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Building an Appier Web
@AndyDavies NCC Group Nov 2016
We’re spending more and more time in apps…
© comScore, Inc. Propri
Digital media usage time is exploding right now, and it’s
predominantly being driven by mobile apps.
476,553 480,967 550,522
Jun-2013 Jun-2014 Jun-2015
Desktop Mobile App Mobile Browser Over the past
years, total dig
media usage h
grown 49% wit
mobile apps ha
grown 90% an
contributing to
of the total incr
in time spent.
Mobile browse
also seeing ve
strong growth
53% and even
desktop is still
Growth in Digital Media Time Spent
Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform & Mobile Metrix, U.S., Total Audience
vs. 2013
vs. 2013
vs. 2013
© comScore, Inc. Prop
Social Networking
Instant Messengers
All Others
Social Networ
Radio and Ga
contribute mo
than half of to
time spent on
mobile apps.
strength of the
highlights that
mobile device
more heavily
for entertainm
and communi
than their des
Share of Mobile App Time Spent
Source: comScore Media Metrix MP and Mobile Metrix, U.S., Total Audience, June 2015
Social media and entertainment account for the six top app
categories and drive two-thirds of total time spent on apps.But our usage can be very specific
What do we like about apps?
Launch from home screen
Splash screen on startup
A simple app…
(App reads data from
a monitoring API)
Works offline too
Works offline too
(Cached data, so
may be out of date)
Apps have their challenges too
“There’s an App for that”…
…but can you can find it?
To help we started with subtle buttons…
but that wasn’t enough…
“Please, please download our app”
“Download our app or else!”
Updates, updates and more updates…
Installing apps consumes storage and data
So what about the web?
© comScore, Inc. Pro
And mobile audience growth is being driven more by mobile we
properties, which are actually bigger and growing faster than ap
A comparison
Top 1000 App
the Top 1000
Web Propertie
shows a surp
result. Not on
mobile web
properties ha
audiences tha
more than 2.5
size, but thes
audiences are
growing twice
Average Monthly Audience: Top 1000 Mobile Apps vs. Top 1000 Mobile Web Properties
Source: comScore Mobile Metrix, U.S., Age 18+
Jun-2014 Sep-2014 Dec-2014 Mar-2015 Jun-2015
Apps Mobile Web +42%
The web has great reach…
and it’s due to the simple power of the URL
Makes the web linkable…
…indexable, searchable
And shareable
Web pages adapt to our diversity of devices
And there are no gatekeepers
Or waiting for updates
What if…
We could combine the richness of apps…
…with the low friction of the web?
So what might we need to build it?
We can already add pages to our home screen
Supported by most major mobile
operating systems and browsers

(Bookmarks page rather than site)
Can specify the icon etc. via meta tags
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="icons/logo/ncc-logo-120x120-ios.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="icons/logo/ncc-logo-120x120-ios.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="/images/startup.png">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">
(Minimal iOS set, ideally need more icon and splash screen sizes
and other mobile browsers prefer different meta data)
W3C App Manifest brings it all together
"lang": "en",
"dir": "ltr",
"name": "Monitoring",
"description": "Performance and Availability Monitoring by NCC Group",
"short_name": "Monitoring",
"icons": [
"src": "icons/logo/ncc-logo-144x144-white.png",
"sizes": "144x144",
"type": "image/png"
. . .
"scope": "/pwa",
"start_url": "/pwa/index.html",
"display": "standalone",
"orientation": "portrait",
"theme_color": "#c41230",
"background_color": "#fff",
Homescreen Icon
"lang": "en",
"dir": "ltr",
"name": "Monitoring",
"description": "Performance and Availability Monitoring by NCC Group",
"short_name": "Monitoring",
"icons": [
"src": "icons/logo/ncc-logo-144x144-white.png",
"sizes": "144x144",
"type": "image/png"
. . .
"scope": "/pwa",
"start_url": "/pwa/index.html",
"display": "standalone",
"orientation": "portrait",
"theme_color": "#c41230",
"background_color": "#fff",
URL of the page that’s launched
"lang": "en",
"dir": "ltr",
"name": "Monitoring",
"description": "Performance and Availability Monitoring by NCC Group",
"short_name": "Monitoring",
"icons": [
"src": "icons/logo/ncc-logo-144x144-white.png",
"sizes": "144x144",
"type": "image/png"
. . .
"scope": "/pwa",
"start_url": "/pwa/index.html",
"display": "standalone",
"orientation": "portrait",
"theme_color": "#c41230",
"background_color": "#fff",
Splash screen
"lang": "en",
"dir": "ltr",
"name": "Monitoring",
"description": "Performance and Availability Monitoring by NCC Group",
"short_name": "Monitoring",
"icons": [
"src": "icons/logo/ncc-logo-144x144-white.png",
"sizes": "144x144",
"type": "image/png"
. . .
