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High availability med SharePoint
2013 hos Saxobank
Hvilke karv og overvejelser har vi gjort os indtil i dag
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
IT er generelt nød til at lytte til forretningens krav.

Fysisk arkitektur
Logisk arkitektur

                    Zone      Web App         Service App

                             Content DB

Service                     Site collection


                             List / Library


                           Item / Dokument
Designe            udvikle

                                              2 uger



Jboye slides-27-02-2013
For a given software application or service, high availability is ultimately measured in terms of the end user’s experience and expectations. The tangible and perceived business
impact of downtime may be expressed in terms of information loss, property damage, decreased productivity, opportunity costs, contractual damages, or the loss of goodwill.

The principal goal of a high availability solution is to minimize or mitigate the impact of downtime. A sound strategy for this optimally balances business processes and Service
Level Agreements (SLAs) with technical capabilities and infrastructure costs.

A platform is considered highly available per the agreement and expectations of customers and stakeholders. The availability of a system can be expressed as this calculation:

Actual uptime/Expected uptime X 100%

The resulting value is often expressed by industry in terms of the number of 9’s that the solution provides; meant to convey an annual number of minutes of possible uptime,
or conversely, minutes of downtime.

Number of 9's                                               Availability Percentage                                     Total Annual Downtime
2                                                           99%                                                         3 days, 15 hours
3                                                           99.9%                                                       8 hours, 45 minutes
4                                                           99.99%                                                      52 minutes, 34 seconds
5                                                           99.999%                                                     5 minutes, 15 seconds

Jboye slides-27-02-2013
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
Aktiv   Passiv
Aktiv   Aktiv
Load balance

Web frontend                   Web frontend

    Site                           Site

Central admin                  Central admin
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
Load balance

Web frontend           Web frontend                  Web frontend           Web frontend

    Site                   Site                          Site                   Site

           Central admin                                        Central admin
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
All servers that belong to a server farm,
including database servers, must physically
reside in the same datacenter. Redundancy
and failover between closely located data
centers that are configured as a single farm
("stretched farm”) is not supported in
SharePoint 2013.
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
Load balance

Web frontend           Web frontend                  Web frontend           Web frontend

    Site                   Site                          Site                   Site

           Central admin                                        Central admin
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
Load balance

Web frontend           Web frontend                  Web frontend           Web frontend

    Site                   Site                          Site                   Site

           Central admin                                        Central admin
Med en farm offline:
Jboye slides-27-02-2013
Jboye slides-27-02-2013

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Jboye slides-27-02-2013

  • 1. High availability med SharePoint 2013 hos Saxobank Hvilke karv og overvejelser har vi gjort os indtil i dag
  • 5. IT er generelt nød til at lytte til forretningens krav. GOVERNANCE
  • 6. Fysisk arkitektur Logisk arkitektur Farm Zone Web App Service App Content DB Service Site collection Site List / Library [Foldere] Item / Dokument
  • 7. Designe udvikle 2 uger Definere Deploy rettelser vedligehold måling
  • 9. For a given software application or service, high availability is ultimately measured in terms of the end user’s experience and expectations. The tangible and perceived business impact of downtime may be expressed in terms of information loss, property damage, decreased productivity, opportunity costs, contractual damages, or the loss of goodwill. The principal goal of a high availability solution is to minimize or mitigate the impact of downtime. A sound strategy for this optimally balances business processes and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with technical capabilities and infrastructure costs. A platform is considered highly available per the agreement and expectations of customers and stakeholders. The availability of a system can be expressed as this calculation: Actual uptime/Expected uptime X 100% The resulting value is often expressed by industry in terms of the number of 9’s that the solution provides; meant to convey an annual number of minutes of possible uptime, or conversely, minutes of downtime. Number of 9's Availability Percentage Total Annual Downtime 2 99% 3 days, 15 hours 3 99.9% 8 hours, 45 minutes 4 99.99% 52 minutes, 34 seconds 5 99.999% 5 minutes, 15 seconds
  • 12. Aktiv Passiv
  • 13. Aktiv Aktiv
  • 14. Load balance Web frontend Web frontend Site Site Central admin Central admin
  • 17. Load balance Web frontend Web frontend Web frontend Web frontend Site Site Site Site Central admin Central admin
  • 22. All servers that belong to a server farm, including database servers, must physically reside in the same datacenter. Redundancy and failover between closely located data centers that are configured as a single farm ("stretched farm”) is not supported in SharePoint 2013.
  • 25. Load balance Web frontend Web frontend Web frontend Web frontend Site Site Site Site Central admin Central admin
  • 32. Load balance Web frontend Web frontend Web frontend Web frontend Site Site Site Site Central admin Central admin
  • 33. Med en farm offline:
  • 35. 2013/highavailability/ alwayson-availability-groups-for-sharepoint-2013- sharepoint-connections-amsterdam-2012 us/library/jj715263.aspx conference-2012-high-availability-solutions-with- sharepoint-2013/