamic and scalable data
management infrastructure integrated with
the DOE computing ecosystem
• Capture – Dynamically allocatable data storage
and edge computing at the point of
• Staging – Dynamic placement of data in
proximity to appropriate computing for
reduction, analysis, and processing
• Archiving – Extreme-scale distributed archiving
and cataloging of data with FAIR principles –
findability, accessibility, interoperability, and
• Processing – Resources for workflow and
automation for processing and analyses
of data at scale
Long-term data
curation and archival
Move and manage data
and dynamic data
Fulfill FAIR principles
for scientific data
Clean and Process
Scalable scientific and
AI/ML workflows
Acquire and Prepare
Ingest experimental and
observational and
reprocessed data using
standard APIs
User Facilities
Gateways Raw &
Derived Data
Hub & Spoke Architecture: Seamless Service
• HPDF distributed infrastructure will
be designed to maximize planned
availability and resilience
• Resources will be optimized for
data processing and analysis
• Partnering with spoke sites will provide
seamless data life cycle services to
scientific users worldwide
• Working with IRI ensures a secure,
high-performance mesh data fabric that
enables data and workloads to flow
freely among the hub, spokes, and HPC
• Pilot activities and partnerships will help
refine the design as hub software and
hardware technology evolve
Community Structure
How strongly governed or united a community is
around a set of policies or goals for its data products
Organizational Structure
How the organization or institution is designed to
support their user community’s full data life cycle.
Funding Model(s)
How the spoke is funded, for what lifespan, and how
end users are supported (sub-awards, allocations,
etc.) to leverage its resources
The size of a particular spoke will be shaped by the
confluence of anticipated user base, data volume
and velocity, and resources (staff, compute)
Data/Compute Resources
The types and extent of technical functionality a spoke supports for its user community.
Facets of Spoke Design
Quotes from participants at one of the last Exascale Computing Project
meetings, reflecting on the journey (with some paraphrasing)
 “Integration is not optional anymore.”
 “ECP was the time to challenge assumptions … [and embark on a] holistic rethinking and
 “Be technically ambitious.”
 “Dare to try, no matter what, because business as usual is almost guaranteed to fail.”
 “You have to build not just the software, but also the communities around the software.”
 “Invest seriously in automation.”
 “For a scientist, code is not their main focus; it is a tool…. But nobody wants their code to
 “In order to make progress, we developers have to be able to drop [support for old things].”
Summing up where we stand today with IRI
IRI is envisioned as a long-term program, with a formal governance structure, to frame rich
partnerships in a seamless computing and data ecosystem for researchers.
The ASCR Facilities (ALCF, ESnet, NERSC, OLCF) are nucleating the IRI governance. Globus is
an important partner.
HPDF is a new major project to create a new DOE User Facility with a budget of $300M; the
project is just getting going.
In a deep sense, IRI is about creating – but not inventing from scratch –
a software (and middleware) ecosystem.
Leverage and lessons learned from well-executed and well-stewarded software and
middleware (like Globus!) are essential to developing a robust IRI.
Software is infrastructure!

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Large Language Models (LLMs) are currently the center of attention in the tech world, particularly for their potential to advance research. In this presentation, we'll explore a straightforward and effective method for quickly initiating inference runs on supercomputers using the vLLM tool with Globus Compute, specifically on the Polaris system at ALCF. We'll begin by briefly discussing the popularity and applications of LLMs in various fields. Following this, we will introduce the vLLM tool, and explain how it integrates with Globus Compute to efficiently manage LLM operations on Polaris. Attendees will learn the practical aspects of setting up and remotely triggering LLMs from local machines, focusing on ease of use and efficiency. This talk is ideal for researchers and practitioners looking to leverage the power of LLMs in their work, offering a clear guide to harnessing supercomputing resources for quick and effective LLM inference.

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Providing Globus Services to Users of JASMIN for Environmental Data Analysis
Providing Globus Services to Users of JASMIN for Environmental Data AnalysisProviding Globus Services to Users of JASMIN for Environmental Data Analysis
Providing Globus Services to Users of JASMIN for Environmental Data Analysis

JASMIN is the UK’s high-performance data analysis platform for environmental science, operated by STFC on behalf of the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). In addition to its role in hosting the CEDA Archive (NERC’s long-term repository for climate, atmospheric science & Earth observation data in the UK), JASMIN provides a collaborative platform to a community of around 2,000 scientists in the UK and beyond, providing nearly 400 environmental science projects with working space, compute resources and tools to facilitate their work. High-performance data transfer into and out of JASMIN has always been a key feature, with many scientists bringing model outputs from supercomputers elsewhere in the UK, to analyse against observational or other model data in the CEDA Archive. A growing number of JASMIN users are now realising the benefits of using the Globus service to provide reliable and efficient data movement and other tasks in this and other contexts. Further use cases involve long-distance (intercontinental) transfers to and from JASMIN, and collecting results from a mobile atmospheric radar system, pushing data to JASMIN via a lightweight Globus deployment. We provide details of how Globus fits into our current infrastructure, our experience of the recent migration to GCSv5.4, and of our interest in developing use of the wider ecosystem of Globus services for the benefit of our user community.