"scope": "/pwa",
"start_url": "/pwa/index.html",
"display": "standalone",
"orientation": "portrait",
"theme_color": "#c41230",
"background_color": "#fff",
Orientation and presence of browser controls
"lang": "en",
"dir": "ltr",
"name": "Monitoring",
"description": "Performance and Availability Monitoring by NCC Group",
"short_name": "Monitoring",
"icons": [
"src": "icons/logo/ncc-logo-144x144-white.png",
"sizes": "144x144",
"type": "image/png"
. . .
"scope": "/pwa",
"start_url": "/pwa/index.html",
"display": "standalone",
"orientation": "portrait",
"theme_color": "#c41230",
"background_color": "#fff",
And can even offer an install prompt
(Browsers use several heuristics before deciding to prompt)
Can listen for install event and track in analytics
window.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', function(e) {
e.userChoice.then(function(choiceResult) {
if (choiceResult.outcome == 'dismissed') {
// Track not installed
} else {
// Track installation
(Chrome supports this but it’s not in AppManifest standard)
Can listen for install event and track in analytics
window.addEventListener('appinstalled', function(e) {
// Track installation
(AppManifest standard proposes this)
But how do we cope with a poor (or no) network?
Our first attempt had a few issues…
So we tried another approach
Building an Appier Web -  London Web Standards - Nov 2016
Service Worker is an in-browser network proxy
that can intercept requests and responses
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
navigator.serviceWorker.register('serviceworker.js', {
scope: '/'
}).then(function(registration) {
// Anything else you want to do with registration
// e.g. subscribe to push messages
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log('Can't register service worker: ', err);
Register a Service Worker
Option to install via Link may be coming
<link rel="serviceworker" scope="/" href=“/serviceworker.js">
Link </serviceworker.js>; rel=serviceworker scope=/
(Origin trial in Chrome, under consideration in Firefox)
Service Worker Skeleton
self.addEventListener('install', function(event) {
self.addEventListener('activate', function(event) {
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
What are apps actually made of?
Shell Content
Many apps are made of a shell and the content
Going offline - caching assets on startup
var cacheVersion = "v1";
var cacheResources = [
// etc
self.addEventListener('install', function(event) {
event.waitUntil( {
return cache.addAll(cacheResources);
Going offline - retrieving from cache on fetch
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
caches.match(event.request).then(function(response) {
return response || fetch(event.request);
Try the cache first and go to the
network if there’s no match
Going offline - cleanup previous resources
self.addEventListener('activate', function(event) {
// Remove outdated caches, migrate data etc,
Caching as a fallback for network
• Make a request
• Succeeds - cache response and return it
• Fails - check cache and return cached response
• Network request fails and not in cache ¯_( )_/¯
(OK so you probably want to manage the users experience in the last case)
Caching patterns depend on use case, some very helpful resources
Jake Archibald
ServiceWork Toolbox
Service Worker also enables other features
Push Notifications
When put together…
When put together…
(App reads data from
a monitoring API)
When put together…
When put together…
(Cached data, so
may be out of date)
When put together…
Powerful APIs (inc Service Worker) require HTTPS
“The future is here, it’s just unevenly distributed”
✓ ✓ ✓ WiP ?✓
We’re getting better access to native features
• Camera
• Notifications
• Location
• Geofencing
• Alarms
• Vibration
• Sharing
• Battery
• and more…
(On some platforms)
background sync
Background Sync (draft)
Easier payment mechanisms
“So how do we test this thing?”
Chrome DevTools
You can deploy them today
• 3x more time spent on site
• 40% higher re-engagement rate
• 70% greater conversion rate for
those arriving via Homescreen
• 3x lower data usage
AirBerlin demo at Google I/O
My current favourite…
Doesn’t support notifications yet…
…hopefully will do soon
These apps aren’t packaged and deployed through stores,
they’re just websites that took all the right vitamins
Alex Russell, Google
I still have questions…
• What might not be suitable as a progressive web app?
• Can we build PWAs that are as fast and frictionless as native?
• How can we sell our apps, will we need app stores?
• How do we avoid an uncanny UI valley?
• What happens to storage when every site is a PWA?
“Every step on the path to a PWA makes sense on it’s own”
Jason Grigsby

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Andy Davies
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Andy Davies
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Andy Davies
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Andy Davies
Making Mobile Sites Faster
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Are Today’s Good Practices… Tomorrow’s Performance Anti-Patterns?
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Andy Davies
Web Performance Workshop - Velocity London 2013
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Andy Davies
Are Today’s Good Practices... Tomorrow’s Performance Anti-Patterns?
