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Comet, Simplified, with the Jabbify Comet
       Brian Moschel
       Jupiter IT

 Why       Why        How It          Showcase
Comet?   Jabbify?     Works
Why Comet?
• Web 2.0 Trends
  1. Time Spent on a Page
Why Comet?
• Web 2.0 Trends
  2. Half life of a Page’s Content

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PWA 應用 - 實現網站離線瀏覽

This document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs) and service workers. It provides an overview of service workers and how they can be used to cache web content and provide offline functionality. It also describes some common tools used with service workers like sw-toolbox, sw-precache, and sw-precache-webpack-plugin. Finally, it provides an example of how to implement a service worker in a PWA todo list application using these tools and techniques.

service workerwebpackpwa
Magento 2 Front-end performance tips & tricks - Nomadmage September 2017
Magento 2 Front-end performance tips & tricks - Nomadmage September 2017Magento 2 Front-end performance tips & tricks - Nomadmage September 2017
Magento 2 Front-end performance tips & tricks - Nomadmage September 2017

Performance matters and probably everyone hears that 1-second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversion, translating it to sales, potentially you are going to lose $2.5 million every year if your store is making $100.000 per day. Even the best-optimized back-end solution can be ruined by the bunch of JavaScript libraries or even just not optimised images. It’s really easy to forget about front-end performance or let you clients ruin it just by adding unoptimized content and tons of tracking scripts. I’ll show you a way to easily measure the Magento 2 front-end performance and how to find and eliminate bottlenecks. The talk will also cover common mistakes and show how different configuration options will affect page load and user experience.

Повний тестздець SPA + REST
Повний тестздець SPA + RESTПовний тестздець SPA + REST
Повний тестздець SPA + REST

Андрій Шумада Sr. Software Developer at Debitoor/Ciklum Наскільки тести незамінні в девелоперському житті, як написати тести для Single Page Application і REST Api так красиво, щоб їх аж захотілось писати іншим членам вашої команди. Unit testing, end-to-end testing, integration testing, best tools, best testing libs & frameworks, best practices.

Why Comet?
• Demand for Comet is growing
• Desktop apps moving to the web
     • Chat
     • Real time updates
     • Don’t like to reload
• Ajax:2003::Comet:2009
What is Jabbify?
•   Comet, simplified
•   No server
•   No setup
•   JavaScript API and GET requests
Why Jabbify?

Simple to use

Scale easily

Rapid setup
Simple to use
synchronized (_continuations) {
  for(Iterator<Map.Entry <String, ArrayList<Continuation>>> iter =
_continuations.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();){
    Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<Continuation>> entry =;
    ArrayList<Continuation> continuations = entry.getValue();
    for(Continuation c : continuations){

Jabbify.connect({name: this.username}, this.continue_to('after_connect'))
after_connect: function(){
  Jabbify.send('vote','submit', {result: this.result})

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Service workers allow you to control how network requests from web pages are handled. They run scripts in the background to intercept and handle fetch events, allowing web applications to work offline by responding with cached responses. Before service workers, AppCache was used but had limitations. The lifecycle of a service worker involves registration, installation, activation, and controlling pages. Common uses are caching assets, providing offline functionality, and handling network responses. Challenges include debugging failed installations and limitations on credentials and CORS requests. Service workers also enable push notifications and background sync functionality.

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This document discusses using Comet techniques with Python, Django and Orbited to enable real-time data pushing to web browsers. It describes how AJAX polling, long polling and HTTP pushing work. Orbited is introduced as a framework that uses Twisted and supports STOMP, IRC and XMPP protocols to simplify building Comet applications with ready-made JavaScript clients. An example app built with Django and Orbited is also described.

by skam
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Magento 2 Front-end performance tips & tricks - Meet Magento Romania 2017
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Performance matters and probably everyone hears that 1-second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversion, translating it to sales, potentially you are going to lose $2.5 million every year if your store is making $100.000 per day. Even the best-optimized back-end solution can be ruined by the bunch of JavaScript libraries or even just not optimised images. It’s really easy to forget about front-end performance or let you clients ruin it just by adding unoptimized content and tons of tracking scripts. I’ll show you a way to easily measure the Magento 2 front-end performance and how to find and eliminate bottlenecks. The talk will also cover common mistakes and show how different configuration options will affect page load and user experience.

Scale easily
• Scaling comet >> Scaling traditional web
• Resource intensive
• Jabbify is built to scale as usage grows
Rapid Setup
<New id=quot;cfquot; class=quot;;>
    <New class=quot;org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactoryquot;>


<script language=quot;javascriptquot; type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;jabbify.jsquot;></script>
Comet is complex
• Client
   – Transports (JSONP,, Flash, XHR, iframe)
• Server
   – Special server
   – Setup time
   – Learning curve
• Scaling
   – Resource consumption
   – Threading issues
Jabbify is simple
• Client to Client Comet
   – JavaScript API
      • Jabbify.send(“message”,”create”,{message: “hi there”});

• Server to Client Comet
   – GET requests

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The document discusses how WebSocket provides full-duplex and bi-directional communication over a single TCP connection, addressing limitations of HTTP such as being half-duplex and requiring a new connection per request. It explains how WebSocket works by upgrading the initial HTTP connection to a WebSocket connection through a handshake process. It also describes how the Java API supports WebSocket through annotations and callback methods to handle messages, connections and errors for server and client endpoints.

