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Questions tagged [edges]

An edge is a line segment connecting two vertices. An edge always connects two vertices by a straight line. The edges are the “wires” you see when you look at a mesh in wireframe view. They are usually invisible on the rendered image. They are used to construct faces.

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how to move a 5 star e pole to a flat surface on my shotgun mesh and topology recommendation?

Here is a 5 star e pole on my mesh, I am trying to move it to a flat surface Here is the mesh of the shotgun I have made so far Here is the reference image I am basing my design of You see the ...
Adam Shakeel's user avatar
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How do I distribute these rows of edges evenly?

How can I distribute these rows of edges evenly? I can get it close by eyeballing it, but I want it to be mathematically precise. Using the recommended LoopTools > Space created unwanted, weird ...
Autumn's user avatar
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the knife tool will cancel whenever i try to cut a certain part of my mesh in edit mode [closed]

When im trying to cut a part of the car im making to make windows it just cancel when and will not let me approve the move
Bow Robson's user avatar
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How can I extend an edge by adding vertices?

I'm looking for a way to extend an edge and keep it straight. I tried using double G and C, but it just appears like the image and doesn't move.
Vũ Hắc's user avatar
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How to align edges into a straight line? [duplicate]

Is there an easy way to flatten the selected edges (straighten them into one line) based on the average of the edges? They're not aligned to any axis.
gulagkulak's user avatar
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How to select specific edge loop?

I have this rectangular hole. I want to select the edges that I have marked in green. I tried using Select > Select Loops > Edge Loops but depending on which edge I click I get one of the edge ...
AndreKR's user avatar
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Joining two objects generates sharp edge

Hello guys, My problem here is that when I join 2 objects together - the small one below - and do so precisely, there is a sharp edge between the interface (see picture). Merging and ShadeSmooth did ...
Philipp's user avatar
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How can I fill the outline of a quarter ellipsoid with faces?

How can I fill in the shape by following these edges?
Mason Heilman's user avatar
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How to make the roof level after separating with CTRL+ R

The box on the right is an extrusion of the polygon. I have separated the extrusion with the polygon through CTRL + R. How do I make the roof of the extrusion and the polygon level again?
522ConnectionTimedOut's user avatar
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Shrinking edges without breaking geometry/intersecting with inteself

I am trying to "bevel" the top of the hole of an object inwards, tried a few ways to do it, but I am always facing some issue and the final result is not perfect. So, I have a non-...
happ3n5's user avatar
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How can I make the edge geometry fully join?

I want to convert edges into steel frames and ensure they are connected. On the left is a default cube with Geometry Nodes - the problem is that the new geometry of beams/edges doesn't fully join like ...
Felipe Balmant's user avatar
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What is the simplest way to fill this hole up?

I just started modeling and I wanted to know what is a precise way to fill this hole without glitching the material. I tried to make a face connecting all the edges(?) but the material appears as ...
manuusja's user avatar
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Holdout and Alpha White Edges

I was wondering how I'd go about getting rid of the edges not matching in this scene. I'm using two scenes. The outer shell that has a hole with a holdout material inset for one of the faces The ...
Taariq Elliott's user avatar
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How can I rotate the face normals in this way in geometry nodes?

How can I rotate the face normals in this way in geometry nodes?
mikhail lomakin's user avatar
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Freestyle contour lines don't cover my full model and obscures edges

I have a front facing orthographic view of a voxel model and I'm trying to give it an outline that only goes around the edges. But unless I tilt the model slightly the freestyle outline barely covers ...
AsheMonsteMashe's user avatar
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Subdivision and Face selection problems

I'm looking to accurately subdivide a face. Please walk with me. I have an object on my screen. In the edit mode, I'm looking subdivide that face. I select the immediate top left vertex and the ...
Ogunlesi Taiwo's user avatar
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How to increase bevel width without totally destroying mesh

I have a mesh I created from turning a picture into a g-pencil into a curve into a mesh which I thickened with solidify. The issue is that I want to smooth the corners but certain points of the mesh ...
lowenfas's user avatar
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Geo Nodes - Mark selected Edges Sharp

I am selecting edgeloops with Geometry Nodes based on index and the Preview node shows me the expected behavior, it marks the two loops I'm aiming for. However, now I want to set those two edge loops ...
STRGnine's user avatar
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Why does dissolving these edges change the shape?