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Andy Davies
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Building an Appier Web - London Web Standards - Nov 2016

  • 1. Building an Appier Web @AndyDavies NCC Group Nov 2016
  • 2. We’re spending more and more time in apps… © comScore, Inc. Propri Digital media usage time is exploding right now, and it’s predominantly being driven by mobile apps. 476,553 480,967 550,522 409,847 621,410 778,95477,081 97,440 118,299 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 Jun-2013 Jun-2014 Jun-2015 TotalMinutes(MM) Desktop Mobile App Mobile Browser Over the past years, total dig media usage h grown 49% wit mobile apps ha grown 90% an contributing to of the total incr in time spent. Mobile browse also seeing ve strong growth 53% and even desktop is still rising. Growth in Digital Media Time Spent Source: comScore Media Metrix Multi-Platform & Mobile Metrix, U.S., Total Audience +53% vs. 2013 +90% vs. 2013 +16% vs. 2013
  • 3. © comScore, Inc. Prop 29% 15% 11% 6% 6% 4% 3% 3% 23% Social Networking Radio Games Multimedia Instant Messengers Music Retail News/Information All Others Social Networ Radio and Ga contribute mo than half of to time spent on mobile apps. strength of the categories highlights that mobile device more heavily for entertainm and communi than their des counterparts. Share of Mobile App Time Spent Source: comScore Media Metrix MP and Mobile Metrix, U.S., Total Audience, June 2015 Social media and entertainment account for the six top app categories and drive two-thirds of total time spent on apps.But our usage can be very specific
  • 4. What do we like about apps?
  • 7. A simple app… (App reads data from a monitoring API)
  • 9. Works offline too (Cached data, so may be out of date)
  • 10. Apps have their challenges too
  • 11. “There’s an App for that”… …but can you can find it?
  • 12. To help we started with subtle buttons… but that wasn’t enough…
  • 14. “Download our app or else!”
  • 15. Updates, updates and more updates…
  • 18. © comScore, Inc. Pro And mobile audience growth is being driven more by mobile we properties, which are actually bigger and growing faster than ap A comparison Top 1000 App the Top 1000 Web Propertie shows a surp result. Not on mobile web properties ha audiences tha more than 2.5 size, but thes audiences are growing twice fast. Average Monthly Audience: Top 1000 Mobile Apps vs. Top 1000 Mobile Web Properties Source: comScore Mobile Metrix, U.S., Age 18+ - 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 Jun-2014 Sep-2014 Dec-2014 Mar-2015 Jun-2015 UniqueVisitors(000) Apps Mobile Web +42% y/y +21% y/y The web has great reach…
  • 19. and it’s due to the simple power of the URL
  • 23. Web pages adapt to our diversity of devices
  • 25. Or waiting for updates
  • 27. We could combine the richness of apps… …with the low friction of the web?
  • 29. So what might we need to build it?
  • 30. We can already add pages to our home screen Supported by most major mobile operating systems and browsers
 (Bookmarks page rather than site)
  • 31. Can specify the icon etc. via meta tags <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="icons/logo/ncc-logo-120x120-ios.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="icons/logo/ncc-logo-120x120-ios.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="/images/startup.png"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black"> (Minimal iOS set, ideally need more icon and splash screen sizes and other mobile browsers prefer different meta data)
  • 32. W3C App Manifest brings it all together { "lang": "en", "dir": "ltr", "name": "Monitoring", "description": "Performance and Availability Monitoring by NCC Group", "short_name": "Monitoring", "icons": [ { "src": "icons/logo/ncc-logo-144x144-white.png", "sizes": "144x144", "type": "image/png" }, . . . ], "scope": "/pwa", "start_url": "/pwa/index.html", "display": "standalone", "orientation": "portrait", "theme_color": "#c41230", "background_color": "#fff", }
  • 33. Homescreen Icon { "lang": "en", "dir": "ltr", "name": "Monitoring", "description": "Performance and Availability Monitoring by NCC Group", "short_name": "Monitoring", "icons": [ { "src": "icons/logo/ncc-logo-144x144-white.png", "sizes": "144x144", "type": "image/png" }, . . . ], "scope": "/pwa", "start_url": "/pwa/index.html", "display": "standalone", "orientation": "portrait", "theme_color": "#c41230", "background_color": "#fff", }
  • 34. URL of the page that’s launched { "lang": "en", "dir": "ltr", "name": "Monitoring", "description": "Performance and Availability Monitoring by NCC Group", "short_name": "Monitoring", "icons": [ { "src": "icons/logo/ncc-logo-144x144-white.png", "sizes": "144x144", "type": "image/png" }, . . . ], "scope": "/pwa", "start_url": "/pwa/index.html", "display": "standalone", "orientation": "portrait", "theme_color": "#c41230", "background_color": "#fff", }
