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Questions tagged [particle-を]

助詞「を」. Case particle indicating the direct object of a verb or the course of a motion verb.

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を と? Is it similar some kind of grammar? [duplicate]

それを手段の一つとして戦える敵か。厄介だ… The character is fighting an enemy who has the special ability to teleport. So he says this Is を として here some kind of grammar? "An enemy who can fight that way"?
Bluegate's user avatar
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Usage of を in 雨の中を走る [duplicate]

I just came across this phrase when reading 人間失格: 雨の中を走る. I can not get my head around the usage of を here.
Thuan Nguyen's user avatar
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Why does Luna Haruna use the を particle here?

In the song snowdrop, she says: 今日を笑いながら、しあわせだと明日はきっと呼べるように。 Is 今日 simply the object or is she marking time with this particle somehow?
Dri's user avatar
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How is「大口を叩く」 being used in this sentence?

I'm playing イナズマイレブンGO, and ran into this sentence. それでよく あの大口が叩けたな。 (Some context: The person speaking just realized that the person that challenged him is new to soccer.) It appears that he's using ...
Jacques Martin's user avatar
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Ending a sentence with をさ

現場に彼が現れてさ たぶん殺さなくていいモンをさ My understanding of the sentence is akin to "He appeared at the place. Perhaps, it won't be necessary to kill him" This is said by a character overseeing the events ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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Unclear ~れる/られる usage

I came across this sentence: 私を人質に取られて I'm parsing this as "I was taken prisoner" but I'm not quite sure about the grammar behind that を, it's the first time I'm seeing something like that....
Barcia's user avatar
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Which one of these sentences is more natural?

かれはこうえん[で]{L}さんぽします。 かれはこうえん[を]{L}さんぽします。 Which one of these sentences is more natural and why?
Tokyo shoibam's user avatar
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what is this confusing use of を?

その後ろ姿を、コートをかけられたエルメスがフィールドの出入り口で見ていた google and deepl translate this as "Behind him, a coated Hermes watched from the doorway of the field." And that makes sense from the context too. But I ...
Keverick's user avatar
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How to interpret「~そうになるのを、」

I am having a hard time understanding the grammar of the following sentence. 贅肉がはみ出して落っこちそうになるのを、体に巻きつけてあるみたいな感じだ。 In isolation, the two parts make sense. 贅肉がはみ出して落っこちそうになる [Her] excess fat stuck ...
doliphin's user avatar
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Why is の placed after the object and before を here?

Why is の used here after the object in this sentence? Can it be omitted and still have the same meaning “Why didn't you buy the right size?” どうしてちょうどいい大きさのを買わなかったの? Obviously, it's not a verb ...
homocomputeris's user avatar
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How to explain the use of を in this sentence [duplicate]

This is a sentence on Duolingo. Ever since they took away the discussion forum, I've had to look for help elsewhere. 彼女は自電車を盗んでいるところを捕まった。 "She was caught (when she was) about to steal a bicycle&...
deutschZuid's user avatar
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Why use に instead of を in 彼に会います/連絡します

Please explain to me why に is used instead of を in these sentences 彼に会います 彼に連絡します Is that because 会います is a transitive verb? Please give me more detail.
Lemon Tolemonade's user avatar
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東京を旅行する instead of 東京で旅行する? 東京を遊ぶ or 東京で遊ぶ?

I guess the distinguishment standard between を and で is whether the verb involves movement right? If so, then 旅行する is certainly a movement verb and thus を sounds more natural here. So we almost won't ...
Sheepeagle's user avatar
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から vs. を in: あちらから出て or あちらを出て? 東から昇る or 東を昇る?

I've learned that when you want to express "to come out of something without obvious boundary" , it's better to replace を with から. For examples: あちらから出てきた人は誰ですか。 (を should not be used here, ...
Sheepeagle's user avatar
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Particle を without a verb [duplicate]

In the sentence それぞれの心の中にあるそれぞれの思い出を胸に日常が始まるのだ。 translated as And in each heart there are different memories held inside each chest as we turn back to our daily lives. Where is the verb for を胸に? ...
Ares Monteiro's user avatar

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