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Speed is Essential for a
Great Web Experience


Nov 2012
Performance isn’t always a priority

“Has it loaded yet?”

Our perception of response time


       Seamless                                                           Yawn!

100ms 1s                                                                 10s

            3s - Recommended         6.5s - Alexa 2000
                 Load Time               Fall 2012

                          Response Time in Man-computer Conversational Transactions
                                                             Robert B. Miller, 1968
“50% more concentration when using
       badly performing web sites”
Effect of delay on abandonment rate...

      Abandonment rate over 200+ sites / 177+ million page views over 2 weeks - / Gomez
Bing did some experiments

                             - 2.8%
Wallmart made some improvements

     -1s                      +2%
Shopzilla cut page load time by 5 seconds!

  +12%          +25%                                -50%


Measuring page load time...

W3C Navigation Timing API

   for,     redirect,            DNS,     TCP,           Request,         Response,               Processing,             onLoad,

Navigation Timing Data in Google Analytics


           Other Real User Monitoring tools available
Example of Real Users Experience

Visitors (%)


                    8%               8%
               6%                              6%

                                                               3%   3%

               1    2    3     4     5         6          7    8    9    10
                                          Load Time (s)
Example of Real Users Experience


Visitors (%)


                    8%               8%
               6%                              6%

                                                               3%   3%

               1    2    3     4     5         6          7    8    9    10   > 10
                                          Load Time (s)
Synthetic Monitoring

Response Time (s)



                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 27 28 29 30
                                                        September 2012
Examining the detail...

Browser Plugins

         YSlow    PageSpeed
Waterfall for

                Alternatively, could use Chrome / Safari
                remote debugging to generate HAR
Bigger, Faster Servers?

Over 80% of page load time is on front-end


                   0   1        2               3              4              5

                           Measured via residential ADSL line using Google Chrome
But don’t forget to fix slow server responses

    4 seconds!
Bandwidth (often) isn’t the bottleneck





  0s                   5s                                      10s

        tested via throttled at 1.5Mbps
                                    (bursts over 1.5Mbps are artefact of testing)
“More Bandwidth Doesn’t Matter (much)”
                                                                                    Mike Belshe

Page Load Time

                                         1.50s    1.44s    1.41s    1.39s   1.38s     1.37s   1.36s

                  1       2       3       4         5       6        7       8          9         10
                                                 Bandwidth (Mbps)
Visualising TCP

                  Carlos Bueno (@archivd)
Impact of Latency


Page Load Time (s)



                         0   20   40   60   80    100    120    140     160   180   200   220   240
                                                 Round Trip Time (ms)
Minimum round trips to download a file

                                                             (TCP Segments)




        1   2    3    4   5   6     7      8      9     10      11

        Round Trips               TCP and the Lower Bound of Web Performance
                                                                  John Rauser
Latency is Our Biggest Enemy

  “In 2012, the average worldwide RTT to Google is still
  ~100ms, and ~50-60ms within the US.”

  “we are looking at 100-1000ms RTT range on mobile”

                                                               Ilya Grigorik

3G Radio Resource Control

                     Idle for 12s

           IDLE                           CELL_FACH
                     1s delay

   1-2s delay!
                     CELL_DCH                  Idle for 5s

 Exact timings vary and depend on carrier NOT device
Going Faster…

Speeding Things Up - Some Basics

     ★   Compress
     ★   Minify
     ★   Reduce Requests
     ★   Cache
     ★   HTTP Keep-Alive
     ★   Use a CDN?
What’s the web made of?


                   Composition of ‘average’ web page via
Bitmapped Images

    JPEG                            PNG                           GIF

       Optimise, Optimise, Optimise!
           (jpegmini, pngmini,, ImageOptim, Gifsicle etc.)
New Devices, New Challenges...

                2 x Resolution = 4 x Pixels!

Some Alternatives

       CSS                 SVG                 Fonts

Bitmaps still a challenge but interesting experiments around
It’s no longer a desktop world

Go “Mobile First” for Responsive Designs

Use “Right-sized” Images


Standards support (picture? srcset?) is coming but unclear when!
Meanwhile services such as, and JS libraries -
picturefill.js, foresight.js can help.
Minimise browser blocking...

