As a rule the Japanese verbs are connected by ~たり pattern.
For example:


But is it grammatically correct, when I connect these two verbs by 及び【および】?
For example:


1 Answer 1


出社及び退社する makes perfect sense, but I think 出社および退社する (using を) is the safer choice when making a written sentence. It's because so-called suru-verbs work basically as verbs, whereas および is to connect two nouns. Likewise, 掃除や洗濯した is not good in written Japanese, and you usually have to write 掃除や洗濯した. In spoken Japanese, particles are omitted more often, so 掃除や洗濯した tend to be tolerated.

The usage is a bit different between Xする and Xをする. See: Difference Between べんきょう する and べんきょうを する

In this case, you can also simply write 出退社 (e.g. 出退社する, 出退社の時間).


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