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             Pete Muir
    JBoss, a Division of Red Hat
Road Map

 •   What is Seam?
 •   Why should I care about atomic conversations?
 •   How do I quickly build an application with Seam?
 •   What tools are available?
 •   The future
Application Stack
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Where can I run my app?

                 WebSphere                   Web Logic

                   Tomcat                     Glassfish

                                          JBoss Enterprise
           JBoss Application Server
                                         Application Platform

                            JBoss SOA Platform
Seam is contextual
 •   Stateful
     •   store objects for as long as you        *#+$
         need them

     •   Seam manages all interactions       ,-)($.&#quot;/-)
         with the context

     •   dependencies are injected and          !$&&/-)
         updated every time a component
         is accessed

Seam will store the
 The unified component model                                    component in the
                                                             conversation context
@Name(quot;discEditorquot;) @Scope(CONVERSATION)
public class DiscEditor {
                                          Inject the
    @In EntityManager entityManager;    EntityManager

    @In Session mailSession;

    @In @Out Item disc;                                                   Inject a
    @In(scope=SESSION) User user;                                         session
                                           Alias the item from the
    // Use the components in some way     context, and update the
                                            context if the object
}                                                  changes
        Specify the
      context to inject
           from                                                      8
Road Map

 •   What is Seam?
 •   Why should I care about atomic conversations?
 •   How do I quickly build an application with Seam?
 •   What tools are available?
 •   The future
Why do I want an atomic conversation?

 •   Here’s a common scenario:
     •   A user has a task to complete which:
         •    spans multiple pages

         •    should be able to click cancel or back at any time, no changes made
              until the user is finished

         •    should be able to do the same task in multiple windows

                                                         Review and confirm
         View a hotel           Enter your booking
What does Seam provide?
 •   A conversation scope
     •   shorter than the session, longer than a request

     •   demarcated by the application developer

     •   a conversation per window/tab

                                Session                                Session
               Conversation                             Conversation
     Request                  Request
What does Seam provide?

 •   A conversation scoped persistence context keeps entities
     attached for the entirety of the user’s task
     •   guarantees object equality

     •   allows lazy loading

 •   An atomic conversation needs to only flush changes at
     particular points
     •   Only flush the persistence context when explicitly instructed to
What does Seam provide?
 •   An atomic conversation needs to only flush changes at
     particular points
     •   Need to use a manual flush mode from Hibernate

         public void editDisc() {
             // Load the item to edit

         public void saveDisc() {
How do I manage the system transaction then?
  •   Seam manages the system transaction for you
      •   A read-write transaction

      •   A read only transaction for rendering the page (slightly better
          than Open Session in View)

                        EVENT                                 EVENT
          APPLY                          INVOKE     RENDER
        REQUEST                        APPLICATION RESPONSE

                         PERSISTENCE CONTEXT

Road Map

 •   What is Seam?
 •   Why should I care about atomic conversations?
 •   How do I quickly build an application with Seam?
 •   What tools are available?
 •   The future
Application Framework
  •   UI orientated controller components               Can define in XML or
                                                          Java for custom
  •   EntityHome for CRUD                                    behaviour

<fwk:entity-home entity-class=quot;com.acme.Discquot; name=quot;discHomequot;/>

<s:decorate template=quot;/edit.xhtmlquot;>
  <h:inputText value=quot;#{}quot; required=quot;truequot; />
<h:commandButton action=quot;#{discHome.update}quot; value=quot;Savequot; />
<h:commandButton action=quot;#{discHome.remove}quot; value=quot;Deletequot; />

 Seam provides JSF                             Bind directly to
  controls for easy                            the entities, no
 decoration of fields                           need for DTOs
Application Framework
   •   EntityQuery for search
<fwk:entity-query name=quot;discsquot; ejbql=quot;select d from Disc dquot; order=quot;d.namequot;
    <value>lower( like concat(#{}, '%'))</value>
</fwk:entity-query>                               Basic queries can be
                                                   specified in XML

<component name=quot;exampleDiscquot; class=quot;com.acme.Artistquot; scope=quot;sessionquot; />