I'm trying to finish cleaning up my imported STL from SolidWorks. But the last few Delete -> Dissolve Edges keeps distorting the geometry. This was the original import I used a combo of Delete -&...
persyst's user avatar
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How can I separate curve from profile using Geometry Nodes?

How can I separate curve from profile like shown in the example image below?
YASIN IMGIN's user avatar
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How to create terrain mesh from height points (vertices)

I have contour lines (elevation) of map in form of edges. How can I easily and fast create terrain mesh from it (or vertices of those edges)?
TRIANGULAR's user avatar
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How can I add gaps between edges of this arc?

I'm trying to achieve this look of a gap between the arc and the piece of wood above it. Specifically the black lines produced by the shadows in the gaps. I'm not sure whether to do more geometry or ...
Jamyrey's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a circle like LoopTools but only one quarter of it?

I'm trying to find a fast way to model the edges to quarter of a circle. Quarter of what LoopTools > Circle does. Currently I do LoopTools > Circle Then this is the result but I only want the ...
Megan Love's user avatar
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How do I snap object edges to other object edges?

I have two meshes, grass and wall, and I want to snap their edges together so there isn't any holes in the mesh when I combine them. This is what I want to accomplish: . It was done manually and it ...
Guy's user avatar
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Merge two edges on the same axis

I have done lots of searching, but it seems I can't get my wording correctly. I have multiple edges like Where there are two edges on the same line (that share the center vertex), but I cant seem to ...
Leo's user avatar
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Bridge circular edge loops and getting them the same size

I was wondering how you could use bridge edge loops and simultaneously getting the bridged edges straight, considering that both edge loops connecting aren't exactly the same size. Is there a way to ...
Sokrates's user avatar
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Weird rectangular bump when Bridging edge loops [duplicate]

I am modeling a mug and I want to connect the handle to the Mug seamlessly like a real mug. But when I connect the models together via Bridge Edge Loop, There's this weird rectangular bump that ruins ...
Ameb's user avatar
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How not to have color gradient in blender?

I'm working on blender 4.0 and trying to create a ground truth image starting from an object with an emission material. My problem is that, even if the material assigned to the object is white and ...
wiseme's user avatar
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How can I select all edges that form part of a square without a face via python?

I have empty squares (those with exactly 4 edges only) in my 2D mesh and I need to fill them with faces via python but I don't know how to automatically select these edges. Is it possible to select ...
Megan Love's user avatar
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Bridging faces completely doesn't work

For some context, Im modelling for Roblox so the triangle count has to be kept lower than 10,000. I also do need to make it optimized so keeping it as low on the triangle count is the best case ...
Alan's user avatar
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How can I remove a point of junction and reconnect 2 meshes via python?

I have a set of problematic meshes that have junction vertices (those with 4 edges). And I have to remove these via python and connect those vertices marked in green. Is this possible? Basically I ...
Megan Love's user avatar
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How to select all the vertices on one side of an edge loop?

I would like to select all the vertices on the character's hand from this edge loop down. Are there any quick ways to do it?
HullBreaker's user avatar
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How do I fix the faces of a bevel looking pinched when smooth shading?

When I try to bevel the edges of a corner, the faces of the bevel end up looking pinched when I turn on smooth shading. I've tried a weighted normals modifier and shade smooth by angle but nothing ...
InTheBlender's user avatar
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How can i extrude or scale bottom of an object along it normal using Geometry node

I'm stuck in a problem where I can't figure out how to extrude the bottom of an object in the way shown below. I'm new to blender geometry node, been trying Set Position, Extrude Mesh and Scale ...
0292_ Đường Minh Triết's user avatar
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How can I select and remove excess loops from an edge outline using python?

