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“Change almost never fails because it's too early.
It almost always fails because it's too late.”
― Seth Godin
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Production Ready Javascript With Grunt
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referenced style sheets, images, and subframes may not be finished loading.
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The document provides technical recommendations for SEO, including: 1. Removing URL parameters, implementing rel="alternate" for mobile sites, and using HREFLANG tags to group international sites. It also recommends diagnosing actual site speed issues, implementing Twitter Cards, and getting familiar with JavaScript, jQuery, and debugging tools. 2. Auditing AJAX implementations to ensure all content and links are crawlable without JavaScript. It notes Google can now index some JavaScript-rendered content like Facebook comments. 3. When making recommendations, being prescriptive, but when auditing, being cautious of the costs of changes if content is already being indexed. Fix only what's necessary, not purely for technical purity.

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This document discusses profiling PHP applications to improve performance. It recommends profiling during development to identify inefficiencies. The document introduces Xdebug for profiling PHP code and Webgrind, a PHP frontend for visualizing Xdebug profiles. It provides an example of profiling a sample PHP application, identifying issues, making code changes, and verifying performance improvements through re-profiling.

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This document provides an introduction and overview of Angular, including: - Angular is a front-end web framework best for single page applications. - It uses dependency injection to allow services to be injected, decorated, and mocked. - Directives allow extending and augmenting HTML behavior, and are compiled by Angular to link them to scopes. - Data binding in Angular syncs scope data with the DOM via one-way and two-way binding. - Promises represent the future state of asynchronous operations and can resolve other promises.

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Fronteers Spring Conference Amsterdam 2016 keynote

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This document discusses how web design firms can compete with internal GIS teams by providing web-based GIS (WebGIS) applications. It notes that WebGIS requires learning new tools like JavaScript, AJAX, and RESTful services. To protect their work, internal GIS teams need to learn these new web technologies and prioritize usability over features to create responsive applications. The document advocates for an iterative development process with a focus on performance and usability testing.

Progressive Web Apps. What, why and how
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Progressive Web Apps are a new approach to application development that combines the best of the web and the best of native apps. They are reliable, fast and engaging like native apps while also being responsive and capable of being installed like regular web pages. The key technologies that enable Progressive Web Apps are service workers, app manifests, and responsive design. Service workers allow for caching assets and serving cached responses even when offline. App manifests provide metadata that makes the app feel like a native application to the user. Responsive design ensures the app works across different screen sizes.

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Riza Fahmi is the Curriculum Director of Hacktiv8, a company he started with Ronald Ishak, in an attempt to solve the developer hiring crunch that has hindered the growth of many aspiring tech startups in Indonesia. Through a 12-week immersive curriculum offered through Hacktiv8, aims to raise the quality of web developers and connect them with the best tech companies in the country. Knowledge sharing is deeply engrained with his passion and is evident through involvement in many initiatives such as becoming a lecturer at Universitas Budi Luhur; becoming an organizer for JakartaJS, Meteor Jakarta and React Indonesia; a speaker at Singapore Elixir Meetup, GeekCamp, Lambda Jakarta and much more to come. *** This slide was shared at Tech in Asia Product Development Conference 2017 (PDC'17) on 9-10 August 2017. Get more insightful updates from TIA by subscribing

Fronteers Spring Conference Amsterdam 2016 keynote
“An artist's job is to show people what was
always there but they never noticed.”
-Andrew Hamilton

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Fronteers Spring Conference Amsterdam 2016 keynote

Editor's Notes

  1. Who of you think WebPerf,speed, short reaction time is important? Who of you have struggled with getting enough time/priority to actually do important stuff around it?
  2. What made the difference? Price Money Winner 1950: $57,459 F1 2013 winning team (Red Bull) $98.97m
  3. You might be in it just for fun or to make the web a better place. Deepest Respect But in reality webperf is only interesting for a company because of the additional money it can make. It’s not a hobby – it’s a business
  4. In the end your salary is influenced by the speed of your sites. Too often WebPerf is seen as a cost for IT. Something that needs to be done, but other things take priority. It is often put into the Non-Functional Requirement bucket. Because no-one has connected the dots properly yet. So you need to be able to do it!!! You need to be able to build the WebPerf business case for anything you do on that topic.
  5. Difficult - you need to prove speed increases revenue, user satisfaction , brand value or whatever the goal of site is. Many studies and examples have been published. Famous Walmart, Mozilla, Amazon,… Great case studies But they are not yours and you can’t use them to build your business case. You can and should however use them as 3rd party verifications to the topic and to get the right people in your organization interested.
  6. More case studies and lot more tips
  7. Lets say you’ve convinced management you invest time&effort site speeds up
  8. And this is the result Cool But user behavior doesn’t seem to change - no change in revenue!!! Wait! What? This is something I see very often. “We’ve tried WebPerf - doesn’t do it for us!” In almost every case the data they looked at was not the right one. In this case the wrong timer – DOmContentLoaded as reported by Google Analytics has basically no influence on the end user experience. In other cases the timeframe they looked at was too short, results were not clean enough to distinguish between webperf changes and overall site changes, …
  9. So which timer should you choose? All of them make sense - why else would W3C have defined them? But which one has the strongest correlation to your business success? No good way to give general answer. Often it is not one of the navigation timings but some custom timer relevant to your use case. You need to make correlations to your business success criteria. If you can’t do it for yourself find a data analyst and make him/her your best friend.
  10. Business Success? How do you measure that? How do your different teams measure that?
  11. If you want to build a business case for WebPerf try doing to for every team. Understand their success criteria - their KPIs. Bounce rate, session length, conversion,CAC, PPC, CPL,…
  12. People think averages are the norm and in their mind if you tell them the average speed is 4,3s and we have a bounce rate of 38% this is what they think of. How do you explain why speed matters if they have such an image in their head? Question: Does you site load like the 1953 pit stop or rather like the 2013 Melbourne pit stop?
  13. Answer: both In reality the load time distribution looks something like this. Basic shape follows a lognormal distribution with lots of people faster than the median load time but also a very long tail. So you will most likely have a lot of people with a 3s load time but you will also always have some percentage of users with a 60+ s load time. Question is how many of these. Important to communicate and explain not just 1 aggregated number but percentiles and bets of all a complete distribution curve. And then overlay the bounce rate for every one of those specific load times. This visualization always help to make someone outside of IT ( or even within) to understand the speed influence. Do the same for other business metrics like number of pages in session, conversion rate, number of reviews written, number of registrations, …
  14. And when you improve your performance the new shape wont just move to the left as is but it will change its shape sligthly. You still have a long tail but less people have a really bad expererience. And more users fall into the performance sweet spot of your business metric.
  15. So get in touch with our local data analyst, collect the performance data ( that is easy – much easier than lot of other data they are already playing around with). Correlate Business value across teams: Example CDN investment: Compressing images (or files in general) is good for performance. Visualize the business impact as done earlier. But also calculate the savings of your CDN budget. How much money can IT safe if they are delivering x% less data or y% less objects via the CDN? Often it is quite significant – so you end up with a win-win situation.
  16. WebPerf can be an artform. You have to decide though whether you want to be the poor poet who is doing wonderful stuff biut noone cares about it Or Whether you want to become recognized for what you do, change the world and actually rake in lots of money for yourself as well Von Carl Spitzweg - 1. The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.2. Wichmann, Siegfried: Carl Spitzweg, München 1990, S. 57 ISBN 3-7654-2306-83. Cybershot800i, Eigenes Werk, aufgenommen 17. Juni 2011, Gemeinfrei, Jack Mitchell: Fotoporträt von Andy Warhol mit Dackel Archie (1973)