First Steps with Globus Compute Multi-User Endpoints
First Steps with Globus Compute Multi-User EndpointsFirst Steps with Globus Compute Multi-User Endpoints
First Steps with Globus Compute Multi-User Endpoints

In this presentation we will share our experiences around getting started with the Globus Compute multi-user endpoint. Working with the Pharmacology group at the University of Auckland, we have previously written an application using Globus Compute that can offload computationally expensive steps in the researcher's workflows, which they wish to manage from their familiar Windows environments, onto the NeSI (New Zealand eScience Infrastructure) cluster. Some of the challenges we have encountered were that each researcher had to set up and manage their own single-user globus compute endpoint and that the workloads had varying resource requirements (CPUs, memory and wall time) between different runs. We hope that the multi-user endpoint will help to address these challenges and share an update on our progress here.

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Software is infrastructure!
The dawn of the AI era.
The dawn of the nuclear era.
understand risk
harness potential
Eras of DOE: the era of integrated research is now

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Cross-facility research orchestration comes with ever-changing constraints regarding the availability and suitability of various compute and data resources. In short, a flexible data and processing fabric is needed to enable the dynamic redirection of data and compute tasks throughout the lifecycle of an experiment. In this talk, we illustrate how we easily leveraged Globus services to instrument the ACE research testbed at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility with flexible data and task orchestration capabilities.

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Understanding Globus Data Transfers with NetSage
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Understanding Globus Data Transfers with NetSage

NetSage is an open privacy-aware network measurement, analysis, and visualization service designed to help end-users visualize and reason about large data transfers. NetSage traditionally has used a combination of passive measurements, including SNMP and flow data, as well as active measurements, mainly perfSONAR, to provide longitudinal network performance data visualization. It has been deployed by dozens of networks world wide, and is supported domestically by the Engagement and Performance Operations Center (EPOC), NSF #2328479. We have recently expanded the NetSage data sources to include logs for Globus data transfers, following the same privacy-preserving approach as for Flow data. Using the logs for the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) as an example, this talk will walk through several different example use cases that NetSage can answer, including: Who is using Globus to share data with my institution, and what kind of performance are they able to achieve? How many transfers has Globus supported for us? Which sites are we sharing the most data with, and how is that changing over time? How is my site using Globus to move data internally, and what kind of performance do we see for those transfers? What percentage of data transfers at my institution used Globus, and how did the overall data transfer performance compare to the Globus users?

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Science gateways allow science and engineering communities to access shared data, software, computing services, and instruments. Science gateways have gained a lot of traction in the last twenty years, as evidenced by projects such as the Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI) and the Center of Excellence on Science Gateways (SGX3) in the US, The Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) and its platforms in Australia, and the projects around Virtual Research Environments in Europe. A few mature frameworks have evolved with their different strengths and foci and have been taken up by a larger community such as the Globus Data Portal, Hubzero, Tapis, and Galaxy. However, even when gateways are built on successful frameworks, they continue to face the challenges of ongoing maintenance costs and how to meet the ever-expanding needs of the community they serve with enhanced features. It is not uncommon that gateways with compelling use cases are nonetheless unable to get past the prototype phase and become a full production service, or if they do, they don't survive more than a couple of years. While there is no guaranteed pathway to success, it seems likely that for any gateway there is a need for a strong community and/or solid funding streams to create and sustain its success. With over twenty years of examples to draw from, this presentation goes into detail for ten factors common to successful and enduring gateways that effectively serve as best practices for any new or developing gateway.