  • 35. Splash screen { "lang": "en", "dir": "ltr", "name": "Monitoring", "description": "Performance and Availability Monitoring by NCC Group", "short_name": "Monitoring", "icons": [ { "src": "icons/logo/ncc-logo-144x144-white.png", "sizes": "144x144", "type": "image/png" }, . . . ], "scope": "/pwa", "start_url": "/pwa/index.html", "display": "standalone", "orientation": "portrait", "theme_color": "#c41230", "background_color": "#fff", }
  • 36. Orientation and presence of browser controls { "lang": "en", "dir": "ltr", "name": "Monitoring", "description": "Performance and Availability Monitoring by NCC Group", "short_name": "Monitoring", "icons": [ { "src": "icons/logo/ncc-logo-144x144-white.png", "sizes": "144x144", "type": "image/png" }, . . . ], "scope": "/pwa", "start_url": "/pwa/index.html", "display": "standalone", "orientation": "portrait", "theme_color": "#c41230", "background_color": "#fff", }
  • 37. And can even offer an install prompt (Browsers use several heuristics before deciding to prompt)
  • 38. Can listen for install event and track in analytics window.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', function(e) { e.userChoice.then(function(choiceResult) { console.log(choiceResult.outcome); if (choiceResult.outcome == 'dismissed') { // Track not installed } else { // Track installation } }); }); (Chrome supports this but it’s not in AppManifest standard)
  • 39. Can listen for install event and track in analytics window.addEventListener('appinstalled', function(e) { // Track installation }); (AppManifest standard proposes this)
  • 40. But how do we cope with a poor (or no) network?
  • 44. Service Worker is an in-browser network proxy that can intercept requests and responses
  • 45. <script> if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { navigator.serviceWorker.register('serviceworker.js', { scope: '/' }).then(function(registration) { // Anything else you want to do with registration // e.g. subscribe to push messages }).catch(function(err) { console.log('Can't register service worker: ', err); }); } </script> Register a Service Worker
  • 46. Option to install via Link may be coming <link rel="serviceworker" scope="/" href=“/serviceworker.js"> or Link </serviceworker.js>; rel=serviceworker scope=/ (Origin trial in Chrome, under consideration in Firefox)
  • 47. Service Worker Skeleton self.addEventListener('install', function(event) { self.skipWaiting(); }); self.addEventListener('activate', function(event) { }); self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) { });
  • 48. What are apps actually made of?
  • 49. Shell Content Many apps are made of a shell and the content
  • 50. Going offline - caching assets on startup var cacheVersion = "v1"; var cacheResources = [ "/pwa/index.html", "/pwa/icons/logo/ncc-logo.svg", "/pwa/icons/ui/sprite.svg" // etc ]; self.addEventListener('install', function(event) { self.skipWaiting(); event.waitUntil( { return cache.addAll(cacheResources); }) );
  • 51. Going offline - retrieving from cache on fetch self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) { event.respondWith( caches.match(event.request).then(function(response) { return response || fetch(event.request); }) ); }); Try the cache first and go to the network if there’s no match
  • 52. Going offline - cleanup previous resources self.addEventListener('activate', function(event) { // Remove outdated caches, migrate data etc, });
  • 53. Caching as a fallback for network • Make a request • Succeeds - cache response and return it • Fails - check cache and return cached response • Network request fails and not in cache ¯_( )_/¯ (OK so you probably want to manage the users experience in the last case)
  • 54. Caching patterns depend on use case, some very helpful resources Mozilla Jake Archibald ServiceWork Toolbox
  • 55. Service Worker also enables other features
  • 59. (App reads data from a monitoring API) When put together…
  • 61. (Cached data, so may be out of date) When put together…
  • 62. Powerful APIs (inc Service Worker) require HTTPS
  • 63. “The future is here, it’s just unevenly distributed” ✓ ✓ ✓ WiP ?✓
  • 64. We’re getting better access to native features • Camera • Notifications • Location • Geofencing • Alarms • Vibration • Sharing • Battery • and more… (On some platforms)
  • 72. You can deploy them today • 3x more time spent on site • 40% higher re-engagement rate • 70% greater conversion rate for those arriving via Homescreen • 3x lower data usage
  • 74. My current favourite… Doesn’t support notifications yet… …hopefully will do soon
  • 75. These apps aren’t packaged and deployed through stores, they’re just websites that took all the right vitamins Alex Russell, Google
  • 76. I still have questions… • What might not be suitable as a progressive web app? • Can we build PWAs that are as fast and frictionless as native? • How can we sell our apps, will we need app stores? • How do we avoid an uncanny UI valley? • What happens to storage when every site is a PWA?
  • 77. “Every step on the path to a PWA makes sense on it’s own” Jason Grigsby