                         A prototype, used
                           to bind query
                          between UI and
Application Framework
   •   EntityQuery for search
                                        Search criteria
  Filter by name:
  <h:inputText value=quot;#{}quot;>
    <a:support reRender=quot;artistsquot; event=quot;onkeyupquot; />
                                                          Output the results
<h:table value=quot;#{discs.dataModel}quot; var=quot;dquot; id=quot;discsquot;>
    <s:link action=quot;discquot; value=quot;#{}quot;>
      <f:param name=quot;discIdquot; value=quot;#{}quot; />

<h:inputText value=quot;#{}quot; required=quot;truequot;>
                          <s:validate />

 •    Need to report validation errors back to the user on the correct
 •    BUT normally need to enforce same constraints at the
      persistence layer and the database

@Entity public class Item {

    @Id @GeneratedValue Long id;

    @Length(min=3, max=1000, message=quot;Must be between 3 & 1000 charsquot;)
    String description;
Road Map

 •   What is Seam?
 •   Why should I care about atomic conversations?
 •   How do I quickly build an application with Seam?
 •   What tools are available?
 •   The future

 • seam-gen - command line tool for generating skeleton
    project and reverse engineering a database schema
    using Seam Application Framework
 • JBoss Developer Studio - Eclipse based IDE
    •     For $99 you get a full installer + JBoss EAP
    •     Based on the freely available JBoss Tools Eclipse plugins
Road Map

 •   What is Seam?
 •   Why should I care about atomic conversations?
 •   How do I quickly build an application with Seam?
 •   What tools are available?
 •   The future
Flex as a view layer

•   A community effort
•   Uses Granite Data Services or Blaze Data Services
•   Check out a couple of demos at


 •   Easy Component Creation & Templating
     •   Standardizes Facelets

     •   No XML needed to create a component

 •   Built in Ajax support
 •   Many improvements to JSF
     •   lifecycle (performance!)

     •   error handling

     •   navigation
What else?

 •   Seam 2.1 release candidate in the next week or two
     •   Friendly URLs

     •   Identity Management

     •   ACL style permissions

     •   Wicket support

     •   Excel reporting module

     •   Support for JAX-RS (REST)

