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Questions tagged [particle-が]

助詞「が」. Nominative case particle, typically indicating the subject of a verb or other predicate. Also a conjunctive particle and, in Classical Japanese, a genitive case particle.

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1. だれ "が" つくった。 2. だれ "の" つくった。whats the difference? [duplicate]

Whats the diffarance bitween これ は だれ "が" つくった ケキ です か。 and これ は だれ "の" つくった ケキ です か。
Md Tarek Abdullah Sakib's user avatar
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What's the difference: 「ワンさんがはたらいているびょういんはこうべ[に・が]あります」

ワンさん が はたらいて いる びょういん は こうべ "が" あります。 ワンさん が はたらいて いる びょういん は こうべ "に" あります。 What is difference between those two sentences?
Md Tarek Abdullah Sakib's user avatar
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Subject and particle in 彼は来ると思う

In English, we could say "I think he will come" using the pronoun "I", but in Japanese it's omitted. I know it's not common, but if 私 is being omitted, what particle should be ...
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What does 方 + だけマシ mean?

……お前は、どうせあたしがどこにいたところで探しに来るんだろ! えぇ……まあ それならさっさと見つかってやった方が言いがかりつけられないだけマシだと思って同じ場所にいてやってるんだ The convo is a back and fort. I don't quite understand the last part I understand "思って同じ場所にいてやってるんだ&...
Bluegate's user avatar
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Use of が in 「毎日が地獄です。」

Recently, I came across the following phrase written on a T-shirt:「毎日が地獄です。」. I'm trying to understand the use of が in this context. After discussing with native speakers, I gathered the following ...
Patio1737's user avatar
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The role of が in 家が火事だよ

(This question is a follow-up to this comment thread.) I came across the sentence 家が火事だよ,† and although the meaning is clear from context, I'm struggling to understand what's going on grammatically. ...
Josh Grosso's user avatar
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Is exhaustive-listing が here acting like a topic marker?

This comes from a podcast where the speaker is describing the two reasons why feeling Mono no aware is difficult to do, with 1. there is no time due to responsibilities and 2. that with the influence ...
whatyouexpect's user avatar
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Usage and reason for が in XというのがYだ sentence

These are two replies from a long Twitter debate over broadly whether Japan should increase military spending for threats of foreign invasion (much more but not important here, DeepL translation): [A]...
whatyouexpect's user avatar
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Is it possible to use のが twice in a sentence?

I'm doing a project for my Japanese class and I'm trying to write the question "I enjoy learning about Japan." And the only way I can think to do that is 「私は日本を学ぶのがするのが楽しいです。」 is that ...
Jacob's user avatar
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が instead of を: 内定**が**もらえるようになりました [duplicate]

Why is the particle が and not を here? 金融系の会社を受けたところ、内定がもらえるようになりました。
userhello90831's user avatar
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How is「大口を叩く」 being used in this sentence?

I'm playing イナズマイレブンGO, and ran into this sentence. それでよく あの大口が叩けたな。 (Some context: The person speaking just realized that the person that challenged him is new to soccer.) It appears that he's using ...
Jacques Martin's user avatar
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Usage of 誰が in a sentence like this one

Context: The character A made B favorite's food, B is sorta tsundere and didn't want to eat this. So after B takes a bite, A said this: はは……。好きものめ。銜えただけで、顔がとろけているぞ "Haha, you really love it. Just ...
Bluegate's user avatar
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Three different particles for same object

I am a bit confused by the sentences in the below image, especially the third one where が follows お酒. Surely お酒 is still either the topic or the object in that sentence, so why is the subject marker が ...
MotherBrain's user avatar
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Difference between ウナギは魚だ and ウナギが魚だ

What's the difference between these two sentences? I know that the particle は is used to topicalize things. Maybe when は is used, the sentence will have different meanings, not just "Eels are ...
Rodion Iskhakov's user avatar
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Why do we use が instead of を with a 他動詞 in the expression 車が止めてあります?

I was studying てあります and ています in the context of 他動詞 and 自動詞 with my Japanese teacher. I had to choose between 止める and 止まる in the following sentence: 学生:こんにちは。先生、お迎えに来ました。家の前に私の車が____。どうぞお乗りください。 ...
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