Microblogging via XMPP
Microblogging via XMPPMicroblogging via XMPP
Microblogging via XMPP

The document discusses microblogging using the XMPP protocol. It provides background on XMPP, describes how it can enable microblogging in near real-time, and outlines the speaker's microblogging application built with Ruby that uses an XMPP bot, EventMachine for concurrency, Sequel as an ORM, and Ramaze as a web framework. Key features of the application include models for users, micros, and relations between them, an API for accessing data, and a plugin architecture for the XMPP bot.

Service worker - Offline Web
Service worker - Offline WebService worker - Offline Web
Service worker - Offline Web

A presentation about the Service Worker. Talk about the difference between AppCache and ServiceWorker, also show as possible with him and the idea for the future. Demo:

frontendservice workerweb
How It Works
Take Home Points

Comet is coming

Jabbify = easy Comet
• Jabbify Simple Chat Client
• Keyboard Demo

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The document discusses a presentation by Maarten Balliauw and Kris van der Mast on ASP.NET MVC and jQuery. It provides an overview of ASP.NET MVC and its advantages over WebForms such as testability and control over HTML. It also discusses the basics of jQuery including selectors, events and AJAX functionality. It encourages attendees to learn more about these technologies from resources on their websites and blogs.

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The document discusses the Volt web framework. It provides instructions on installing Volt using Git, running MongoDB and bundler, and running the Volt server. It then demonstrates various Volt features like real-time updates with websockets, debugging output, adding form elements, and running tasks explicitly on the server. Finally, it outlines Volt's features like not needing separate client/server controllers and realtime updates, and lists items on the roadmap like authentication and supporting other databases.

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1) DISQUS implemented a real-time component to increase user engagement by getting new data to users quickly. 2) The architecture uses Redis for pub/sub messaging between frontend Flask servers using Gunicorn and gevent, and backend Python services that format and publish messages. 3) Testing was important to ensure the real-time system could handle DISQUS's large traffic, and metrics were used to measure and optimize performance.


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Comet, Simplified, with Jabbify Comet Service

  • 1. Comet, Simplified, with the Jabbify Comet Service Brian Moschel Jupiter IT
  • 2. Overview Why Why How It Showcase Demo Comet? Jabbify? Works
  • 3. Why Comet? • Web 2.0 Trends 1. Time Spent on a Page
  • 4. Why Comet? • Web 2.0 Trends 2. Half life of a Page’s Content
  • 5. Why Comet? • Demand for Comet is growing • Desktop apps moving to the web • Chat • Real time updates • Don’t like to reload • Ajax:2003::Comet:2009
  • 6. What is Jabbify? • Comet, simplified • No server • No setup • JavaScript API and GET requests
  • 7. Why Jabbify? Simple to use Scale easily Rapid setup
  • 8. Simple to use synchronized (_continuations) { for(Iterator<Map.Entry <String, ArrayList<Continuation>>> iter = _continuations.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();){ Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<Continuation>> entry =; ArrayList<Continuation> continuations = entry.getValue(); for(Continuation c : continuations){ c.resume(); } } _continuations.clear(); } vs Jabbify.connect({name: this.username}, this.continue_to('after_connect')) after_connect: function(){ Jabbify.send('vote','submit', {result: this.result}) }
  • 9. Scale easily • Scaling comet >> Scaling traditional web applications • Resource intensive • Jabbify is built to scale as usage grows
  • 10. Rapid Setup <New id=quot;cfquot; class=quot;;> <Arg>jms/connectionFactory</Arg> <Arg> <New class=quot;org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactoryquot;> <Arg>failover:(tcp://localhost:61616)?initialReconnectDelay=20&amp;maxReconnectDe lay=900</Arg> </New> </Arg> </New> vs <script language=quot;javascriptquot; type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;jabbify.jsquot;></script>
  • 11. Comet is complex • Client – Transports (JSONP,, Flash, XHR, iframe) • Server – Special server – Setup time – Learning curve • Scaling – Resource consumption – Threading issues
  • 12. Jabbify is simple • Client to Client Comet – JavaScript API • Jabbify.send(“message”,”create”,{message: “hi there”}); • Server to Client Comet – GET requests •
  • 14. Demo
  • 15. Take Home Points Comet is coming Jabbify = easy Comet
  • 16. Showcase • Jabbify Simple Chat Client • Keyboard Demo •