How can I select these vertices in this weird loops encircled in red using python? In this example I only have 5 vertices excess but it's possible for more or lesser vertices to be junctioned like ...
Megan Love's user avatar
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How can I smooth out or turn a pixelic mesh into a curve?

I have this mesh in Blender 4.1 and possibly more types of meshes with this type of pixelic art, but I can't figure out how I can smooth it out and turn it into a curve object. Don't worry about the ...
Megan Love's user avatar
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Script Help for overlapping edges between objects

I am working on a project that involves drawing grease pencil edges using the "mark freestyle edge" feature on edges that do not intersect with edges from other objects. I am using RBDLab to ...
FunnyKnowledge's user avatar
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Edge selection highlight not working

After updating to 4.1 I stopped seeing selected edges when more than one is selected. In this gif you can see I am selecting 3 edges. The first one behaves as usual, but when selecting the second and ...
Sumatra's user avatar
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Select faces directly touching selected edges?

I would love to know a way to select faces that are directly neighbours to selected edges. Simply using grow selection ("select more" command) does not solve this because it selects all ...
michalpe's user avatar
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Harsh alpha edge when combining clips in Video Editing

I'm new to Blender and I'm stumbling on a surely simple problem. I want to use the Video Editing module to combine the rendered .exr image sequence of an animated layer over a background. Using Cycles....
Gabriele Zucchelli's user avatar
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Extruding Edges (Coffee Bag Sides)

after encountering too many errors in the surface of my first attempt, I have now decided to completely remodel my coffee bag. I would like to pull the selected edge inward. However, when I try to do ...
user185791's user avatar
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Cannot get rid of loose edges and vertices on plane

I have these random edges and vertices which I can box select and delete, but I am wondering if there is some way to get rid of them quickly since they are all on the same plane. I've tried all of the ...
lil guy's user avatar
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Geometry Nodes - Vertex Group to Edge path (Curve)

Is there any way to get edge path (curve) from Vertex Group ? But obviusly geometry nodes setup of mine gives me not what I want.
Bicukow's user avatar
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Output edge selection in geometry nodes?

I want to procedurally select edges, based on their position criteria, and store that selection for later. But can selection be an output attribute? If not, is there any way to just output a visual ...
michalpe's user avatar
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What do red edges mean?

I was doing the donut tutorial and I noticed these red edges. I thought they might be marked as crease, so I selected the edges around the green X and selected Tag Crease, since I found on google that ...
user2738698's user avatar
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how do i get rid of the edges sticking out or is there a better way of modeling the picture into card form?

okay so I am attempting to model a 3d image into a 3d printable picture for a surprise gift for friend of mine who loves this character from Baldur's gate 3. i made a plane then added the image to it ...
Greye Bailey's user avatar
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"New edge/face from vertices" not joining selected vertices

I have a simple vector spaceship design for a retro "Elite" style game. It was originally an SVG. So far I have: Converted from curves to mesh Joined to a single mesh Duplicated the ...
Habadera's user avatar
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Unable to create edge between two vertices (imported SVG) [duplicate]

I have imported a wireframe SVG into Blender, duplicated it and dragged a few points around to make a vector graphics spaceship design similar to the old Elite 8-bit game if anyone remembers it. I'm ...
Habadera's user avatar
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How To Align Verticles in Straight Line

I have this image with uneven ground. I'm struggling to even out these vertices, it should form an even ground and should look in a straight line because if I try to align it on a base plane, it looks ...
Jaskaran Singh Puri's user avatar
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Edge length measurement overlay selected but no lengths display

Hello Blender community, I am using Blender 4.0.2. I am attempting to view the lengths of some of the edges on my object. I am in Edit mode using edge selection (Hot key 2). I have checked the "...
bhumphreys's user avatar

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