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Comet Overview

      Brian Moschel
      Jupiter IT

 Why      Comet               How It          Showcase
                    Jabbify            Demo
Comet?   Overview             Works
Why Comet?
• Web 2.0 Trends
  1. Time Spent on a Page
Why Comet?
• Web 2.0 Trends
  2. Half life of a Page’s Content

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Time for Comet?
Time for Comet?Time for Comet?
Time for Comet?

Presented at the Yahoo! Web Development Summit in December 2007. Comet is the new name for the old trick of streaming events down to the browser from the server. This talk introduces Comet and shows how, despite the terrifying browser tricks needed, it's actually now very simple to build against.

The Case for HTTP/2
The Case for HTTP/2The Case for HTTP/2
The Case for HTTP/2

HTTP/2 addresses limitations in HTTP/1.x by multiplexing requests over a single TCP connection, compressing headers, and allowing servers to push responses. It leads to more efficient use of network resources and faster page loads. While browser support is good, server implementations are still maturing and need to fully support HTTP/2 features like streams, dependencies, and server push to provide optimizations. Efficient TLS is also important to avoid delays in taking advantage of HTTP/2 performance benefits.

web performancehttp/2
Getting the most out of WebPageTest
Getting the most out of WebPageTestGetting the most out of WebPageTest
Getting the most out of WebPageTest

This document discusses how to get the most out of the tool for testing website performance. It provides an overview of the metrics webpagetest measures like load times, bandwidth usage, and script execution. The document also shares links to examples of using scripting commands to test service workers and customizing domain names. Additionally, it promotes Patrick Meenan's GitHub projects for Cloudflare Workers that can optimize sites and mentions the bulk testing feature on

Why Comet?
• Demand for Comet is growing
• Desktop apps moving to the web
     • Chat
     • Real time updates
     • Don’t like to reload
• Ajax:2003::Comet:2009
• Multi user collaboration apps
   – Wiki
   – Presentation
• Communication
   – Chat
• Preventing stale data
   – Stock ticker
   – Social web updates
• Others?
Polling vs. Comet
Are we                 Are we                      Are we
                 No                           No                No
There yet?             There yet?                  There yet?

  Comet Long Polling
                                               Wait for data
             Wait for data

How Comet Works: Client Side
• Long Poll
   – How?
       • XHR, JSONP, or any transport, with connection held open
   – Pro
       • It works cross browser
   – Con
       • More overhead
• Forever Frame
   – How?
       • Iframe
       • Multipart XHR
   – Pro
       • Less overhead, quicker responses
   – Con
       • Lack of error handling, not cross browser

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Scaling Front-End Performance - Velocity 2016
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Scaling Front-End Performance - Velocity 2016

The document discusses strategies for improving front-end performance, especially for users on slow connections or mobile devices. It recommends dynamically adjusting content like images, scripts, and ads based on connection speed. Both client-side techniques using JavaScript and service workers as well as server-side methods like analyzing request headers and response times can help optimize the experience. Browsers are also intervening more aggressively to prioritize resources and content loading. The goal is to make websites faster and more usable for all users regardless of their network conditions.

Web Performance Optimization
Web Performance OptimizationWeb Performance Optimization
Web Performance Optimization

Overview on why web performance matters, how to measure it and some discussion on 3rd-party content. Presented t the DC area Web Manager's Roundtable group on 12/7/2011.

GTMetrix Report For
GTMetrix Report For GPStrackingMart.comGTMetrix Report For
GTMetrix Report For

The document is a report analyzing the performance of the website The report found the website had a fully loaded time of 790ms. Images made up the largest portion of the total page size of 777KB. The report provided several recommendations to improve performance including properly sizing images, eliminating render-blocking resources, and reducing unused CSS.

speed optimization
Client Side Issues
• Cross Browser
  – Duh
• 2 Connection Limit
  – Use wildcard DNS
  – ->
• Synchronous request s (for JSONP)
  – Long poll has to close to allow other requests to
How Comet Works: Server Side
• Simultaneous connections
  – Traditional servers can’t scale
  – A thread shared multiple connections
     • Wake up when you’re ready to send data
How Comet Works: Server Side
• Python
   – Orbited
   – Cometd
• Java
   – Jetty
• Erlang
   – ErlyComet
• .NET
   – Lightstreamer
• Service
   – Jabbify
Server Side Issues
• Scaling
  – Every user = 1 connection
• Complexity
  – Threading
  – Learning Curve

