I saw some sentences like this, but I couldn't understand them. What do they mean?



1 Answer 1

  1. 砂糖[入り]{いり}のお茶 = 砂糖が入っているお茶
  2. 胡椒付きのサラダ = 胡椒が付いているサラダ

入り and 付き are suffixes derived from the verbs 入る and 付く. The forms 入り and 付き are the 連用形 renyōkei (masu-stem) of the verbs and behave much like nouns. This is why you see that 砂糖入り modifies お茶, a noun, with の.

For translation you could go for

  1. tea containing sugar
  2. salad with pepper

Many verbs do this, by the way. For example the suffix ~生まれ attaches to places and means "born in", e.g.

a person born in Tokyo

a Japanese born in America

  • Could I write 砂糖付きのお茶 and 胡椒入りのサラダ?
    – Dav7n
    Commented Nov 11, 2016 at 19:42
  • 2
    ~付き means "[comes] with", so reading 砂糖付きのお茶 I'd say that it's "tea that comes with a packet/cube/... of sugar". Having it dissolved in the tea, you can't really use ~付き any more. But 胡椒入りのサラダ seems perfectly possible, although ~入り suggests the pepper is really in the salad (presumably in the dressing), even though you might not be able to see it.
    – Earthliŋ
    Commented Nov 11, 2016 at 20:51
  • 2
    @Dav7n Technically, you could, but notice the difference in nuances. ~入り infers something has already been added/mixed in, was ~付き is more like "comes with on the side". So 砂糖付きのお茶 would sound more like "tea with a side of sugar" as opposed to "sweetened tea".
    – Jimmy
    Commented Nov 11, 2016 at 20:53
  • @Dav7n I don't think I'd expect to hear much 胡椒入りのサラダ unless we're talking about allergy (, or, you really use pepper as a material, not seasoning). Commented Nov 12, 2016 at 15:42

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