data portalscience gatewaysresearch data management

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  • 9. 9 $41.6M today Integration origins: The Office of Energy Research created ESnet and NERSC to democratize the National Laboratories’ access to HPC
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  • 17. 17 Integrated Research Infrastructure The double meaning of IRI Integrated Research Infrastructure
  • 18. Linking distributed resources is becoming paramount to modern collaborative science, to integrated science. Accelerating discovery & innovation Democratizing access Drawing new talent Advancing open science The challenges of our time call upon DOE and its national laboratories to be an open innovation ecosystem. 18
  • 19. DOE’s Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) Vision: To empower researchers to meld DOE’s world-class research tools, infrastructure, and user facilities seamlessly and securely in novel ways to radically accelerate discovery and innovation New modes of integrated science Researchers Edge Sensors Computing Testbeds Experimental and Observational User Facilities Advanced Computing Advanced Networking AI Tools Digital Twins High Performance Data Facility Cloud Computing Software Data Management Data Repositories PuRE Data Assets AI-enabled insight from integrating vast data sources Rapid data analysis and steering of experiments Novel workflows using multiple user facilities Software and Applications Local Campus Computing 19
  • 20. DOE’s Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) Vision: To empower researchers to meld DOE’s world-class research tools, infrastructure, and user facilities seamlessly and securely in novel ways to radically accelerate discovery and innovation 20 New modes of integrated science Researchers Edge Sensors Computing Testbeds Experimental and Observational User Facilities Advanced Computing Advanced Networking AI Tools Digital Twins High Performance Data Facility Cloud Computing Software Data Management Data Repositories PuRE Data Assets AI-enabled insight from integrating vast data sources Rapid data analysis and steering of experiments Novel workflows using multiple user facilities Software and Applications Local Campus Computing The IRI Vision: It’s about empowering people. It’s about data.
  • 21. The IRI Architecture Blueprint Activity established a framework for serious planning Download link
  • 22. The IRI Blueprint Activity created a framework for IRI implementation User experience practice will ensure relentless attention to user perspectives and needs through requirements gathering,user- centric (co)-design,continuous feedback,and other means. Resource co-operations practice is focused on creating new modes of cooperation,collaboration,co-scheduling,and joint planning across facilities and DOE programs. Cybersecurity and federated access practice is focused on creating novel solutions that enable seamless scientific collaboration within a secure and trusted IRI ecosystem. Workflows,interfaces,and automation practice is focused on creating novel solutions that facilitate the dynamic assembly of components across facilities into end-to-end IRI pipelines. Scientific data life cycle practice is focused on ensuring that users can manage their data and metadata across facilities from inception to curation,archiving,dissemination,and publication. Portable/scalable solutions practice is focused on ensuring that transitions can be made across heterogeneous facilities (portability) and from smaller to larger resources (scalability). Time-sensitive pattern has urgency, requiring real-time or end-to-end performance with high reliability, e.g.,for timely decision-making,experiment steering, and virtual proximity. Data integration-intensive pattern requires combining and analyzing data from multiple sources, e.g., sites, experiments, and/or computational runs. Long-term campaign pattern requires sustained access to resources over a long period to accomplish a well-defined objective. IRI Science Patterns (3) IRI Practice Areas (6) Convened over 150 DOE national laboratory experts from all 28 SC user facilities across 13 national laboratories to consider the technological, policy, and sociological challenges to implementing IRI. 22
  • 23. Cross-facility partnerships are yielding early results LBNL’s Superfacility project, ORNL’s INTERSECT project, and ANL’s NEXUS project, and a several other collaborations, are active incubators for IRI design patterns. Here are a few cherry-picked highlights from the Supercomputing 23 conference (November 12-17, 2023 in Denver):  FES: DIII-D user facility • Has worked with ALCF to run post-shot analysis on Polaris at 16X the prior resolution and a completed the analysis between shots, allowing the analysis result to be considered with every shot instead of every other shot. • Has worked with NERSC to automate rapid plasma state reconstruction on Perlmutter. Previously these reconstructions were handcrafted with 4,000 produced in the 15 years between 2008-22; they created over 20,000 automated reconstructions in the first 6 months.  BES: x-ray light sources • LCLS is streaming data to NERSC (Perlmutter) and OLCF (Frontier) via ESnet to achieve wall clock speedups of data analysis; what would have taken ~ 30 minutes at LCLS is now reduced to 5 minutes, fast enough to make adjustments between experiments. • APS has worked with ALCF and has multiple beamlines running analyses in production on Polaris: X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy, Laue Depth reconstructions, X-ray Ptychography, High-Energy Diffraction Microscopy.  BES: electron microscopy • The National Center for Electron Microscopy at the Molecular Foundry regularly streams data from their high-resolution electron microscope directly into NERSC's compute nodes for immediate processing; this process is 14x faster than previous file transfer methods with a more consistent transfer time.
  • 24. IRI Program value propositions (authored by the SC IRI Coordination Group) For the taxpayer, for all of us: Achieve greater productivity and avoid duplication of effort. For the researcher: Achieve transformational reduction in time to insight and complexity. For program/RI/institutional leaders:  Achieve greater effectiveness and efficiency in coordinating efforts;  Achieve more nimble solutions than would be possible alone;  Gain leverage with partners who possess like requirements;  Avoid single points of failure; and  Gain access to expertise and shared experience. 24
