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Does 「テレビで言う」 mean "The TV says ..."?

A native speaker wrote the sentence 「安いので日本で有名だとテレビで言っていました。」, with the meaning intended to be "I saw on TV that it's popular in Japan because it's cheap." My question is about the phrase 「...
Hikonyan's user avatar
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What does くて mean in this sentence? [duplicate]

For what I have studied till know, くて is 1- the te-form for negative verbs or i-adjectives and it's used to conect the verb or adjective to another word. 2- at the end of a sentence, in the case of ...
Akagami Kuroh's user avatar
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Question about sentences that qualify nouns

(私が)望む未来  (未来を)望む私 I used the same verb behind two diffent nouns. However the Subject-Verb-Object remains the same. The first sentence standing for: "The future I desire.". Would the second ...
K N's user avatar
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What does されています here? レポートには間違っていた箇所が指摘されています

in this sentence (レポートには間違っていた箇所が指摘されています) "Xが指摘されています" can mean: "X will be pointed out" or only "X is pointed out"? "されています" can be used to express actions ...
Eagle377 host's user avatar
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Does anyone know if this is supposed to be some kind of expression これが憎めないんだなぁ? スリッピーはちょっと気が弱いが、これが憎めないんだなぁ。 Slippy is a bit faint of heart, ... 憎む 【にくむ】 to hate; to detest
SomaRise's user avatar
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なく after a verb, what are the uses?

夕暮れで 二人 少しずつ見えなくなっていって In this case I suppose it 見えなく(invisible) + 成っていって(becoming). But in this case below how would it work? サヨナラ 会えなくなったって 僕らは続きがあるから
Tereshin's user avatar
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How can this sentence be understood?

I'm reading 仮面の告白 by Mishima Yukio, and I came across this sentence: そのほか に縄目は見えず、青年の裸体を覆うものとては、腰のまわりにゆるやか に巻きつけられた 白い粗布があるばかりだった。 I would like to understand how is this sentence made by the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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~め ending, apparently not imperative?

Context is the song 「その血の記憶」: 空白のラストページに…       Into [dative of motion towards] a blank LAST PAGE, そのこぶしを叩き込めーッ!     [Star Platinum] will throw that fist (???) End of THE WORLD!その血の記憶! End of THE ...
Q Science's user avatar
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What is the meaning of 上げて落としたみてー?

I'm reading this manga, and came accross the following monologue: たかが弦ごときで世界の終わりみてーなツラしやがって 俺が上げて落としたみてーで後味ワリーだろがッ 俺の昼寝返せ!!! I can't understand what 上げて落としたみて means. Is this an expression? Are those ...
Guent's user avatar
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When is it okay to not use desu?

I've been looking around for this, but all I can find is pretty basic stuff about desu. I've studied Japanese, but writing texts in Japanese still stumps me sometimes. Right now I'm wondering about ...
SleepyDwagon's user avatar
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Correct translation of sentence with できていません [duplicate]

I am confused with the use of できていません in sentence : 明日の宿題のレポートがまだ1枚もできていません When I checked the dictionary it shows that できる means CAN(DO)/ BE ABLE TO while ている is for present progressive so I ...
Shiniboi's user avatar
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What does する mean in this sentence?

少なくとも十ドルはすると思います。 I didn't get why it is here. Could I rewrite the sentence without する?
Dav7n's user avatar
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入り and 付き in these sentences

I saw some sentences like this, but I couldn't understand them. What do they mean? 砂糖入りのお茶。 胡椒付きのサラダ。
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Connecting Sino-Japanese verbs

As a rule the Japanese verbs are connected by ~たり pattern. For example: 出社【しゅっしゃ】したり退社【たいしゃ】したりする。 But is it grammatically correct, when I connect these two verbs by 及び【および】? For example: ...
Fara's user avatar
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Does "私は山田さんが描きました。" make sense in Japanese?

Is this sentence put together correctly? I'm trying to say "I drew (name on person)" formally. Drew as in "drew a picture of". In this case I will be using Yamada-san as an example. 私は山田さんが描きました。 ...
Ama's user avatar
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ni vs te form to express continuity/reason

What is the difference between the two Structures: 1: VERB ni VERB. ex:sentaku ni dekakemasu. 2:VERB(te form) VERB. ex:nagarete kaeimashita. (The example are from momotarou)
Welos's user avatar
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"After I do [x], I do [y]"?

So, I'm trying to construct a sentence along the lines of "After I do this action, I do that action," but I'm having the absolute hardest time figuring out what syntax and verb conjugations to use. ...
EnragedTanker's user avatar
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Confusion on usage of か marking alternatives with verbs

Most textbooks note that using か to mark two noun alternatives, the last one can be omitted. However, what about verbs? Would a textbook sentence such as 今晩の食事はステーキにするか、すしにするかまだ決めていません。 Stay ...
user9771's user avatar
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How would I say "when [x] happened"?

First off, I understand the use of ~の時 (when). However, with my current knowledge, this doesn't make sense if I try to use it with verbs in phrases such as "when I woke up". It's probably quite ...
EnragedTanker's user avatar
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いる connected to a proposition?

I'm stuck with the construction of 居る/いる in the following sentence (Botchan, I) 小学校【しょうがっこう】に居【い】る時分【じぶん】学校【がっこう】の二階【にかい】から飛【と】び降【お】りて一週間【いっしゅうかん】ほど腰【こし】を抜【ぬ】かした事【こと】がある。 My translation (excuse my ...
suizokukan's user avatar
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Causative form + te form + another verb construction

In this specific case: 取らせて頂いた So, what's the meaning of such a construction? I understand what each thing does alone (the causative form, the te form and the verb in past indicative), But what ...
Cubo's user avatar
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「〜がする」 the extended use of する (to do)

I'm going through some basic grammar and this one website teaches the "extended" use of the word する. There is a confusing example which looks like: 波の音 がする The translation is: "(I) hear the sound ...
chlenix's user avatar
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When an -i form (連用形{れんようけい}) of a verb seems to be a suffix rather than a prefix?

In a previous question about コーヒー割り I learned that 割り is a form of the verb 割{わ}る "to dilute". Now I'm trying to understand the grammatical process by which this 割り form of 割る can be added to nouns ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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What are the ways to conjugate "I" and "to be" (in romaji)

I think being able to to specify who you are talking about and yourself is very crucial in a language so, how do they do it? To clarify I know in French there is 6 ways to specify a person: Je (I), ...
Z_Doctor's user avatar