Parallel Downloads


  Domain Sharding increases number of parallel downloads but…

  …more connections may not be a good idea on mobile
  …may also interfere with multiplexing in protocols like SPDY
Get the <head> straight

<!doctype html>
                                                          CSS before JS
  <meta charset="utf-8">                                 Ideally one file*
  <title>This is my title<title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css" />

  <script src="script.js"></script>

    .                                                   Only JS needed
    .                                                   during page load

           * Depends on size and whether major / minor breakpoints used
Load remaining Javascript late as possible


        <script src="restofscript.js"></script>

                                             One file or many?
                                             (Depends on size)

Script loaders can help but scripts aren’t discoverable by pre-fetcher
The Script Tag

        <script src=″…″></script>

    Until the script has executed, the rendering of
            all elements below is blocked!
“Virgin Media Broadband ISP Users
Affected by Website Routing Woes”
                                                            ISP Review, May 26, 2012

Customer jcmm33 said:
“Same issue here as well, been like this all day. Sites like don’t appear to be accessible, others like
the are waiting on other components to
download (content from sites like,”
Impact on The Telegraph…

Same issue affected many other sites
Load Third Party scripts asynchronously

 <script type="text/javascript">
   function() {
     var js = document.createElement('script');
     js.async = true;
     js.src = 'myscript.js';
     var e = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
     e.parentNode.insertBefore(js, first);

     Or use a script loader - labjs, requirejs, yepnope etc.
Lots of factors to think about...

Don’t have to do it all by hand

Performance isn’t just for Christmas


          Optimise             Analyse
Measure Impact on Business Goals



All photographs copyright original owners on

Following pictograms courtesy of The Noun Project

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Speed is Essential for a Great Web Experience (oredev)

