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AB Testing, Ads & other 3rd-Party Tags
@AndyDavies · London WebPerf · Mar ‘18
AB Testing, Ads and other 3rd party tags - London WebPerf - March 2018
AB Testing, Ads and other 3rd party tags - London WebPerf - March 2018
AB Testing, Ads and other 3rd party tags - London WebPerf - March 2018
Infrastructure and code
managed by someone else
Third-party =
Guy Podjarny, Velocity Santa Clara, 2014
We’re including more and more of them
01-Jan-13 01-Jul-13 01-Jan-14 01-Jul-14 01-Jan-15 01-Jul-15 01-Jan-16 01-Jul-16 01-Jan-17 01-Jul-17 01-Jan-1
50th 75th 90th 95th HTTPArchive Jan ’13 to Jan ‘18Percentile
Well… we’ve got plenty of choice!
And we’re told they’re going to make us more money
Tim Kadlec
How can we measure their cost?
1. Test a page in WebPageTest
2. Repeat with selected 3rd-Parties blocked
3. Compare the two results
Requests to
be blocked
Use the filmstrip view to compare visual experience
Use the filmstrip view to compare visual experience
Feed the timings into RUM to understand the business impact
(At least three RUM products support ‘What-If’ type analysis)
3rd-Parties really can cost you money…
iOSRemoved BazaarVoice
for Android visitors
3rd-Parties really can cost you money…
Understand how 3rd-parties affect your key milestones
Working? Useful? Usable?
What’s happening here? Or here?
Analysing activity before firstMeaningfulPaint
AB Testing, Ads and other 3rd party tags - London WebPerf - March 2018
AB Testing, Ads and other 3rd party tags - London WebPerf - March 2018
To get a broader picture of performance…
1. Grab Chrome timelines from HTTPArchive
2. Analyse with modified version of Jean-Pierre
Vincent’s 3rd-party-cpu-abuser
3. Aggregate the results
Top 13 CPU consumers before firstMeaningfulPaint - HTTPArchive rank < 5000
Let’s look at testing, using Optimizely as an example
Optimizely’s cost varies by implementation
Duration of script execution before firstMeaningfulPaint (ms)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Circle size = number occurrences
On the critical rendering path
On the critical rendering path
On the critical rendering path
Improving performance
Reducing number of
• URL Matches
• Experiments
• Plugins (Widgets)
reduces snippet size, download and execution times
Removing jQuery from the bundle and using your own (if you
already have it) can shrink bundle further
Add metrics from Optimizely to Analytics or RUM?
Some products have documented APIs, why not extract key
metrics and send them to analytics or RUM?
Number of experiments in snippet:
Number of experiments active for this page view:
Use Performance APIs to build a picture
Resource Timing
• When was script requested, how long did it take to fetch, was it
User Timing
• When did the initial script execute, how long did it take?
• Were there any script elements that took longer that 50ms?
Make sure tests are equivalent from a performance viewpoint
Some things seen in the the wild:
• One variant redirected to a new page, the other didn’t
• Optimised vs unoptimised images
(Can be good reasons why tests can’t be equivalent)
Could you do it server-side or or at CDN level?
Know how to turn it off in an emergency
What if I told you…
a script loaded async, and even
injected after page load can delay a
page rendering?
What was the first request in this navigation?
AB Testing, Ads and other 3rd party tags - London WebPerf - March 2018
Request #61
¯_( )_/¯
beforeUnload event
took 400ms to execute!
cloning DOM triggered
extra network requests
beforeUnload event
handlers took over
1,800ms to execute!!!
The examples aren’t isolated cases
Duration of beforeUnload event handlers (s)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Moat Ads
Not always easy to spot these delays
Navigation Timing API excludes beforeUnload
DNS TCP Request Response Processing onLoadRedirect
navigation start
Instrument addEventListener?
!(function() {
const callbacks = []
window.addEventListener = (function(_addEventListener){, 'beforeunload', function(){
const args =
let total = -1 *
callbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
callback.apply(undefined, args)
total +=`total: ${total}`)
return function() {
if (arguments[0] === 'beforeunload') {
_addEventListener.apply(this, arguments)
})() This is just a sketch of an idea - don’t deploy it without improvements!
1. WebPageTest script

2. Download Timeline for
step #2
3. Pipe through jq cat timeline.json | jq -r '[.[] |
| .dur] | add / 1000')
Do you include adverts?
“…41% of the ads tracked exceeded the industry-approved
maximum. Nearly 10% of the ads were larger than 5MB.
Some ads are as large as 30 MBs.”
“…average number of network requests and tracking scripts
per ad was 56:
3.7x greater than the maximum suggested by the IAB.”
“…one third (32%) of the ads were overly processor-
The study also found it common for processor-intensive ads,
often video ads, to consume more than 3 seconds of CPU
time to render a single ad within the user’s browser.”
4% of video ads were in Flash format and 19% of in-banner
video ads were auto-play.
And we wonder why
people use adblockers?
Advertisers are trying to improve quality
Performance APIs can help to build a picture (within limits)
Resource Timing
• What was requested and when, how long did it take to fetch, was it
• Were there any script elements that took longer that 50ms?
But there are still plenty of blind spots
Can some of the security features of the web help?
Sub-resource Integrity
offer some hope, but tried using them to help a client police ads
last year with limited sucess
TagManagers… A blessing or a curse?
Makes it really easy to add new tags
Makes it easy to remove them too!
Provides a shared source of truth and audit trail
Help control loading order
Ultimately it’s about finding the balance
Tim Kadlec
Understand the COST
Establish the VALUEVALUE

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