  • 25. Vision Strategy Implement Timeline of IRI Program Development Jan 2020 Jan 2024 Jan 2022 Jan 2023 FY 2024 PBR advances IRI and the High Performance Data Facility SC IRI Blueprint Activity launch IRI Blueprint Activity results FY 2021 President’s Budget Request includes Integrated Computation and Data Infrastructure Initiative ASCR IRI Task Force launch Jan 2021 ASCR IRI Task Force report IRI Program Development HPDF Selection 25 GO Standup of the IRI Program is a DOE FY24-25 Agency Priority Goal
  • 26. 1. Invest in IRI foundational infrastructure 2. Stand up the IRI Program governance and FY24 workstreams 3. Bring IRI projects into formal coordination 4. Deploy an IRI Science Testbed across the ASCR Facilities These are all connected. These are each essential. IRI Program launch is a DOE FY24-25 Agency Priority Goal. ASCR is implementing IRI through these four major elements. 1 2 3 4 26
  • 27. HPDF: A Brief Overview
  • 28. • First-of-its-kind DOE Office of Science user facility • Distributed operations model will be essential to long-term success and required performance levels • Project structure integrated with JLab and LBNL staff HPDF: Meeting the Greatest Needs The DOE envisions a revolutionary ecosystem – the Integrated Research Infrastructure – to deliver seamless, secure interoperability across National Laboratory facilities The 2023 IRI Architecture Blueprint Activity identified three broad science patterns that demand research infrastructure interoperability: • Time-sensitive patterns • Data-integration-intensive patterns • Long-term campaign patterns HPDF will enable analysis, preservation, and accessibility to the staggering amounts of experimental data produced by SC facilities Our mission: To enable and accelerate scientific discovery by delivering state-of-the-art data management infrastructure, capabilities, and tools
  • 29. Data science requires curated and annotated data that adheres to FAIR principles, and data reuse will be an HPDF metric. Office of Scientific and Technical Information services will complement HPDF to provide full life cycle coverage. Flexible & Full Life Cycle Coverage • Management – A dynamic and scalable data management infrastructure integrated with the DOE computing ecosystem • Capture – Dynamically allocatable data storage and edge computing at the point of generation • Staging – Dynamic placement of data in proximity to appropriate computing for reduction, analysis, and processing • Archiving – Extreme-scale distributed archiving and cataloging of data with FAIR principles – findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability • Processing – Resources for workflow and automation for processing and analyses of data at scale Preserve Long-term data curation and archival Transfer Move and manage data and dynamic data streams Publish Fulfill FAIR principles for scientific data Clean and Process Scalable scientific and AI/ML workflows Acquire and Prepare Ingest experimental and observational and reprocessed data using standard APIs User Facilities Science Gateways Raw & Derived Data Hub Analyze Share Refine Release Tiered Storage Compute ESnet
  • 30. Hub & Spoke Architecture: Seamless Service • HPDF distributed infrastructure will be designed to maximize planned availability and resilience • Resources will be optimized for data processing and analysis • Partnering with spoke sites will provide seamless data life cycle services to scientific users worldwide • Working with IRI ensures a secure, high-performance mesh data fabric that enables data and workloads to flow freely among the hub, spokes, and HPC facilities • Pilot activities and partnerships will help refine the design as hub software and hardware technology evolve Community Structure How strongly governed or united a community is around a set of policies or goals for its data products Organizational Structure How the organization or institution is designed to support their user community’s full data life cycle. Funding Model(s) How the spoke is funded, for what lifespan, and how end users are supported (sub-awards, allocations, etc.) to leverage its resources Size The size of a particular spoke will be shaped by the confluence of anticipated user base, data volume and velocity, and resources (staff, compute) Data/Compute Resources The types and extent of technical functionality a spoke supports for its user community. Facets of Spoke Design
  • 31. Quotes from participants at one of the last Exascale Computing Project meetings, reflecting on the journey (with some paraphrasing)  “Integration is not optional anymore.”  “ECP was the time to challenge assumptions … [and embark on a] holistic rethinking and restructuring.”  “Be technically ambitious.”  “Dare to try, no matter what, because business as usual is almost guaranteed to fail.”  “You have to build not just the software, but also the communities around the software.”  “Invest seriously in automation.”  “For a scientist, code is not their main focus; it is a tool…. But nobody wants their code to break.”  “In order to make progress, we developers have to be able to drop [support for old things].”
  • 32. Summing up where we stand today with IRI IRI is envisioned as a long-term program, with a formal governance structure, to frame rich partnerships in a seamless computing and data ecosystem for researchers. The ASCR Facilities (ALCF, ESnet, NERSC, OLCF) are nucleating the IRI governance. Globus is an important partner. HPDF is a new major project to create a new DOE User Facility with a budget of $300M; the project is just getting going. In a deep sense, IRI is about creating – but not inventing from scratch – a software (and middleware) ecosystem. Leverage and lessons learned from well-executed and well-stewarded software and middleware (like Globus!) are essential to developing a robust IRI. Software is infrastructure!
  • 34. 34 The dawn of the AI era. The dawn of the nuclear era. understand risk harness potential
  • 35. Eras of DOE: the era of integrated research is now 35
  • 36. 36