  • 1. Speed is Essential for a Great Web Experience @andydavies #oredev Nov 2012
  • 2. Performance isn’t always a priority
  • 3. “Has it loaded yet?”
  • 4. Our perception of response time Instant Seamless Yawn! 100ms 1s 10s 3s - Recommended 6.5s - Alexa 2000 Load Time Fall 2012 Response Time in Man-computer Conversational Transactions Robert B. Miller, 1968
  • 5. “50% more concentration when using badly performing web sites” Foviance
  • 6. Effect of delay on abandonment rate... Abandonment rate over 200+ sites / 177+ million page views over 2 weeks - / Gomez
  • 7. Bing did some experiments +1s $/ - 2.8% +
  • 8. Wallmart made some improvements -1s +2%
  • 9. Shopzilla cut page load time by 5 seconds! +12% +25% -50% $$$
  • 10. Measuring page load time...
  • 11. W3C Navigation Timing API navigaAonStart, redirectStart, redirectEnd, fetchStart, domainLookupStart, domainLookupEnd, connectStart, (secureConnecAonStart), connectEnd, requestStart, responseStart, responseEnd, Prompt, App, for, redirect, DNS, TCP, Request, Response, Processing, onLoad, cache, unload, unload, loadEventEnd, loadEventStart, domComplete, domContentLoaded, domInteracAve, domLoading, unloadEnd, unloadStart,
  • 12. Navigation Timing Data in Google Analytics Text Other Real User Monitoring tools available
  • 13. Example of Real Users Experience 27% Visitors (%) 13% 8% 8% 6% 6% 3% 3% 2% 1% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Load Time (s)
  • 14. Example of Real Users Experience 27% 24% Visitors (%) 13% 8% 8% 6% 6% 3% 3% 2% 1% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > 10 Load Time (s)
  • 15. Synthetic Monitoring 3 Response Time (s) 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 27 28 29 30 September 2012
  • 16. Examining the detail...
  • 17. Browser Plugins YSlow PageSpeed
  • 20. Alternatively, could use Chrome / Safari remote debugging to generate HAR
  • 21. Bigger, Faster Servers?
  • 22. Over 80% of page load time is on front-end Backend Frontend 0 1 2 3 4 5 Measured via residential ADSL line using Google Chrome
  • 23. But don’t forget to fix slow server responses 4 seconds!
  • 24. Bandwidth (often) isn’t the bottleneck 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0s 5s 10s tested via throttled at 1.5Mbps (bursts over 1.5Mbps are artefact of testing)
  • 25. “More Bandwidth Doesn’t Matter (much)” Mike Belshe 3.11s Page Load Time 1.95s 1.63s 1.50s 1.44s 1.41s 1.39s 1.38s 1.37s 1.36s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bandwidth (Mbps)
  • 26. Visualising TCP Carlos Bueno (@archivd)
  • 27. Impact of Latency 4 3 Page Load Time (s) 2 1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Round Trip Time (ms)
  • 28. Minimum round trips to download a file (TCP Segments) 285kB 214kB 143kB 71kB Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Round Trips TCP and the Lower Bound of Web Performance John Rauser
  • 29. Latency is Our Biggest Enemy “In 2012, the average worldwide RTT to Google is still ~100ms, and ~50-60ms within the US.” “we are looking at 100-1000ms RTT range on mobile” Ilya Grigorik
  • 30. 3G Radio Resource Control Idle for 12s IDLE CELL_FACH 1s delay 1-2s delay! CELL_DCH Idle for 5s Exact timings vary and depend on carrier NOT device
  • 31. Going Faster…
  • 32. Speeding Things Up - Some Basics ★ Compress ★ Minify ★ Reduce Requests ★ Cache ★ HTTP Keep-Alive ★ Use a CDN?
  • 33. What’s the web made of? Images Scripts Stylesheets HTML Flash Other Composition of ‘average’ web page via
  • 34. Bitmapped Images JPEG PNG GIF Optimise, Optimise, Optimise! (jpegmini, pngmini,, ImageOptim, Gifsicle etc.)
  • 35. New Devices, New Challenges... 2 x Resolution = 4 x Pixels!
  • 36. Some Alternatives CSS SVG Fonts Bitmaps still a challenge but interesting experiments around
  • 37. It’s no longer a desktop world
  • 38. Go “Mobile First” for Responsive Designs
  • 39. Use “Right-sized” Images Standards support (picture? srcset?) is coming but unclear when! Meanwhile services such as, and JS libraries - picturefill.js, foresight.js can help.
  • 40. Minimise browser blocking...
  • 41. Parallel Downloads Domain Sharding increases number of parallel downloads but… …more connections may not be a good idea on mobile …may also interfere with multiplexing in protocols like SPDY
  • 42. Get the <head> straight <!doctype html> <html> <head> CSS before JS <meta charset="utf-8"> Ideally one file* <title>This is my title<title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css" /> <script src="script.js"></script> . . Only JS needed . during page load </head> * Depends on size and whether major / minor breakpoints used
  • 43. Load remaining Javascript late as possible . . . <script src="restofscript.js"></script> </body> </html> One file or many? (Depends on size) Script loaders can help but scripts aren’t discoverable by pre-fetcher
  • 44. The Script Tag <script src=″…″></script> Until the script has executed, the rendering of all elements below is blocked!
  • 45. “Virgin Media Broadband ISP Users Affected by Website Routing Woes” ISP Review, May 26, 2012 Customer jcmm33 said: “Same issue here as well, been like this all day. Sites like don’t appear to be accessible, others like the are waiting on other components to download (content from sites like,”
  • 46. Impact on The Telegraph… Same issue affected many other sites
  • 47. Load Third Party scripts asynchronously <script type="text/javascript"> function() { var js = document.createElement('script'); js.async = true; js.src = 'myscript.js'; var e = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; e.parentNode.insertBefore(js, first); })(); </script> Or use a script loader - labjs, requirejs, yepnope etc.
  • 48. Lots of factors to think about...
  • 49. Don’t have to do it all by hand
  • 50. Performance isn’t just for Christmas Measure Optimise Analyse
  • 51. Measure Impact on Business Goals
  • 53. @andydavies
  • 54. Credits All photographs copyright original owners on Following pictograms courtesy of The Noun Project