
I have a front facing orthographic view of a voxel model and I'm trying to give it an outline that only goes around the edges. But unless I tilt the model slightly the freestyle outline barely covers any of it. Additionally no matter what edge type I pick the outline will obscure my model when I don't want it to (setting thickness position to outside doesn't seem to help). I've tried working around this by putting a duplicate model without any outline in front of it, but that also seems to effect the outline behind it. Any help is appreciated. enter image description here

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1 Answer 1


If you can do this in the compositor instead of Freestyle, then that might be easiest.

The idea would be to use a Cryptomatte node to get a mask for the object and a "Dilate/Erode" node set to "Mode: Steps" to get a blocky expanded version of the mask. Then "Alpha Over" the expanded mask with your fixed outline color and re-"Alpha Over" with the original mask to recomposite the object.

The compositor node setup would look something like this: enter image description here

Here's my blend file . It should be ready to render with F12.


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