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Measuring the visual experience of website performance
Measuring the visual experience of website performanceMeasuring the visual experience of website performance
Measuring the visual experience of website performance

This document discusses different methods for measuring website performance from both a synthetic and real-user perspective. It introduces the Speed Index metric for quantifying visual progress and compares the Speed Index of Amazon and Twitter. It also covers the Chrome resource prioritization and different challenges around visual performance metrics.

web performance
17 Web Performance Metrics You Should Care About
17 Web Performance Metrics You Should Care About17 Web Performance Metrics You Should Care About
17 Web Performance Metrics You Should Care About

This document discusses 17 key web performance metrics across four categories: front-end user experience metrics, backend performance metrics, content complexity metrics, and advanced monitoring tips. It provides descriptions and average metrics for each, including time to title, time to start render, DNS time, connection time, asset weights, counts, and number of domains. The document emphasizes that measuring these metrics through continuous monitoring provides knowledge to optimize performance and improve the user experience. Advanced monitoring tips include setting service level agreements, defining performance issues, and automating alerts.

metricsweb design and developmentanalytics
Web Sockets
Web SocketsWeb Sockets
Web Sockets

WebSockets allow for full-duplex and low-overhead communication between a client and server. They provide faster and more efficient transmission of data compared to traditional polling techniques. WebSockets are supported in modern browsers and enable use cases such as real-time updates in applications, online games, chat, and data streaming. Popular WebSocket libraries include Pusher and Socket.IO, which allow building WebSocket functionality into web and mobile apps.

What is Jabbify?
•   Comet, simplified
•   No server
•   No setup
•   JavaScript API and GET requests
Why Jabbify?

Simple to use

Scale easily

Rapid setup
Simple to use
synchronized (_continuations) {
  for(Iterator<Map.Entry <String, ArrayList<Continuation>>> iter =
_continuations.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();){
    Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<Continuation>> entry =;
    ArrayList<Continuation> continuations = entry.getValue();
    for(Continuation c : continuations){

Jabbify.connect({name: this.username}, this.continue_to('after_connect'))
after_connect: function(){
  Jabbify.send('vote','submit', {result: this.result})
Scale easily
• Scaling comet >> Scaling traditional web
• Resource intensive
• Jabbify is built to scale as usage grows

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Velocity EU 2012 - Third party scripts and you
Velocity EU 2012 - Third party scripts and youVelocity EU 2012 - Third party scripts and you
Velocity EU 2012 - Third party scripts and you

The document discusses strategies for loading third-party scripts asynchronously to improve page load performance. It notes that the frontend accounts for 80-90% of end user response time and recommends loading scripts asynchronously using techniques like async, defer, and loading scripts at the bottom of the page. It also discusses tools for monitoring performance when third-party scripts are blocked.

Web Sockets - HTML5
Web Sockets - HTML5Web Sockets - HTML5
Web Sockets - HTML5

With the HTML5 age a lot of new features came to help developers to create amazing apps and amazing user experience, one of these features is called web socket which provides new powers under the HTTP protocol.

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WebPagetest Power Users - Velocity 2014
WebPagetest Power Users - Velocity 2014WebPagetest Power Users - Velocity 2014
WebPagetest Power Users - Velocity 2014

Slides for my tutorial from Velocity 2014 on some of the more advanced features in WebPagetest. Video is available on Youtube: Part 1: Part 2:

Rapid Setup
<New id=quot;cfquot; class=quot;;>
    <New class=quot;org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactoryquot;>


<script language=quot;javascriptquot; type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;jabbify.jsquot;></script>
Comet is complex
• Client
   – Transports (JSONP,, Flash, XHR, iframe)
• Server
   – Special server
   – Setup time
   – Learning curve
• Scaling
   – Resource consumption
   – Threading issues
Jabbify is simple
• Client to Client Comet
   – JavaScript API
      • Jabbify.send(“message”,”create”,{message: “hi there”});

• Server to Client Comet
   – GET requests
How It Works

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Making the web faster

Presentation from the June 28, 2011 National Capital Area Google Technology Users Group on some of Google's efforts to make the web faster.

SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Tom Anthony | An Introduction to HTTP/2 & Service...
SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Tom Anthony | An Introduction to HTTP/2 & Service...SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Tom Anthony | An Introduction to HTTP/2 & Service...
SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Tom Anthony | An Introduction to HTTP/2 & Service...