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  • 1. Seam Pete Muir JBoss, a Division of Red Hat
  • 2. Road Map • What is Seam? • Why should I care about atomic conversations? • How do I quickly build an application with Seam? • What tools are available? • The future
  • 3. Application Stack &quot;%'($%% :.&8!0&/1%quot;*quot;23 )*+,$%% !quot;#$% !quot;#!$%&'quot;()%* 4&5!6,7#&8quot;,9 -.,/$ !quot;#$ 0,/$1quot;#$ !quot;#$quot;%&%'!(quot;)&* 0$,quot;*'23 4+,quot;5$(2 +&,-.-'&%/&!0&/1%quot;*quot;23 62,777
  • 4. Where can I run my app? WebSphere Web Logic Tomcat Glassfish JBoss Enterprise JBoss Application Server Application Platform JBoss SOA Platform
  • 5. !quot;#quot;$%$&& Seam is contextual '($)quot; • Stateful • store objects for as long as you *#+$ need them • Seam manages all interactions ,-)($.&#quot;/-) with the context • dependencies are injected and !$&&/-) updated every time a component is accessed 01&/)$&&!*.-2$&& 344%/2#quot;/-)
  • 6. Seam will store the The unified component model component in the conversation context @Name(quot;discEditorquot;) @Scope(CONVERSATION) public class DiscEditor { Inject the @In EntityManager entityManager; EntityManager @In Session mailSession; @In @Out Item disc; Inject a JavaMail @In(scope=SESSION) User user; session Alias the item from the // Use the components in some way context, and update the ;-) context if the object } changes Specify the context to inject from 8
  • 7. Road Map • What is Seam? • Why should I care about atomic conversations? • How do I quickly build an application with Seam? • What tools are available? • The future
  • 8. Why do I want an atomic conversation? • Here’s a common scenario: • A user has a task to complete which: • spans multiple pages • should be able to click cancel or back at any time, no changes made until the user is finished • should be able to do the same task in multiple windows Review and confirm View a hotel Enter your booking booking
  • 9. What does Seam provide? • A conversation scope • shorter than the session, longer than a request • demarcated by the application developer • a conversation per window/tab Application Session Session Conversation Conversation Request Request
  • 10. What does Seam provide? • A conversation scoped persistence context keeps entities attached for the entirety of the user’s task • guarantees object equality • allows lazy loading • An atomic conversation needs to only flush changes at particular points • Only flush the persistence context when explicitly instructed to
  • 11. What does Seam provide? • An atomic conversation needs to only flush changes at particular points • Need to use a manual flush mode from Hibernate @Begin(flushMode=MANUAL) public void editDisc() { // Load the item to edit } @End public void saveDisc() { entityManager.flush(); }
  • 12. How do I manage the system transaction then? • Seam manages the system transaction for you • A read-write transaction • A read only transaction for rendering the page (slightly better than Open Session in View) CONVERSATION EVENT EVENT APPLY INVOKE RENDER RESTORE PROCESS UPDATE REQUEST APPLICATION RESPONSE VIEW VALIDATIONS MODEL VALUES PERSISTENCE CONTEXT FLUSH SYSTEM TRANSACTION
  • 13. Road Map • What is Seam? • Why should I care about atomic conversations? • How do I quickly build an application with Seam? • What tools are available? • The future
  • 14. Application Framework • UI orientated controller components Can define in XML or Java for custom • EntityHome for CRUD behaviour <fwk:entity-home entity-class=quot;com.acme.Discquot; name=quot;discHomequot;/> <s:decorate template=quot;/edit.xhtmlquot;> <h:inputText value=quot;#{}quot; required=quot;truequot; /> </s:decorate> <h:commandButton action=quot;#{discHome.update}quot; value=quot;Savequot; /> <h:commandButton action=quot;#{discHome.remove}quot; value=quot;Deletequot; /> Seam provides JSF Bind directly to controls for easy the entities, no decoration of fields need for DTOs
  • 15. Application Framework • EntityQuery for search <fwk:entity-query name=quot;discsquot; ejbql=quot;select d from Disc dquot; order=quot;d.namequot; max-results=quot;5quot;> <fwk:restrictions> <value>lower( like concat(#{}, '%'))</value> </fwk:restrictions> </fwk:entity-query> Basic queries can be specified in XML <component name=quot;exampleDiscquot; class=quot;com.acme.Artistquot; scope=quot;sessionquot; /> A prototype, used to bind query parameters between UI and query
  • 16. Application Framework • EntityQuery for search Search criteria <h:form> Filter by name: <h:inputText value=quot;#{}quot;> <a:support reRender=quot;artistsquot; event=quot;onkeyupquot; /> </h:inputText> </h:form> Output the results <h:table value=quot;#{discs.dataModel}quot; var=quot;dquot; id=quot;discsquot;> <h:column> <s:link action=quot;discquot; value=quot;#{}quot;> <f:param name=quot;discIdquot; value=quot;#{}quot; /> </s:link> </h:column> </h:table>
  • 17. <h:inputText value=quot;#{}quot; required=quot;truequot;> <s:validate /> </h:inputText> Validation • Need to report validation errors back to the user on the correct field • BUT normally need to enforce same constraints at the persistence layer and the database @Entity public class Item { @Id @GeneratedValue Long id; @Length(min=3, max=1000, message=quot;Must be between 3 & 1000 charsquot;) String description; }
  • 18. Road Map • What is Seam? • Why should I care about atomic conversations? • How do I quickly build an application with Seam? • What tools are available? • The future
  • 19. Tooling • seam-gen - command line tool for generating skeleton project and reverse engineering a database schema using Seam Application Framework • JBoss Developer Studio - Eclipse based IDE • For $99 you get a full installer + JBoss EAP • Based on the freely available JBoss Tools Eclipse plugins
  • 20. Demo
  • 21. Road Map • What is Seam? • Why should I care about atomic conversations? • How do I quickly build an application with Seam? • What tools are available? • The future
  • 22. Flex as a view layer • A community effort • Uses Granite Data Services or Blaze Data Services • Check out a couple of demos at
  • 23. JSF 2 • Easy Component Creation & Templating • Standardizes Facelets • No XML needed to create a component • Built in Ajax support • Many improvements to JSF • lifecycle (performance!) • error handling • navigation
  • 24. What else? • Seam 2.1 release candidate in the next week or two • Friendly URLs • Identity Management • ACL style permissions • Wicket support • Excel reporting module • Support for JAX-RS (REST)
  • 25. Q&A