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Inspecting iOS App Traffic with JavaScript
What’s that app doing when you’re not looking?
rvictl -s 782ea5ddfa242a6efda29adcc4a5bd7bf1ae4c96
From Xcode’s
Command Line Tools
UDID of device
(From itunes, idevice_id, system_profiler)
Network interface that mirrors device traffic
tcpdump -i rvi0 -w capture.pcap
Network interface
created in previous step
Capture traffic to a file
View captured network packets in wireshark
But of course… iOS App traffic is all encrypted
Can still see some patterns
But… wouldn’t it be great if we could
see the contents?
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB7043754E31B99DE6ED1EC91807A6BAC4F0C89F80670CE997A7B5191836
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB708B7A2A44500FCDCA7518F4C91BC193DE4524EAA7A63CCE30F145087F
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB700E74CC1AAA8884835511159BC8301FC3D55F4264CDE1D3A05985E83F
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB701C3AD8998E34F73588E8A8C8688D8BCCCDF9D34D731B4E4D63103722
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB709F04A771615ED31FBECA28CACA7D49124DC7962EA22C284A2D8AA8E9
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB70A14A1C2FE650117E6D83BAB3060531E363A99C299437B4D7D9C3A3D6
Wireshark can decrypt HTTPS if it has a keylog
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB7043754E31B99DE6ED1EC91807A6BAC4F0C89F80670CE997A7B5191836
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB708B7A2A44500FCDCA7518F4C91BC193DE4524EAA7A63CCE30F145087F
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB700E74CC1AAA8884835511159BC8301FC3D55F4264CDE1D3A05985E83F
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB701C3AD8998E34F73588E8A8C8688D8BCCCDF9D34D731B4E4D63103722
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB709F04A771615ED31FBECA28CACA7D49124DC7962EA22C284A2D8AA8E9
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB70A14A1C2FE650117E6D83BAB3060531E363A99C299437B4D7D9C3A3D6
Wireshark can decrypt HTTPS if it has a keylog
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB7043754E31B99DE6ED1EC91807A6BAC4F0C89F80670CE997A7B5191836
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB708B7A2A44500FCDCA7518F4C91BC193DE4524EAA7A63CCE30F145087F
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB700E74CC1AAA8884835511159BC8301FC3D55F4264CDE1D3A05985E83F
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB701C3AD8998E34F73588E8A8C8688D8BCCCDF9D34D731B4E4D63103722
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB709F04A771615ED31FBECA28CACA7D49124DC7962EA22C284A2D8AA8E9
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB70A14A1C2FE650117E6D83BAB3060531E363A99C299437B4D7D9C3A3D6
Wireshark can decrypt HTTPS if it has a keylog
64 byte hex encoded
value from TLS Client
Hello message
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB7043754E31B99DE6ED1EC91807A6BAC4F0C89F80670CE997A7B5191836
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB708B7A2A44500FCDCA7518F4C91BC193DE4524EAA7A63CCE30F145087F
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB700E74CC1AAA8884835511159BC8301FC3D55F4264CDE1D3A05985E83F
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB701C3AD8998E34F73588E8A8C8688D8BCCCDF9D34D731B4E4D63103722
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB709F04A771615ED31FBECA28CACA7D49124DC7962EA22C284A2D8AA8E9
CLIENT_RANDOM 5A26BB70A14A1C2FE650117E6D83BAB3060531E363A99C299437B4D7D9C3A3D6
Wireshark can decrypt HTTPS if it has a keylog
hex encoded secret
So where can we get the values from?
Chrome & Firefox can dump them out
WebPageTest makes it super easy to get them -
enable tcpdump in advanced options
But… How do we get them for iOS?
Inject JavaScript into an App!
JavaScript VM
Injects script
Receives Messages
Three methods for adding Frida
Use a Jailbroken iPhone Install
Frida from Cydia
(available for all apps on device)
Resign someone else’s app, and
inject the FridaGadget
(app may need decrypting first)
Add the FridaGadget to your own
What can we do with it?
So… back to App traffic…
* The TLS pseudorandom function, defined in RFC2246, section 5.
* This takes as its input a secret block, a label, and a seed, and produces
* a caller-specified length of pseudorandom data.
* Optimization TBD: make label optional, avoid malloc and two copies if it's
* not there, so callers can take advantage of fixed-size seeds.
// Note: This is exported as SPI.
int tls_handshake_internal_prf(
tls_handshake_t ctx,
const void *vsecret,
size_t secretLen,
const void *label, // optional, NULL implies that seed contains
// the label
size_t labelLen,
const void *seed,
size_t seedLen,
void *vout, // mallocd by caller, length >= outLen
size_t outLen)
int serr = errSSLInternal;
Master Secret
Client & Server
var hexChar = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7","8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"];
function byteToHex(byte) {
return hexChar[(byte >> 4) & 0x0f] + hexChar[byte & 0x0f];
var f = Module.findExportByName("libsystem_coretls.dylib", "tls_handshake_internal_prf");
Interceptor.attach(f, {onEnter: function (args) {
var secretLength = parseInt(args[2], 16);
var seedLength = parseInt(args[6], 16);
if(secretLength == 48 && (seedLength == 64 || seedLength == 77)) {
var secretAddr = new NativePointer(args[1])
var secretBytes = new Uint8Array(Memory.readByteArray(secretAddr, secretLength));
var secret = "";
for(var i = 0; i < secretLength; i++) {
secret += byteToHex(secretBytes[i]);
Find function
Hook function
Extract master secret
var seedLength = parseInt(args[6], 16);
var seedAddr = new NativePointer(args[5]);
var seedBytes = new Uint8Array(Memory.readByteArray(seedAddr, seedLength));
var clientRandom = "";
var serverRandom = "";
if(seedLength == 64) {
for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
clientRandom += byteToHex(seedBytes[i]);
for( ; i < 64; i++) {
serverRandom += byteToHex(seedBytes[i]);
else if(seedLength == 77) { // key expansion
var offset = 13;
for(i = offset; i < 32 + offset; i++) {
serverRandom += byteToHex(seedBytes[i]);
for( ; i < 64 + offset; i++) {
clientRandom += byteToHex(seedBytes[i]);
Extract client and
server randoms
if(clientRandom !== "") {
send("CLIENT_RANDOM "+ clientRandom + " " + secret);
Send it to the host
So what did I learn?
★ Just like on the web… sometimes we forget to
Compress JSON responses
Reuse connections
Optimise images
And a whole bunch of other things
Areas that need more work
★ TLS Session Resumption
★ Safari
★ iOS 11
★ Transforming the packet captures into something that’s
easy for any developer to understand
Thank You

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