HTTP/2 and Service Works are becoming more established, yet the SEO community lacks awareness of what they are what they may mean for us. A lot of us know we need to know about them but we manage to keep putting it off. However, for both of these technologies, the next 12 months are going to be the turning point where we really can't avoid learning more about them. Tom will provide and accessible introduction to both, with a focus on what they are, how they work and what SEOs need to know. If you have been scared of jumping in to them until now, this session will help get you up to speed.

searchlovesearchlove sandiego
Measuring web performance
Measuring web performanceMeasuring web performance
Measuring web performance

Things to be aware of when you are measuring the performance of your web sites (both synthetic testing and Real User Monitoring).

Take Home Points

Comet is coming

Jabbify = easy Comet
• Jabbify Simple Chat Client
• Keyboard Demo

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Comet: an Overview and a New Solution Called Jabbify

  • 1. Comet Overview Brian Moschel Jupiter IT
  • 2. Overview Why Comet How It Showcase Jabbify Demo Comet? Overview Works
  • 3. Why Comet? • Web 2.0 Trends 1. Time Spent on a Page
  • 4. Why Comet? • Web 2.0 Trends 2. Half life of a Page’s Content
  • 5. Why Comet? • Demand for Comet is growing • Desktop apps moving to the web • Chat • Real time updates • Don’t like to reload • Ajax:2003::Comet:2009
  • 6. Uses • Multi user collaboration apps – Wiki – Presentation • Communication – Chat • Preventing stale data – Stock ticker – Social web updates • Others?
  • 7. Polling vs. Comet Polling Server Are we Are we Are we No No No There yet? There yet? There yet? Client Comet Long Polling Server Wait for data Wait for data Client
  • 8. How Comet Works: Client Side • Long Poll – How? • XHR, JSONP, or any transport, with connection held open – Pro • It works cross browser – Con • More overhead • Forever Frame – How? • Iframe • Multipart XHR – Pro • Less overhead, quicker responses – Con • Lack of error handling, not cross browser
  • 9. Client Side Issues • Cross Browser – Duh • 2 Connection Limit – Use wildcard DNS – -> • Synchronous request s (for JSONP) – Long poll has to close to allow other requests to process
  • 10. How Comet Works: Server Side • Simultaneous connections – Traditional servers can’t scale – A thread shared multiple connections • Wake up when you’re ready to send data
  • 11. How Comet Works: Server Side • Python – Orbited – Cometd • Java – Jetty • Erlang – ErlyComet • .NET – Lightstreamer • Service – Jabbify
  • 12. Server Side Issues • Scaling – Every user = 1 connection • Complexity – Threading – Learning Curve
  • 13. What is Jabbify? • Comet, simplified • No server • No setup • JavaScript API and GET requests
  • 14. Why Jabbify? Simple to use Scale easily Rapid setup
  • 15. Simple to use synchronized (_continuations) { for(Iterator<Map.Entry <String, ArrayList<Continuation>>> iter = _continuations.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();){ Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<Continuation>> entry =; ArrayList<Continuation> continuations = entry.getValue(); for(Continuation c : continuations){ c.resume(); } } _continuations.clear(); } vs Jabbify.connect({name: this.username}, this.continue_to('after_connect')) after_connect: function(){ Jabbify.send('vote','submit', {result: this.result}) }
  • 16. Scale easily • Scaling comet >> Scaling traditional web applications • Resource intensive • Jabbify is built to scale as usage grows
  • 17. Rapid Setup <New id=quot;cfquot; class=quot;;> <Arg>jms/connectionFactory</Arg> <Arg> <New class=quot;org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactoryquot;> <Arg>failover:(tcp://localhost:61616)?initialReconnectDelay=20&amp;maxReconnectDe lay=900</Arg> </New> </Arg> </New> vs <script language=quot;javascriptquot; type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;jabbify.jsquot;></script>
  • 18. Comet is complex • Client – Transports (JSONP,, Flash, XHR, iframe) • Server – Special server – Setup time – Learning curve • Scaling – Resource consumption – Threading issues
  • 19. Jabbify is simple • Client to Client Comet – JavaScript API • Jabbify.send(“message”,”create”,{message: “hi there”}); • Server to Client Comet – GET requests •
  • 21. Demo
  • 22. Take Home Points Comet is coming Jabbify = easy Comet
  • 23. Showcase • Jabbify Simple Chat Client • Keyboard Demo •